Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1064 The family banquet became a state banquet

After saying this, the male customer turned to leave.

Fu Yu hurriedly stopped the person, and while the two were talking, the kitchen quickly followed instructions and sent over a freshly prepared oyster for takeout.

Fu Yu handed the bag to the male customer: "We also made mistakes in this matter. We did not explain the correct eating method in advance, which affected your dining mood. This is our compensation and a little kindness. Please Take it.”

The male customer was surprised and a little moved.

After a few pushbacks, I finally accepted the takeaway.

The male customer glanced at Gao Wenjing sheepishly, smiled gratefully at Fu Yu, thanked him solemnly, and then turned and left.

There were no customers in the front hall to dine at this time. Gao Wenjing couldn't help complaining to Fu Yu in front of the front desk waiter: "Who are you! I can't even eat oysters, and you come here to make trouble!"

The male customer had a particularly bad attitude before. Not only did he insult Gao Wenjing, but the front desk clerk was also affected.

The little girl felt aggrieved. There was no outsider around her at the moment, so she couldn't help but said angrily: "It's obviously his own problem, why do we still have to pay for a takeaway!"

Fu Yu said with a smile: "A loss is a blessing! We are in the catering industry, and we rely on the support of customers to come to the store. After what happened today, this person may become a regular customer of our store in the future.

Moreover, even if he doesn't come here often, if he occasionally thinks of coming to the restaurant for a meal, we can earn back the money for this dish. "

When Gao Wenjing heard Fu Yu's words, the resentment in her heart dissipated a little.

She finally discovered that Fu Yu was indeed a very emotionally stable person. Working with such a person would make people feel particularly relaxed.

Gao Wenjing glanced at the aggrieved front desk waiter, and realized that he had been a little too angry just now, so he smiled awkwardly: "You have thought carefully, and the kitchen made up a dish, and I will directly record it as loss when I look back. let's go."

In this way, no one has to pay out of pocket.

Fu Yu smiled: "That's great, Sister Gao, if nothing happens, I'll go back to the kitchen first."

Gao Wenjing smiled and nodded.

In fact, Gao Wenjing is usually not willing to ask someone from the kitchen to help resolve disputes. He has always tried to handle the disputes by himself.

After all, she is the manager of the front office. If she can't do this well, it will be difficult to convince the public.

After working for several years, she always felt that she was almost experienced now, and she was very skilled in both work experience and interpersonal relationships.

Only now do I realize that I actually still have a lot to learn.

Mentality when encountering problems, methods of dealing with problems, language skills, etc.

Regarding the customer's return of the meal just now, although I also understand that the customer's wishes should be the main priority in everything. After all, this is the job I do and this is the money I earn.

But after being unreasonably accused, she still couldn't control her emotions.

Those in the service industry really need to constantly improve their skills, communicate better, and handle all emergencies more smoothly!

In this way, we can better serve customers.

Waiters and customers themselves should not be opposites.

Gao Wenjing looked at Fu Yu's leaving figure, reflected for a while, and then turned to go on his routine patrol.

The matter was resolved smoothly, and Fu Yu walked briskly to the kitchen.

He took the time at noon to call his parents.

Father Fu and Mother Fu happily visited the department store all morning. At noon, they ate directly in the food court on the second floor. In the afternoon, they planned to transfer to New Mart.

There are shopping malls in the county back home, but they are far inferior to those in Bei'an in terms of scale and popular styles of goods.

The old couple usually take care of their own courtyard at home and just go shopping in the county town. The last time they came to Bei'an, under Zhao Meng's warm hospitality, they went to Sifeng Mountain for two days to have fun. But shopping like this I really haven't had the chance.

Now that I finally entered the mall, I saw something new everywhere and wanted to buy everything I saw.

Although Fu Yu specially left money for them before leaving, it was of no use to Fu's father and Fu's mother.

The two bought a lot of clothes and daily necessities, and even visited a gold store.

My son is getting married, and the betrothal gift must be three gold. First, find out the price of gold in advance, and then look at the style.

Fu Ma did not make any fuss about buying it immediately. Although the man bought this thing for the woman, she still had to ask Liu Yuqing what she meant.

After all, the person who will wear it in the future is Liu Yuqing. If you buy the wrong style, you won’t like it anymore.

But as the two of them looked at each other, they went off topic.

From the bracelet to the necklace, his attention was attracted by the golden longevity lock in the cabinet next to it.

In addition to longevity locks, there are also particularly cute little bracelets.

There are gold ones and silver ones. There are many styles. The small and exquisite ones are particularly cute.

Fu's mother took a fancy to several models. While admiring them through the display cabinet, she turned to Fu's father and said, "Our Fu Yu and Xiao Qing look so good, how beautiful will the children we have in the future be!"

When Father Fu heard this, he also beamed: "Time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, my son will get married, and we will soon have a grandson!"

The old couple smiled from ear to ear, looking forward to the meeting between the two families tomorrow.

Although he was so excited that he didn't fall asleep until late at night, Liu Yunong still got up early the next day.

She immediately checked the ingredients she needed to buy with the buyer in the store, then took a careful bath, did skin care, and put on the clothes she had chosen.

When Liu Yuqing woke up naturally from her sleep, she saw her sister dressed as if she was going to a dinner party, sitting on the sofa and checking her cell phone.

Originally, Liu Yuqing was really not nervous. She had already met Fu Yu's parents and got along with them. Their relationship was particularly harmonious. She was looking forward to the two elders coming over this time.

But now, looking at her sister who looked like she was facing a formidable enemy, she suddenly felt a little shy.

Today is a big day, the two elders officially meet.

After today, the matter between her and Fu Yu was officially settled.

Thinking about it this way, I feel a little uneasy.

Liu Yunong's daily work habit is to try his best to arrange everything in an orderly manner.

The two sisters packed up early in the morning and drove to the airport to pick up Master Zhou, who had come all the way from the main store, to the hotel.

After taking a short rest, we will go to our home together.

In fact, Liu Yunong originally planned to entertain Fu Yu's parents at his own restaurant. After all, his family had such conditions. When he arrived at the restaurant, he could order whatever he wanted. It was his own territory and he was not afraid of being restricted.

However, this idea was directly rejected by Master Zhou.

No matter how convenient a hotel is, it is still not as comfortable as being at home, and Liu Yuqing followed Fu Yu home for a few days before. Fu's parents and Fu's mother were particularly warm and kind to Liu Yuqing.

Now it can be regarded as courtesy.

Especially when two families meet, they must give each other some gifts. These things cannot be exchanged at the hotel and are not formal enough.

Liu Yunong always listens to advice. The house she bought in Bei'an is also quite large. Because she is good at cooking, both the kitchen and dining room are designed to be very spacious and comfortable.

And although there are only two sisters in the family, the dining table is a square table that can be extended. It can be truly extended and entertain six or seven people at the same time.

Then I thought about it, today's reception was mainly about my own feelings.

After going to the restaurant, she had to talk to Fu Yu's parents and was busy cooking, so she couldn't care less.

But it's different at home. You can chat while cooking, and Master Zhou is also here, and he can also help show off his unique skills and support the scene.

The Liu family is a well-known culinary family. Not only can they cook a full banquet of Manchu and Han Dynasties, but they must at least have a state banquet-level hospitality standard!

They still attach great importance to today's meeting between the two families. They will be in-laws after all, and they are just a sister.

At home, both Liu Yunong and Master Zhou, who had not yet met him, liked Fu Yu very much and sincerely wanted to show off.

The buyer got the order and sent all the ingredients and kitchen utensils needed early.

Liu Yunong and Master Zhou joined forces and started cooking at nine o'clock in the morning.

Liu Yuqing, on the other hand, made good contact with Fu Yu and went to the hotel early in the morning to chat with Fu's father and Fu's mother.

When they met, Liu Yuqing immediately smiled and praised: "Auntie, have you permed your hair? You look much younger!"

When Fu Ma heard this, she immediately smiled from ear to ear: "Really? I went to perm it specially. The hairdresser said that this hairstyle is popular this year."

Father Fu and Mother Fu also attached great importance to today's meeting. Not only did they put on newly bought clothes, but they also had haircuts and perms, for fear of leaving a bad impression on their in-laws.

The morning went by very quickly, and I felt like we didn’t have much chat, so it was almost time.

Liu Yuqing took her family back to her home.

The hotel where Fu Yu arranged for his parents to stay was on the side street, not far from Liu Yuqing's home.

It takes more than ten minutes to walk from the hotel to the community, including passing by the back door of the Chollima Hotel.

Walking near their son's usual workplace, Father Fu and Mother Fu were a little nervous at first, but they relaxed unconsciously.

Liu Yuqing held Fu Ma's arm and walked in front, introducing the shops on both sides of the street from time to time, which one had delicious food, and which one she and Fu Yu had been to before.

Fu Yu and Fu's father followed behind carrying large and small bags of things, interjecting a few words from time to time.

The house that Liu Yunong bought was located in a very good community. Fu's father and Fu's mother watched all the way upstairs. When they entered the door and saw the high-end interior decoration, they suddenly felt a little cautious.

However, in this state, I saw the beautiful and dignified Liu Yunong and the kind-hearted old master Zhou De'an. Both of them were wearing exquisite clothes but wearing aprons. In order to entertain their family, they were busy in the kitchen. When cooking, all the restraints and tensions immediately disappear.

Liu Yunong was actually very nervous. She always respected her elders, and now it was two families proposing marriage. She had been preparing for several days. Now that they finally met, she was even a little frightened.

Fu Ma was the first to calm down. She smiled and took Liu Yunong's hand, patting it affectionately: "You two sisters look very similar. You feel very friendly when you look at them! Especially the eyebrows and eyebrows, they are exactly the same!"

Zhou De'an laughed generously: "They sisters do look alike, especially when they were young. At that time, customers in the store would occasionally see the younger one, but after a while they would be startled when they saw the older one. Children grow up so fast!”

Zhou De'an was still holding a spatula in his hand and introduced: "I have watched them grow up as sisters. Their father and I are senior fellow apprentices. Their father joined the industry two years younger than me, and the master is their grandfather." !

Now that their father is gone, I am their elder!

I really saw these two children being born right before my eyes. They have very good conduct and both sisters are good girls. "

Fu Ma also followed the music and said politely: "It can be seen that when we first saw Xiaoqing, we liked her very much! Otherwise, everyone said that there is a fate between this person and the other person. The first time we saw her, I feel like this is our family, so close!”

Dad Fu hurriedly said: "Is there anything we can do? Just have a home-cooked meal, don't prepare too many dishes, don't be busy!"

Fu Yu is young and considered handsome among his peers. He has been working in the kitchen all year round. His shoulders and arms are all made of tight muscles. He has a good figure to hold up clothes. He also has three-dimensional and eye-catching facial features, a high nose bridge, and that face. Quite pleasing.

When Zhou De'an first met Fu Yu, he made a very good impression.

After chatting, I found that this child is very decent, quite humble and polite, and he and Liu Yuqing stay together sweetly. It's really a good match.

Zhou De'an looked at it and smiled from ear to ear. This meal really showed off all his special skills!

Fu's father and Fu's mother didn't stop them. Liu Yunong and Zhou De'an were stunned and turned the family banquet into a state banquet.

There are ten dishes and one soup on the table, all of which are high-end dishes that I have never seen before.

Father Fu and Mother Fu were given the main seats, with Zhou De'an accompanying them.

Looking at this table of exquisite and high-end dishes, the old couple were stunned.

Liu Yunong and Zhou De'an were beaming after hearing the compliments.

After working hard all morning, it was really worth all the hard work to be praised by Father Fu and Mother Fu.

Zhou De'an chatted with his father and mother about their daily life.

Liu Yuqing sat next to Fu Yu, not caring about eating, her eyes darting back and forth, listening to the elders talking.

On the surface, Fu Yu was sitting upright, picking up food and eating.

Under the table, this man held one of Liu Yuqing's hands, pinching his fingertips and scratching his palms.

When the elders turned their heads and no one was watching, Fu Yu quickly turned around and quietly winked at Liu Yuqing: "How are you doing? Are my parents doing okay?"

Liu Yuqing was happy and winked.

Fu Yu immediately changed his face when he became unserious, narrowed his eyes and smiled evilly: Our family is so outstanding!

Liu Yuqing smiled, revealing her neat white teeth: Indeed, your family is very nice! (End of chapter)

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