Fu Yu put oil in the pot, heated it slightly and poured in walnut kernels.

When the walnuts were oiled and exuded a faint nutty fragrance, Gao Chao couldn't help feeling a little worried and nervous.

Because when he usually makes walnut-related snacks, he usually uses amber walnuts as the mainstay.

Hanging with a layer of syrup, it tastes crispy and delicious.

But this is directly oiled, the skin of the walnut is darker in color, and the heat is not so good, the color of the ingredients will definitely be affected.

Thinking of this, Gao Chao was inexplicably looking forward to seeing how Fu Yu's control over the heat was.

Fu Yu turned his head: "Bring me a small bowl, there should be no water at the bottom of the bowl."

Just as Fu Yu was about to take out the walnut kernels that had been fried until golden, he saw Gao Chao took two bowls, one large and one small.

The small ones can hold walnuts, and the large ones are used to hold the oil that has fried the walnuts.

Fu Yu paused for a moment, then praised with admiration: "That's right, come and help me control oil."

Gao Chao hurriedly reached out to take the colander and watched Fu Yu pour the walnuts on it.

He couldn't help looking at Fu Yu.

Did Fu Yu praise him just now?

These words obviously sound normal, just a casual compliment, but why does he feel a little complacent and happy?

Gao Chao unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth, carefully oiled the walnut kernels, and put them in a small bowl for later use.

Fu Yu left a little base oil in the walnut-fried oil, put in the fat diced meat and stir-fried until it shrinks.

After the lard is fried, pour in minced ginger and minced garlic until fragrant, then add the marinated diced chicken and stir fry.

The host couldn't help asking: "Fu Chu, why does this stewed chicken still use lard?"

Fu Yu was busy cooking and didn't answer.

Gao Chao next to him said: "Compared with ordinary vegetable oil, animal oil has an irreplaceable special fragrance, which can increase people's appetite."

"Also, adding lard to the stir-fried dishes will make the dishes more fragrant."

At this time, the diced chicken in the pot is ready, Fu Yu adds green peppers and a little soy sauce and stir-fries.

Now comes the crucial part of cooking.

In order to allow the ingredients to be heated evenly, Fu Yu started to stir the spoon.

His stance is standard, the coordination of both hands, fully mobilizing the role of wrist and arm strength, and accurately achieving the best operation of graceful posture, accurate and flexible flipping of spoons.

Hold the hand spoon with your right hand, close to the bottom of the spoon and push the rear end of the raw material forward, so that the raw material is thrown up and then falls into the pot.

Watching the ingredients in the pot turn over in the air in a whole shape, Gao Chao couldn't help but praise secretly in his heart, it's beautiful!

And the close-up shot of the camera also captured this scene just right at this time.

Fu Yu's technique of tossing spoons is very skillful!

His movements are like standard textbook images, and every move is standard as if it is a replica. The grace and skill of flipping spoons is beyond everyone's imagination.

Gao Chao was convinced.

This is the level that can only be achieved after hard training.

Chen Xinwei felt his scalp tingling, this kid's culinary foundation is indeed very solid.

Principal Li and the leaders of the Education Bureau were dazzled. No wonder they were able to perform a cooking show on stage. This dish is really pleasing to the eye!

Li Linfeng sighed: This kid, he is acting aggressive again!

Zhao Bingbing and other female students were all focused on Fu Yu's handsome face!

With such a handsome face, his cooking skills must be good!

Look, it's really good!

Fu Yu casually poured in walnuts, added salt, and added some chili sauce.

After frying until fragrant, pour a little vinegar and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

Just as Fu Yu stopped stir-frying, Gao Chao quickly handed over the round deep-bottomed porcelain plate used to serve the dishes, and placed them directly in the most convenient place for Fu Yu to serve the dishes.

Fu Yu nodded, the superb cooperation made him feel very comfortable.

Although it was only cooking one dish, Fu Yu could finish it all by himself.

But having a profitable helper by your side can save a lot of operation and unnecessary trouble.

With Gao Chao at his side, Fu Yu cooks more easily.

Fu Yu served the dishes while arranging them.

Pile the diced chicken and walnuts into hills, dotted evenly with green onions and slightly reddish green peppers.

At first glance, I just think it is very neat and pleasing to the eye.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that each piece of chopped green onion and green pepper is exquisitely dotted between the walnuts and diced chicken. If there is more, it will look messy, and if there is less, it will affect the overall appearance.

This set of operations is a test of the plate-setting skills of the person in charge.

Fu Yu casually showed off his skill in arranging dishes.

Gao Chao was stunned.


【Ding! Obtain the NPC chef's superb favorability +5]

Fu Yu: "."

Regarding the cooking of this dish, neither Gao Chao nor Director Chen, nor even Principal Li, who was watching from the audience with the leaders of the Education Bureau, actually didn't have much confidence.

Stewed chicken is not a difficult dish.

But this Yangbi walnut chicken is very special because I have never seen it before.

In addition, there were reporters from the city's TV station and the leaders of the Education Bureau watching from the sidelines. For the performers on stage, it was actually very stressful.

And Fu Yu's perfect performance made everyone present feel relieved.

The reporter had already stepped onto the stage early. Seeing that the cooking was finished, he hurriedly held up the microphone to conduct interviews.

"Fu Chu, can you tell me about this Yangbi Walnut Chicken?"

The cameraman pointed the camera at Fu Yu's handsome face at the right time.

Fu Yu smiled generously at the camera, and said: "Yangbi walnut chicken is a delicacy. The main ingredients are walnuts and chicken breast. It has the functions of nourishing the lungs and kidneys, improving eyesight, and is suitable for the fatigue of the lungs and kidneys. , complexion is not gorgeous, people without disease often eat it, it can resist aging and prolong life."

“The specialty of the dish is that the peach kernels are crispy and the diced chicken is smooth and tender”

Young handsome chef in clean and tidy clothes talking to the camera.

The picture is both beautiful and eye-catching.

After Fu Yu finished speaking, the reporter nodded with a smile, and asked casually: "However, since today's performance is cooking dishes by famous chef Qiu Jingxiu, why isn't Teacher Qiu present?"

At this moment, the atmosphere on the court instantly became tense!

Is this reporter an idiot?

How come which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted?

Since Qiu Jingxiu didn't come on stage, it must be because of special reasons!

The host couldn't help but interjected, "Teacher Qiu was already on stage during the previous cooking show."

Gao Chao frowned, and couldn't help being a little worried.

How to answer this question?

In the audience, Principal Li and Chen Xinwei couldn't help looking at Director Chen.

Director Chen's brow was sweating anxiously, but at this time, it was hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and she thought to herself: Look at me for a fart! Lao Tzu was not on stage again.

Gao Chao took half a step back to avoid the camera, watching his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose.

Anyway, he is just a helper, so at this time, the chef must be on top.

At this moment, everyone's attention was focused on Fu Yu.

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