Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 311 The operation is too perfect

Next to him, Chen Xinwei couldn't help but said: "I was invited to participate in the [Top Chef] program as a judge. At that time, although the contestants who came to participate were amateurs, they were also the top cooking enthusiasts selected in the country."

"In one episode, one of the links was the preparation of three sets of ducks. It was required not to break the skin and bones. As a result, none of the contestants could complete the dish within one hour of the time limit."

As he said that, Chen Xinwei laughed at himself: "At the final presentation, the show crew wanted me to play, but I didn't dare to go. In the end, it was the Huaiyang cuisine master they invited to do it."

Li Zhiyuan stretched out his head and said, "With a kitchen knife, it's convenient to chop off the bone, but it doesn't break the skin and the whole bone, tsk tsk, that's a boy's skill!"

While several people were discussing, Liu Yunong was watching the stage intently.

The host is still introducing the upcoming cooking works of other contestants.

And all the contestants have already started preparing dishes.

Fu Yu didn't move the main ingredients first, but prepared the auxiliary ingredients in a leisurely manner.

He moved very quickly and arranged all the preparations skillfully and orderly.

And when the host finished introducing all the entries, he returned to the side of the stage again, stepped aside from the camera, and stood aside to watch.

As a layman, he doesn't know how to cook, so like many audiences in the audience, he just watched the excitement.

But it was precisely because of the casual look that he unknowingly condensed on Fu Yu's body.

On the one hand, it is because the young man is young and handsome, and looks seductive.

On the other hand, I don't know if it is related to the underlying impression. When watching Fu Yu cooking, there is an inexplicable sense of beauty that makes people unable to take their eyes off.

Fu Yu's knuckles are clearly defined, whether it is holding a knife or chopping vegetables, the smooth flow of movement between movements is particularly refreshing.

Because of the factors of work, photographers have their own instinct to pursue beauty.

So after shooting the panorama of the stage, and following the introduction of the host, he recorded close-up shots of all the contestants fairly, and before he knew it, his shot was fixed on contestant No. 2 again.

Fu Yu didn't know that he had once again become the protagonist on the big screen on the stage. At this time, he was concentrating on teaching the cooking method according to the classic old taste recipe, and began to try to split the duck bones.

Use a knife to cut off the neck bone at the slaughter mouth of the domestic duck.

Make a knife on the neck where it connects to the wings, cut through the duck skin, and pull out the neck bone.

Turn over the duck skin with your hands, and cut it with a knife while peeling to separate the flesh and bones.

Cut all the way to the end of the thigh and cut off the chin bone.

Finally, remove the leg bones, cut off the duck smell, and then turn the duck skin over to restore it to its original shape.

Remove the gallbladder from the liver, remove the skin and dirt from the gizzard, and wash them together with the duck.

This whole set of dismantling operations was done in one go by Fu Yu.

With advanced splitting personal skills, coupled with the assistance of an iron-sharpening kitchen knife, Fu Yu then successfully boned the wild duck and the pigeon as a whole.

While he was cleaning carefully, there were a series of inhalation sounds on the judging platform.

Several judges watched in disbelief on the big screen, Fu Yu's complete operation.

This, how long did it take?

Chen Xinwei looked at the timer in astonishment, it's only been 35 minutes!

You must know that Master Huaiyang, who was specially invited back by the program team, took a full 53 minutes to do this whole set of preparations.

This whole material comes out of the bones, but the bones are removed one by one without hurting the outer flesh. One can imagine the difficulty.

Dai Jinghe was also surprised.

He has tried to do these three sets of ducks with his own hands. As long as he does not pursue speed too much, he can also complete this set of work steadily and very well.

But in terms of time, whether he is willing to admit it or not, it is indeed not as fast as Fu Yu's split.

And he observed carefully just now, when Fu Yu was splitting up, he was very methodical, step by step, all of which were pre-designed procedures.

A domestic duck, a mallard duck, and a pigeon, when splitting, all his steps are exactly the same, and even the speed is almost the same.

If you want to achieve such an effect, you will definitely not be able to do it without practicing hundreds of thousands of birds.

While everyone was watching Fu Yu cooking in amazement, Liu Yunong was also staring at the big screen with great interest.

She had never heard of this dish before!

Three sets of ducks, two ducks and one pigeon were cooked together?

This dish is so much fun too!

Outsiders only know that Liu Yunong is a descendant of Mrs. Liu, so he learned the ancestral cooking skills from his family since he was a child.

But no one knew that Liu Yunong was very obsessed with medical anatomy for a long time.

Other women's private hobbies are dressing up and shopping.

Liu Yunong stayed at home to practice splitting skills.

Like these birds, for her, it is no exaggeration to say that when she closes her eyes, she can quickly see the specific distribution of all the bones and muscles in her mind.

It was precisely because she was extremely good at splitting things up that she couldn't help being stunned when she saw how Fu Yu split them up.

Fu Yu's operation is so perfect, so wonderful!

She even felt that Fu Yu's splitting technique was comparable to hers, and in terms of speed, it seemed to be even better than her own.

Realizing this, when Liu Yunong looked at Fu Yu, his eyes began to light up!

Successfully completed the preparation of three sets of ducks, which doubled Fu Yu's confidence.

He turned his head and glanced at the jury completely subconsciously.

Without the advanced splitting skills he learned from Liu Yunong, with his previous skills, it would have been impossible to complete it so smoothly.

As a result, when he saw it, Fu Yu happened to meet Liu Yunong who was staring over.

Before Fu Yu could react, he saw Liu Yunong smiling at him.

Fu Yu: "!"

Is this satisfied with his operation?

Fu Yu himself was also very satisfied.

He smiled slightly at Liu Yunong, and he completely relaxed.

The hardest part of cooking is done, the rest is easy.

Put the pigeon into the belly of the wild duck from the incision of the wild duck, and stuff 10 grams of mushrooms, 50 grams of ham slices, and 50 grams of bamboo shoots into the belly of the wild duck.

Then put the wild duck into the belly of the duck from the knife edge, and fill the duck belly with 15 grams of mushrooms, 50 grams of ham slices, and 50 grams of bamboo shoots.

Close the duck with a knife and put it in a boiling water pot to scald it for a while.

Put the duck belly down, and put the gizzard and liver in a casserole with a bamboo mat.

Add ginger, scallion knots, and Shaoxing wine, fill with water, and bring to a boil over medium heat.

Skim off the froth, cover with a disc, cover, and stew over low heat.

Remove from fire when rotten.

Turn the set of ducks over, with the breast facing up, and remove the onion knots, ginger, and bamboo mats.

Take out the gizzard liver, cut it into slices, and spread it on the duck body together with the remaining mushrooms, slices of fire feet, and slices of bamboo shoots.

Add salt and simmer on low heat for about half an hour.

The competition requires that the contestants are expected to cook complex and distinctive dishes.

So Fu Yu cooked this dish for nearly three hours, but he was not in a hurry.

Because there are other contestants who are slower than him, until the three sets of ducks he has prepared are brought to the judges for tasting, they are still cooking.

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