Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 811 Lost the Sense of Taste

As soon as Gao Shaoyuan put down the spoon, a waiter came in with the food.

"Hello! Polygonum multiflorum and astragalus eggs are ready!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yu and Gao Jinbo subconsciously looked at Gao Shaoyuan.

If the previous smoothie had nothing to do with medicinal cuisine in terms of presentation or taste, then this Polygonum multiflorum and Astragalus Egg Pot is an authentic medicinal cuisine.

It is Polygonum multiflorum and Astragalus membranaceus. Just by hearing the name of the dish, I feel that this medicinal diet must be very authentic, and it is likely to have a strong medicinal flavor.

The waiter carried the tray and placed the medicinal food in front of Gao Shaoyuan.

Before Gao Shaoyuan came forward, Lin Yu stretched his head closer and smelled the medicinal food.

Hearing this, his face immediately changed.

In fact, in all honesty, the shape of this herbal diet is really exquisite. The small bowl shaped like a lotus leaf is crystal clear and emerald green. There are a few sliced ​​eggs in it. The soup is clear and transparent, which can be seen at a glance. in the end.

The most amazing thing about this herbal diet is that the sliced ​​eggs are not cloudy in the soup, and against the green background, they look particularly appetizing.

However, the taste of this traditional Chinese medicine is too strong, with a slightly bitter taste and a hint of sweetness. Just by smelling it, I feel that the soup must not be very tasty.

Gao Shaoyuan also leaned forward and glanced at the medicated meal in front of him. With just one glance, his brows immediately frowned, and he reached out and pinched his nose.

This smell!


Seeing his state, Lin Yu immediately felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy: "Son, how are you doing, are you okay?"

Gao Shaoyuan pinched his nose, waited for the upward force to pass, and then shook his head: "It's okay, it's just a little disgusting."

He could hold on just by smelling it.

But this medicinal meal smells so good, if you take a bite, you have to send him away!

Gao Shaoyuan frowned and looked at the medicinal meal in front of him, then shook his head: "It's okay, it's okay if you don't just smell it!"

Either way, he had to take a bite, so Gao Shaoyuan thought about it, picked up the spoon and poured a spoonful of soup first.

At this moment, both Lin Yu's and Gao Jinbo's hearts hung high, worrying whether Gao Shaoyuan would vomit after taking this medicated diet.

Affected by their tense atmosphere, Yao Shi and Li Xintong were inexplicably nervous too!

When the medicinal food was served just now, even they could smell the faint medicinal fragrance, let alone taste it with their own mouths.

Yao Shi whispered to Li Xintong: "Have you prepared the dirt bag?"

Li Xintong hurriedly replied in a low voice: "It has already been sent in."

The conversation between the two was not loud, but the waiter standing next to him could hear it clearly.

The waiter is an old man in the store. Because of his good image and good temperament, he always stays at the front desk to receive customers.

Just a few years ago, the waiter in the store who was in charge of communicating with customers about ordering food, because she had something to do at home, so Li Xintong promoted her when she was re-election.

Usually by Li Xintong's side, he is familiar with the custom arrangements for taking over large banquets.

She had also heard about Fu Yu's matter, and because she was with Li Xintong, she knew it better.

However, hearing the conversation between his boss and Li Xintong at this time, he still couldn't help but feel a little worried.

She is also aware of the customer's situation, and she can't take traditional Chinese medicine at all, but the taste of this medicinal diet is indeed too strong.

If the customer really vomits after eating, will the order not be accepted?

Thinking of this, the waiter couldn't help but worry, don't, don't!

If this table of medicated meals can be customized, then her performance this month will be off to a good start!

All the people inside and outside the room focused on Gao Shaoyuan.

Gao Shaoyuan pinched his nose with one hand and put a spoon into his mouth with the other. His body was stiff and his expression seemed heroic.

Just as he was about to drink the soup, Lin Yu had already stretched out the dirt bag early, and when Gao Shaoyuan felt like throwing up, he immediately handed it to his mouth.

As soon as a spoonful of warm herbal soup was put into his mouth, the expression on Gao Shaoyuan's face changed immediately.

From the original rejection, it was directly distorted into a painful mask.

"Crack! This is too astringent!"

Gao Shaoyuan frowned, and grinned his teeth. As soon as the spoonful of hot soup entered his mouth, before he could feel the disgusting taste of the traditional Chinese medicine, his tongue was numb from the tip to the base of his tongue.

What is this medicated diet made of!

The taste is simply amazing!

Gao Shaoyuan smacked his mouth, good guy!

Is this good medicine or poison!

After one sip, he lost his sense of taste.

He didn't taste the slightest taste of the herbal soup that he drank just now.

Lin Yu observed his reaction, and asked cautiously: "Son, how are you doing, do you want to vomit?"


Gao Shaoyuan came to his senses, right!

Because the tongue has no feeling, so when drinking the medicinal food, I can't taste any taste, and naturally I don't feel like vomiting!

As for being a little nauseated because of the smell of Chinese herbal medicines, this level is still tolerable.

Realizing this, Gao Shaoyuan hurriedly poured another spoonful of soup into his mouth.

I don't know if the impact just now was too violent, but this time when he drank the soup again, he only felt that the tip of his tongue was numb and crispy, and he didn't have the impact of the first bite.

Although the tongue is uncomfortable, but I don't feel like vomiting.

This made Gao Shaoyuan burst into ecstasy. Since he didn't want to vomit, it meant that he could take the medicinal diet!

Thinking of this, Gao Shaoyuan is also looking forward to it. If he can customize the medicinal diet, then his hair will be saved!

After drinking a few sips of herbal soup, Gao Shaoyu tried to scoop up a piece of egg. After chewing, he was completely relieved.

Come on!

He really can't taste anything!

That's fine, as long as you can eat this table of medicated food smoothly, it's worth the pain of your tongue.

He had just eaten a portion of Polygonum multiflorum and Astragalus egg pot, and the waiter began to serve other herbal diets one after another.

Unlike the long wait before, the food was served very fast this time.

Almost as soon as he finished one, another was quickly served.

He didn't know if it was because he was really hungry, or he was in a good mood after seeing Hope. He even ate the whole serving of Atractylodes Poria Chicken and Pig Ling Soup, which had no taste at all.

Gao Shaoyuan's appetite whetted so much that everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Yu and Gao Jinbo were even more excited.

What kind of wonderful medicinal diet is this?

The two of you look at me, I look at you, and my heart is ecstatic!

Yao Shi and Li Xintong who were waiting outside the door were equally excited!

It worked!

Customers can really eat normally!

Yao Shi silently counted the herbal meals that had already been served. Fu Yu's custom-made table had a total of six herbal meals, one porridge and two soups, two dishes and one staple food.

Now there should be a porridge, a soup, and a staple food that have not been served.

This made Yao Shi full of hope.

As long as he can eat the remaining three medicinal meals, the order will basically be stable.

After all, the customer's attitude is very clear, that is, they want to customize medicinal meals.

And when the last three medicinal meals were brought to the table, everyone inside and outside the room couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Seaweed Duck Soup!

Bran fried Alisma!

Mutton porridge!

In these three medicated diets, apart from stir-frying Alisma with bran, the other porridge and soup do not contain Chinese medicinal materials at all!

This alone is enough to make people ecstatic!

As long as there are no Chinese medicinal materials, Gao Shaoyuan can eat normally.

However, Yao Shi did not leave in a hurry, but watched Gao Shaoyuan finish a piece of bran fried Alisma without retching or refusing to eat, so he winked at Li Xintong and asked her to continue to accompany him. Here, you can deal with anything at any time.

And he himself hurried to the back kitchen to report the news!

It can make a person who can't take Chinese medicine at all happily finish several medicinal meals!

Yao Shi was amazed!

Because he couldn't figure out the mystery of it at all.

As for the back kitchen, Fu Yu also heaved a sigh of relief as the last herbal meal was taken away!

These herbal diets are the recipes of herbal diets that he has drawn up by himself by referring to the list of the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine (1) and the contents in the detailed cooking explanations of some soups.

Regardless of the taste, at least he can be sure that this table of medicinal food has an absolutely remarkable effect on hair growth and hair care.

Because of customizing this table of medicinal meals, he also gained a certain in-depth understanding of the treatment of baldness.

I am even confident that if the customer can adjust gradually according to the course of treatment he has planned, he will definitely achieve very good results in the end.

But the premise of all this is that customers can dine smoothly.

Seeing that Fu Yu finished cooking, Chef Lin and Chef Liu finally found the opportunity to talk with him about some details of the cooking just now.

Fu Yu is actually quite willing to discuss with them, because Lin Chu and Liu Chu are both experienced chefs with nearly 20 years of cooking experience.

His views and opinions on many issues can give him some inspiration.

When Yao Shi went to the back kitchen, the three of them were chatting enthusiastically.

Hearing that the customer had already dined smoothly, Fu Yu's heart that had been hanging high finally fell to the ground.

As long as Gao Shaoyuan can eat the medicated food, then this order is a certainty!

Seeing Yao Shi and Fu Yu's happy faces, Chef Lin was always outspoken and couldn't help asking about the situation.

After this question and answer, everyone in the back kitchen knew that the customers who came to the store today couldn't eat the traditional Chinese medicine soup, and they vomited as soon as they ate it.

As a result, this problem was actually solved by Fu Yu.

A table of herbal meals was eaten one after another. Not only did the customers not feel nauseated or vomited, but they also tasted delicious.

This news made everyone in the back kitchen can't help being amazed.

What cooking method is this?

Customers who can't taste the taste of traditional Chinese medicine can eat dishes cooked with medicinal materials.

Lin Chu and Liu Chu looked at each other in dismay!

However, what was surprisingly tacit between the two was that this time, no one said a word.

Because both of them are afraid of being despised if they speak out.

Obviously during the whole cooking process, the two of them were the closest and watched the most carefully.

But he didn't see what special cooking method Fu Yu used to stew the medicinal materials without any taste.

After all, if you have never eaten pork, you have always seen pigs run away.

However, any medicated diet cooked with medicinal materials often has a very unique taste of traditional Chinese medicine.

When the taste is cooked in a light way, it is impossible for ordinary ingredients to completely suppress the taste of the medicine.

However, shock is nothing but shock, but this kind of cooking method that I couldn't even see with my own eyes, I really can't ask!

Especially after the lively discussion and exchange just now, it is obvious that all the problems I discovered have been discussed.

As a result, I realized now that what I talked about just now was just superficial, and I haven't even been able to touch the key points yet!

Especially Lin Chu and Liu Chu are not ordinary cooks, they are all well-known chefs in the food circle of Bei'an, but they didn't notice any special cooking techniques!

Realizing this, the two of them immediately sighed.

And Chef Lin didn't have to say anything, and he wasn't afraid of losing face, otherwise he wouldn't have volunteered to be Fu Yu's assistant cook before.

After he heard about this incident, he couldn't hide his curiosity, but when he saw the calm expression of Chef Liu next to him, he blushed suddenly!

Just... I don't see anything?

Thinking of this, Chef Lin felt extremely ashamed.

What a step backwards!

However, when it comes to cooking, he has always been very curious and enterprising. He hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but ask: "Fu Chu. When you were cooking medicinal food just now, I was watching from the side! Don't say anything else The dish is the Polygonum multiflorum and Astragalus egg stew, although I haven’t tried it, but it smells like medicine! But, how can customers eat it without any problems?”

Seeing that Chef Lin was really curious, Fu Yu didn't hide it, and said truthfully: "Customers really can't take traditional Chinese medicine. A little bit of medicine is there, it's unavoidable. So I'm just... like that"

After listening to Fu Yu's description, Chef Lin was shocked!

So can medicated food still do this?

Regardless of the curative effect, just thinking of letting customers eat frozen sand fruit will make their lips and tongue numb and they can't taste the taste, so as to achieve the effect of smooth dining.

For this alone, even if he tried to break his head, he couldn't figure it out!

And Yao Shi understood the mystery of this, and while amazed, he was also quite proud in his heart!

Such an excellent chef was discovered by him alone!

This sense of pride in being a bole is very honorable. Although the herbal diet made by Fu Yu has not been widely spread yet, he believes that it is only a matter of time.

After all, when Fu Yu had just launched the medicated diet, his reputation had already attracted the appreciation and praise of Liu Shaoxian, an expert from the National Medicinal Diet Research Association, and Ren Yuchang, the vice president of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

But now, Yao Shi promises that with Fu Yu's cooking techniques and reasonable customization of medicinal food, this business will definitely become bigger and stronger in the future!

At that time, I will be Fu Yu's nobleman, and Fu Yu will be my treasure!

Thinking of this, Yao Shi was also quite excited!

The only one who was a little upset was Zhang Zhen who was on the side. After all, he was busy managing the kitchen before, and he didn't even watch the whole process.

But even so, after hearing Fu Yu's words, he couldn't help feeling that Xiao Fu is really stronger than before!

And the new chefs in charge of the kitchen feel that their three views are ruined!

It turns out that there is such a terrifying existence hidden in the back kitchen of the store?

Such brain power, such level of cooking skills, why haven't they heard of such a character in the store!

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