Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1036 Chinese hand pizza

Upon hearing this, Pang Bowen shook his head: "There are no hot dogs, but there are stuffed buns like sandwiches, and there are also burger-like ones, but with butter or jam inside."

When Zhang Zhen heard this, he immediately frowned: "That's not okay. Didn't the customer say not to bring cream or something like that? Moreover, the sandwich is too ordinary and has no promotional features."

Yao Shi shook his head: "No, what I mean is, maybe we can try an improved version of hot dog or hamburger. Normally, shouldn't it be filled with ingredients such as patties, sausages and salad dressing? Can we change it?" into something else?”

At this time, Pang Bowen suddenly realized: "Boss Yao, are you talking about using hot dog and hamburger buns to make other fillings?"

Zhang Zhen also reacted and said quickly: "That's right! The packaging of food like this is quite simple, and the fillings are also very matching. If you want to say that it is more distinctive, you can completely judge it from the shape of the outer shell. The starting point, as well as the fillings, since it’s a dessert shop, it can’t really be the same as fast food burgers and sandwiches, so you have to think about it carefully!”

Several people discussed it enthusiastically.

Fu Yu listened to the side and couldn't help but look through the task content again, wanting to make sure if there was any relevant prompt information in the task requirements that he had ignored.

As a result, Fu Yu couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the task progress value.

The progress bar suddenly reached 60%!

The progress of the task has begun to advance even before I start baking!

Obviously there has been no change before, which means that the discussion direction of Yao Shi and the three of them is correct!

The final baking content just hasn’t been officially confirmed yet!

The baking format is already there, now the only thing to consider is the selection of outer shell and filling.

Yao Shi's suggestion was very reliable, and Pang Bowen was a little moved after hearing it.

Because in his opinion, if you want to meet the requirements of customers, it seems that only what Yao Shi said can better meet those harsh conditions.

Zhang Zhen doesn't know much about dessert baking, but he also knows that fast food and desserts such as hot dogs and burgers are not related at all except that the outer shell is made of bread.

Unexpectedly, Yao Shi now actually wants to combine the two!

At this time, Yao Shi was also thinking about it. He had a general baking direction. The question now was how to customize this dessert.

His limited knowledge about desserts comes from his daily interactions with the two stores when they purchase goods and check them out.

At most, there are some new desserts. Boss Pang enthusiastically gave some to the chef for free for them to try, and then they took a bite.

For a moment, he really didn't have a clue.

Pang Bowen did have some ideas. After all, he had been running a dessert shop for so many years and he knew a lot about this aspect.

He thought that there was no need to worry about the outer shell, and it could be baked directly in the store. The most difficult thing now was the filling!

The most commonly used cream and jam are not good. The sausage luncheon meat is too simple, and adding an egg is not creative.

In addition to these, there are coconut, chestnuts, and red beans.

To break it down, they are all sweet and fragrant.

Pang Bowen was speechless.

as big as World, nothing is nonexistent!

I ordered a dessert for takeout, but I didn’t want cream jam, so what kind of dessert should I order?

Thinking about it, Pang Bowen couldn't help complaining: "There are definitely no cakes like hamburgers and hot dogs, just rich cream fillings.

As for bread, whether it is caterpillar bread or other fillings, they do not meet the requirements.

After all, this is a dessert shop, so I can’t really make a bunch of burgers and hot dogs for delivery, right? "

When he said this, Pang Bowen raised his head and looked at Yao Shi: "Yao Chu, your idea is great, but we still need to make some improvements."

"This is both a dough and a filling. How about making pizza? It's convenient and hygienic, but the packaging box takes up a little space."

"I think the pizza is pretty good, but the customers didn't even give me the sandwich. I wonder if they think the pizza is too ordinary."

Yao Shi's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Pizza is okay! It's not ordinary, how can it be ordinary?"

Hearing Yao Shi's words, Pang Bowen said helplessly: "The problem is that I really can't handle these 1,500 pizza packages at the moment."

Unlike other foods, pizza needs to be cooled after baking to maintain a moderate texture.

Packed in a paper shell, it dissipates heat quickly and can better maintain the taste of the pie crust.

If it cannot be cooled in time and placed directly into a food bag, the crust will definitely become soggy.

After Pang Bowen finished speaking, Fu Yu suddenly said: "The set meal ordered by the customer should have a price, right? The price of a pizza is not cheap. After you change the product, can the price still match?"

Pang Bowen turned to look at Fu Yu, was stunned for a moment, and then said: "The whole one is indeed expensive, and our store mainly sells desserts, such as pizza, which are sold in small pieces, mostly with fruits and various cream fillings. .”

Fu Yu's eyes lit up when he heard that pizzas were sold in small pieces. He clearly saw that the progress bar increased by 3%.

Obviously, no matter when Yao Shi and Pang Bowen proposed making noodles and cakes, the progress bar would not move at all.

This must correspond to a clue.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu suddenly said: "Selling small pieces of pizza? Is it like small pieces of cream cake?"

Pang Bowen nodded: "Yes, in this case, customers can have more taste choices, we can also avoid a large number of goods, and small pieces of pizza can still sell at a high price."

After hearing what Pang Bowen said, Fu Yu took out his mobile phone from his pocket and looked down at pizza-related baking content.

There are many types of pizza, with a variety of toppings.

Especially in recent years, in order to cater to takeout orders, merchants have also launched many small-piece retail pizzas similar to Pang Bowen Dessert Shop, as well as various other sizes and shapes.

Fu Yu browsed for a while, and suddenly his eyes were attracted to one of the pizzas.

The hand-held pizza is compact in size, novel in shape, and simply packaged. It comes in various types: torch pizza, conch pizza, and mini pizza. The pizza tube is covered with golden cheese and various fresh fruits and vegetables.

It can be paired with the drinks in the Pang Bowen set meal, and the price is also comparable.

However, if you want to make this kind of hand-held pizza, you need to use a specific machine to make it.

Fu Yu thinks this plan is very feasible, but he doesn't know if Pang Bowen has the conditions for production.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu raised his mobile phone and said to Pang Bowen: "Can you see if this kind of outer shell can be baked in the store?"

Pang Bowen stretched out his head to glance at Fu Yu's mobile phone, and nodded immediately: "Yes!"

There is a dessert in their store called ice bread, which is specially made into a hand-held shape and sold with ice cream in summer.

Fu Yu was sure that baking the outer shell of the dessert was not a problem, so he suggested: "Perhaps, we can bake this kind of hand-held pizza as a replacement dessert in the set meal."

Pang Bowen was stunned. It was indeed possible to hold pizza in his hands. The price was right, the cooking method was easy, and most importantly, the packaging was very simple and very distinctive.


How do you decide on the filling?

In this weather, it's definitely not possible to use ice cream for filling.

I wonder if Yao Shi has any good opinions!

After Yao Shi saw the pictures on his phone, his eyes lit up.

What a great idea!

Although he didn't know how to bake, just looking at the drawing, he felt that this hand-held pizza was very novel and met the customer's order requirements in every aspect.

After Fu Yu finished speaking his thoughts, he glanced at Yao Shi hesitantly: "Can we improve the filling?"

Yao Shi was stunned, there must be no limit to this.

But it also depends on whether Pang Bowentong agrees!

Of course Pang Bowen has no objection. He was already at the end of his rope and had thought of every possible way. Now someone is taking the initiative to help with ideas, and the ideas are quite good. Can he still agree with this?

Yao Shi asked: "Xiao Fu, do you have any ideas for improvement?"

Fu Yu thought for a while and then said: "I actually don't have a complete idea about the specific fillings. I just looked through the baking operation of the hand pizza and saw that the fillings can be wrapped directly in the outer dough. I think the range of fillings may be expanded, no longer limited to the fillings in desserts, but also the original ingredients of pizza.”

Yao Shi's eyes lit up: "Are you talking about the stuffing from Bai An's side?"

Fu Yu nodded: "You can say that, but it's not limited to Bai An. I'm thinking now that in addition to traditional meat fillings, vegetarian fillings and other fillings, maybe we can also consider trying to match some. The dishes here at Red Case are an innovative twist on hand-held pizza.”

As soon as Fu Yu's words came out, Pang Bowen's eyes lit up.

At this time, Fu Yu also began to think about Hong An's dishes.

In fact, when this idea first occurred to him, the first thing he thought of was spring cakes.

Although the outer shells of the two are different, the finished results are similar.

Spring pancakes can be rolled into many different dishes, such as shredded pork with Beijing sauce and shredded potatoes, all of which taste very delicious.

If this is the case, then the range of hand-held pizza toppings will suddenly be much wider.

As for the price and taste of the cooked dishes, let's put these aside for now. After all, if stir-fried vegetables can be used as fillings, the shipping speed will be much faster.

After all, the dishes coming out of one pot can easily fill five or six hand pizzas.

What Fu Yu is concerned about is that if the dishes are cooked normally and used as fillings, will it result in a poor taste of the outer shell?

Thinking of this, Fu Yu suddenly hesitated.


He knew what it meant to see such an obvious change in the progress of the mission!

It is very likely that the system is guiding you to discover and explore the toppings of the pizza you hold in your hand, and what needs to be paid attention to in terms of innovation!

If this was really the case, Fu Yu suddenly began to feel a little uneasy.

The next task must be related to the crew, and it also involves the signing of the roles of An Qi and Zhao Qinghua.

Fu Yu is not too sure yet about what kind of involvement there will be.

The system's hidden support for him now should be to let him make an innovative version of hand-held pizza, so that he can have the opportunity to come into contact with An Qi and Zhao Qinghua again.

Perhaps, all this will be explained after the takeout order Pang Bowen took is delivered.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu became extremely active and enthusiastic about baking.

He took the initiative to suggest: "How about baking a few outer shells first, and I will try to cook a few dishes to see how they taste together. If possible, I think this idea is not bad. And it can be used in dessert shops. There and Hong'an's side carry out their own operations, and after the semi-finished products are ready, they are finally processed and packaged."

Upon hearing this, Pang Bowen hurriedly said: "No problem! I will contact them right now to bake a batch of dough and send it over."

The dessert shop is located two streets away from the music restaurant, and it only takes five minutes to drive back and forth.

After the arrangements were made, Fu Yu discussed the specific dish selection with Yao Shi.

Taking into account the distance and time required for takeout delivery, you must first avoid excess soup when selecting dishes to cook. Moreover, the taste of hot or cold dishes has little impact. The most important thing is that the taste should be more distinct.

Either sweet, sour or spicy, not too bland.

Both are experts at this.

Yao Shi recommends choosing fish-flavored shredded pork and pot-baked fish fillets as fillings.

Fu Yu felt that the two filling options were too few, so he added pineapple sweet potato and spicy shrimp.

At the dessert shop, except for the unfinished birthday cake that had been ordered in the store and needed to be baked by the pastry chef, everyone else was busy preparing the dough for the hand-held pizza.

For professionals like them, just baking a pie crust is not difficult at all.

Moreover, the store has a very professional grill and oven, which can directly bake 20 hand-held pizza crusts in one pot.

Now that the dough is in the oven, others can still have their hands free to continue kneading the dough without any delay.

The first batch of baked pie crusts was delivered to the music restaurant, and several people tasted the combination of the four predetermined fillings.

Finally, the shredded fish-flavored pork was removed, leaving only the fish fillet in pot dumplings, pineapple-sour pork and spicy shrimp.

In order to ensure that the fillings will not easily fall off the crust when eating, Pang Bowen also specially added a thick layer of cheese to the seal of the hand-held pizza, which tastes milky and can also fix the fillings.

The effect is simply amazing!

The best thing is the packaging. Each pizza roll is wrapped with a thin piece of wrapping paper and placed directly in the insulated box for delivery. When delivered, the whole stack of boxes is ready.

Logarithms are convenient, packaging is easy, customers receive the goods and it’s easy to pick them up, and most importantly, they don’t create too much garbage.

This hand-held pizza is simply a set meal tailor-made for this order.

The dessert shop quickly bakes the crust, and the music restaurant cooperates with the filling cooking and takeout packaging.

The manpower of the two stores cooperates, and the cooking speed is quite fast.

By the time a total of 1,500 takeaways were completed and sent away, the appointed time had just arrived.

Nothing was delayed. Except for the packing, which was a bit busy, the rest of the time was comparable to the daily workload.

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