Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 307 I Want to Intern at the Maxima Hotel

After the formal rehearsal ended, all the contestants dispersed and left separately.

The reviewers went to a nearby restaurant for dinner under the hospitality of the leaders of the Propaganda Department.

In the middle of the meal, Liu Yunong's cell phone rang.

She glanced at the caller ID and answered the call casually.

After listening to the other party, Liu Yunong's face changed suddenly.

After hanging up the phone, she apologized to the leader of the Propaganda Department: "I have something to do here temporarily, so I have to leave first."

After speaking, after a few polite words, he greeted several other reviewers and left in a hurry.

After leaving the gate of the hotel, Liu Yunong rushed to the hotel where he was staying, while taking out his mobile phone to make a call.

The phone was connected quickly there.

Before Liu Yunong could make a sound, the other party complained first, "Sister! Why are you not in the hotel? What time is it? Where have you been?"

Liu Yunong was taken aback: "You're already here? I'm rushing back now, and I'll be there in ten minutes, no, five minutes!"

Liu Yunong hung up the phone and ran all the way.

It is said that elder sisters are like mothers.

Liu Yunong's mother died young, and the two sisters lived with their father since childhood.

But their father is engaged in surveying and mapping, so he doesn't stay at home all year round.

Liu Yunong treats her younger sister, who is fourteen years younger, basically as a half-daughter, who was raised by her own hands.

Liu Yunong ran all the way back to the hotel.

Going up to the third floor, as soon as I turned into the corridor, I saw a person sitting on the luggage at the door of my room from a distance, with his head down and playing with his mobile phone.

Liu Yunong hurriedly called out: "Xiaoqing!"

Liu Yuqing turned her head when she heard the sound, and when she saw her sister, she immediately smiled in surprise.

She jumped up from the luggage and ran towards Liu Yunong. When she got close, she threw herself into Liu Yunong's arms and shouted happily: "Sister! I finally saw you!"

Liu Yunong was hugged all over her arms, and before she could speak, the younger sister in her arms said coquettishly, "I miss you so much! Why did you just come back?"

Liu Yunong explained with a smile: "Isn't today a rehearsal? The event just ended, and I went to dinner with the organizer!"

The two sisters hugged each other before letting go.

Liu Yunong led his sister to the room, the worry and anger in his heart disappeared automatically the moment he saw her.

The two sisters entered the room affectionately.

After Liu Yunong changed his clothes, the first thing he did was to call to order food.

Originally, she was planning to go out to eat, but when Liu Yuqing heard that she had just finished eating, she immediately changed her mind and decided to eat takeaway.

Liu Yunong knew that this was because her sister felt sorry for her busy day and didn't want her to torment.

But even though he was eating takeaway, Liu Yunong still chose a big restaurant and ordered a bunch of dishes that his sister usually likes to eat.

While waiting for the order, Liu Yunong began to settle accounts: "Is your school on holiday? You ran out by yourself?"

Liu Yuqing raised her head confusedly: "Ah? It's a holiday. I've already graduated, so why should I have a holiday?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Yunong frowned.

She kept looking at Liu Yuqing, and before she could speak, Liu Yuqing began to look around guiltily, unable to sit still.

Liu Yunong stared: "Xiaoqing, don't be mad at me, tell me, you, did you sneak out to find me?"

Liu Yujing blinked and looked at Liu Yunong.

Liu Yunong said: "Don't play dumb. I guessed it."

Liu Yunong reached out angrily to poke Liu Yuqing's head.

Liu Yuqing hurriedly leaned over and rushed over: "Sister!!"

Liu Yunong hurriedly stretched out his arms to hug her: "Don't do this with me!"

Liu Yuqing acted like a baby in her sister's arms: "I miss you! And we really graduated, the teacher said, let us arrange the internship independently, and then go back to school to defend next year. I even got the internship certificate Come back, when the time comes, let the internship unit help you stamp it, and you will be able to make a job!"

Liu Yunong said with a sullen face: "Your classmates haven't left yet, have you? Did you leave school with your luggage?"

Liu Yuqing hurriedly argued: "My classmate has already left! As long as you find a confirmed internship unit, you can leave school!"

Liu Yunong almost laughed angrily: "Your classmate contacted the internship unit, but he left. Do you have an internship unit?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Yuqing suddenly fell silent, with a pitiful look of being wronged.

Seeing her like this, Liu Yunong not only didn't have the slightest worry, but couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Okay, let's talk about it, what's going on?" Liu Yunong coughed lightly and asked with a suppressed smile.

Liu Yuqing sighed and said, "Sister, am I really bad? I actually worked really hard, and my grades are usually good, but I didn't perform well in the unified examination after graduation, which affected my ranking. This time the school actually gave Our uniform arrangement of internship locations is based on rankings, and I don’t want to go.”

Liu Yunong was a little curious.

She knows her sister very well. Although she is usually a bit willful, she has always been serious about her studies, and her grades have always been among the best in the class.

Even if it is not performing properly, how bad can it be?

Thinking of this, Liu Yunong couldn't help asking: "Where is the internship location arranged by the school?"

Liu Yuqing sighed: "Four Seas Banquet."

When Liu Yunong heard it, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief: "Isn't the Four Seas Banquet very good? It's a very famous hotel here in Bei'an."

When Liu Yuqing heard this, she became anxious: "That's great! He's just a sheep and scorpion pot maker! It doesn't match my major at all!"

When Liu Yunong heard that the key to the problem was here, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "What's so difficult about it, isn't it just an internship unit? You can pick any of my stores. After you pass by, what do you want?" How to do an internship, the major is the right one.”

Liu Yuqing's expression changed immediately, and she waved her hands anxiously: "Those shops of yours are all in my hometown! I will stay in Bei'an in the future!"

Liu Yunong waved his hand: "It's okay to stay in Bei'an. I'm just about to open a branch here. When the time comes, I'll send two people over, and the store will be handed over to you directly. That's the same thing if you're an intern or not. If you run the business well, I won’t care about it in the future, and you will be fully responsible.”

Hearing this, Liu Yuqing quickly said: "Sister, leave me alone, I've already decided where to go for an internship! I just graduated and don't know anything yet, how can I take over the store! I plan to start from the grassroots, Just like you, accumulate experience slowly, and then consider starting a business."

Liu Yunong heard that she had already chosen a place, and immediately became interested: "Oh? Where did you choose?"

After staying in Bei'an for the past few days, Liu Yunong basically knew a lot about the situation here.

There are only a few famous restaurants that can be counted.

Liu Yunong quickly weighed in his heart and made up his mind.

No matter where her sister wants to intern, she can find a way to squeeze people in.

Knowing her sister's ability well, Liu Yuqing said with full of expectation: "I want to go to Maxima Hotel for an internship!"

Liu Yunong: "!"

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