Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1264 Leader

News came out one after another!

The special research team under the foreign food chain company was confused!

Although they don't care about the comments on the Internet, they don't care about the Chinese catering market.

Justin looked at the two pieces of news in disbelief and was very surprised.

He couldn't believe it at all!

China is actually going to launch a special research and summary cooking guide activity group. Such formal organizations are obviously only international organizations like them that are capable of promoting and issuing, and they are actually going to hire Fu Yu as the head of the group.

What made Justin panic the most was the content of the second piece of news.

China is actually going to issue a guide to cooking heat skills compiled by Fu Yu!

They have actually completed it?

And many media with relationship channels all heard the news and gathered in the reception hall of the Ministry of Culture.

Faced with such big news, everyone wants to get the top news and first-hand information as soon as possible.

Many senior media personnel have even followed the clues to investigate all the relevant information of the person in charge, Fu Yu, and even found out that a few days ago, a special research group under a foreign food chain company published an article on the Internet, continuously slandering Fu Yu's cooking demonstration operation and innovative cooking ideas.

Once this matter was exposed, everyone finally discovered the cause and result of the whole thing.

The special research group under the foreign food chain company completely denied the innovative cooking concept of Chinese chef Fu Yu, believing that the other party did not operate according to the standards specified by international cooking skills.

Because of this incident, netizens from both countries and some relevant personnel in the food circle expressed their opinions and had different views.

When the matter intensified, the Ministry of Culture suddenly launched an organization to set up a nationally recognized special research cooking skills guide, and directly promoted and issued the already perfected fire control skills guide.

So after understanding the whole story, major domestic media began to unify propaganda with a rare goal.

Driven by the media, news began to spread that the special research group under the foreign food chain company was desperately suppressing China's outstanding cooking organizations and personnel.

With the screenshots of various external information and the voices of well-known people in the food circle, the pressure from public opinion and the outside world is gradually increasing.

Justin has not returned to China yet. When he was in the hotel, he suddenly received a call from the owner of the food chain company.

After the boss learned the news, he immediately wanted to hold a press conference to explain and clarify the matter.

But at this time, they have already announced the establishment of the relevant group and are about to promote the distribution of cooking guides.

At this time, no matter how much clarification is done, it is useless.

The owner of the food chain company has a very strong background in his country. Someone in his family is the leader of the International Food Association and the deputy minister of the Ministry of Culture of his country. At this time, several people have communicated with each other and are thinking about countermeasures separately.

However, what annoyed the owner of the food chain company the most was that many of his relatives and friends said that they could not help with this matter.

No one expected that China would suddenly announce two decisions this time, and behave so tough.

At this time, Justin discussed with the team members over the phone: "If it really doesn't work, let's contact the person in charge of the website and delete the two articles published on the external website?"

After a discussion, they had no choice but to do so.

After all, most people's attention has begun to focus on it, and their research team has indeed not been able to come up with a complete and comprehensive guide project for several years.

So Justin directly found a connection and contacted the staff of the external website to delete both articles.

Hopefully, this behavior can resolve this matter, divert the media's attention, stop focusing on their research team, and properly solve this problem.

However, it was completely the opposite of what they expected.

After the two articles suddenly disappeared from the external website at the same time, netizens from the two countries who were originally arguing in the comment area suddenly exploded.

What does it mean that the articles have been deleted?


So the relevant news content about the Ministry of Culture was directly pasted and published under the comment area of ​​other major articles on the external website, and even the forum was attacked.

The higher the popularity, the greater the attention of this matter.

The news released by the Ministry of Culture in the morning had already spread internationally by the evening, and the scope was getting wider and wider.

Justin's influential relative tried to contact China under the guise of the International Gourmet Association.

However, Jiang Tong directly rejected the possibility of peace talks.

It's too late to apologize now, what did you do before?

The news has been officially released and will take effect immediately!

As the person in charge of the cooking guide closing meeting, He Jie, vice president of the National Food Association, directly announced to the public: "We hired Chef Fu Yu as the head of the special research group, and it has nothing to do with the special research group under the foreign food chain company! The cooking temperature guide that is about to be released and promoted this time was also compiled and developed by Chef Fu Yu, and he is currently leading the relevant research group."

"As for the online rumors that the special research group under the foreign food chain company published articles on the Internet to wantonly slander Chef Fu Yu, our association is very indignant and strongly condemns it!"

"In view of the special research group under the foreign food chain company, we seriously suspect that the cause is the cooking temperature control guide that Chef Fu Yu is preparing to officially promote and release. I hope that relevant international departments can intervene in the investigation."

After the news was released, the special research group under the foreign food chain company immediately became the target of public criticism!

Justin couldn't stay any longer and booked a flight ticket overnight to rush back.

And the entire special research group under the foreign food chain company has become a mess.

As soon as Justin arrived, he had to face questions and interviews from many media reporters.

At this time, as the head of the organization, he had to stand up and face all the problems.

So, the whole team decided to pass the buck!

Anyway, the article has been deleted, the matter has been completely turned over, there is nothing to say, and they made comments with reason and evidence at the beginning.

What era is this?

People are not allowed to speak freely!

Justin made up his mind and said to everyone: "I am deeply sorry for the matter about our research team's evaluation of Chef Fu Yu's cooking operation ideas this time."

"However, the special research team under our food chain company has always been committed to formulating an international cooking standard and related skills guide. We will not arbitrarily accommodate any country or even an individual. After all, the purpose of our group's establishment was to promote the development of cooking in the food circle around the world, to solve operational difficulties, and to improve cooking efficiency and effectiveness."

"Moreover, facts have proved that our group has indeed achieved many remarkable results over the years."

"For this condemnation by the China Food Association, I can only say sorry on behalf of our group."

It seems to be an apology, but the words are high-sounding and there is no sincerity at all!

On the second day, after the Chinese Cooking Skills Guide Research Activity Group determined the person in charge, it publicly announced for the first time: "We will start preparing for the Cooking Guide R\u0026D Group from now on, and it will be officially established after the International Food Association's recruitment activities are over. This organization is committed to better research and development of innovative cooking skills guides for promotion and distribution!"

Once this news was announced, it was at the forefront of the storm, which was a direct declaration of war against the special research group under the foreign food chain company.

After all, the project that the special research group under the foreign food chain company is currently working on is the cooking heat control skills guide.

In response, the person in charge of the special research group under the foreign food chain company directly announced a set of data!

This includes the record of the degree of control of the fire during the operation of the heat control skill, and the specific change rules of the cookedness of the ingredients during the adjustment process.

And these two very detailed data can intuitively let everyone see the research results and contributions of their group in recent years.

For a time, the situation was tense!

The Chinese Cooking Skills Special Research Group and the special research group under the foreign food chain company officially started to confront each other!

Office building of foreign food chain company.

Justin rushed to the finance office and said to accountant Haiwei: "Have you submitted the approval form for our special team? The funds must be approved quickly. I am going to participate in the election of the International Gourmet Association. Many places need money to be taken care of!"

"Although the approval amount is a bit high this time, if I succeed, the company will benefit greatly. Compared with the current special team members, the position of the International Gourmet Association member is too popular. We can definitely apply for more research projects, and then we can increase the conditions for negotiating with those catering companies and food institutions. . "

Haiwei frowned, looked at the latest financial statements, and said helplessly: "This incident has a very bad impact. I have submitted the approval form, but many of the original catering companies and food institutions have withdrawn their investment. Now the financial department has no surplus funds at all."

Justin hurriedly asked: "Our research team's cooking skills guide is almost completed. It will definitely be officially promoted and issued in another half a year. You should quickly submit an application to the boss and ask the relevant departments to contact other catering companies and food institutions to ask them for sponsorship!"

"By the way, we can also add investment-related personnel to the editorial board list."

Many people in the international food circle will invest in buying some relevant editorial board lists for themselves. For these secret operations, as long as they have a certain reputation and are willing to invest to help promote, even if they are just a small editorial board, there will generally be people willing to cooperate.

Haiwei couldn't help but say: "If your group still cannot officially promote the cooking guide in the second half of the year, then the large grants from the International Food Association alone will definitely be recovered."

Justin smiled and said: "What are you afraid of! The special research group currently studying the fire control skill guide in the world, whether it is the summarized data content, or the summary of cooking operation methods and details, no organization can surpass us!"

Haiwei couldn't help shaking his head when he heard it.

Indeed, there is no one now.

However, thinking of the news just released in China, Haiwei still kindly reminded: "The chef Fu Yu from China, you have also seen his cooking operation. The boss's evaluation of him is a very thoughtful new chef."

The owner of the food chain company was also a well-known chef in the past. Although he runs his own company now, he still has a lot of achievements in cooking.

Justin smiled nonchalantly: "A newcomer who has just entered the circle is not worth mentioning!"

After the Ministry of Culture announced the establishment of a special research group on cooking skills guidelines, it held a selection activity for the group members.

Because the representatives in charge are He Jie, vice president of the Food Association, Liu Yongping, the founder of a famous local food that has applied for World Heritage status in China and a well-known catering entrepreneur, and Lu Zhanlong, the chef of Donglaishun, who is well-known in the food circle.

This time, the selection activity for the group members naturally attracted the attention of many media at home and abroad.

And it was this selection activity that made the food circle across the country see the strength of the new forces.

Many outstanding newcomers came out enthusiastically, and the old generation of famous chefs gave their support and sent their beloved apprentices to actively strive to join the special group.

As the head of the group, Fu Yu immediately became a leader of the younger generation in the food circle.

At the same time, the Food Association also announced a news that Fu Yu will officially serve as the leader of the cooking skills operation research group and be appointed as a formal member of the association.

If this is something that many people expected, then Fu Yu, who is only 24 years old, not only independently led a team to conduct a summary study of cooking guidelines, but was also appointed as a member of the National Food Association, which stunned the foreign food circle!

The domestic food circle is more accepting of these two new appointments.

This is not unprecedented.

In fact, in the early years, there was also a case where the youngest member in China was successfully appointed at the age of 34.

The recruitment and training of talents like this has never been a rare thing.

As long as the person appointed really has real skills, it is not a problem at all.

Especially this time, because of the special research group under the foreign food chain company, Fu Yu's promotion is actually a task in danger.

At such a critical juncture, he became the leader of the special research group of the cooking skills guide.

Everyone is full of expectations for this.

Seeing that the International Food Association will hold a new member activity next month, I heard that Fu Yu will be selected to participate in this activity. Everyone is full of curiosity and expectations for this young leader. (End of this chapter)

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