Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 1277: Do it yourself and have enough food and clothing

The night before, Fu Yu got very drunk with the members of the special research team. The next morning, Fu Yu took a dose of stamina potion and instantly cheered up.

This time he was going abroad to participate in a new recruitment event, and the trip was expected to last four days. Fu Yu was carrying his suitcase and backpack, which were filled with all kinds of food Liu Yuqing had stuffed, for fear that he would be acclimated and starve.

Sitting in the taxi, Fu Yu felt like a scholar who came to Beijing to take the exam in ancient times. He waved goodbye to his wife and went to pursue his future alone.

What a depravity.

In the past, he had always participated in various work and activities alone. He didn't feel anything at all at that time. Unlike now, he hadn't waited to leave yet. He just looked at Liu Yuqing standing outside the car to see off Liu Yuqing and felt full of reluctance.

Liu Yunong's phone call came when Fu Yu was about to arrive at the airport.

His only beloved disciple, who has become a brother-in-law of the family, is very likely to join the International Gourmet Association soon.

This is so proud.

Liu Yuqing transferred a sum of money to her precious brother-in-law, and also carefully explained to him how to exchange foreign currency at the airport bank. Finally, she richly explained: "It's rare to go abroad. You can eat whatever you want and buy whatever you want. I have no money." Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you!”

Fu Yu quickly said: "No, sister, I have money."

This was not because his pride was frustrated, but because he really felt that he had money now. Unlike before, when money was always tight, he no longer needed to rely on others for help.

Liu Yunong replied to him: "We are all a family. It is a gift given by our elders. You cannot refuse it. Do you understand? And when you go abroad this time, I really don't know what to buy you. We are all a family, so it is better to be more economical and give the money directly to you." Buy whatever you like.”

Fu Yu smiled: "Sister, you are a real person, okay, then I will accept it. When I come back, I will borrow flowers to offer to Buddha and bring you gifts!"

Liu Yunong also smiled, with a beautiful smile, and said cheerfully: "That's great, use my money to buy me a gift! Then give it to me, it's a thoughtful gift anyway, I appreciate it."

Fu Yu smiled happily and chatted with his sister-in-law for a long time before hanging up the phone.

During this trip, Fu Yu's mentality was particularly stable. The people around him were the ones he was most familiar with. Everyone got together to chat without any barriers.

Initially, everyone was worried that they would be late and miss the flight, but when everyone arrived, they were suddenly notified that the flight would be delayed for two hours due to weather problems.

As soon as the news was announced, Fu Yu couldn't help but complain. As a result, he could only wait at the airport for two hours.

At this time, someone suggested that we find a place to have something to eat.

Today was scheduled to go out in the morning, but many people were worried that they would not have enough time and did not bother to eat in the morning.

Everyone responded immediately.

There are quite a lot of restaurants in the airport. After everyone gathered together, they chose a nearby noodle shop with a spacious store.

It's only two hours, and it's definitely too late for a formal dinner. It's good to have a bowl of hot noodles, and there are too many people there. Generally popular fast food restaurants can't accommodate so many customers.

Everyone went to their own tables. Fu Yu and He Jie sat together, each ordered noodles, and continued the hot topic while waiting.

Fu Yu usually kept silent at times like this, sitting there quietly listening to the chatter of his seniors.

He had never heard of many of the things they talked about, which were very interesting. Sometimes they even talked about some ideas about cooking, and even talked about some of his experiences in the industry when he was young.

Fu Yu is very interested in these.

I was listening enthusiastically when suddenly there was a noise from the back kitchen. Soon, a waiter from the front hall heard the sound and rushed over. Then he immediately ran out again, making a phone call and rushing out of the store.

"Doctor, this is Wangjia Noodle House. The chef was scalded by hot oil. Please come over immediately for first aid!"

The customers present were stunned by this gesture, and they all looked towards the kitchen.

Soon, a man wearing a chef's uniform was helped out. Because of the hot weather, he was wearing a summer half-sleeved overalls. His exposed arm, his left hand was safe, but his right hand was red and his skin was wrinkled due to burns. After that, I kept showering with cold water. At this time, my arms were wet and looked very scary.

The injured chef was in agony, with his right hand hanging down, his whole body trembling, and he kept cursing and wailing in pain.

In less than three minutes, a doctor from the airport emergency center rushed over in a small ambulance and rushed in quickly under the leadership of the waiter.

Seeing the chef's miserable condition, the doctor quickly made arrangements: "The situation is a bit serious and cannot be dealt with on the spot. Now you help him get into the car and follow me to the emergency center."

The group retreated noisily.

After a while, the front hall became quiet again.

After a while, a waiter came over to serve noodles.

There were exactly thirty people in Fu Yu's group, but only seventeen bowls of hot soup noodles and braised noodles were served. The cold noodles were not seasoned because the chef was injured, and they were prepared to refund the order.

Those who ate noodles were happy, while those who ordered but didn’t get them were immediately annoyed.

Especially those who wanted to eat at the beginning. They were so fast in the picture before and they all ordered cold salad, but in the end they couldn't eat anything.

"No, you only have one chef in the kitchen? No one else can do it?"

In ordinary noodle restaurants, the stewed soup is ready-made. You just cook the noodles directly and add the soup and seasonings.

Even the noodle chef can start cooking, so why can't he even make the noodles because the chef is not there?

The waiter had a good attitude and explained: "The injured chef is the owner of our restaurant, the noodle maker is his eldest son, and the one who is usually responsible for mixing noodles is the younger daughter. They all left with the doctors from the emergency center just now."

Hearing this, everyone on Fu Yu's side was stunned!

I bet this is a family noodle shop?

I ordered cold noodles, but one of the team members who couldn't eat them couldn't help but said: "Then let's change our noodles to hot soup. If we can't make cold noodles, can we use braised noodles?"

The waiter apologized: "There is no one in the kitchen now. The noodles have been cooked in the pot and the soup has been blended."

The implication is that now it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. There is no one in the kitchen, so she can't make any noodles for the time being.

A team member here became interested and said: "We are all chefs. Do you have ready-made noodles in the kitchen? Are the seasonings ready-made? Then we can make them ourselves."

The waiter immediately said: "The noodles are all ready to be stretched, but if the customer seasoned it himself, we can't make the decision."

When the team members heard this, they waved their hands and said, "If you can't make the decision, just call and ask. We've already paid the money and there's no need to refund it. It saves everyone trouble."

The waiter hesitated and called the boss.

The call was quickly connected. It was the noodle chef in the store. After hearing the waiter tell the whole story, he said very irritably: "The kitchen has nothing to be afraid of. They can make whatever they want, but you have to agree with them in advance." , we will not be responsible if something goes wrong with your meal or you are not satisfied with it in any way.”

The hotel is located at an airport and has very strict requirements on health services.

The store specializes in pasta. All the stewed soups and vegetables are cooked in advance and packed in jars. Other ingredients are freshly prepared every morning. The kitchen is clean and tidy, and you are not afraid of being seen by outsiders. Go to what.

The waiter got the answer and turned to repeat it to several customers.

When the team members heard this, they immediately became happy: "Okay, please wait a moment, I will make noodles for everyone."

At this time, Fu Yu suddenly received a system prompt:

【Ding! Trigger an emergency cooking task and complete delicious cold noodles without a chef. Mission completion reward: random】

Fu Yu was stunned and stood up quickly: "I can make noodles, I'll go with you."

While talking, Fu Yu got up and went to the kitchen with him.

The waiter was also very anxious. Who would have thought that a good chef would be scalded by hot oil.

While they were talking, the aunt in the kitchen who was responsible for washing dishes had already cleaned up the hot oil that had spilled all over the floor.

The back kitchen was very tidy. An iron pot with a broken handle was thrown into the sink. It must have been hot oil when the pot's handle suddenly broke.

This kind of unexpected situation is not common in ordinary times, but if it happens, it can only be regarded as bad luck.

When Fu Yu came to the kitchen counter, he looked at the place where the condiments were placed out of habit.

Because it is a chef who specializes in making noodles, the seasonings are very comprehensive, and there are several rows of them. There are seven or eight kinds of meat stew alone.

Fu Yu looked around one by one, then turned to ask the team members who came with him: "What kind of cold noodles are you going to make?"

The team member hurriedly said: "Let's make it a classic. It tastes cool and delicious. It has all the flavors of fresh, salty, spicy and numb. If it's not difficult to prepare, this one is easy to make."

Fu Yu nodded, the classic cold noodles are indeed good.

When the noodles are cooked, take them out and put them on the noodle table. Use a fan to cool them to remove the moisture. Sprinkle them with sesame oil and shake them with chopsticks to spread them.

Place the cooked and cooled mung bean sprouts on a plate, put the cooked noodles on top, and pour the juice over them.

The preparation method of sauce is based on personal habits.

To say it has a classic taste is nothing more than my own cooking habit.

The most authentic way to make it is to chop green onions into mince, mash garlic into puree, pound ginger into juice, stir-fry sesame seeds and press them into thick noodles with a rolling pin.

Various seasonings are mixed together to create a delicious, salty, spicy and spicy flavor. Stir evenly and serve directly on the plate.

It's quite simple, convenient and fast.

When Fu Yu ordered food before, he ordered noodles with sesame paste.

He drank too much last night and didn't really have much appetite when he got up early. He just entered the noodle shop and saw customers eating sesame paste noodles. The craftsmanship of this shop is quite good. Regardless of the taste of the noodles, the appearance does look very good. appetite.

This glutton came out and couldn't eat for a while, so I was really worried about it.

Fu Yu said: "Let's do this. I'll make a few more sesame sauce noodles. I just saw that the seasonings in the kitchen are quite complete. I just want to eat it myself. Now we are still short of a few bowls of noodles. Let's share it equally between the two of us. It will be brought over in a while. Whoever wants to eat can choose whatever they want."

The team members had no objection. There were still more than a dozen bowls left, and he was really busy doing it alone.

In the big stuffy pot of the noodle shop, the hot water is boiling all the time. The stretched noodles are put into the pot. After the water boils three times, they can be taken out and left to cool.

Fu Yu took the initiative to cook the noodles, and the team members took advantage of this time to quickly prepare the sauce for the noodles.

After the hot noodles were taken out and placed under a fan to dry, the team members quickly came to Fu Yu's side to watch him make sesame sauce noodles.

The sesame paste in the noodle shop was pretty good. Fu Yusheng came out and tasted it, and he knew it was a paste made with warm water.

This kind of sesame paste tastes good, but it's just a little less interesting.

You know, sesame sauce noodles are eaten with the unique aroma of sesame sauce. The richer the flavor, the more delicious it tastes.

Fu Yu directly filled the sesame paste and mixed it himself.

He has a special method of mixing sauce, which he learned from classic old recipes.

Heat the sesame oil to 70% hot, pour it into the bowl of sesame paste, and stir it evenly. This way, the sesame paste will be more fragrant.

When Fu Yu was doing it, he didn't deliberately avoid people. The team members came over to watch him stir the sesame paste and were immediately surprised.

"It turns out that you can directly use sesame oil to mix the sauce?"

Generally, warm water is used to mix sesame paste. Some masters will also use pepper water, which makes the sesame paste thick and fragrant.

But Fu Yu directly used sesame oil to mix the sauce. Is this in accordance with the original soup and original food?

Fu Yu kept moving his hands and said with a smile: "The sesame sauce mixed in this way tastes more fragrant."

While talking, Fu Yu prepared a pot of sesame paste, and while the noodles were cooking, he began to prepare the soul sesame sauce.

Add minced garlic, chopped green onions, white sesame seeds, chili powder, pepper powder, and millet pepper to the bowl.

Put pepper and peanuts in a cold pot with cold oil on a low heat, heat the oil, fry the pepper and peanuts until golden, turn off the heat immediately to filter out the pepper, add the peanuts to the bowl, pour oil into the bowl to stir-fry and stimulate the aroma.

Add soy sauce, vinegar, oyster sauce, and other seasonings and mix well.

Adding sugar to sesame sauce is the finishing touch. In addition, the vinegar used is not ordinary vinegar, but soaked ginger. This kind of vinegar is infused with the hot and spicy taste of ginger. Adding it to sesame sauce will mix a very special taste, which can not only relieve greasiness but also increase appetite.

Fu Yu's timing is very accurate. After the sesame sauce is prepared and the noodles in the pot are cooked, they are taken out and drained in cold boiled water and served on a plate.

The team members stood by and watched Fu Yu operate. When it was time to drain, they took the initiative to come forward and help.

Fu Yu nodded and smiled at the other party with satisfaction.

The team member was immediately flattered. He had discovered that Fu Yu had a habit when cooking. Whenever he encountered work that required draining and filtering oil, he always asked the kitchen helper to do it.

Apart from this, there were no other special requirements.

Because of this, those who are lucky enough to help him will quickly develop the habit of keeping their eyes on the work, and will actively step forward to help without Fu Yu asking.

Fu Yu handed the work over to the team members, fried some scallion oil, carefully mixed it into the noodles, and then sealed it and put it in the refrigerator for a while. This will make the taste better, and there is no need to worry about the noodles sticking together if the scallion oil is mixed evenly.

After the noodles were processed, Fu Yu slowly cut the side dishes.

Cut the cucumber into shreds, and chop the tomatoes and coriander.

It was obviously a simple preparation operation, but Fu Yu showed off his superb knife skills. (End of this chapter)

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