Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 383 Seems to make sense

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhen was slightly taken aback, and suddenly thought of another thing.

Since Fu Yu was able to design a medicated diet course specifically for the treatment of acne, it meant that he knew very well about health preservation in traditional Chinese medicine, not even inferior to Xiao Jiping.

At this moment, Zhang Zhen was completely shocked.

How old is Fu Yu?

This kid!

Since the first meeting, it seems that they have been successfully pretending to have a perfect ending.

again and again.

Counting the scenes in which he was pretended many times, Zhang Zhen couldn't help feeling deep self-doubt.

Is it because I am too stupid, or is Fu Yu too awesome?

He's only in his early twenties, and he already conquered the exquisite medicinal diet?

It is even possible to casually design a medicinal diet that even experts in traditional Chinese medicine classify as folk prescriptions.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhen suddenly felt enlightened and came to his senses.

It's no wonder that with the shrewdness and government of his own boss, he is willing to use his shop as a stepping stone to provide Fu Yu with a bridge to open up new careers.

This is clearly because he saw Fu Yu's potential early on.

The icing on the cake is nothing like sending charcoal in the snow.

Reaching out to help at the end of the day, it will definitely be an incomparably rich return in the future!

If it was someone else, would my boss be able to teach and help in such a good way?

Maybe not!

Zhang Zhen suddenly felt that it was no wonder that Fu Yu gave people the impression that he was always calm and calm.

Because he is very confident in what he is good at, and he is not afraid of being compared by others.

And even if it is compared, it's nothing.

After all, Fu Yu was still young, only in his early twenties.

When I was this age, I was still helping the master cook, right?

Zhang Zhen couldn't help but sighed.

This is really a very powerful back wave!

Why don't you follow the highest standard for tomorrow's door-to-door service fee?

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhen couldn't help but feel fawning.

The fact that Zhang Zhen asked Fu Yu for door-to-door service at his own expense must not be hidden.

He didn't want to hide it either.

That night, he called his boss, Yao Shi, and told the whole story.

After Yao Shi heard about it, he was quite happy to see its success.

Offer to borrow all the ingredients that are readily available in the store for free.

The medicinal materials can also be handed over to the buyer in the store to be responsible for purchasing.

Zhang Zhen was so moved that he almost swears on the phone that he will devote himself to the store until he dies.

After hanging up the phone, Yao Shi turned to Fu Yu and discussed with him. He planned to go over and watch in person when the medicinal meal was made tomorrow.

The medicated diet therapy that Fu Yu made for Zhang Xueyao is simply a ready-made advertisement.

Yao Shi understood the business opportunities that this matter might bring almost at a glance.

Acne is a disease that plagues many teenagers.

If it can really be cured through medicinal diet conditioning, then the potential customers that will follow are simply countless.

In Yao Shi's eyes, this is simply a key to a treasury shining with money.

With Yao Shi's help in the arrangement, Fu Yu went to the music restaurant early the next day in the name of door-to-door service.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Li Xintong talking with Zhang Zhen standing in the front hall.

Fu Yu greeted with a smile: "Manager Li, Chef Zhang, good morning!"

Li Xintong spent half the night chatting in the family group and girlfriends group respectively yesterday. Because of the two folk prescriptions, he chatted privately with people one by one about science.

It created a sense of presence in front of relatives and friends, and received unanimous praise.

This made Li Xintong so excited that he didn't fall asleep for the rest of the night.

Although he didn't have a good rest all night, his face was radiant and radiant the next day.

Li Xintong nodded to Fu Yu: "Fu Chu, good morning!"

Zhang Zhen glanced at Fu Yu, and there was no outsider beside him, so he said with a smile: "Chu Fu, the course of the medicinal diet has been set?"

Fu Yu: "It's settled. Dr. Xiao's thinking is very similar to mine, and our views on acne treatment are also very consistent. I think he should be more satisfied with the course of treatment of this group of medicinal diet. Of course, it is also the first time for me. If there are any deficiencies in this aspect of the conditioning medicinal diet, I can modify it accordingly when Dr. Xiao brings it up later."

"In this regard, Dr. Xiao is a professional. It is a good thing that you can't ask for it if you can discuss with him the customization of the medicinal diet. Speaking of it, I owe it to you, Chef Zhang!"

Zhang Zhen was stunned!

Hey. Putting it this way, it seems quite reasonable.

Fu Yu got the chance to discuss with the old Chinese doctor after he helped introduce Xiao Jiping.

So it's actually okay to do this by yourself? !

Li Xintong who was standing aside was dumbfounded.

A simple sentence downplays Zhang Zhen's previous careless behavior of riding a donkey to find a horse.

Seeing Zhang Zhen's relieved and somewhat happy expression, Li Xintong suddenly realized that he seemed to have underestimated Fu Yu.

Fu Yu handed over to Zhang Zhen the recipes for the medicinal diet course he had compiled.

Zhang Zhen immediately took a photo and passed it to Xiao Jiping.

Fu Yu recorded the recipe of this herbal diet in great detail.

Not only the name of the medicinal diet used in each course of treatment, but also the ingredients and medicinal materials used in each dish, and even the cooking methods are recorded in great detail.

This is not afraid of being stolen by others!

Just because of Fu Yu's heart, Zhang Zhen's admiration for him suddenly increased a bit.

Xiao Jiping quickly replied to the news, saying that the recipe of this herbal diet is very good.

Not only symptomatic, but also safe and reliable.

With the doctor's approval, Fu Yu started cooking.

Zhang Zhen personally took the recipes that need to be cooked today to the back kitchen to collect ingredients.

The buyer will help to purchase medicinal materials in the pharmacy.

Everything was ready, Yao Shi also rushed over to watch the cooking of the medicinal meal.

Yao Shi didn't come here by himself, he was accompanied by a photographer who was specially invited to record it full-time.

He was going to make a special edited photo album for Fu Yu, which would contain the records of the treatment process for Zhang Xueyao.

He has already communicated with Zhang Zhen about this matter.

Because this record will only be used as a reference for receiving other customers who need acne treatment in the future, Zhang Zhen readily agreed.

But for safety's sake, Yao Shi also promised to cover up Zhang Xueyao's appearance.

It is guaranteed that the effect can be seen intuitively while the real person cannot be recognized.

Fu Yu stood in front of the kitchen counter, ready to start cooking.

Zhou Yesong hurried forward and said, "Shall I help Fu Chu?"

When Fu Yu was cooking before, he was the assistant cook.

Zhang Zhen shook his head: "Today, I'll do it."

Zhou Yesong was taken aback for a moment, Zhang Zhen actually wanted to lay hands on Fu Yu?

what happened?

After all, Zhang Zhen was the chef, so how could he let him help.

This is not appropriate either!

Thinking of this, the other chefs couldn't help but said, "Chef Zhang, there's no need for this, right?"

Zhang Zhen looked at the crowd and smiled calmly.

I can't tell other people, this is because Fu Yu's medicinal food is very good. He is very curious and wants to observe it up close, right?

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