Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1068 Applying for resignation

There is no airtight wall in this world.

Soon, the actors who heard the news and wanted to compete for the female supporting role in Zhao Qinghua's crew heard one after another that the role had been won by An Qi.

And as this matter spread, a piece of gossip soon spread like wildfire.

It is said that An Qi, a variety star with a non-professional background, was lucky enough to participate in a movie directed by Zhao Qinghua because she hired a chef from Qianlima with a very high level of cooking skills to cook several tables of Zhao Qinghua's favorite noodles.

Entertainment news is like this. Really serious news sometimes does not attract attention, but such nondescript gossip can spread quickly.

Many well-informed actresses like Xie Xin traveled all the way to Bei'an to fill roles in Zhao Qinghua's movies, but before they even had a chance to get on the line with Zhao Qinghua, they learned that the role had already been chosen.

Almost everyone who lost this opportunity sighed.

Driven by unwillingness, everyone began to inquire about who the lucky replacement actress was, and then began to gossip about the key tips to impress director Zhao Qinghua.

Over time, Fu Yu's name gradually became a hot keyword in the topic.

Many ambitious people like Xie Xin went to Chollima to ask for orders from Fu Yu's regular customers, and specially selected some of the store's special dishes to taste.

Originally, their purpose was just to learn more about Director Zhao Qinghua's food preferences, but unexpectedly, after one taste, they were all impressed by Fu Yu's cooking skills.

The specialties of Chollima are really good, the cooking is very authentic and the taste is very good.

As a result, Fu Yu gradually became known to a small group of actors without knowing it at all.

Those who are not well-known can go directly to the store to dine without any worries, while those who are afraid of being recognized can directly send people to the store to take away the food, or directly order takeout.

However, no matter which form it is, the chef will specifically appoint Fu Yu to be the chef.

Fu Yu also gradually discovered that since the last time he went to Erliu Xiao, his regular customers were almost overwhelmed with orders during this period!

And in addition to customers who dine in the store, most of them order takeout.

When I get busy at work, time passes very quickly.

It’s the end of April in a blink of an eye.

Fu Yu routinely goes to the music restaurant to cook herbal meals once a week. As soon as he received a customer that day, Yao Shi hurried over.

While there were no outsiders around, Yao Shi took Fu Yu to the office, and the two closed the door and talked.

"Xiao Fu, I just got the news that on June 1st, a three-month international science and technology expo will be held in the capital.

At that time, some well-known restaurants in the capital will be invited to set up booths on site to showcase our country's food culture to international friends from all participating parties.

Chef Liu just called specifically and said that Fuchengchun would also set up a team of chefs and send people to set up stalls on site.

His opinion is that he hopes that you can go to study in advance, so that you will have this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go to the site with the group.

After all, it is a large-scale event here in the capital, and those who are eligible to enter are the masters of each store. It is a very rare opportunity for exchange and learning. "

Fu Yu was a little surprised. Are you asking him to go to the capital next month?

Too hasty?

As soon as Yao Shi saw his expression, he knew what he was thinking, so he persuaded him patiently: "It is true that something unexpected happened, but this opportunity is too rare, and Chef Liu is willing to let you join the team. This is already What a huge honor!

A good opportunity like this for cultivating talents would definitely not be given up to anyone else.

An international large-scale exhibition like this is also a good opportunity to broaden your horizons and expand your contacts.

I suggest you seize this opportunity. If you miss this time, it’s up to you whether you will have it next time. "

"Yao Chu. I just hired the chef here. He has been gone for three months. It's hard to talk to the boss." Fu Yu also knew that the opportunity was rare, but the situation on his side was really difficult to handle.

Yao Shi had a dinner party last night. He drank too much and didn't even go home. He stayed on the second floor of the hotel all night.

I was still hungover in the morning. First I was bombarded with a series of messages, and then I was confused by the phone call.

When he fully woke up, he realized how rare the opportunity was now. He didn't even bother to eat breakfast, so he hurried to the store to talk to Fu Yu about the matter.

"It's hard to say, just resign." Yao Shi had actually long thought that Fu Yu's job at Chollima was a good one or not.

First of all, the salary is not worth the commission earned by making medicinal meals at the music restaurant. The working hours are long and the work is continuous every day. With Fu Yu's current level, it is far beyond the salary offered by Qianlima to retain him.

However, Yao Shi did not take the initiative to mention this at first because his situation was indeed a bit complicated.

The main reason is that he is too thoughtful, thinks too much about everything, and has many worries.

He had left Chollima behind and let go of the whole thing. He looked very cool on the surface, but in fact he was still a little tangled in his heart.

I feel ashamed of Mr. Dong's cultivation back then, and I also feel that what I did was a bit unfair.

Ultimately, it's a matter of character.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have been delayed in Qianlima for more than twenty years.

But now when it comes to Fu Yu, Yao Shi can easily make accurate judgments.

The execution ability is also particularly strong.

To put it bluntly, in the end, it is only bystanders who know what it means to break when the time comes.

Yao Shi himself had the same experience, so he could understand Fu Yu's mood at this time.

Seeing Fu Yu's confused and hesitant expression, he couldn't help but persuade him: "If you go to the capital to further your studies, you will be away for more than half a year, or even longer, and there is no way that Chollima will really leave a position for you. Wait. The store has recruited new people and has been able to take on new positions. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you are there or not.”

Thinking that Fu Yu had made rapid progress in the circle in the past six months, Yao Shi Aicai's thoughts immediately came out, and he said earnestly: "This is a major event of a lifetime. In fact, this life will always face several important events. If you grasp the turning point, you will have a smoother journey in the future.

But if you fail to grasp it and lose the opportunity, it will be difficult to have such an opportunity next time.”

Yao Shi thought of his frustrated first half of life, and his attitude towards persuading Fu Yu became even firmer.

He himself had been caught in the rain and wanted to hold an umbrella for Fu Yu.

Fu Yu is a very good person.

Coming out of a training base like an assembly line like a chef school, but being able to reach where you are now step by step with your own talent and hard work is very impressive and not easy.

"Now is the critical time for you to climb the ladder. You can't delay the best opportunity because of indecision! If he hadn't seen your potential, how could a man as smart as Liu Yongping be willing to give up his quota to you for free? "

Yao Shi guided Fu Yu in a persuasive way: "There's nothing wrong with Qianlima. You're going to resign normally. This kind of kitchen position has always been highly mobile, and there are regulations in the store. You only need to report half a month in advance."

I will formally apply for resignation early tomorrow morning, so that after the contract is officially terminated, I can just go to the capital and nothing will be affected.

In fact, you don't have to think too much, the earth will still move around without anyone, and now Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu are supporting the kitchen, so they can handle it.

I thought Qingning was a good guy before, and Zhang Jiaxin was almost able to take charge independently.

It won't take the next year for the two of them to be supported, and everything in the kitchen will be stable again. "

"The boss promised before and approved me to go to the capital for further study." Fu Yu was still a little hesitant. On the one hand, he finally got a stable job and was promoted to the position of chef. On the other hand, he was really embarrassed to leave his job.

The store took good care of him, and he was a little reluctant to let go of Zhao Meng.

"Young man, don't be too hesitant in doing things!" Yao Shi looked at Fu Yu as if he were looking at himself when he was trapped in a thousand-mile horse: "People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places. Human nature is upward, and it is to be superior. You must seize this opportunity now that you have the opportunity to compete with similar people and constantly improve yourself, you know?”

Fu Yu paused for a moment, then nodded: "I know."

No matter how mature and steady Fu Yu is, he is only twenty-four years old this year, and his face still has the youthful outline of a young man. Such a troubled look makes people feel a bit unbearable for no reason.

Seeing that Fu Yu still listened to the advice, Yao Shi said with relief: "Except for Chollima, the medicinal meal here will have to stop by then.

Fortunately, when I customized treatment courses with customers at the beginning of the year, I signed short-term contracts, just because I was afraid that if something happened at your end, the treatment would be interrupted at any time.

I did some calculations and found that except for Ms. Wang, who regulates qi and blood, the latest treatment for everyone else is early June.

When the time comes, you leave the cooking methods of the medicinal materials and ingredients, and I will help cook the table without delaying anything.

I went to negotiate with Ms. Wang, and it was not a difficult matter. "

Fu Yu was so moved that he didn't know what to say when he looked at Yao Shi.

"Yao Chu."

Yao Shi looked at the blush on Fu Yu's face and smiled: "When you really go to the capital, work hard and study hard, you know?"

Fu Yu said seriously: "Chef Yao, don't worry, I will definitely cherish this opportunity for further study."

Yao Shi nodded: "You kid will definitely have a great future."

That night, Fu Yu made an appointment with Zhao Meng to go to a barbecue restaurant on the side street. The two of them ordered a pot of shabu-shabu and some special kebabs, and chatted while eating.

Zhao Meng was really happy for Fu Yu. He held the cup and clinked it with Fu Yu: "Chef Yao is right. You have to listen to him when it comes to these big things. He is knowledgeable and has more foresight than us!"

Fu Yu said: "I know, I will go to the financial department to report my resignation early tomorrow morning. But, what will you do if I leave?"

Zhao Meng drank so much that his face was red, and there was a glimmer of water in his eyes. He smiled and said, "Now that you're gone, I'll just go to work as usual and do whatever I have to do. Do you really think that without you, I won't be in the kitchen anymore?"

Xiao Fu, let me tell you, there is no endless banquet in this life, you know.

In fact, I am quite reluctant to let you go, but as long as I think about a better future if you leave, I feel that my thoughts immediately fade away.

I am really looking forward to and proud of you being able to make a difference.

And you don’t have to worry about me, I’m living a wonderful life now! "

Zhao Meng patted Fu Yu on the shoulder.

He could see that Fu Yu had a soft heart and treated him sincerely. Now that he was thinking of leaving, he couldn't let go of him.

"You can contact me at any time. If you want to come back, wherever I am, there will be a place for you to stay, you know?

Have you told your master about this?

Isn’t Xiaoqing also going to the capital? If you leave first this time, what will she do? Can we both go together? "

Fu Yu had been busy cooking herbal meals all day, and when he came back in the evening, he asked Zhao Meng out for a late-night snack. He really didn't have time to tell Liu Yunong about it.

Zhao Meng warned: "It's too late today. Contact your master early tomorrow morning, tell her about the matter, and see if she has any opinions. You can listen to them."

Fu Yu's expression was serious: "Okay."

Zhao Meng took out a bunch of hot tripe, dipped it in the vinegar dish and flicked it off in one gulp: "I tell you, be decisive in everything. The masters don't like these indecisive people. When the opportunity comes, you must seize it. No matter how many people look forward to it, you can't wait for it." Come on, go out and have a good time, maybe I can borrow from you in the future!"


Fu Yu lowered his head and peeled the garlic: "I just feel a little reluctant to let you go. In fact, there is nothing I can't let go of in the store."

Zhao Meng was stunned: "How about you accept me as your father? Godfather, how about that?"

Fu Yu said without thinking, "You are just like my dad in my heart."

Zhao Meng immediately grinned and showed his neat white teeth: "You already know me as dad, what else can you be reluctant to part with? You miss me so much. Come back to see me during the holidays.

Besides, if conditions permit, I can go over to see you! It’s not like you don’t have the financial conditions, so what are you afraid of? "

Fu Yu thought so. The parting mood was interrupted by this, but it became less intense.

Moreover, if we really want to leave, it will be a month later.

It's really too early to think about this now.

That night, Fu Yu and Zhao Meng ate until late at night and went directly back to the Qianlima dormitory.

At the beginning, Fu Yu couldn't help but think that if he really went to the capital early, he and Liu Yuqing would have to separate and become a long-distance relationship.

The two of them are in the sweet period of love, so they can't bear to be separated.

Fu Yu felt a little melancholy for a while, and couldn't help but think about this for a while.

Later, I got drunk, my face turned red and burned, and I fell asleep without realizing it.

When he got up in the morning, Fu Yu looked at the time, remembered Zhao Meng's instructions, and sent a long message to Liu Yunong, detailing what happened.

This trip will definitely not change, no matter what Liu Yunong's attitude is.

However, Fu Yu was still reluctant to separate from Liu Yuqing. He was thinking about going to Shangshi Private Restaurant in the evening and having a good chat with his sister-in-law to see if Liu Yuqing could also go to the capital in advance.

After all, they are enrolled in classes, and the teaching staff in the capital must be much stronger than that in Bei'an. (End of chapter)

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