Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1258 It went international

Listening to the sincere words of Zhao Meng and Yao Shi, Fu Yu felt warm and moved!

He smiled and responded: "Okay! I will!"

After bidding farewell to Zhao Meng and Yao Shi, Fu Yu went to attend the banquet arranged by the Food Association.

It was originally agreed that Fu Yu would pay for the treat out of his own pocket, but He Jie dissuaded him.

On the one hand, there were too many participants, and ordinary hotels could not accommodate so many people, so the dinner venue was directly set at the dinner hall of the Food Association.

On the other hand, many of the people present today are very influential chefs in the food circle. The Food Association will definitely invite everyone to come and have a good gathering, and by the way, communicate about various projects for the rest of this year. Events.

It is impossible to miss such an opportunity by discussing cooperation over the dinner table.

In particular, the people who attended the dinner were not just here to learn, there were also many people who were planning to sign up for the International Gourmet Association's new recruitment activities and stayed.

The Food Association is preparing to join forces with the Ministry of Culture to take this opportunity to discuss specific matters.

At this time, Mr. He Dongxiang, the previous president of the Food Association, suddenly said: "By the way, Xiao Fu seems to have joined the National Food Association, right? However, he probably doesn't have any professional title. I don't seem to have any impression of it anyway."

It had been more than two years since he abdicated. Fu Yu was still working as a laborer at Chollima at that time. He was not even qualified to join the Bei'an City Food Association, let alone the National Food Association.

However, Mr. He Dongxiang suddenly mentioned this issue at this time, which was certainly not without purpose.

Everyone immediately looked at Fu Yu.

Fu Yu hurriedly said: "Well, I have already joined the membership, but because the time is still short, I am only an ordinary member at the moment."

Fu Yu has only been a member of the association for more than half a year, and he doesn't usually participate in the association's activities, let alone participate in some promotion selections.

As soon as this was said, the others just smiled kindly.

After all, Fu Yu's age is showing here, and there will be many opportunities for promotion in the future.

But when He Jie suddenly heard He Dongxiang's words, his eyes lit up!

At this time, He Dongxiang suddenly said: "Actually, I have abdicated now, so it is somewhat inappropriate to make this suggestion again. However, after careful consideration, I still feel it is necessary to make it."

"I think the association should promote Fu Yu to a title. After all, I'm going to participate in the International Food Association's recruitment event this time. Xiao Fu can't really go there in such a naked manner!"

"In fact, with his current level of cooking skills, he should have a very rich resume. However, due to age restrictions, he does not have the opportunity to participate in many activities and competitions."

"Maybe people will think that just participating in the International Food Association's recruitment activities is mainly based on their strength in running. There is no need for Xiaofu to feel embarrassed."

"But what I'm worried about is not his own emotions, but what I'm afraid of is that if Xiao Fu is actually selected for the International Gastronomy Association with his ability, and if he performs extraordinarily well, he will run for some position. When the time comes to submit his resume, he will My qualifications are too shallow and my information is too simple, but it’s time for other contestants in the same period to come to the stage.”

After everyone heard it, they immediately smiled bitterly, it was indeed true!

What He Jie wanted to say was brought up by He Dongxiang, and he immediately felt relieved and quickly cooperated: "Mr. He, you are absolutely right! With Xiao Fu's strength, he does have the capital to be promoted. Our president I am not in the country right now because I have to attend the International Food Association event in advance. I will report to him after the banquet is over and arrange this matter as soon as possible. "

Others also said that it should be arranged in this way, which is very reasonable.

Fu Yu was full of surprise. He looked at He Dongxiang and He Jie blankly, and was very surprised for a moment.

Well, I accidentally got a promotion opportunity in the Food Association.

In the domestic food circle, the food association is very prestigious. Being able to occupy a place in the association will be equivalent to gaining the right to expand the circle of contacts in the future, as well as the speaking circle in the food circle, and the influence will be further improved. improvement.

Although this kind of temporary promotion and lack of qualifications may not have much power in itself, it is just an external title, but this kind of professional title is very useful when participating in some selections, large-scale events in the food circle, and even conducting academic discussions on cooking. , having such a title is a proof of personal identity.

Especially for someone like Fu Yu who has no qualifications and insufficient resume, it can be regarded as a very important springboard.

If you want to stay in a circle, you must abide by its rules.

However, at this time, several well-known figures in the food circle came. Liu Yongping glanced at He Jie and saw that the other party did not express any response, so he couldn't help but tell Fu Yu that he was preparing to issue a cooking guide.

This matter is currently known to everyone who has participated in the salon before, and after this meeting, the final finishing work has been completed, and the release of the guide is just around the corner.

Liu Yongping just mentioned it, and He Jie immediately understood it, so he told the matter exactly as it was.

After hearing what they said, everyone else present looked surprised.

At this time, Eric, who had been in a state of shock and very excited, couldn't help but said: "When I came to China this time, I originally wanted to participate in the compilation of the guide. After these several exchanges, my The experience is very good. I also wanted to say that our organization’s special team could develop relevant guidelines, but Fu Chu has almost completed it! ”

"Yeah, when I first heard about this, I was very shocked. I didn't expect that Chef Fu, at such a young age, already had such a grand goal!"

"It's not really a target now. The closing meetings have been held and the guide is about to be released."

Everyone started talking about it. After all, this is a cooking guide. It is a big event in the food circle. It will definitely become a hit once it is launched.

Everyone who already knew about this was relatively calm, but others who heard about it for the first time were immediately excited!

"If you don't mind, I would like to help you look at the content. If you have some related operations and experience, you might be able to join in!"

Zhang Jiaxin reached out and patted his apprentice's shoulder, reaching for Fu Yu to recommend himself.

He Jie was stunned for a moment when he was photographed. He turned his head and saw his master giving him a dissatisfied look.

He Jie suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. He really couldn't blame him for this.

Since he retired, the old man has stopped taking care of things in the store. He rarely participates in food circle activities. He usually stays in the small vegetable garden at home and diligently grows green vegetables.

I haven't lost my cooking skills, but I am more interested in cooking in earthen pots and earthen stoves, which is quite a return to nature.

It was also because of this that He Jie didn't mention Fu Yu's preparation of compiling the guide to his master. Anyway, it wasn't done yet.

The result is now being picked.

After hearing Zhang Jiaxin's self-recommendation, several other seniors also expressed their willingness to help.

After Fu Yu heard this, he gratefully thanked them all and agreed to them all.

He Jie was really excited to have these seniors help to contact the publication and distribution of the guide. Neither he nor Liu Yongping had much experience in this area.

After all, there are only a few people in the food circle who can actually talk about publishing books.

At the banquet in the evening, because there were seniors present, Fu Yu inevitably drank a lot of wine.

When he was sent home, Fu Yu was completely dizzy, but fortunately he could still walk independently.

But when there were no outsiders around and there was no need to hold on, Fu Yu's legs immediately softened, and Liu Yuqing almost helped him to the sofa to lie back and rest.

Liu Yuqing was afraid that Fu Yu would feel uncomfortable after being drunk, so she hurried to the kitchen to prepare a cup of warm honey water.

Fu Yu was leaning on the sofa, squinting his eyes to rest, trying to cheer up, and listened carefully to the electronic notification sound that suddenly sounded in his ears:

【Ding! Task from NPC Fucheng Chun Chef Li Dongxu: Successfully complete the finishing work, the task has been completed, and you will receive rewards: 10 opportunities to retrieve the dish prediction video library, 10 ingredient cooking method judgment cards, and proficiency in one cooking kitchen utensil]

After hearing all the reward content, Fu Yu's brain, which was still a little dazed, suddenly sobered up.

He slapped his thigh excitedly, the reward was richer than expected!


What does the 10 chances of retrieving this dish prediction video library mean?

Fu Yu chooses to view:

[10 retrieval opportunities in the dish prediction video library: During the process of cooking dishes, you can choose the time flow rate at will, and watch the customers' feelings and evaluations after tasting the dishes in advance. Each selection will consume one retrieval opportunity. 】

Fu Yu understood instantly.

What a good thing!

Even when he is cooking a dish, it is difficult to predict how satisfied the customer will be with the dish when it is completed.

The current dish prediction video library retrieval opportunity can jump in time and predict in advance the customer's tasting experience after the dishes are cooked.

This is really awesome!

This reward is very practical and valuable.

Can play a rescue role at critical moments.

He can even make corresponding cooking adjustments in advance because he can predict customers' reactions to the dishes in advance.

If you think about it this way, this reward is really good.

The ingredient cooking method judgment card is also a good thing, and you will definitely use it sooner or later.

The last item is to become proficient in a cooking utensil.

Fu Yu was very satisfied.

He drank the honey water, calmed down, and prepared to take a bath and sleep.

Just as he was about to get up, his cell phone rang.

It turned out to be Ronald, whom I had not contacted for a long time.

Fu Yu hurriedly answered the phone and heard Ronald saying excitedly: "Fu Chu! Someone on the Internet is attacking you!"

Ronald's attitude didn't sound like he was angry, but rather he was happy to see what happened.

Fu Yu didn't care about being angry, but asked curiously: "External network? Why are they attacking me?"

Moreover, has he now become famous enough to be attacked online by people from abroad?

Ronald said: "It's mainly about the live cooking operation you did yesterday. At that time, it was mentioned that the final summary of the fire control skills guide was needed, and a special research team under an international food chain company directly forwarded the live broadcast on the external network. video clip, and stated that this operation on fire control does not comply with international cooking operation standards and does not have the value of compiling and developing cooking guidelines.”

After hearing this, Fu Yu couldn't help but smile: "The Internet does spread quickly enough. It's okay. Don't pay attention to them."

Fu Yu didn't care at all.

If Ronald hadn't called him specifically to tell him about this, he would have had no way of knowing. After all, in addition to work, he usually studies and compiles cooking guides and browses classic old recipes for a while at most, and has no time to surf the Internet at all. .

Ronald obviously disagreed, and he said seriously: "Actually, Chef Fu, I think this matter is a good opportunity for you."

Fu Yu was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Ronald said directly: "I think with your current level of cooking skills, you can definitely occupy a place in the international food circle. The reason why you have not been able to really stand out is that on the one hand, you have not encountered a suitable opportunity, and on the other hand, you have not been able to truly stand out. On the other hand, you are usually focused on work and collecting and summarizing academic documents such as cooking guides.”

"Although this approach is very good and strives for steady progress, the speed is indeed a bit too slow. You are so young. If you can succeed earlier, your future achievements will definitely be greater."

"And if you want to quickly expand your influence, what you need now is industry visibility. Internationally, many famous chefs have to win several battles, otherwise there will be no topic to attract the attention of others and keep everyone firmly connected. Remember yourself!”

"To put it aside, even I, in order to win the position of the chef of the institution, had a war of words with a well-known food website in my country for half a year, and then I slowly became famous and successfully became the chef. position."

"Actually, if you think about it from another angle, although this external dispute came out of nowhere, if you can take this opportunity to clear your name and let the special research team of this gourmet chain company apologize to you, it will be very important to you. You are of great help in terms of international recognition!”

"Just one thing. I have dealt with the special research team under this food chain company. They are indeed very capable and of a very high level."

A dedicated research group under a food chain company?

Fu Yu's understanding of this aspect is really lacking.

There are various research organizations in the world that subdivide cooking operation skills, and such a special research group established specifically for fire control skills should be the same as the group led by Ronald, and they are also aiming to compile cooking guidelines. Created for purpose.

This can also directly reflect the importance this research group attaches to fire control skills. (End of chapter)

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