Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1173 Is this difficult?

There are no customers at the stall between 1:30 and 3:30 every afternoon.

The kitchen staff took advantage of this time to have lunch and take a short break.

Under normal circumstances, Liu Yuqing would send a message during this time, nothing special, just a casual chat.

She has to be busy answering questions, sending messages and chatting is a very rare entertainment time.

Fu Yu is responsible for organizing staff meals at noon today.

Fucheng Chun is different from Chollima because the main dishes are mainly river fish, so the staff meals in the kitchen are basically all kinds of river fish dishes.

Occasionally when I get tired of eating, I order home-cooked dishes with side dishes.

Li Dongxu is the head chef in the store. The buyer is usually very flattering. Basically, he will leave some fresh ingredients for the kitchen every day when buying goods.

Fu Yu looked at the vegetables delivered by the buyer in the morning, including fresh white radish, tofu and cabbage.

Yesterday's employee meal was Yang Ming's stewed river fish. Everyone was a little tired of it and there was a lot left over.

While Fu Yu was cleaning the kitchen table, he quickly flipped through the classic recipes.

Finally, I decided to make a fish hot pot that is very unique and rarely available locally.

There was plenty of fish offal in the kitchen, so Fu Yu asked Yang Zhichao to pick some and clean them thoroughly.

While the workers were handling the fish offal, he prepared the side dishes himself.

Cut the white radish into cubes, put the tofu on the plate, and called the waiter to wash the cabbage and bring it over.

After the fish offal was cleaned and delivered, Fu Yu carefully broke all the fish bubbles to release the gas inside, otherwise it would easily explode when heated.

The fish offal is simply marinated.

Taking advantage of this time, Fu Yu quickly made golden fried rice.

The fried rice comes out of the pot, the fish offal is marinated and fried directly.

The fish offal was frying in the pot here, and Fu Yu conveniently cut the millet, dried chili peppers, onions, garlic slices, and ginger slices.

After the fish offal was fried, Fu Yu began to stir-fry the base ingredients.

Heat the pan with cold oil, fry the fish roe until it is set, and then take it out.

Then fry the fish soaked, and after frying, take it out and set aside.

Yang Zhichao was standing next to him. When he saw the golden fried rice coming out of the pot, his eyes lit up and he felt his appetite was whetted.

Then I saw Fu Yu making fish offal, and it was so exquisite. I immediately became interested and stretched my head to watch Fu Yu cook.

Fu Yu added a little oil to the pot, added onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, millet and other seasonings and stir-fry until fragrant.

Add the stock, bring to a boil over high heat, then add the chopped radish and cabbage, turn to low heat and simmer.

Suddenly, the entire kitchen was filled with a spicy and delicious smell.

Although the kitchen is full of physical work and usually consumes a lot of money, the smoke of oil every day will definitely affect the appetite to some extent when eating.

However, now that he smelled this fresh and special aroma, even Li Dongxu couldn't help but come over and take a look.

"Yo! What are you doing?"

Fu Yu turned around and smiled: "I'll make you a fresh fish hot pot today."

Li Dongxu took a closer look, smelled the very special fragrance, and said with a smile: "This thing is quite new, I have never seen it before."

Fu Yu laughed: "Try it after a while. It tastes no worse than fresh fish."

There were conditions in the kitchen. After the fish offal in the pot was stewed, Fu Yu directly asked Yang Zhichao to prepare the alcohol stove. There were many people in the kitchen, so a total of three pots were set up.

Everyone sat around and waited for half of the fish offal to be eaten before adding tofu to the pot.

The spicy and spicy taste is different from the local taste in the capital.

So much fish offal is stewed together in a pot, but it doesn't taste fishy at all.

And the spiciness is different from ordinary spicy hotpot. It tastes very delicious.

The fish roe has a clear texture, the skin is tender and smooth, and there are fish bubbles. It tastes fragrant and spicy. If you get tired of it, you can eat some tofu and cabbage to relax.

The spicy and refreshing fish offal hot pot, paired with the golden fried rice with clear grains and attractive color, everyone was very satisfied with this employee meal.

After eating, Fu Yu went back to the kitchen and rested against the kitchen counter with a low stool.

As soon as I sat down, my phone rang.

Fu Yu took out his cell phone and looked at it. When he saw Liu Yuqing calling him, he smiled happily.

He quickly answered the phone and heard Liu Yuqing say softly: "Husband, are you resting now? I didn't disturb your work, right?"

Fu Yu felt warm in his heart. Liu Yuqing was always so considerate. She never had any opinions because she was busy with work. She was always very understanding and willing to consider.

Fu Yu said: "I just finished eating and am sitting down to rest. What about you? What did you eat for lunch?"

Liu Yuqing said: "Forget it, I went to the Western restaurant in District 3 at noon and ordered a new Western-style meat tower set meal. The layout of the dish looked ordinary, and the taste was even more ordinary."

Fu Yu was stunned when he heard this: "You went to eat Western food alone at noon?"

Liu Yuqing explained: "It's not that I want to eat. The big question today involves the plate design course of food conception. I haven't studied this aspect systematically. It's a bit difficult to answer the questions directly now."

"Especially because the teacher specifically told me that you must thoroughly understand this dish, because basically every year there are related questions, and it's 15 points!"

"I can't really answer it. I just want to order some Western food and observe the presentation. I can better understand the content with the actual object."

Liu Yuqing explained the problem-solving difficulties she encountered to Fu Yu in detail, and couldn't help complaining about how difficult it was to conceive and plate the food.

After talking about it in this way, Fu Yu suddenly laughed: "Is this difficult? Isn't it just the design concept of the dishes? Oh, this is the basic knowledge, that is, how to lay out the dishes."

Liu Yuqing was stunned after hearing Fu Yu's words.

"Are you bragging to me?"

Fu Yu couldn't laugh or cry: "No, I'm serious!"

"Oh, by the way, in fact, for knowledge on plate presentation like this, you mainly have to look at the selection of ingredients and side dishes."

Having said this, Fu Yu subconsciously sat up straight and spoke carefully into his mobile phone: "Let me tell you something. Look, like making a plate, first of all, it should be done according to the color of the finished dish and the cooking state of the ingredients. Choice of tableware?”

"Secondly, we need to consider that simple geometric shapes are the "skeleton" of the plate. Use these lines for positioning first, and then add the dishes."

"Without a balanced layout, there is no good presentation. So, use these lines to imagine a general shape in your mind, and then slowly add details. Never think about local details first, as the final result may be It’s a thankless effort.”

"The selection and judgment of geometric figures is actually not difficult. Straight lines are the simplest and most useful. On a round or square plate, use the principle of a straight line to arrange the dishes. The dishes can be arranged in a straight line. The key point The straight line should be in the middle, and attention should be paid to leaving white space on both sides.”

"There are also two straight lines, three horizontal lines, etc., but they are actually pretty much the same. Once you get the hang of it, it's not difficult at all!"

After listening to Fu Yu's words, Liu Yuqing exclaimed: "Husband, have you learned this knowledge specifically?"

Fu Yu couldn't laugh or cry: "No, after you just said it, when I thought about it, that's what happened!"

Liu Yuqing suddenly became excited and hurriedly said: "Husband, hurry up! Tell me everything you know. I'm hanging up. Send me a voice message so I can convert it into text for research!"

Fu Yu looked at the hung up cell phone and immediately couldn't laugh or cry.

He opened WeChat and began to send voice messages one after another, summarizing everything he just said. When he said it again, the content was more comprehensive and detailed.

After finishing all the knowledge he could think of, Fu Yu put down his phone and prepared to take a good rest.

He was leaning back on the kitchen counter, closing his eyes to calm down, when he suddenly thought of something and opened his eyes immediately!

The plating knowledge I just summarized actually comes from the stacked cooking skills I just acquired!

Damn it!

Fu Yu suddenly realized that with his new skill, he could really understand everything.

The perfect Luo Di technique actually includes other plating design concepts and related knowledge!

Is this too strong?

He just listened to Liu Yuqing talk about the issue of plate arrangement, and he started thinking completely subconsciously, and all the knowledge in this area was basically summarized in an instant.

This makes him feel that his logical thinking is particularly strong!

Realizing this, Fu Yu suddenly became excited.

This perfect stack of cooking skills is really a magical skill!

Postgraduate entrance examination cram school.

It's about three o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, more than twenty students in the class were having a difficult problem analysis discussion.

In fact, there are often such analytical discussions, and teachers will organize them every now and then. The content of the discussions mostly revolves around relatively complex knowledge points such as food nutrition and health, process design and social production.

Discussion is actually the major they chose for the postgraduate entrance examination, and it is the main content of their daily study.

There will be a weekly test tomorrow, and the teacher has already prepared the papers in advance. It is necessary to find out everyone's learning progress before the test, otherwise the differences in scores will be too great, and the course schedule needs to be adjusted in time.

The problem discussed this time is the content of the course on food concept and plate design that I started studying in the past two days. Because it covers a wide range of topics and the range of questions is quite large, several major questions in this test are all around this topic. Expand.

The tutor sat on the podium, looked at the students below, nodded and said: "Yu Qing, you start answering first!"

Liu Yuqing plans to apply for the food science and engineering major at the Agricultural University in the future. The knowledge she is learning now is professional content that can be used in the future.

This major is considered a national key specialty with very good remuneration in the gastronomy circle and a promising future!

Even in the history of the development of the food circle, it has occupied indelible glory and achievements, and many national and even world-class gastronomy experts have emerged.

Liu Yuqing, a remedial class teacher, is a vocational training expert who specializes in this subject. She has taught students for several years and has a very good rate of passing the postgraduate entrance examination. She has made great achievements in the postgraduate entrance examination circle and is very good at courses related to food science and engineering. Very researched.

The cram school Liu Yuqing is currently studying in is specifically designed to prepare for the upcoming postgraduate entrance examination. Every day, she studies standard sample questions from previous years and extended questions within the scope of the examination.

By studying a large number of questions and understanding and being exposed to relevant professional content, after successfully passing the postgraduate entrance examination in the future, you will be able to independently face a large amount of professional knowledge and have the ability to self-study and improve.

After hearing the teacher's words, Liu Yuqing stood up quickly, sent the solution to the problem to the information group displayed on the big screen, and then began to describe the relevant analysis ideas and content.

Speaking of which, Liu Yuqing felt that she was not nervous at all during today's lecture!

The big topic that I thought was particularly difficult before is now clear in my thinking. When I talk about it, I feel very calm and don't panic at all.

These answers were all taught by Fu Yu himself, including all the logic and examples.

Liu Yuqing was secretly happy as she spoke.

My husband is really amazing. He needs to be talented and good-looking. Even the indicators and data of the sweet life are amazingly satisfying!

Every time she thinks about this, Liu Yuqing feels that she is simply God's favorite, and she is so happy in this life.

Her ideas for solving the problem were very clear. After Fu Yu's sorting and guidance, Liu Yuqing also had some very intuitive understanding of the operation of dish presentation, and kept every basic knowledge and concept in mind.

Liu Yuqing's detailed and organized answer made the teacher's eyes light up. After listening, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, it seems that Yuqing has a preliminary understanding of the content in this area." After praising him, the teacher turned to look at another student: "Wang Zhaomou, what do you think of the second question of this question? ?”

Wang Zhaomou is a student at a prestigious local school in the capital, and he is also a student in the supplementary class who currently has excellent overall grades.

The teacher valued him very much. He would take the initiative to check Wang Zhaomou's preparation and understanding whether he was explaining exercises or reviewing basic courses.

Wang Zhaomou was a little surprised to see that Liu Yuqing understood the design concepts related to dish presentation so thoroughly. When he heard the question, he said: "The second question of this question mainly involves several basic styling designs of dish presentation. , what is examined is the sense of matching of visual effects, I think more attention must be paid to color."

"However, the range of color combinations and choices is very wide, and the final color of the ingredients will be very different through different cooking methods. This is still not easy to make an accurate judgment directly."

Wang Zhaomou was really worried. He firmly believed that the color of the ingredients must be the main consideration in the presentation of the food.

After all, food has always been famous for its delicious taste and delicious taste!

Color, ranking first, should be the most important factor.

However, this color judgment is really difficult to accurately define.

For a moment, there was a silence in the classroom.

This question is actually quite difficult to analyze, because the direction is very broad, and there is no precise answer definition. It all depends on personal understanding.

So much so that it is more difficult for everyone to do. (End of chapter)

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