Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 371 Very Important and Difficult

The place for the dinner was set at the People's Restaurant near the chef school.

This restaurant used to be the student restaurant of No. 3 Middle School, but it was outsourced later.

Because it is located on Xuefu Road, dine-in is available, and there are spacious private rooms, so when you are studying at school, if there is any dinner party, everyone will come here.

The main thing is cheap.

The same dish can be much cheaper than other restaurants outside, and the quantity is large, and if you book a table, you can get a discount.

Fu Yu changed his clothes, took a taxi and rushed over.

He arrived a bit late, but we reunited after a long absence, so we didn't care about it.

Seeing him coming, everyone's reaction was surprise and joy.

They were all classmates who had studied and lived together before. After a year of separation, apart from being a bit cautious at the beginning, when the drinks were in their stomachs, they were led by classmates who were cheerful and good at enlivening the atmosphere. Soon, everyone quickly became familiar with each other.

Familiar environment, familiar dishes, the students present here are still from the time when they were studying.

Just one year after graduation, no one has changed much, and the topics of conversation are all familiar things, and the atmosphere at the dinner table is warm and harmonious.

Looking at the students present, Fu Yu was somewhat moved.

Although he couldn't see it on the surface, he really felt that he was the one who changed the most during this year.

Everyone ate and chatted, asking each other how they were doing.

Most of them are still engaged in corresponding jobs, either as small workers in big restaurants, or as assistant cooks in small restaurants.

There are also a few who go it alone and make snacks.

One was very successful, selling boxed lunches at the entrance of a tourist school, because the agricultural school was not far away, and the boxed lunches he made were delicious and plentiful, and were well received by students.

Looking at the humble stall business, it can make a profit of more than 20,000 yuan in a good month.

Hearing that others were envious.

Knowing that Fu Yu had successfully become a full-time employee at Maxima, a group of people started booing excitedly. They stopped calling Fu Yu by name, and collectively changed their name to Fu Chu.

Fu Yu was not annoyed when he was being teased, he cheerfully cooperated with everyone's jokes.

There were originally forty people in their class, but today there were only a dozen or so present. They asked for a large private room, and everyone squeezed together and sat down at one table.

Those who come here are all the students who have stayed in the local area and have not traveled far, and many of them have gone to other places after graduation.

There are some students who still keep in touch with each other, and talking about each other now has caused a discussion and chatting.

After dinner, someone suggested going back to school to take a look.

After graduating and leaving for a year, when I saw the place where I studied and lived, I felt that every plant and tree became very friendly.

A group of people bought fruit baskets and flowers on a whim to visit the teacher.

With the help of the teacher, we went to the former classroom and took a group photo together.

The teacher took the time to catch up with them for a while, and asked with concern where everyone went this year, and how their current salary is.

After leaving the school, it seems that the bond with the teacher has disappeared. Everyone has a relaxed attitude, and when talking about their own affairs, they are less scruples and more casual.

In the chef's profession, all you have to do is experience and experience.

They, a group of newcomers who have just graduated for a year, are barely able to stand up now.

Most people are still struggling in the competition to become a full-time employee, while a small number of people are considering going it alone.

After all, working in a restaurant is a lot of work, complicated personnel, and low salary.

Although everyone has just graduated for a year, the best age is in their early twenties.

But after entering the society, the pressure you can feel is still very high.

The previous heartless days seemed to be overturned all at once. There were more and more things backlogged in my heart, and the problems that needed to be considered became obviously more and more complicated.

A year passed quickly.

Suddenly, Fu Yu suddenly discovered that although everyone has changed a lot, the essence is still the same.

For example, I am still the same confused, the same enthusiasm for life, and the same poor.

After this gathering, Li Linfeng created a Bei'an classmate group, and everyone joined in.

Fu Yu took a taxi back to the dormitory, and the news in the group was almost maxed out.

Someone uploaded a group photo, and immediately there were comments and emotions from other people.

Fu Yu swiped the group messages for a while, chatted for a while, and then exited the interface.

He didn't take a rest right away, but called out the barbecue video that Liu Yuqing had helped record earlier.

Now that you have decided to complete the task and do it with your heart, you will naturally put your all into it.

Fu Yu opened the video, watched it carefully from beginning to end, and classified and summarized some details in the operation.

After reaching the advanced firing personal skill, Fu Yu's vision and understanding of this personal skill also improved.

While watching the video, his thoughts and some opinions also began to be subtly influenced.

Even when he saw a certain operation he made, what came to his mind at the same time was the content repeated by the electronic voice in the teaching practice class.

It's just that at the time, he didn't pay attention, but now he suddenly discovered that those knowledge points had already been used by him with ease and mastered.

Barbecue is divided into direct roasting and indirect roasting.

Direct baking can be divided into open fire and dark fire.

The barbecue utensils used include barbecue forks, metal barbecue needles, bamboo barbecue sticks, metal basins, disposable paper cups, and barbecue clips.

The types of main foods, the classification of seasoning sauces, food ingredients, etc. are all knowledgeable.

If you want to prepare suitable barbecue ingredients, you must not only consider the differences in the tastes of various ingredients, but also pay attention to the specific weight of the seasoning ratio.

This is very important, but also very difficult.

Because Fu Yu has never tried ingredients by himself.

And none of the recipes he knew was original.

There are not many people who can create a brand new secret seasoning.

One is that those who can do this must have superb cooking skills and profound cooking experience.

But also have a rich imagination, and the pursuit of food innovation.

Wanting to innovate a brand-new barbecue condiment puts high demands on the chef, and the trial phase is very long, which results in the consumption of time and ingredients.

So, it’s not that ordinary chefs are stupid and have no sense of innovation, but that everyone is often tired of coping with heavy work and doesn’t have so much energy to study this matter.

In comparison, isn't it delicious to directly follow the secret recipe handed down by the chef and the prepared seasoning method provided by the store?

Instead of trying to develop a brand new barbecue material, it is better to use the ready-made recipe directly, which is more convenient and labor-saving.


Talking kohlrabi rewarded 8,000 starting coins! Thank you! !

2,000 starting coins from Majesty's reward! Thank you! !

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