Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1059 It’s good to get it right in one step

Fu Yu has always had the idea of ​​buying a car, but he has no idea what brand or style of car to buy.

They say it’s better to rush early than to rush late.

The Porsche that Yao Shi had been driving before was too old and too outdated. After careful consideration, he decided to change the car.

I heard that Fu Yu also had this idea, so I called him to go look at the car together.

When Zhao Meng heard about this, he simply gave Fu Yu a whole morning's leave, not counting the days off.

Before leaving, Zhao Meng also revealed a piece of news to Fu Yu.

Yao Shi has a very close friend who is an agent for BMW brand cars in other places. This time he plans to switch to a BMW car to drive.

The purpose of going to a car dealership is to check out the car model in advance. If you like it, you can contact that friend and the car can be dispatched directly from other places.

The price is even lower than the factory price, which is very cost-effective.

When Fu Yu heard this, he became even more excited.

But is it a bit too luxurious to just buy a BMW for your first car?

On the way to the dealership by taxi, Fu Yu sent a message to Liu Yuqing about the incident.

Liu Yuqing hurriedly said: "Buy! It's not like we can't afford it, but if it's too bad, there's still my sister. Let her sponsor us. You can choose a car with confidence, whatever color or style you like!"

Buying a car is not like buying clothes. They can only be worn for one season but will last for several years!

It’s good to get it right in one step!

Moreover, there is a saying that I would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle. I am not that materialistic, but I also want to experience what it feels like to sit in a BMW! "

Fu Yu heard it funny. Liu Yunong drove a Cayenne. It was said that there were several cars at the main store!

Liu Yuqing said this purely to ease his heart.

Fu Yu responded with a smile: "Okay, let's look at choosing one, but even if I buy it, I won't let you cry in the BMW, I will make you laugh!"

In fact, Fu Yu is very wealthy now. Although he bought a house before and spent a lot of money on decoration, just the dividends from this year's customized medicated meal mats, as well as the salary and various incentives and bonuses in the past few months, He has already saved a lot of money.

At least it was affordable to buy a mid-range BMW, but after buying the car, my bank card was almost empty again.

He and Yao Shi each picked out their favorite car models, and Yao Shi helped contact his friends. After paying the full price of the car, he didn't have to worry about the rest.

Yao Shi, a friend, could directly contact the local supplier in Bei'an to help him apply for a license plate, and he could also help introduce a familiar insurance company to provide car insurance.

They say someone is easy to get things done.

After Fu Yu paid the car payment that day, he received a call from Yao Shi the next day, informing him that the car had been delivered directly from the provincial capital to the local car dealership in Bei'an, and he could pick it up in the afternoon.

After all the procedures were completed, Fu Yu drove back to Qianlima by himself.

Along the way, he was so excited!

Touching the steering wheel, I felt like my whole body was floating.

A year ago, he would never have imagined that he could own a car of his own so quickly.

And it’s a BMW!

When the car first started driving on the road, Fu Yu was still a little stymied, but by the time the car was halfway on the road, he was already familiar with it.

Maybe men are born with unique talents in driving, especially in direction recognition and memory of various road signs, which are always very advantageous.

Liu Yunong has spent the past few days clearing up contacts and channels in the new store.

There was no need to go to Shangshi Private Restaurant to study in the evening. Fu Yu happened to take advantage of the morning shift to rest, so he happily took Liu Yuqing to test the car.

The two of them drove their new car in circles along the main street in downtown Bei'an at night, excited and excited.

While focusing on the traffic, Fu Yu said to Liu Yuqing enthusiastically: "Xiaoqing, we have a car now. When we go out for dates in the future, we can go wherever we want!"

Liu Yuqing nodded: "That's great. This car is so beautiful. I happen to have a car perfume that I particularly like. My sister doesn't like it and won't use it. I will place an order for it in the evening and we can use it ourselves!"

Fu Yu smiled and agreed: "Okay, we have our own car. You can spray whatever perfume you want on it, whatever you want!"

After saying that, he couldn't help but look forward to it: "When we have the opportunity in the future, we can also experience sitting in the car waiting for the sunrise. Next time we go to eat your favorite cold pot skewers. There is no room. You can just take it out and pack it back at You can eat in the car, and you can also have a date in the car during your lunch break. If you are tired, you can take a nap. If you are not tired, you can listen to music and talk."

Liu Yuqing especially liked hearing Fu Yu talk about their future dating arrangements, which made her feel that she was completely pampered.

After that day, Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing ran into the car happily every day during their lunch break because they were no longer interested in the novelty.

Sometimes they hug and kiss intimately for a while, sometimes they sit next to each other and watch videos on their mobile phones, and sometimes they just put the car seats down and lie down on one side, chatting without saying a word. When they feel sleepy, they take a nap and then work. , the alarm will automatically sound to wake them up.

Although this novel dating method is very simple, it just meets their psychological needs of being alone when they are in love.

Invisibly, the relationship between them accelerated and they had more time to date.

Liu Yunong was away for four days. When he came back, he contacted Fu Yu immediately.

Things at the branch have been cleared and arranged. She discussed it with Master Zhou from the main store and specially set aside time on the weekend to meet Fu Yu's parents.

Fu Yu happily informed his parents, took leave from Dong Juntian that night, packed up all the things he planned to take home, and drove directly back to his hometown early the next morning.

It takes more than four hours by bus to return to Fu Yu's hometown from Bei'an, but it only takes three hours by car. If everything goes smoothly, it can be even faster.

When Fu's father and Fu's mother heard that they were going to meet the Liu family, they were very excited. At that time, they said they would take a bus over and did not want to bother Fu Yu to come back.

On the one hand, he was afraid that Fu Yu would delay his work. On the other hand, driving was definitely not as comfortable as riding in a car, and he didn't want his son to be burdened.

Fu Yu owns his first car in his life and has already taken his girlfriend there first. Now he has to let his parents get in and give it a try.

Since possessing the language talent skill, basically no one is Fu Yu's opponent when it comes to arguments.

He just advised his father and his mother that he could help deliver the gifts to the Liu family by driving, and that he had already taken leave. If he went back on his words, he would easily cause trouble to others, so his father and his mother immediately compromised.

The family has prepared a lot of gifts for meeting each other. It is really inconvenient to carry them in a bus. Some valuable items are afraid of being lost or damaged by bumps.

Fu Yu couldn't help but smile when he thought of his parents' eager preparations to buy gifts.

I guess his parents were beaming with joy when they were preparing the gifts!

When he usually drives in the city, Fu Yu doesn't realize that BMW cars are any better than ordinary cars. In his opinion, they are just more expensive because of the brand.

After driving on the highway for a while, this thought disappeared immediately.

This kind of driving speed, which is almost like letting go of one's natural instincts, allowed Fu Yu to thoroughly see what the real value of a good car is. It turns out that he can drive so fast, and the chassis is so stable, and he will not get swaying due to acceleration!

Driving under the speed limit all the way, when Fu Yu was about to get off the highway, he found that only three hours had passed.

Saved a full hour!

No wonder rich people like to buy good cars. Expensive things are indeed different.

Entering the county town from the city, Fu Yu drove very carefully, as the winding mountain road was prone to scratches.

When we drove into the county town and drove all the way to the east district where we lived, we immediately attracted the attention of many passers-by.

In recent years, many young people in the county have gone out, and some who have done well have returned home in fine clothes, and those who have driven back have good cars.

But after all, it is still a minority. This car looks quite new at first glance, and there are still red ropes tied to the wheels.

I don’t know whose relatives came back to visit.

For a time, many neighbors living nearby looked around to see which family was so lucky.

As a result, when he took a look, he found that the car was parked in front of Lao Fu's house. Fu Yu got out of the car, walked around to the trunk, and started carrying large and small bags of things out.

At this moment, everyone was shocked!

Isn’t the son of Lao Fu’s family who dropped out of high school a cook?

How much money do chefs make now?

Can you actually afford a BMW?

And it looks so new, so I probably bought it not long ago.

However, Fu Yu seems to be in his early twenties today, right?

Does the job last for two years?

This is too capable!

For a time, everyone was talking about it.

A close neighbor saw Fu Yu coming back and greeted him warmly: "Xiao Fu, are you coming back to visit your parents? This car is really nice. Is it new?"

Fu Yu smiled: "Yes, I came back to see my parents. I bought a new car. I just happened to drive back this time to pick up my parents and take them around Bei'an."

When the neighbors heard this, they were immediately envious.

Look at this son, he has so much potential!

A cook is doing so well now that he can afford to drive a BMW, and he still thinks about picking up his parents to enjoy the happiness together.

Even if the relationship between the two families is usually good, at times like this, it is inevitable to feel a little envious.

Hearing the noise, Fu's father and Fu's mother hurried out to greet them.

Looking at Fu Yu's new car, their eyes suddenly lit up!

Oh, my son really bought a car, it looks really grand!

Fu Yu didn't have a car at home before, but his aunt's family had a van. He usually drove it when traveling, transporting some things, and it was very convenient to go anywhere.

Fu Yu's family has a very close relationship with her aunt's family. Whenever anything happens at home, Fu Yu's aunt will help with the car and run errands.

Fu's father and Fu's mother looked at Fu Yu's new car with great curiosity. They stood around admiring it and even got in the car to try it out.

The interior of the car is spacious and the seats are high-end.

A good car is just different, much better than Uncle Fu Yu's van.

A table of dishes has been prepared at home and we are waiting for Fu Yu to come back to eat.

The family had a pleasant meal, and after finishing the simple cleaning, they put away the things they brought back without taking a rest, and then moved all the meeting gifts prepared for the Liu family to the car.

Make sure the doors and windows are locked and hit the road.

When he arrived, Fu Yu drove alone. He was eager to return home, but he didn't feel lonely at all.

But now on the way back, the whole family is here, chatting and laughing, and the fatigue of the long drive has disappeared.

They were about to meet their future daughter-in-law's family, and Father Fu and Mother Fu were a little nervous.

After carefully asking about various matters related to the meeting, the family gave each other advice.

After chatting for a while, Fu Yu glanced at the rearview mirror and saw that his parents had nervous and worried expressions on their faces, so he quickly changed the topic at the right time.

"By the way, Dad, Mom, speaking of which, I still have something I haven't discussed with you!

My house in Bei'an has been renovated. The only thing missing now is that the appliances are not in place. Everything else is in place. The weather will get hot soon. I will leave the windows open for a few months and I will be able to officially move in by the end of the year.

Xiaoqing and I had to prepare to go to the capital at that time, and we didn’t know how many years we would go there. The house was empty, so I thought about it, why don’t you move to Bei’an? "

Fu Yu thought about this matter repeatedly for several days.

He had always planned to wait until life got better and take his parents over to live together.

Now that he has this ability, he will definitely hope that his parents can also enjoy it.

The environment in North Ambi County is much better, and the houses are ready-made.

In the future, according to his and Liu Yuqing's plans, they might strive to stay in the capital and develop.

He settled his parents here in Bei'an first, and then took them there together after they had established a foothold in the capital.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was very feasible.

After hearing this, Father Fu and Mother Fu felt warm in their hearts, but their opinions were very consistent.

"If we don't move to Bei'an, we are used to living there. There are so many fruit trees and vegetables in the front and back yards, as well as the chickens and ducks I raise, how can we let go?"

"Yes, son, mom told you that we have already thought about it. In the future, even if you and Xiaoqing get married, we will not get close to you!

This mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are destined to be enemies. With so many people around me, I have never seen a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law live harmoniously together. "

Dad Fu nodded: "Yes, your mother is impatient, and I love raising these vegetables and poultry. Where is there any place in the city for me to do my best!"

Fu's mother said sincerely: "Son, my parents don't expect anything else. They just hope that you can live well. As long as we see you doing well, we will be satisfied! In other respects, your father and I are companions and we take care of each other in everything." , you don’t have to worry about us!”

As they spoke, the old couple looked at each other and smiled.

Fu Yu felt moved and helpless.

His parents are very open-minded people. They have a good relationship and love their son very much. They think a lot about everything for him, for fear of causing him trouble.

However, what his parents said did make sense.

Many times, the living environment that one feels comfortable with may not be convenient for parents.

Moreover, the air in the city is not good, and there is indeed no small yard where parents can engage in planting and breeding for entertainment.

If one day he really wanted to take his parents with him, he would have to buy a large villa with a yard in front and back and a large area, so that he could take into account the living habits of both parties. (End of chapter)

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