"This is the glued leek. It is very difficult to cook, but after it is cooked successfully, it will taste very delicious."

Liu Yun said with a smile. It can be placed in the kitchen of Shilin Temple. Needless to say, the taste of this ingredient is naturally not to be mentioned, but the difficulty of cooking is also ridiculously high.

In addition to glued leek, there are other ingredients, but Liu Yun has not cooked them yet, and is busy dealing with the glued leek.

"Incredible ingredients, and Liu Yun is also incredible, he can cook with such ingredients."

Erina Nakiri sighed. After arriving at Polaris Dormitory, her life has changed. After all, when she first came, the people in Polaris Dormitory would do all kinds of farm work and raise animals in the morning.

These are things that Erina Nakiri has never experienced before, and the kindness of the people in Polaris Dormitory towards her is not false, so Erina Nakiri thinks this place is very good.

Here, she learned a lot of things that she didn't know before, such as using a washing machine.

Now she has seen such magical ingredients, which are very magical things for Erina Nakiri. If she regretted not coming earlier because she wanted to build a good relationship with Liu Yun, then now she has a certain sense of belonging to the entire Polaris Dormitory.

She has recognized the people in Polaris Dormitory. Although they are unreliable many times, such The atmosphere is really hard to hate.

In the blink of an eye, the autumn selection competition began. Early in the morning, the students had already arrived at the stadium.

The school had no classes scheduled these days. After all, such activities cannot be held without spectators, so other students naturally acted as spectators.

In this regard, the students are naturally very happy to come. After all, compared with the assessment, simply watching the game is still quite good.

And the people who stand out from the autumn selection this time are the top ten seeds, so they naturally can't leave them alone.

Not only the first-year students, but also the second-year and third-year students are present, including the top ten.

This can be regarded as selecting their successors, and they have heard that the first-year students this year are very terrifying. Besides, about Polestar Things about Dormitory 24.

Polaris Dormitory was not originally in the spotlight of everyone, but when Liu Yun became one of the top ten, Alice Nakiri moved in, and later Erina Nakiri also moved in. The most important one was Erina Nakiri.

Even though she lost her position in the top ten, no one dared to look down on Erina Nakiri. The title of God's Tongue was no joke, so Erina Nakiri moved directly to Polaris Dormitory and soon caused quite a stir.

After that, a large group of people wanted to move into Polaris Dormitory.

Ohmido Fumio was already satisfied at this time. After all, her Polaris Dormitory was an elite dormitory, so those who wanted to speculate were directly blocked by her.

She didn't even give them the opportunity to participate in the admission assessment. She also knew very well that these people were coming for Erina Nakiri.

Now that Erina Nakiri is a member of her dormitory, she will naturally care about her. Heart Nakiri Erina, so no matter how many people come, they are blocked outside.

The situation of Polaris Dormitory is special. It adopts an independent accounting system. Even the top ten cannot act casually without a legitimate reason.

Unless the commander-in-chief changes the rules, for example, in the original work, after Nakiri Aki became the commander-in-chief, he began to act against Polaris Dormitory.

Now that Nakiri Senzaemon is in this position, the rules will not change, so Omido Fumio has absolute power in Polaris Dormitory. In this case, other students can't get in no matter what relationship they use.

Unless they can persuade Omido Fumio.

But now Polaris Dormitory is not short of people at all. Polaris Dormitory already has two of the top ten, plus Soma Yukihira, Alice Nakiri, Kurokiba Ryo, Megumi Tadokoro, and Hisako Arato, who are the five seeds of the top ten, and Erina Nakiri who will definitely win the top ten again.

There are eight of them in total. If the others work harder, they might be able to grab the remaining two seats. So she naturally won't let them live in the Polaris Dormitory and disturb the others.

The Ten Elites were also quite surprised that such a group of strong people gathered in the Polaris Dormitory.

"This Polaris Dormitory is really special. It's OK that a group of super-powerful Ten Elites came out in the Golden Age, but now there are so many powerful people gathered here. What kind of magic does this dormitory have?"

At this time, several of the Ten Elites gathered in a private room. Kobayashi Ryodan was also very surprised when he saw the private room where Liu Yun, Nakiri Erina, Isshiki Hui and others were.

That's right, because of Nakiri Erina, Liu Yun and others were in the private room at this time. They were definitely privileged people.

"Even if you ask, we can't know, but this Polaris Dormitory is really powerful. Is it planning to recreate the Golden Age again?"

Even Kuga Teruki was surprised at this time. He had to be surprised. They knew how strong the Golden Age was.

Seiichiro, one of the current top-level ceilings of WGO, Dojima Gin, the chief chef and director of Totsuki Resort, Shiomi Jun, the youngest professor of Totsuki, the second-year and third-year students are quite familiar with Shiomi Jun.

Although she looks like a junior school girl in the middle school department at ordinary times, once she starts teaching, she will fall into a special state like a mad scientist.

And what he teaches is really very useful. In terms of spices, Shiomi Jun has studied it very thoroughly, otherwise he would not be able to do this operation like anti-aging.

Although the other ten heroes of the Golden Age are not as famous as these few, they have also made a lot of reputation.

Only one Nakiri Tsuki was kicked out because of making trouble. Otherwise, with Nakiri Tsuki's ability, maybe the general manager of Totsuki is now He is really handsome. After all, apart from his character, Nakiri Tsurugi's ability is indeed quite good.

He also won the title of the top ten when he was in the middle school.

Polaris Dormitory, as the place that gave birth to the golden age, has now attracted a group of super chefs, and the most terrifying among them is not Nakiri Erina, but Liu Yun. During this period of time, they naturally knew about Liu Yun's situation. After learning that Liu Yun became a senior chef, everyone's expression was extremely confused.

After all, Liu Yun's rise was too fast. Although he was also one of the celebrities when he was in the middle school, in terms of fame, he could not be compared with Nakiri Erina.

As a result, after entering the advanced department, Liu Yun began to explode. He easily defeated Nakiri Erina to win a seat in the top ten, and now he has become a senior chef in one fell swoop.

You know, among their group of people, only Si Yingshi has become a senior chef.

"Come on, Si, have you ever been nervous? Junior Liu Yun has already passed the senior chef assessment, just like you. Who knows, your first seat might be taken away by him someday."

Kobayashi Ryodan looked at the somewhat lazy Si Yingshi and said,

"I'm not worried about this. If he wants it, just take it. The first seat is not so easy to sit on. There are so many things to do. It's a pity that the commander-in-chief does not allow us to continue to divide the rights and obligations."

"Moreover, with his personality, he simply wants the rights of the top ten. The rights of the top ten are the same, so it is basically impossible for him to grab the first seat."

Si Yingshi said. Although he did not know a lot about Liu Yun, he could see from Liu Yun's series of actions that Liu Yun was a person who was afraid of trouble.

After becoming the first seat, troubles will continue. It will not be as comfortable as it is now. He does not need to do anything. He only needs to enjoy the rights of the top ten and improve his cooking skills wholeheartedly. To be honest, Si Yingshi was really envious. After all, he had endless things to do on his hands. The top ten were the management. As the boss of the management, and because of his personality, he did many things himself.

Even Kobayashi Ryodan often threw the work to him, causing him to directly experience what it means to be a social animal. If it were not for the rights of the top ten, It is indeed beneficial to his growth. He has long wanted to stop being one of the Ten Outstanding People.

While the Ten Outstanding People were discussing this matter, the competition below had already begun. Since the number of people reached sixty, it was divided into two areas.

The distribution of personnel is also basically the same as in the original work, except that this time, the people in Polaris Dormitory will no longer be a foil.

In the original work, the people in Polaris Dormitory have indeed become a supporting role. The scores they got were all over eighty points. This score was basically the highest score in previous sessions.

After all, the judges also said that the highest score in the past few sessions was over eighty points, which also included the session where Si Yingshi and others were.

The gold content of Jade Era is indeed quite high. The others are all the first place with more than eighty points. In this session of Jade Era, the eight���If you get more points, you will be eliminated.

But now, this scene will not happen again. This autumn selection will definitely be a stage exclusively for everyone in Polar Star Dormitory.

Others will only become foils.

After the game started, everyone entered the cooking state. The spices and sauces they took out were all made after Liu Yun's guidance.

Liu Yun did not mix everything in, but played a guiding role. He simply let everyone avoid detours.

So the growth of everyone during this period is not a joke. Everyone has become stronger now.

This kind of strengthening is all-round. Liu Yun not only trains them in spices, but also helps everyone grow a lot in various basic skills.

Among the group of people, the one who has improved the least is Nijiro Hisako, because she joined too late.

But she is not much behind everyone now. After all, Nijiro Hisako is with Erina Nakiri, so she has the guidance of the tongue of God, so she naturally improves quickly.

In the original work, Niito Hisako was indeed better than everyone else, but now because of Liu Yun's participation, everyone's level has soared from more than 80 points to more than 90 points, so it has even surpassed Niito Hisako.

But no matter what, this is the first show of Polar Star Dormitory. In addition, Liu Yun is more concerned about the Senpyo sisters. It must be said that the two sisters are really beautiful.

And they are also capable. Originally, Liu Yun planned to use everyone's cooking to attract the other party and then make a fortune, but now it is completely unnecessary.

After all, with the investment of the Nakiri family, the people of the Nakiri family will be responsible for these things, and he only needs to wait for dividends.

This feeling of being a hands-off shopkeeper is really too comfortable. It can only be said that this is the benefit of strong strength. In a world of food, 710 strong cooking skills are equal to strong strength, and the status will naturally follow.

At that time, there is no need to worry about it, and other people will come over by themselves, and Eishan Ezu will not grasp the key point at all. With his talent, he doesn't need to care so much now, and he can seriously improve his cooking skills.

If he waited until the end of the third year to do these things, the results would be much better than now, but this guy can only say that he is not interested in this.

As the contestants cooked, various different aromas began to fill the air. These 60 people were all selected elites with good cooking skills, so the taste of the dishes they made was naturally good.

However, these aromas were soon suppressed by several overbearing aromas.

"What's with this fragrance? It's as if it can hit the soul directly, suppressing most of the fragrance!"The sudden burst of fragrance made the five judges in the judging panel stare wide-eyed. This fragrance is completely different from the fragrance that just burst out.

If the full score is ten, the fragrance just now would be between three and four points, but the fragrance that burst out now can be scored ten points.

This���The gap between them is so huge that it is outrageous to the extreme.

"Found the source of the fragrance!"

Chityo Orie has been dealing with all kinds of spices for many years, so her nose is naturally very sensitive. She quickly found the source of the fragrance.

At this time, she even couldn't wait to ask these students what spices they used to produce such a fragrance. The fragrance of these spices is more terrifying than her products. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

As a businessman, she still has vision. If she is not one of the judges now, she can't help but ask these students directly if they have any ideas for cooperation.

Of course, what is exuding now is just the fragrance. It depends on how it tastes. If the taste is not good, the pure fragrance will not be enough. It's not enough.

So she held back for the time being, but the other students were in trouble, and the most important thing was that there were a few old sixes hidden among them, such as Soma Yukihira.

His creativity is still the same as in the original work, it is still a scent bomb. Before the scent bomb explodes, naturally there is no too strong fragrance.

What he pursues is the final explosion. As for Ye Shanliang, although his cooking is also very good, he is a little confused at this time.

The previous transaction with Liu Yun allowed him and Shiomi Jun to take a step further in their understanding of spices. He originally thought that this autumn selection was stable, but smelling the fragrance in the air, he was a little unsure at this time, and always had a bad feeling..

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