Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1005 Three people become tigers

Only then did Zhao Meng realize that Fu Yu probably misunderstood what he meant.

He hurriedly said: "No, I mean you did a good job in publicity this time!"

When Fu Yu heard this, he hurriedly said: "No, no, no, Chef Zhao, I was too busy before. When I finish cooking and take orders, I will definitely take a rest in the afternoon!"

After all, I am also a chef now. If anything happens in the kitchen, I will definitely take responsibility for it. I will also work hard to improve my sense of responsibility and be responsible for my own work in the future! "

Speaking of this, although it was really to make Zhao Meng happy.

After all, the two had known each other for many years, and he knew Zhao Meng's character of being soft but not tough.

However, when talking about his job responsibilities, Fu Yu is really a little ashamed!

Zhao Meng entrusted himself with such a significant task, so how could he be so perfunctory and forward it casually?

Gu Yunwu had found the event copywriter, so why didn't he also add a couple of sincere words when he took it over?

Fu Yu always meant what he said. He had just finished making his promise to Zhao Meng, and then he took out his cell phone during a break in cooking, re-edited and posted a message on Moments.

This time, in his copywriting, he enthusiastically and sincerely appealed for a wave of donations of love. With the blessing of advanced literary skills, the few words he said were particularly touching!

Suddenly, the back kitchen was busy cooking, and completely unaware that the front desk had become a charity donation hotline.

Gao Wenjing was unable to leave the front desk throughout noon. As long as there were customers who called in to donate charity materials and cash, the front desk clerk would answer the phone and transfer it directly to Gao Wenjing to be responsible for communication and registration.

"Sister Gao, Ms. Qin Yue personally donated 3,000 yuan!"

"Su Ying! Super star Su Ying donated 20,000 yuan!" Oh my god!

"Director Sun of the Health Bureau donated 5,000 yuan!"

After Gao Wenjing finished the statistics, he was so excited that he called Zhao Meng immediately.

"Chef Zhao! Four hundred thousand! Charity donations have accumulated 400,000!"

Zhao Meng was also frightened immediately.

He quickly said: "No, I have to call the boss right away!"

The amount of money was too much, and Zhao Meng felt very stressed!

I have to report to my boss!

After Dong Juntian heard the news, he didn't care about getting together with friends. He left the old friends he had made appointments with and hurriedly drove back to the store.

Four hundred thousand!

Love charity donation 400,000!

This does not include those donations of charity materials of unknown value at present!

This is no small amount!

Dong Juntian hurried back to the store and first called the three chefs in the back kitchen and Gao Wenjing to the office.

As soon as he sat down, without waiting for anyone else to speak, Zhao Meng first described the matter with added detail, and at the same time praised Yu Dajia: "Boss, this charity meal event can raise so much charity money and charity materials, thanks to Fu Yu, it’s all his fault!”

When Dong Juntian heard this, he immediately looked at Fu Yu with admiration: "Xiao Fu, that's good! You are really excellent, and the charity meal proposal this time is also very good. I didn't expect that your chefs are so capable. If this event is held Well, that’s a pretty good publicity campaign!”

Fu Yu listened to them for a long time, and then he finally understood what was going on!

He looked at his phone. Under the event promotion message in his circle of friends, there were many replies and likes, and he was immediately very moved.

To be honest, he never thought that so many people would support him.

Many of them, in his opinion, can only be regarded as casual acquaintances, and they are not in contact with them at all.

Unexpectedly, at this time, everyone donated money.

What moved Fu Yu the most was Su Ying. Looking at this very cute and beautiful avatar, Fu Yu couldn't help but smile.

Unexpectedly, the little girl donated 20,000 yuan at once.

At first, she just made a bowl of noodles that tasted the same as she remembered.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu was really emotional.

There are also Wu Fan, Bu Ming and Luo Rang.

Seeing the pictures of these people, Fu Yu was really grateful. He thought that when he had time in the evening, he would call these people one by one and express his gratitude in person!

Thinking about this matter secretly, Fu Yu's expression was very complicated for a moment.

Dong Juntian looked at Fu Yu and was stunned for a moment!

He turned to look at Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu, both of whom were smiling happily.


This reaction is normal.

Fu Yu looked so complicated. Could it be that he was not satisfied with the results?

This is 400,000!

To put it bluntly, this was completely beyond their expectations.

A record!

Even when Yao Shi planned this event, he only hoped to raise 100,000 yuan and it would be very successful.

Dong Juntian looked at Fu Yu and couldn't help but sigh in his heart!

Who said that a thousand-mile horse can't live without Yao Shi?

Now that we have Fu Yu, such a good employee is simply better than his predecessor!

Dong Juntian couldn't help but comfort Fu Yu and said: "Fu Chu, it's already very good that this event can reach this level. You don't have to be so harsh on yourself! You don't have to be so stressed. It's really great. Got it!"

Zhao Meng also took a deep breath and nodded: "Yes, Xiao Fu, I have to talk about you in this regard. You can't be too strong in everything and be too harsh on yourself!

At your current level, whether in life or work, you are already very good! But under such circumstances, if you are still dissatisfied with yourself, then it is a bit too harsh! "

At this time, Gu Yunwu couldn't help but said: "Xiao Fu, although what your Chef Zhao said was a bit harsh, he really did it for your own good! However, it's not a bad thing that you are strict with yourself, otherwise you can He won’t be as good as he is now, right!”

Fu Yu: "."

Nowadays, the Internet is so developed that the transmission of any message is like a tidal wave.

Soon, the news about Chollima Hotel holding a charity meal service activity spread in the circle.

When the shift was over in the evening, the waiters in the store were all talking about it.

The waiter in the front room took advantage of the gap when he went to the back kitchen to deliver the order. While walking to the front room, he quickly sent a message to his friend who was a waiter in the red house: "Let me tell you, our store is now Already, 400,000 yuan has been raised for the charity meal service activities, and there are still a lot of material donations!”

After saying that, he couldn't help but add: "This has just begun. I heard that the event information was only sent out at noon, and there are still people who want to donate at any time!"

The waiter at the Red Room immediately passed the news to his middle school classmate who was working the front desk at the old Shunrong Hotel in the provincial capital: "Hey! Chollima is really awesome this time. I heard from a friend that their store held a charity meal service event, which lasted only half a day. Within a short period of time, we received more than one million yuan in charity funds! It’s amazing! It’s a sensation here!”

Three people become tigers!

The news becomes more and more outrageous as it spreads, but precisely because it is outrageous, it spreads wider and wider, and more and more people know about it!

For a whole day, everyone in Chollima was immersed in the excitement and joy of gossip.

To be honest, no one expected that it was just a request from the boss. After the kitchen staff took decisive action, they actually received such good feedback!

Everyone in the store knows that the chef has raised 400,000 yuan for charity this time!

The entire kitchen staff, whether they are taking orders or talking to the waiters and order takers, their backs are straight!

so amazing!

Who dares to challenge our kitchen?

From now on, we will have a group of potential investors with fathers as sponsors!

The news quickly spread in Bei'an gourmet circles, and even other restaurants in the provincial capital knew about Chollima's fundraising.

Familiar restaurant owners and close friends in the industry repeatedly contacted Zhao Meng, Gu Yunwu and boss Dong Juntian to confirm the news.

Everyone was surprised and excited at the same time!

What a business genius!

How did you come up with the idea!

He not only engages in charity and dedication of love, but also engages in publicity with excellent results!

It’s so enviable!

After Luo Rang transferred money to Chollima's charity donation account, he couldn't help but talk to a few people in the kitchen: "Such a good idea, why didn't I think of it! We should also set up such a charity meal service activity! How great! You can help people in need and get free publicity!"

However, his assistant chef quickly reminded in a low voice: "Boss, have you forgotten? Our store held a similar event a few years ago, but no one donated at all. Later, people in our own store donated money, and then we raised money. It was less than 10,000 yuan, but only one event was held at that time, and no more money was raised the next day.”

"Besides, you also said at that time that you would never engage in such activities again."

Luo Rang was speechless at once: "I, I, am just sighing casually!"

The same thing happened in the music restaurant.

Yao Shi slapped the table angrily!

This Gu Yunwu really failed more than succeeded!

The plan for the charity meal service activity was originally suggested by him back then, but now it has been directly plagiarized.

The most important thing is that it actually works!

Before the event was carried out, Zhao Meng made a special call to tell Yao Shi about this matter.

After all, it was an event planned by Yao Shi back then. Now that Chollima wants to continue doing it, he must inform Yao Shi.

After hearing this, Yao Shi didn't take it seriously.

After all, it is not so easy to carry out this kind of charity activity, otherwise it would have been organized long ago.

As a result, I didn't expect that Chollima was really struggling to put new wine into the old pot.

I heard that 400,000 yuan has been raised in charity money alone, not counting the charity supplies that will be delivered tomorrow!

When Yao Shi heard this, he became even more angry!

Is there any heavenly principle?

I had worked so hard in running the business, but in the end I didn't get any returns at all.

Now it's done easily!

What's the matter, charity activities have to be treated differently?


After forcing himself to calm down, Yao Shi and Zhao Meng inquired about the ins and outs of the whole matter in detail.

After this inquiry, Yao Shi fell completely silent.

It turns out that the money and supplies that Chollima was able to raise were all due to Fu Yu’s own connections!

While Yao Shi was feeling emotional, he couldn't help but secretly feel lucky that before he left his job, he had secured the opportunity for Fu Yu to further his studies.

With Fu Yu's current level, he really should walk around more and see more!

Only in this way can he clearly realize that a small temple like Qianlima has long been unable to provide him with a suitable development platform.

Fu Yu needs to go higher and farther!

As for the music restaurant he runs, Yao Shi had the idea for the first time that Fu Yu might not be able to stay here for too long.

However, as soon as the idea came up, Yao Shi immediately learned from the pain and made up his mind to pay more attention to the management of the music restaurant in the future!

Special treatment should be given to special talents!

At the very least, you have to sign a ten-year contract to get started!

In the final analysis, Zhao Meng still has the vision!

However, if this kind of love activity promotion can really become popular because of Qianlima, he can also follow the trend and operate it!

After all, he personally planned this publicity idea back then!

Fu Yu followed Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu in the afternoon and was called over by his boss to have a small impromptu meeting.

After the meeting, Fu Yu took a temporary leave and went to the office near the Tanger Cultural Center to get his urgent passport back.

In the evening, he and Li Zongming agreed on a time to meet tomorrow.

Early the next morning, the two people took the high-speed train directly to the capital.

Almost as soon as they arrived at the National Medicinal Diet Research Association, they were pulled by Liu Shaoxian and directly boarded the plane to Seoul along with the members of the activity team.

At the beginning, the three of them chatted in low voices.

Not long after, Li Zongming fell asleep leaning on the back of his chair due to the fatigue of traveling.

For this trip, Liu Shaoxian did not have a good rest for several days. Seeing Li Zongming falling asleep, and there was still a distance between his position and Fu Yu, it was not convenient to talk directly, so he quickly asked for a blanket. Cover yourself and take a nap.

When the surroundings became quiet, Fu Yu did not catch up on his sleep. On the contrary, he used the time on the plane to actively collect and use all the rewards he had received before.

Opening the inventory, Fu Yu now has a sticker with a full-level skill upgrade classroom key, a cooking skill book, and a random reward for advanced cooking skills.

Advanced random cooking skills are definitely a very important good thing. Fu Yu thinks that good steel should still be used on the blade, and he should keep this reward!

And that cooking skills book was simply sparkling in Fu Yu's eyes!

At that time, I was reluctant to receive it right away because I was afraid that I was not good enough to understand and learn deeply.

But now, he feels that his vision, understanding and operation of cooking have improved significantly, and he can already receive this award.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu chose to receive the cooking skill book directly without hesitation!

【Ding! Congratulations on acquiring the cooking skill: Mixed Style (Advanced)]

Fu Yu fell silent after listening to the system prompts.

Mixed style?

It’s not mixing based on personal cooking skills, it’s mixing style!

With just one word difference, the cooking skill "mixing" has changed from a single personal skill to a cooking category! (End of chapter)

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