Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 378 What is this doing?

After some analysis, Fu Yu found that it is not a simple matter to design a set of medicinal diet specially suitable for improving and treating acne.

If it is pure food therapy, you only need to make good use of herbs and ingredients for cooking, that's okay.

But when it comes to psychological counseling and the conscious cooperation of customers, it is completely different.

In this way, there are many issues to consider.

It is necessary to consider the combination of ingredients and medicines, the choice of taste, and the design of several dishes for a table. When eating, how can we ensure that the color, fragrance and taste are complete, so that the eaters will move their index fingers and whet their appetites.

Also consider the right amount of food, you can't overeat, and you have to control your food intake.

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door outside, and before Zhang Zhen could answer, a female voice came later: "Chef Zhang, are you in the room?"

Zhang Zhen rushed out to greet him, and when he saw the person coming, he hurriedly greeted him with a smile, "Oh, Manager Li, come in quickly."

Li Xintong, the front office manager who came here specially to find someone, came in after hearing the sound.

After entering the back room, seeing Fu Yu and Zhang Xueyao sitting and standing talking in a low voice, they looked at Zhang Zhen in surprise.

What is this doing?

Before she could say anything, Zhang Zhenxian whispered, "Wait a minute, this side will be fine soon."

Li Xintong looked at Fu Yu in surprise, and heard him ask softly: "Is there anything you don't like to eat?"

Fu Yu carefully summed up all the medicinal dishes that he had cooked and touched in the teaching practice classroom, and he had a general direction in his mind.

However, cooking is not like other dishes. Before deciding on specific dishes, you need to communicate with customers about food taboos and understand their preferences in terms of taste.

Zhang Xueyao was obviously taken aback by the question, and subconsciously replied: "It's all right, I'm not picky."

Fu Yu did not skip this link, but reconfirmed: "Are there any vegetables or fruits, you don't really like their taste? And in terms of taste, what do you like best? Is it sweet? Salty? Is it sweet or sour?"

After Zhang Xueyao hesitated for a while, she whispered, "I don't really like eggplants, onions, ginger, and cauliflower."

After counting everything down, I suddenly realized that I had said too much, and hurriedly explained: "But I just don't like it a little bit. I usually eat these dishes. Really, I'm not picky eaters."

Fu Yu found that this little girl was really very good, she was afraid of causing trouble to others, and being sensible made people feel distressed.

Fu Yu reached out to touch the pen. Usually in the back kitchen, he was used to taking notes.

But after looking through his pockets, he realized that he was not wearing a chef uniform.

Zhang Zhen saw it, and hurriedly asked, "Fu Chu, what do you need?"

Fu Yu said, "I need paper and pen."

Zhang Zhen hurriedly found the things, and helped move the tea table to the side of the sofa.

Fu Yu took the paper and pen, sat on the sofa, and began to record.

Zhang Zhen was by his side, as if he was always on call.

Standing by the side, Li Xintong was dumbfounded, watching the interaction between Zhang Zhen and Fu Yu in disbelief.

What great ability does Fu Yu have?

Zhang Zhen is so respectful to him?

Li Xintong is the front office manager of the music restaurant. He usually manages the personnel arrangement and customer reception in the banquet hall.

She rarely had contact with the back kitchen, but she also knew that Fu Yu was the chef brought by the boss Yao Shi, and he usually worked part-time in the store.

It's just that she thought that the part-time job was due to the relationship with the boss who left, and she came to the back kitchen to learn experience and hone her cooking skills.

After all, Fu Yu is really too young, and the back kitchen is not like other positions. It is simply not feasible to gain a foothold in the chef industry based on talent alone.

But later, I heard that Fu Yu made innovative dishes for the restaurant, got a bonus, and then developed a new eight-dish eight-bowl mat.

Recently, a set of medicated food conditioning tables has come out. Due to the high price of 200,000 a course of treatment, it has caused quite a stir in the store.

Li Xintong changed his contemptuous attitude towards Fu Yu because of this, thinking that this person is clearly hiding something.

So right now, Zhang Zhen's abnormal behavior aroused Li Xintong's curiosity.

What is Fu Yu going to do now?

Fu Yu buried his head and began to record Zhang Xueyao's eating preferences on paper.

Various corresponding medicinal dishes are listed below one by one.

Li Xintong couldn't help but leaned closer and poked his head out to have a look.

They all speak like their own.

Fu Yuren is good-looking, and his handwriting is not bad. Although the font is not particularly stylish, it is neat and clear, and the font is large.

Standing beside him, Li Xintong could clearly see the names of the dishes written on the paper.

Loquat leaf chrysanthemum porridge?

Fruit and vegetable mung bean drink?

what is this?

Innovative porridge and drinks?

No, it should be medicinal food, right?

But this porridge with loquat leaves and chrysanthemums, as the name suggests, should be porridge made from loquat leaves and chrysanthemums.

And what kind of fruit and vegetable mung bean drink is this, probably some bitter gourd, cucumber, apple and so on, cooked with mung bean?

It sounds quite reasonable, they are all heat-clearing and detoxifying things.

But this is a bit different from the expensive price of medicinal food, right?

Zhang Zhen also came over at this time, took a closer look, and frowned slightly.

I have never heard of these dishes. They are not the dishes on the menu of ordinary restaurants.

Dried sea rice?

Purslane mixed with soybean sprouts?

Can these things be cooked together?

Vinegar ginger papaya?

What does that smell like?

After watching for a while, Zhang Zhen suddenly thought of something, and suddenly realized!

Fu Yu is not a professional dermatologist.


He is a chef, but he knows a little bit about medicinal food. How could Fu Yu be proficient in such professional skin treatment?

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhen's mind, which had been dazzled by seeing hope before, slowly sobered up.

After all, medicated food is something to eat, not pure medicine. Even the doctors in the hospital can't treat the skin disease immediately. Want Fu Yu to do it through diet therapy?

I was also a little too whimsical.

Fu Yu eloquently listed a list of recipes, then deleted, deleted, and added.

It took a long time to finalize the recipe for the first course of medicated diet.

Fu Yu tentatively decided on four dishes, three porridges, three soups, one drink, one tea and one ointment.

Drinks and tea can be prepared by him, let Zhang Xueyao take it home, and drink it as water every day.

The medicated diet paste can also be boiled and stored in cold storage.

In this way, it is convenient for Zhang Xueyao to take it for a long time to promote the curative effect, and it will not cause trouble to her daily work.

Once a week of medicated diet therapy, combined with the daily tea soup, Fu Yu felt that the effect would definitely be better.

Finally, check the entire set of medicated diet recipes with the food compatibility table item by item.

After confirming that it was correct, after finalizing all the dishes, Fu Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

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