Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 207 Natural beauty with icy muscles and fine bones

Liu Yu and Tang Jian met through a friend's introduction, and they had dinner together twice, and they hit it off quite well.

The main reason is that Tang Jian heard that Liu Yu wanted to set up a creative Internet cafe after the wind.

This internet cafe and hotel facilities are a match made in heaven.

It just so happened that he now intends to renovate several hotels under his control.

At that time, the first and second floors will be reserved for Liu Yu as an Internet cafe.

The other floors continue to be used as hotel rooms.

The two parties can not only share the rent with each other, but also drive each other's source of customers for mutual benefit.

The two of them took advantage of the dinner to have a brief chat before, and they hit it off right away.

I originally made an appointment to get together again after the Mid-Autumn Festival, but I didn't expect to meet here today.

After the two of them said hello, the waiter came to Room 209 to deliver the food.

There are two dishes on a tray, and the waiter serves the tray with one hand, and four cold dishes are served directly on the table.

Liu Yu glanced at it casually, and saw that it was a dish of cold bean curd sticks and a dish of sliced ​​ham.

Liu Yu: "!"

Isn't this the dish of the three-course meal?

Stretch your head to look at the other two dishes.

It is clearly mustard vermicelli and mixed pig face!

These three-course meals are sold well in their music restaurant on weekdays. The main reason is that the noodles should be cold first and then hot, which is especially suitable for banquets.

Liu Yu couldn't help but look at Tang Jian more, and thought to himself, this is also a food that can't be eaten!

If you really want to eat an authentic three-course meal, you have to go to their music restaurant.

After all, the chefs in their back kitchen are all cooking skills passed down by Yao Shi.

That dish is authentic!

Chollima has always been famous for its seafood, and these three-course meals are rarely ordered by the kitchen staff.

Especially now, since Yao Shi was dragged by him to co-open the music restaurant, he seldom cooks himself.

Regarding the situation of Maxima, Liu Yu also knows that except for Yao Shi, no one else in the back kitchen is good at this kind of big banquet.

Tang Jian noticed Liu Yu's scrutinizing gaze, and asked curiously: "Why, Mr. Liu also knows about this table?"

Liu Yu nodded: "If you're not mistaken, it's a three-course meal, right?"

Tang Jian was delighted when he heard it: "Hey! Mr. Liu is very knowledgeable! You really know it!"

Liu Yu smiled: "I've tasted it twice before, and it's really delicious."

Tang Jian said casually: "The three-course meal made by Maxima is really authentic, Mr. Liu should try it if he has the opportunity."

Liu Yu frowned slightly upon hearing this.

Not many people in the industry knew about the fact that he and Yao Shi partnered to open a music restaurant.

Liu Yu now specializes in men's clothing stores, and basically does not intervene in the music restaurant, and only receives dividends at the end of the year.

Tang Jian had obviously never heard of this matter.

Liu Yu asked calmly: "The three-course meal here is authentic? Mr. Tang, I'm afraid you haven't tasted the noodles at the music restaurant?"

In Liu Yu's opinion, unless Yao Shi cooks the three-course meal prepared by Maxima himself, it cannot be compared with their music restaurant at all.

In the end, Tang Jian didn't want to finish listening, but said: "I have eaten the three-course meal in the music restaurant, but it can't compare with the one here!"

Liu Yu couldn't hide his surprise.

how is this possible!

He knows the situation of Maxima's kitchen very well.

Besides Yao Shi, there are only two chefs in total.

Zhao Meng is good at stir-frying stewed vegetables, and Gu Yunwu is good at stewing soup.

How can these two compare with the chefs of their music restaurant?

What nonsense!

Yao Shi was busy cooking stewed ribs, while Gao Wenjing called him specifically to report that Liu Yu's family had been accommodated in Room 210, so he could rest assured.

As soon as Yao Shi heard this, he didn't contact Liu Yu again.

Anyway, Liu Yu is not short of money, so he doesn't need to find a relationship for a discount.

The benefits of the full level of physical training will be fully reflected when you really start to shake the spoon continuously.

Everyone in the back kitchen was tired and their backs were sore. When their faces were exhausted, Fu Yu was able to shake the frying spoon with ease.

While others were tortured and embarrassed by the sweaty chef's clothes, Fu Yu was clean and fresh.

Inside the greasy and dirty light green floral apron, Fu Yu's chef's uniform was clean and brand new, free from sweat, oil, and not even a trace of oily smoke.

Zhao Meng couldn't handle the spoon, so he gave up the kitchen counter to Fu Yu.

He stood by and personally guided Sun Qingning to go to the stove.

Sun Qingning was flattered.

While working hard at the table, at the same time trembling for fear of making a mistake and being scolded for no reason.

Sun Qingning is happy and worried here.

Fu Yu's helper was replaced by Zhang Jinyu.

Zhang Jinyu was used to being reprimanded as a cook with Zhao Meng before.

Now it was suddenly replaced by Fu Yu, the kind of gentle and drizzle-like instructions made him feel comfortable and flattered.

When the spirit is relaxed, the mouth can't be controlled and becomes poor.

Zhang Jinyu stretched out his hand and tugged at the sweaty chef's uniform.

The clothes are made of pure cotton and are especially sweat-absorbent. He dared to say that as long as he takes off the chef's clothes and wrings them out, water will come out!

Sweeping away from the corner of the eye, he caught sight of Fu Yu.


Why does the chef's uniform on Fu Yu look so dry?

Zhang Jinyu couldn't help getting closer, and asked curiously, "Chu Fu, aren't you hot?"

Fu Yu shook his spoon calmly, and replied, "Well, I'm used to it."

Zhang Jinyu looked envious: "You don't seem to sweat much?"

Taking a closer look, it wasn't true, Fu Yu was also sweating, and the thin beads of sweat were hanging between his temples.

But just sweating like this, Fu Yu looked much more refreshed than the others, especially the chef's uniform. Others were wearing sweat-drenched clothing, but his looked clean and refreshed.

Zhang Jinyu asked curiously: "Fu Chu, have you used antiperspirant?"

The orderers and passers-by in the store often get together to chat in the back kitchen.

There was a wave of deodorant deodorant in the store before, and almost everyone had a bottle.

Fu Yu turned his head and glanced at Zhang Jinyu, and said disdainfully, "Gentlemen, who should play with that!"

A small bottle is as big as a palm, more than a hundred!

There is no place to spend more money, buy it?

Zhang Jinyu didn't believe it: "Then why do you look so refreshing?"

Fu Yu's heart became more empty, and his mouth became firmer: "Because I am naturally beautiful, with icy muscles and fine bones!"

Zhang Jinyu: "."

There is no way to talk about this!

The food passer just came over to hand over the order.

According to the order of the order, this order was just picked up by Zhao Meng.

Fu Yu took the list and looked at it, and was stunned.

Three course meal?

He can't do this!

There is indeed such a table noodle in the store, but only occasionally people order it during the holidays.

During the Chinese New Year last year, it seemed that a customer had ordered it. At that time, Fu Yu had not been in the kitchen for a long time, and Zhao Meng hadn't brought him by his side to help in the kitchen.

When preparing dishes, I followed the busy work, but they were all prepared side dishes.

After such a long time, I can't remember what ingredients were used.

How to prepare these three meals?

On the order list, the waiter saves trouble, just write the name of the table noodles, not even the specific dishes!

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