Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 664 Orthodox successor

After Yao Shi personally arranged the banquet for Kang Guijie, he left with his friends.

After settling down with friends and eating with them halfway through, I turned back on purpose.

To meet Kang Guijie, this is an opportunity that Lito has no good relationship with

Right now, he is in his own store, what a great opportunity, he can't miss it no matter what.

Yao Shi carried a bottle of good wine here and went over to entertain Kang Guijie.

In the back kitchen, Fu Yu had just finished cooking the noodles for two tables of old-fashioned dishes, and before he could free up his hands, the orderer came over to deliver the order again.

The orderer went straight to Fu Yu and handed over the order list.

Fu Yu took a look and couldn't help being stunned.


Why is it an old menu again?

There are still four dishes and one staple food, which are completely copied from the previous two orders.

The point is that the order was not placed on his head, and the designated chef's position was empty, which meant that it was not a regular customer ordering.

The orderer didn't pay attention to these at all.

The main reason is that this dish is also selected according to the previous order menu, and these dishes are all old dishes that have been taken off the shelves.

Since the first two orders fell on Fu Yu's head, this order must also be considered Fu Yu's.

Fu Yu has already taken over here, anyway, it's just a small table of noodles, and he has already cooked it smoothly, so it's not bad to make another one.

He was busy cooking, and just after the last dish of millet river crab was finished, a waiter came to report: "Chef Fu, Chef Yao asked you to go to 104."

Fu Yu was taken aback: "Chef Yao is here!"

After realizing it, he said in surprise, "Let me go to Room 104?"

The waiter nodded: "Yes, there is a gentleman from 104, he seems to know Yao Chef."

Upon hearing this, Fu Yu quickly responded, "Okay, I'll go there now."

104 boxes.

Kang Guijie ate to his heart's content.

He really didn't expect that Maxima still has such delicious old-fashioned dishes.

Whether it is the taste or the shape of the plate, it is very classic.

It's such a pity that it was taken off the shelf.

"It's a time-honored brand, it's really different."

Kang Guijie said this very sincerely.

Only a century-old shop like this can have so many secret dishes.

Yao Shi sat next to him, and said with a smile when he heard the words: "Actually, these dishes were popular for a while back then, but popular dishes are like this. The popularity is short, and after a period of time, it gradually fades away. gone."

Yao Shi didn't mention that the store is preparing to reorganize the old-fashioned dishes that have been removed from the shelves after the new year, and make another old-fashioned menu for customers to choose from.

After all, classic things, no matter how many years have passed, will never really become outdated.

As long as the timing is right, maybe when, it will re-enter the public's field of vision and become a favorite dish of customers again.

However, when it comes to the store's business plan, Yao Shi never mentioned it to outsiders.

On the contrary, Kang Guijie asked casually: "The chef in your restaurant is very skilled!"

He was attracted by the poached crab meat before.

It is not difficult to peel crab meat. Anyone can do it as long as they have the tools at hand and it takes a long time to do it.

But the arrangement of this millet river crab is really beautiful. If you want to split the crab meat into such pieces, it will test the chef's skill.

It is definitely not something Xiaogong can do.

Kang Guijie pointed at the crab meat, and then at the eel: "The knife skills are also superb, who is the master?"

Yao Shi really doesn't know, but seeing that these dishes are all stewed, Gu Yunwu must be in charge.

Just at this time, a waiter came to deliver the food.

Yao Shi asked casually, "Is Gu Chu taking the order for the noodles at this table?"

The food passer hurriedly said, "No, it's the chef Fu."

"Xiao Fu?!" Yao Shi was a little surprised.

It's not that he doesn't approve of Fu Yu's cooking skills.

But these old-fashioned dishes have already been taken off the shelves.

Fu Yu's working hours are short, and he has never been in contact with the cooking of these dishes.

Today is the first time for Yizhu to hold a spoon. I didn't expect that he did such a good job.

Yao Shi has experienced in society for a long time, and he never shows his emotions or anger.

I was so surprised right now that I couldn't control it.

Hearing his question, the waiter hurriedly said: "Yes, except for this table, the previous two orders for the same table were also taken over by Fu Fu."

When the waiter left, Kang Guijie asked with interest: "Is this chef Fu very young?"

Yao Shi can be called Xiaofu, this person should be in his thirties.

To be able to have such superb cooking skills at such a young age, Maxima is a hidden dragon and crouching tiger!

There is nothing to hide about this kind of thing.

Yao Shi said truthfully: "Oh, his name is Fu Yu, and he has just been employed for a year."

Kang Guijie was taken aback: "Did you work in another restaurant before?"

Yao Shi smiled: "No, he was directly recommended by the school to practice in the restaurant after graduating from the chef school."

Kang Guijie was also a little surprised this time: "Really?"

A student who just graduated from the chef school, and he is in his early twenties.

He originally thought that Fu Yu might be in his thirties, and he was too young when he thought about it, but he never expected to be so young.

Kang Guijie immediately became more interested in this young chef whom he had not met yet.

"Xiao Yao, can you call someone over so I can meet?"

A young man in his early twenties can have such superb cooking skills, such superb knife skills, maybe he has a different background?

In the circle, there are many young and capable people like this, but most of them are heirs of culinary families, who have been carefully cultivated since childhood.

Then there is the master who follows is very powerful.

Kang Guijie couldn't help but look at Yao Shi more.

In fact, when Yao Shi was young, he was considered a well-known talent in the circle.

Think of that great master Yao Shi.

Kang Guijie thought about it, and he had some guesses.

This Fu Chu is probably not Yao Shishou's apprentice, right?

It is reasonable to say that the apprentice brought out by Yao Shi can reach the current level.

It is said that laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the way.

Although the few dishes in front of him can't represent everything, but based on the cooking techniques and knife skills, Kang Guijie can basically judge that Fu Chef's cooking skills are very good.

At least he shouldn't be much worse than those apprentices under him.

Thinking of this, Kang Guijie couldn't help but take another high look at Fu Chu.

When Fu Yu got the news, he quickly put down his work, greeted Zhao Meng, and rushed to room 104.

After entering the door, Fu Yu saw Yao Shi sitting in front of the dining table, holding a wine glass in his hand.

Sitting next to Yao Shi was a middle-aged man in his forties, with fair complexion and well-dressed.

To be able to eat at the same table as Yao Shi, and to enter Box 104, this person must be either rich or noble.

Fu Yu hurriedly put a smile on his face, first called "Chef Yao", and then walked quickly to the front.

Yao Shi smiled and waved, and introduced: "This is the chef of Sanweiju in the provincial capital, Kang Guijie, Kang Chef."

After Fu Yu heard the middle-aged man's name, his eyes widened in surprise.

This person turned out to be Kang Guijie!

Fu Yu had heard of Kang Guijie when he was in school.

This is a very famous bigwig in the circle!

However, there are rumors that Kang Guijie has learned to cook from his master since he was a child, and he has been cooking at the stove since he was a teenager. He has more than 30 years of cooking experience.

According to this deduction, Kang Guijie's youngest age would be in his early fifties.

But this one in front of him looks too young.

While Fu Yu was secretly looking at Kang Guijie, Kang Guijie was also looking at Fu Yu in amazement.

Although he knew that Fu Yu was not very young, he never expected that this person was actually quite talented.

Everyone in the world is more likely to have a good impression of beautiful things.

Especially with a preconceived understanding, this young chef, who is superb in cooking, now looks humble and polite, with outstanding looks.

Kang Guijie's first impression of Fu Yu was very good.

After the two sides got to know each other, Fu Yu didn't know what to say for a while.

On the contrary, Kang Guijie praised this table very much.

Kang Guijie looked at Fu Yu with a smile, and asked, "You can master such superb cooking skills at such a young age. Who is your master?"

A line of chefs like no other.

Without the help of a master, it is impossible to practice the craft at all.

And with conditions like Fu Yu, needless to say, the master must be a master.

Fu Yu replied truthfully: "My master is Zhao Meng."

Since he entered the shop, he has been learning to cook under Zhao Meng. Although he has not formally apprenticed to a master, Zhao Meng is his master.

As for Liu Yunong.

Fu Yu subconsciously looked at Yao Shi who was sitting next to him.

In this kind of occasion, I don't know if it's appropriate to mention Liu Yunong?

After hearing Fu Yu's words, Kang Guijie couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Zhao Meng?

Is he such a number one person in the circle?

After thinking about it carefully, and making sure that he had never heard of this person, Kang Guijie turned to look at Yao Shi: "Is this Chef Zhao also a master in your shop?"

Yao Shi hurriedly introduced: "Oh, Lao Zhao is the chef of our shop. After Xiaofu came over, he learned how to cook under his hands."

Kang Guijie frowned: "Didn't you say that Xiao Fu just came to work in the store for a year?"

Yao Shi explained: "Yes, after graduating from the culinary school, he came directly to our shop for an internship, and now he has become a regular."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Kang Guijie to continue asking, he took the initiative to introduce: "Xiao Fu is very talented in cooking, and this year he also participated in the chef competition held by the Sanjiang Tourism Festival, and won the first prize at that time, and he also paid homage to his master. Do you know Liu Yunong? Xiao Fu is worshiping under her."

Kang Guijie was a little surprised: "You actually worshiped Yunong as your teacher?"

When Liu Yunong was mentioned, Kang Guijie's attitude became more and more kind.

"Me and Yunong's father, we are old friends for many years, and we used to meet often. This time I am here for business, and I am going to visit her new branch. Unexpectedly, I met her apprentice."

Kang Guijie looked at Fu Yu: "Your master has never taken an apprentice, you are the first one!"

Fu Yu smiled, and said very modestly: "It's also a fluke that made my master make an exception."

When Kang Guijie heard this, he couldn't help but look up to Fu Yu more and more.

This young man is not easy!

Who in the circle doesn't know that the Liu family has never accepted outsiders.

As the descendants of Mrs. Liu, the Liu family has their own ancestral halo, and the Liu family's unique cooking skills have never been passed on from inside to outside.

Now the Liu family's catering industry has fallen into the hands of Liu Yunong, who has never accepted apprentices.

There are as many people who want to worship her as crucian carp crossing the river. After so many years, none of them can succeed.

After all, being able to apprentice with Liu Yunong is equivalent to being the orthodox heir of Liu's family cuisine.

Can this matter be casual?

As for the master chefs in the shop, they were all from the Liu family. No matter what, there must be a difference between taking care of apprentices and taking care of your own children.

If you want to say that in the current world, the heir of Liu Jiacai who has won the true inheritance must be Liu Yunong.

Fu Yudu has already worshiped under Liu Yunong, and he can still let him work in the kitchen of Maxima.

This matter

Kang Guijie looked at Fu Yu's handsome face, then at his tall and straight figure, and his gentle and polite attitude.

Something is wrong!

After chatting briefly, Kang Guijie smiled at Fu Yu: "Young man, not bad, work hard, there will definitely be development in the future!"

Kang Guijie spoke very highly of Fu Yu.

Originally, when he didn't know who Fu Yu studied under, he thought Fu Yu was very good.

Kang Guijie appreciates how young he is, only in his early twenties, to reach his current level.

But now that he knew that Fu Yu actually became a teacher of Liu Yunong, his impression of Fu Yu couldn't help but get better.

Not to mention anything else, just being able to successfully apprentice is a personal ability.

Fu Yu didn't stay for too long, and there was still a lot of work to be done in the back kitchen.

After saying goodbye politely, Fu Yu left the box.

This recommendation was a big surprise for Fu Yu.

The big boss in the industry who usually only heard about it actually talked to him, and he was also praised by the other party.

This kind of good thing is like a pie in the sky, right?

To be honest, Fu Yu never thought that he would have the opportunity to know Kang Guijie.

Kang Guijie is the chef of Sanweiju in the provincial capital, and Sanweiju is the designated place to entertain the upper-level leaders.

Kang Guijie is usually busy with noble affairs, and this time he happened to come to Bei'an on business and passed by here, so he came in and tasted the special dishes.

In fact, with Kang Guijie's status, he casually revealed that many old and new friends in the circle probably heard the news and came here long ago, and warmly entertained him.

One must know that being able to establish a relationship with Kang Guijie is equivalent to gaining a very large network of contacts.

To put it bluntly, Kang Guijie was at the level of a bigwig in the industry.

There are so many people who want to hug their thighs!

Fu Yu walked towards the back kitchen while waiting with his ears pricked up.

Seeing that he entered the back kitchen, he didn't hear the system prompt beeping.


He originally thought that if he could get acquainted with Kang Guijie, why shouldn't he give some task rewards, but it turned out that he didn't at all.

It seems that this failed to meet the mission requirements.


In the private room, Yao Shi stayed with Kang Guijie after eating, and then sent him away in person, before he hurried back to find his friend.

Opportunity is such a thing, if you meet it, you can't let it go easily.

However, I didn't expect Fu Yu to be quite lucky.

You know, even if he wants to get acquainted with Kang Guijie, he has to rely on connections and find a door.

This kid is lucky, by chance, he really caught Kang Guijie's eyes.

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