Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 376: Completely Beaten

Music restaurant VIP room.

The front office manager personally received three customers who booked the medicinal diet conditioning treatment.

The three women were all well-dressed. During the conversation, they discussed the specific matters about the medicinal diet therapy that they had learned from Wang Xueli just now.

Because they are very excited, they are very cooperative when handling the booking procedures.

Originally, I just came here to inquire about the conditioning procedure of this medicinal diet. After all, a course of treatment costs 200,000 yuan. When I suddenly learned the price, the first thing that got me hooked was curiosity.

Such an expensive medicated diet, what kind of expensive ingredients must be used for cooking?

As a result, when I arrived at the store, after being recommended by the waiter to meet Wang Xueli, I saw with my own eyes the table in front of her that seemed to be full of color and fragrance.

Regardless of the price for the time being, just these few plates of dishes with a lot of background made them eye-opening.

When I saw the comparison photos of Wang Xueli before and after diet therapy, I was even more stunned and moved.

The contrast effect of the photos is really shocking.

If it weren't for the photos in front of them, they would not believe anything they said. This woman with a temperament and a beautiful face in front of her used to have the haggard appearance of a yellow-faced woman.

The skin and temperament are really different!

In fact, Wang Xueli has a good foundation and a pretty face. Although she is a little fat, she is very tasteful in dressing.

Since taking the medicated diet therapy, I slowly changed the original dark-colored clothes into bright colors that better complement the skin tone. The whole person looks like a spring flower again, and it starts to become full of vitality again.

Although Wang Xueli looks a bit like Tuo, especially this group of collage photos, it is very likely that they are fake photos of P.

But it is undeniable that they were still attracted by the main functions of the table of medicinal food in front of them.

It can beautify the skin, replenish qi and nourish the blood, which is what middle-aged women like them most desire and care about.

And the efficacy of this table of medicinal food just hit their desire to stay young forever.

In the box, several women chatted with Wang Xueli for a long time with great interest.

Friendships between women are often very simple to establish.

Sometimes all it takes is a common thread that can be effectively maintained.

After three or five sentences, several people became more familiar with each other, and Wang Xueli showed them her former circle of friends with great interest.

Even after a beautification process, the three of them were dumbfounded by the photos that looked obviously haggard and old.

Because there is a clear date display on the circle of friends, and most of the messages left by friends are tactfully persuading Wang Xueli to pay more attention to health care.

Wang Xueli vividly said that she had been ill due to blind weight loss and hired a nutritionist at a high price to take care of her body.

All of a sudden, the three of them were completely thrilled!

Appointment required!

Must eat it!

Isn't it just a few hundred thousand? Originally, the cost of maintenance is not low on weekdays. Now I finally come across such a good opportunity with immediate results. If I can't grasp it, I will regret it!

Especially when I heard that because Wang Xueli ate well, she recommended it to many friends, and when those rich women were all gearing up to come and make an appointment with Fu Yu, the three of them couldn't sit still.

Don't fail to rank because of momentary indecision, it's too much to lose!

In order not to miss the good opportunity of beauty and beauty, and let themselves be happy for nothing, the three of them hurriedly called the waiter in the store, and went to follow the appointment procedures for medicinal meals.

They paid the money here, and Fu Yu came over and communicated with them about the specific medicinal diet and treatment time.

All matters have been discussed, and finally it is agreed to start the medicated diet therapy from next week.

It was the first time for Fu Yu to come to the staff dormitory of the music restaurant.

Spacious room size, the layout of a suite, two people in one room, equipped with a separate toilet, shower, refrigerator, color TV, washing machine and other small appliances are all available.

The staff dormitory of Maxima and the staff dormitory of the music restaurant are completely a heaven and an underground.

In Fu Yu's view, the staff dormitory of the music restaurant is comparable to a bachelor's apartment.

Because Zhang Zhen is the head chef, he enjoys the special privilege of having a dormitory all by himself.

However, because he lives in this city, unless there is a temporary job in the store and he needs to work overtime, under normal circumstances, he will not live in the dormitory.

There will be a cold atmosphere in a room that no one has lived in for a long time. At this time, because of Zhang Zhen's chatter, there is a sense of warmth at home.

Zhang Zhen really couldn't wait.

After finally waiting for Zhang Xueyao to come, he hurried to the back kitchen and called Fu Yu over.

"Chu Fu, I'll trouble you in a while, the person has already arrived, so I'm waiting inside!"

Zhang Zhen is grateful and looking forward to Fu Yu now, and his attitude when facing Fu Yu unconsciously becomes more friendly and kind: "Let's go, go in quickly, there is no need to change shoes."

Fu Yu didn't show any politeness to Zhang Zhen, and went straight in.

Inside was a comfortable double bed, with a couch next to it near the window.

As soon as Fu Yu walked in, he saw a little girl sitting on the sofa.

The girl wore a ponytail, and the bangs on both sides deliberately left a thick layer of hair, covering half of her small face that was originally small.

Hearing the sound, she looked up, only took a quick glance, then quickly turned her head slightly, and then stretched out her hand very skillfully to brush her hair in front of her face again.

Although he moved quickly, Fu Yu could still see the very obvious acne marks on her face.

The girl's eyes are actually very beautiful, standard almond-shaped eyes, and the bridge of the nose is high. If it weren't for the two large pimples on the nose, her profile face would still be very delicate.

However, if you take a closer look, you will find that the girl's facial skin is almost covered with large and small pimples and healed pimple marks.

These traces of different shades completely ruined the little girl's supposedly beautiful face.

Sensing Fu Yu's gaze, the little girl reached out and pushed her hair forward again.

Fu Yu saw the little girl's obviously humble behavior, and for a moment his chest felt tight and numb, and he couldn't bear it.

"Yaoyao, this is Chef Fu, I'll ask him to come over and take a look for you."

Zhang Zhen regarded himself as an elder, and spoke in a natural tone, but when no one was paying attention, he secretly sighed.


The little girl greeted Fu Yu politely.

When she was talking, she looked at Fu Yu, but after saying hello, she quickly averted her gaze.

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