The kitchen knife, which is very difficult to control for other chefs, is much easier for Liu Yun. With his super physical fitness and food ethics, he can easily control this set of kitchen knives and even directly use the Seven Star Instant Knife Dance. The

Seven Star Instant Knife Dance is not some special secret skill, but the ability to skillfully use the Seven Star Knife to handle ingredients, because skillfully using the Seven Star Knife to handle ingredients will produce a scene like a knife dance.

So this posture is also called the Seven Star Instant Knife Dance. Liu Yun can completely integrate the skills of the whirlwind knife into the Seven Star Instant Knife Dance. At that time, his use of the Seven Star Knife will easily surpass Ryan in the original book.

"It looks like Liu Yun is very satisfied with this set of seven-star knives!"

Seeing Liu Yun checking these kitchen knives and looking very fond of them, Nakiri Senzaemon couldn't help but smile. This was exactly the effect he wanted. After all, when giving gifts, the purpose is to make the other person happy, right?

"I really like it. This set of seven-star knives is very suitable for me. Thank you very much, General. Please also help me to���"I want you to convey my gratitude to my son."

Liu Yun said. He was indeed very grateful to Nakiri Managi this time. After all, the Seven Star Knife was quite precious. In the world of Little Chef, the Seven Star Knife was the second most valuable kitchen knife after the legendary kitchen utensils.

Liu Yun was naturally very happy to suddenly get such a set of kitchen knives. As for the legendary kitchen utensils that surpassed the Seven Star Knife.

To be honest, Liu Yun was not very interested in the legendary kitchen utensils. Although that thing had very special abilities, the problem was that it was a tiankeng.

If you get the recognition of the kitchen utensils, you can become the heir of the kitchen utensils, but if you use the legendary kitchen utensils casually, your life will be drawn out, and you will die in the end. This is not what Liu Yun wants to see.

He now has Shilin Temple, and he doesn't need to care about the legendary kitchen utensils at all, so naturally there is no need to bother looking for this kind of kitchen utensils with great side effects.

In his eyes, the Seven Star Knife is much more useful than the legendary kitchen utensils.

"I will convey your gratitude to Managi, but I am also very curious about this set of seven-star knives. Can you tell me about it?"

Nakiri Senzaemon asked. He was really curious. After all, when they got this set of kitchen knives, they didn't know the specific situation of the kitchen knives. They only knew that the kitchen knives were a bit old and sharp, with a sharpness of 877 degrees.

"I have only heard rumors about the Seven Star Sword, and I am not sure if it is true or not. Rumor has it that this is the pinnacle work of a swordsmith named Luo Xie."

"It is said that this set of kitchen knives has the ability to handle most of the food in the world. Its sharpness is so terrifying that it can even restore the belly of a fish to its original shape after cutting open its belly and taking out the roe."

"Whether it is true or not, that is unknown."

Liu Yun did not say too much about the Seven Star Sword. Although it has been a long time since the initial speculation of the plot of the Little Master World, it is a fusion world after all. God knows what will happen, so it is better not to say too much.

"Cutting open the belly of a fish to take out the roe can actually restore the belly of the fish. This Seven Star Knife is really amazing!"

Looking at the seven kitchen knives, Nakiri Senzaemon sighed. He did not regret giving away this set of kitchen knives directly. After all, these kitchen knives were obtained by his daughter, not him.

Secondly, just by looking at these Seven Star Knifes, you can tell how difficult it is to operate. Moreover, although the value of the Seven Star Knife is high, it is not comparable to the existence of a person who may become a Dragon Chef.

Moreover, Liu Yun has agreed to their investment proposal, so as long as Liu Yun becomes a Dragon Chef, the problems of Nakiri Managi and Nakiri Erina may not be completely solved in the future, but at least there will be food to eat.

So Nakiri Kiri Senzaemon didn't feel reluctant at all, he just thought that this set of kitchen knives was really amazing, and it could only be said that it was worthy of being a kitchen knife from the Chinese culinary world. In the Chinese culinary world

, not only are the chefs ridiculously strong, but even the kitchen utensils are stronger than one could imagine.

After chatting for a while, Liu Yun also took the Seven Star Knife and left. As for Nakiri Senzaemon, he told his daughter the good news. Although

Liu Yun has not yet become a dragon chef, he at least has this hope, which is better than having no hope at all before.

After returning to Polaris Dormitory, the kitchen knives Liu Yun brought back naturally attracted everyone's attention.

"The kitchen knife given by the commander-in-chief? It's so heavy. Can I really use it?"

Yoshino Yuuki lifted up the largest kitchen knife in the box with great effort. The weight of the kitchen knife was so great that it was very difficult to lift it, let alone use it directly. Anyway, she absolutely couldn't do it.

"Of course you can, as long as you are physically strong enough."

Liu Yun said as he took the kitchen knife from Yoshino Yuuki's hand. The kitchen knife was so heavy that it was difficult to lift it in Yoshino Yuuki's hand, but in Liu Yun's hand, it was like a straw, as if it had no weight at all.

After swinging it a few times, Liu Yun put the kitchen knife back.

"Why did the commander-in-chief suddenly give Ayun such a good set of kitchen knives?"

Tanokoshi Hui asked the key question. After all, although Liu Yun was one of the top ten, it was never heard that the commander-in-chief Nakiri Senzaemon gave gifts to other top ten. Why did he give it to Liu Yun?

"Because of some special reasons, because the person involved is here, should we ask for her consent?"

Liu Yun said and looked at Nakiri Erina. At this time, Nakiri Erina and Nakiri Alice knew very well why Nakiri Senzaemon gave him the kitchen knife, which was nothing more than to win over Liu Yun.

After all, they were all clear about the problem of the God's Tongue.

"There's nothing to hide, so I'll tell you.…………"

Nakiri Erina said that there was nothing to hide, so she directly asked about the tongue of God.

During this period, Nakiri Alice also made some supplements, so everyone also had a deep understanding of the tongue of God.

"It turns out that the God's Tongue has such a disadvantage. I always thought that the God's Tongue brought only benefits, but I didn't expect it to become like this after losing control, and even starve itself to death!"

After hearing the details of the God's Tongue and its past history, everyone felt a chill.

Everyone saw the positive side of the God's Tongue. For a chef, the God's Tongue is a very good skill, but who would have thought that this would actually become a death warrant for the holder of the God's Tongue?

"Erina, this is so pitiful.…………"

At this time, Yoshino Yuuki had already run to Erina Nakiri with tears streaming down her face. Not only her, but most other people had the same reaction.

This scene made Erina Nakiri stunned.

"You are…………"

At this time, she was a little overwhelmed. After all, she had never encountered such a situation before.

"What are you doing? Don't surround Lady Erina like that!"

Seeing that Erina Nakiri was a little overwhelmed, Niito Hisako hurried over.

""Okay, okay, don't get involved in their emotional exchanges. No one in Polaris Dormitory will hurt her!"

Alice Nakiri grabbed the extremely loyal secretary.

To be honest, Hisako Arato took care of Erina Nakiri in every possible way, but this also made Erina Nakiri rely on Hisako Arato for many things.

So loyalty is a good thing, but you can't interfere in everything. Just like now, the people in Polaris Dormitory will not hurt Erina Nakiri, so Hisako Arato's reaction was a little extreme.

Sure enough, Erina Nakiri's expression quickly changed from the initial shock, because she could feel that this group of people were more concerned about her than pitying her.

Although getting along Although she has not been there for long, she has a general understanding of the people in Polaris Dormitory. The people in Polaris Dormitory care about their roommates very much, and this care is not pretended.

They regard Polaris Dormitory as a big family, so when a new member joins, it is equivalent to the other party joining this big family.

Everyone will naturally give enough care, and it is because of this that the current scene is happening.

At this time, Nakiri Erina also remembered what Nakiri Alice reminded her before, and now she finally knew why Nakiri Alice said that at the time. Being in Polaris Dormitory is really like returning home, and her mentality has changed at this time.

"Everybody be quiet, there is nothing wrong with my divine tongue, so please don't worry." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Nakiri Erina said helplessly. Although she didn't hate such concern, it was not comfortable to be surrounded by a group of people. At this time, Nakiri Erina also relaxed a little. When the others heard it, they thought that it was right, they couldn't always surround her, so they just dispersed.

Seeing that Nakiri Erina really began to integrate into the group, Isshiki Hui and others were also very happy.

After everyone discussed the Seven Star Sword for a while, they continued to do what they had to do.

Time passed in a flash, and a month had passed. With the help of Liu Yun, everyone's growth rate was indeed quite terrifying.

In fact, Liu Yun doesn't even need it now. He had to ask everyone to advertise for him. After all, with the help of the Nakiri family, he could use these connections to make a fortune.

But he would not break his promise to everyone.

During this period of time, he had been practicing food Zen in the Shokurin Temple. Today, he finally got started with food Zen. To get started with food Zen

, you need to ensure that the torch knotweed burns continuously for half an hour without going out. This is just the beginning, and the practice of food Zen does not end there.

Next, you need to keep the torch knotweed burning for longer, one hour, two hours. You can even light multiple torch knotweeds in succession.

You know, even if Zhen Zhen, who has mastered the etiquette of food and grasped the meaning of food, is still practicing food Zen, so food Zen runs through the entire learning process of food etiquette, and it is still useful even after mastering it.

After completing food Zen, Liu Yun did not obtain the inheritance of a chef this time, but unlocked other areas. Among them

, the place that Liu Yun paid the most attention to was the kitchen. Because he found that there were all kinds of ingredients from Shilin Temple in the kitchen, and the most important thing was that he could even take these ingredients to the outside world.

That's right, the ingredients can be taken out, and after taking them out, the ingredients can be replenished automatically, basically once a day. Moreover, the ingredients of Shilin Temple are divided into different areas. Liu Yun Yun can now only use the ingredients in the first area.

If he wants to use the ingredients in the second area, he needs to cook all the ingredients in the first area first.

It looks simple, but the problem is that these ingredients are ingredients from the captive world of gourmet food, and the ingredients that appear in Shilin Temple are extremely difficult to handle.

Just like the first ingredient he saw, the bonded leeks, this kind of ingredient will taste terrible if cooked directly, and it needs to be cut continuously with the same force to be cut.

Only after cutting can the bonded leeks become delicious, but if you want to cut it, it is not easy. You need to cut it continuously with completely consistent force, so that the bonded leeks can be cut.[]

Once there is a slight difference in the force of one of the knives, the dish of gluing leeks together will fail.

In addition, there are a series of other ingredients that require great attention to cook, and these are only the ingredients in the first area.

Only after all the ingredients in the first area are cooked can the second area be unlocked.

What he has to do now is to complete the cooking of the ingredients in the first area. The reward this time is also very simple, that is, these ingredients. The ingredients are constantly replenished every day, and Liu Yun can take these ingredients to the outside world.

Of course, before that, Liu Yun also needs to successfully cook these ingredients, otherwise these ingredients will have no effect if they are taken to the outside world.

After all, ingredients that no one can cook can only be taken out and watched. Without cooking, these ingredients cannot be eaten.

These are some special cooking ingredients in the world of food captives. The taste of these special cooking ingredients is often very delicious, but the premise is that you must learn how to cook.

In Shilin Temple, there is also a super special cooking ingredient, which is a cooking difficulty that completely surpasses special cooking ingredients.

Only people who are proficient in food can cook, that is, soap bubble fruit.

As for the others, although they have not reached the level of super special cooking ingredients, there are also difficulty divisions among special cooking ingredients.

The ingredients in the first area alone are not so easy to cook. Liu Yun needs to make full use of the food he has mastered to cook these ingredients.

It can only be said that the teaching of Shilin Temple is really linked one by one, and practical teaching will follow immediately after each theoretical teaching.

However, for Liu Yun, no matter how difficult it is, as long as he is given enough time, he can complete the cooking, and after this advanced course, the ingredients can be taken out.

This is undoubtedly good news. In his opinion, the magic of Shilin Temple has surpassed that in the original book, so maybe there will be what he most wants here, gourmet cells..

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