Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1056 Two home-cooked dishes

After hearing the system prompts ringing in his ears, the smile on Fu Yu's face almost didn't stop!

Will it actually trigger the last mission?

He couldn't help but take another look at the old man standing in front of him.

The old man’s surname is Zhao?

Director Zhao Qinghua is also named Zhao.

The old man said that his son is busy with work all year round and rarely comes home.

Could it be that the old man is director Zhao Qinghua’s father?

What a coincidence!

Now, what Fu Yu needs to consider is not just cooking a table according to the order, but also how to touch the heart of Director Zhao Qinghua through this table!

Is lychee broth another key dish in cooking?

This time the clues are very straightforward. The table of dishes he needs to cook now needs to touch Director Zhao Qinghua's heart.

The two old people in front of me are probably the parents of director Zhao Qinghua.

But these are all his guesses. Now that the order has been confirmed, this is not the time to dwell on it.

Fu Yu took Zhang Jinyu and Mr. Zhao to the kitchen.

There should be frequent fires at home. The kitchen is very spacious and equipped with all kinds of kitchen utensils. Fu Yu was relieved when he saw there were two stoves.

This can save a lot of time.

Although there were only two people dining, a chef was hired to serve them. The couple ordered a total of eight dishes and one soup, and chose seafood porridge as their staple dish.

The dishes on the list are all what Fu Yu usually cooks in the store. He is very good at preparing dishes and cooking.

Zhang Jinyu prepared the dishes and stood next to Fu Yu to help as usual.

The two have worked together for a long time and have a very good understanding.

Being able to follow the chef to take on door-to-door service is what the kitchen workers look forward to most.

It's just six o'clock in the evening, which is usually when the kitchen is busiest in the store.

But now I can sit down at a table at a customer's home leisurely and receive additional subsidies, which is like taking a paid break.

Zhang Jinyu felt how lucky he was to be able to work as a cook with Fu Yu. Other colleagues in the kitchen never got off work on time at six o'clock.

He was in a good mood, and with only the familiar Fu Yu beside him, he felt relaxed.

After all, we were at the customer's house, so it was not easy to chat casually. Zhang Jinyu took advantage of handing Fu Yu the kitchen utensils and winked: Fu Chu, this family is quite rich!

Having money is secondary. At first glance, the old couple loves life very much and is very diligent.

The kitchen is very clean, the cabinets are made of solid wood and filled with all kinds of kitchen utensils.

There are seven or eight kinds of cooking pots alone, and there are piles of sets of dishes and cutlery that fill a whole cabinet.

Fu Yu was busy making stew, holding various ingredients in his hands, and turned a blind eye to Zhang Jinyu's gossipy eyes: "Concentrate on your work, I have other tasks to follow here, I don't have time to chat with you!"

The pot was just cooking in the kitchen, and the old man had nothing to do, so he came over curiously.

Usually, only the old couple stay with each other at home, chatting and cooking.

Mr. Zhao is a good man who loves his wife. He has never let his wife enter the kitchen since he got married.

He himself does like cooking, and his skills are very good, and he can make some home-cooked dishes with ease.

Now that the Internet has developed, he often sees cooking instructions for some fresh dishes on short videos, so he follows the instructions in the videos and tries to cook them himself.

As time went by, I became more and more interested in cooking.

The family is used to living as an old couple, and no outsiders have come to the door for a long time. Now there are two more chefs, and the noisy cooking sounds of clinking and clanging make it seem particularly lively.

As people get older, they tend to be a little afraid of silence. Mrs. Zhao was happily busy clearing the dining table and preparing to place the dishes later.

Mr. Zhao couldn't help but go to the back kitchen to watch the excitement.

The Zhao family is indeed in good condition and occupies the largest house among the two houses on the first floor of this old building.

There are three bedrooms and two living rooms, one kitchen and one bathroom. There are large balconies in the north and south. The south is full of flowers and plants, and the north is insulated.

As the old couple got older, they felt light at night, so they purposely slept in separate rooms.

Mr. Zhao sleeps in the guest room, and his wife sleeps in the master bedroom. The room where the children live has been unoccupied for many years, so it has become a warehouse, with all the things that are not used at home piled up in it.

Mr. Zhao had nothing to do, so he found a set of unopened tableware from his son's room, and carried the box to the kitchen.

This set of tableware is genuine and was mailed back from Jingdezhen. Both the color and texture are of excellent style.

Otherwise, we would all talk about old and young children!

Mr. Zhao happily carried his beloved collection to the kitchen, deliberately showing off in front of the two chefs from Qianlima.

A thousand pieces of gold are easy to come by, but a true friend is hard to find.

Some of the old men in other families also like to collect, either by tasting wine or admiring flowers and birds.

Mr. Zhao especially likes to save tableware.

Different patterns, different shapes and sizes, as long as they look beautiful, you want to buy them back and collect them.

He has this hobby, so in addition to buying it himself, relatives and friends will occasionally send some to him.

The light in the kitchen shone brightly on the kitchen counter. Fu Yu stood in front of the counter and carefully cooked Chollima's special dishes.

Zhang Jinyu helped him. At first, the two of them were concerned about paying attention to their words and deeds at customers' homes, but when they got busy with work, they soon forgot about these things.

While Fu Yu was cutting shreds, he habitually pointed out to Zhang Jinyu: "There is actually a skill in controlling the heat."

While the two were talking, Mr. Zhao came over.

Zhang Jinyu still had some sense. When he saw Mr. Zhao coming in with a heavy box in his arms, he hurried forward to help pick it up.

Mr. Zhao first stretched his head to take a look at the situation on the kitchen table, and then said as if offering a treasure: "This box contains my collection of tableware. I will use this set soon!"

The neatly made square paper box is padded with thick foam, and each plate and bowl is sandwiched with anti-collision newspapers. It has blue and white patterns, excellent porcelain quality, and light shape. Each bowl and plate has a different shape. , the decoration is diverse and very distinctive.

Chefs value and love these cooking tools, whether they are kitchen utensils or tableware, because of their work.

When he suddenly saw this pile of beautiful dishes, Fu Yu couldn't help but praise him, "Wow, these plates and bowls are so beautiful, they look more upscale than the ones he has seen before, with fine textures, this color, this shape, Absolutely amazing!

When Mr. Zhao heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up!

If you meet a close friend!

Fu Yu spread the prepared batter into a very thin pancake crust in the pan and placed it on a plate for later use.

The ingredients of the Great Harvest are stewed in the pot, and then wrapped directly, and the old couple cooks an improved version of the Great Harvest dish.

Fu Yu took the spoon, carefully simmered the ingredients for stuffing in the pot, and stewed it into a soft and fragrant stuffing. He also explained to Mr. Zhao: "The beans and potatoes to be stewed in this dish are extremely soft, and the corn is very soft." But it needs to be cooked just right so that it tastes delicious!”

Mr. Zhao nodded humbly and praised: "Hey, Chef Fu, although you are young, your cooking skills are really good! No wonder you can become the chef of Chollima, it's amazing!"

Fu Yu laughed out loud at the praise.

Zhang Jinyu usually doesn't talk much, but at this time, he stood aside and watched Fu Yu cooking, learning from him and taking action at the right time.

Mr. Zhao really likes cooking, and he really wants someone to talk with him.

When I usually chat with my wife, we don’t talk about cooking at all.

Fu Yu said with a smile: "If you enjoy your meal later, you are welcome to come to our restaurant for more meals. There are many special dishes in the restaurant that are worth trying!"

Vegetables were stewed on one of the stoves, and Fu Yu was cooking stir-fry on the other stove, chatting patiently with the old man.

Naturally, the conversation topics basically revolved around the old man’s son who didn’t come home often.

Mr. Zhao was deliberately showing off his precious son, while Fu Yu was deliberately asking about Director Zhao Qinghua's dietary preferences.

Zhang Jinyu was dumbfounded watching from the side!

Fu Yu usually cooks. Apart from giving guidance on cooking, he rarely gets distracted by chatting. He has always been very attentive to his work.

But this time, unusually, I had a very lively chat with a strange customer.

Mr. Zhao asked: "Fu Chef, how long have you been a chef? You don't look very old."

Fu Yu said: "I graduated from a chef school and have been working for two years."

"You can become a chef after working for two years. Does this mean you have talent? Well, like my son, he also graduated from film school. After working for three years, he started making his own movies!"

When Fu Yu heard this, his eyes lit up!


He is really Director Zhao Qinghua’s father!

Fu Yu was excited in his heart, but didn't show it on his face: "No, no. If your son can make movies, he must be a great director. He is really good. I can't. I met a good master after working, and I took care of him step by step." from."

Mr. Zhao was very excited: "Do you also know about their industry? My son's school actually has many famous people, including Li Hongze, the national famous director before! There is also a singer named Feng, who sings love songs. !”

Fu Yu nodded: "Hey, Director Li! He's so famous!"

Most parents get very energetic and excited when talking about their outstanding sons.

Mr. Zhao took the initiative to explain a lot of director Zhao Qinghua's personal privacy without Fu Yu having to bother with words, from his past experiences to his daily habits, and unknowingly talked about his taste and hobbies.

Mentioning these, Fu Yu's eyes lit up, and he listened with great interest. He kept them all in mind: "Oh, I like to eat sweet and sour dishes, especially smooth meat. I also like lychees and pineapples as fruits. I usually go home. The must-eat is the pineapple and sweet-sour pork

Your son’s taste is quite homely! There are many dishes made in our store that are especially suitable for him to eat.

Do you miss your son? The table I just ordered actually has two of your son’s favorite dishes! "

Mr. Zhao smiled with wrinkles on his face, lowered his voice and said to Fu Yu mysteriously: "My son's work often travels all over the world, but no matter where he goes, what he misses most is the two jobs I did. A specialty dish! Every time I come back, I cook it for him. He can eat it several times without getting tired of it. He hasn’t eaten any good food before? When he gets home, as long as these two dishes are put on the table, there will be no more than three bowls. The rice can’t stop the chopsticks.”

Fu Yu smiled and asked, "What kind of food?"

Mr. Zhao was so proud that the corners of his eyes were flying: "One is fish-flavored shredded pork, and the other is sweet and sour pork ribs!"

Fu Yu inquired with great interest: "Really? How do you cook? Do you have any tips?"

Mr. Zhao waved his hand and said, "Hey, what's the trick? I just make it normally. But my son actually likes sweet food, so I put more sugar. No matter what dish, as long as it is sweet, he will like it." eat."

The old man muttered and muttered, and the smile on his face slowly sank: "But, since I got diabetes, there is always no taste in my mouth, and the food I cook is not delicious. Can't grasp the saltiness well.

The doctor restricted me not to eat heavy oil or salt, nor to eat sweet foods. Over time, my sense of taste has deteriorated.

My son is working here in Bei'an at the moment.

When he came back two days ago, I cooked these two dishes for him, and he ate them, but after two bowls of rice, he stopped using chopsticks.

I can see that this is all to make me happy, otherwise, I probably wouldn’t be able to eat a bowl.”

Fu Yu's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly captured very important information from these emotional words.

Director Zhao Qinghua loves the food cooked by his father very much, but it has been a long time since he tasted the original taste.

The bright light in the kitchen slowly enveloped the two people with different thoughts in front of the kitchen counter.

Mr. Zhao was immersed in his memories. After a while, he sighed in a muffled voice: "Oh, this man is a drag as he gets older!"

Fu Yu was a filial person and couldn't bear to hear such words. As soon as he heard this, he retorted: "Why is it a burden? Your son is busy with work! And didn't you say that he works here with us? It just so happens that you order today You asked for our door-to-door service and ordered such a table of dishes, why don't you ask your son to come back and eat with you?"

Mr. Zhao whispered in a low voice: "Hey, he is too busy at work. The two of us can just eat. Why bother him? In fact, his mother misses him more than I do. She was still talking about it at noon today. If he is at home, how can I forget? Bring some medicine! My son has a very good memory and is very attentive. He thinks about everything very carefully."

After hearing this, Fu Yu couldn't stand it immediately, and felt a sour feeling in his heart.

They are all working hard in other places, far away from their parents. He can understand the feeling of missing them.

He didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to talk to the old man in this mission.

And in order to fulfill the mission requirements, he had to find a way to invite director Zhao Qinghua home!

Fu Yu looked at Mr. Zhao, took a deep breath, and relied on his sharp tongue to persuade: "You can't think like that. In fact, your son must be thinking about you very much. Since they are all in this city, no matter how busy he is, , it’s time to eat at this time. Even if he works in the North District, it only takes an hour and a half to drive back and forth. Eating at home is different from eating outside. The warm feeling can’t be matched anywhere!

Moreover, it is rare to invite us over today. How about we add two more dishes, one fish-flavored shredded pork and one sweet and sour pork ribs?

When I came here just now, I saw that there was a fresh food supermarket downstairs, and ingredients could be purchased at any time!

These two dishes are actually my specialties. I guarantee that your son will enjoy the authentic classic taste! And be sure to add more sugar! "(End of chapter)

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