Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 825: Who Can Take Care Of Whom?

After Liu Yongping got drunk, the dinner soon ended.

Fu Yu saw that Dai Zijing was a bit unsteady supporting him alone, so he took a step forward and reached out to give him a hand.

Sensing Fu Yu's actions, Dai Zijing smiled gratefully, and said seriously: "Chu Fu, your cooking skills are really good, I really admire you!"

Fu Yu was taken aback: "Oh, is that so?"

Dai Zijing nodded: "Yeah!"

In the video contest of the previous annual meeting, Dai Zijing still participated in the event as a guest instead of Liu Yongping.

But now he praised Fu Yu so much.

Fu Yu smiled awkwardly: "Thank you."

Anyway, it's just polite words on the scene, it doesn't matter how you say it.

Dai Zijing said, "Fu Chu, can we exchange contact information?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Okay!"

After helping Liu Yongping into the car, Fu Yu and Dai Zijing exchanged contact information.

Dai Zijing said enthusiastically, "Chu Fu, let's keep in touch when we have time!"

Fu Yu waved his hand and replied, "Okay!"

When he came, Zhang Jiaxin drove him to pick him up, and when he went back, Dong Juntian personally saw him off.

Fu Yu and Yao Shi, who rushed over after hearing the news, stood at the door together, watched the car drive away, and then went back to the store side by side.

Putting Fu Yu's shoulders on Yao Shi's shoulders, he said sincerely: "The discussion between you and Chef Liu today was really exciting, and I feel that I have benefited a lot from it!"

Fu Yu became interested before, because he had a different understanding of cooking operations, so he ecstatically exchanged and discussed with Liu Yongping for a while.

I didn't notice it at the time, but now that I think about it, I can't help but say, "I'm a little emotional today."

Yao Shi could see what he was thinking at a glance, and patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "It's always like this in martial arts competitions, which shows that you really put yourself into it. This state is normal, and it shows that you attach great importance to this competition with Chef Liu. Communication is also an expression of respect for each other."

Fu Yu smiled: "The main reason is that Chef Liu is really high-level. I communicated with him, and I feel that I have learned a lot."

Yao Shi seriously warned: "Liu Chef's relationship is not easy to develop, now you have the opportunity to make friends, you have to seize it. In the future, if you have nothing to do, keep in touch. I see that he likes you very much, so he should be willing to associate with you."

Fu Yu nodded: "Well, I see."

Yao Shi looked at Fu Yu with a lot of emotion in his heart.

This kid's luck is really good!

Before that, he thought about taking care of Zhao Meng for his sake.

Look now!

In the future, it is really uncertain who will take care of whom?

Back in the back kitchen, Fu Yu took the order from his side and started to cook.

When the order list at hand was almost processed, the back kitchen also started to arrange lunch and prepare to rest.

Fu Yu had just eaten and didn't go to the dining room. He was about to pull a round stool over to rest for a while, when Zhu Wan came over.

Zhu Wan looked at Fu Yu, and said seriously: "Fu Chu, I will graduate in two years, and then I want to apply for a job in the back kitchen of Maxima. I...I want to follow you!"

Fu Yu was taken aback for a moment: "Oh, okay, then go for it!"

Zhu Wan smiled, thought of something, and said: "Fu Chu, my teacher is Teng Xue, she said you are a very good person, let me learn from you in the future."

"I think what the teacher said is very reasonable, and after listening to the discussion between Chef Liu and you just now, I really admire you!"

"Fu Chu, I adore you so much now, and you will be my idol in the future. I hope that one day in the future, I can learn cooking from you!"

Learning to cook is sometimes very similar to learning martial arts.

They are all convincing people with their strength!

Zhu Wan witnessed the culinary exchange between Fu Yu and Liu Yongping with his own eyes, which shocked him deeply.

Thinking of the teacher's previous instructions, he suddenly understood that it was his chance to meet Fu Yu during this precious internship.

Liu Yongping's status and his culinary skills are obvious to all.

And Fu Yu is so young, he can discuss cooking operations with Liu Yongping, and he is not inferior in any way, which shows how deep his cooking skills are and how talented he is!

It will take two years for me to graduate. With Fu Yu's strength, after two years, there may be some earth-shaking changes.

Right now, Fu Yu is only the chef in charge of the kitchen of Maxima, and he has a good opportunity to be close to the water, so he must seize whatever he says.

After graduating in the future, he must apply for a job in the kitchen of Maxima. If he can work under Fu Yu and learn a good cooking skill, why worry about his future development?

If we say how disdainful Zhu Wan was towards Yu before, how much he admires him now!

Fu Yu really didn't expect Zhu Wan to say this to himself suddenly.

Among the new batch of temporary interns, Sun Mingze has been working by his side, and Zhu Wan is from Gu Yunwu's side. To be honest, Fu Yu had never paid attention to this person before.

I have an impression of him because Zhang Jiaxin took this kid with him when he was in the roasting area, and he mentioned a few words in his conversation, saying that Zhu Wan is very smart and quick at work.

Working in the back kitchen, chefs like smart and capable workers, so Fu Yu has a good impression of Zhu Wan.

He looked at Zhu Wan, and couldn't hide his surprise: "So you are Teacher Teng's student! That's a coincidence. When I first started school, Teacher Teng took me to sign up."

Teng Xue is a gold-lettered signboard in the chef school. The chef from a well-known big hotel has superb cooking skills and a high teaching level.

When Fu Yu was in school, he didn't catch up with Teng Xue's class, but when he was in school, he also heard about this excellent teacher and respected him very much.

Unexpectedly, Tengxue knew him and praised him for his excellence.

Fu Yu was very happy in his heart, and said with a smile: "Since you have Teacher Teng's care, after you graduate, if you can really work with me, then I will take you with you."

Zhu Wan was pleasantly surprised and said, "Really? Fu Chu!"

Fu Yu nodded: "Well, really!"

Zhu Wan's confidence immediately doubled, and he said excitedly: "I will work hard, and I will come to you after graduation!"

Fu Yu smiled and encouraged Zhu Wan.

Zhu Wan felt as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and ate an extra bowl for lunch than usual.

Fu Yu sat alone by the kitchen counter to rest.

Today's communication with Liu Yongping made him feel like he was meeting his opponent, and he was very happy. After the communication, it was hearty.

Moreover, listening to Liu Yongping recalling those stories back then, Fu Yu yearned for it very much, because it was an experience that belonged exclusively to the other party.


I can also have a conversation of my own, and I can talk like this in the future, feeling the past.

I don't know if he was encouraged by Liu Yongping's spirit about inheritance, but Fu Yu was inexplicably excited.

Life goes on, but the fire of inheritance has never been extinguished!

Fu Yu's insistence on his original intention has been consistent so far.

Practice cooking well, and become an excellent chef with cooking ethics in the future, cook delicious dishes for customers, innovate your own special cuisine, and pass it on to the next generation in the future.

Fu Yu was immersed in his own thoughts when he suddenly felt a warmth on the back of his hand.

Looking up, she saw Liu Yuqing holding a cup of milk tea, looking at him and smiling.

Fu Yu was pleasantly surprised: "Why are you here? Didn't you go to the cafeteria to eat?"

Liu Yuqing pointed to the vegetable passing table next to it, on which was a large takeaway bag, and said in a low voice, "My favorite dishes are in the dishes made by my shop today, and my sister specially packed them and sent someone to deliver them."

"It's so good! What kind of food do you have?" When Fu Yu had a meal just now, he was full of drinks. Now he rested for a long time, but he didn't feel hungry, but I heard that the special dishes of Shangshi's private restaurant were delivered. , still quite interested.

"Anyway, it's my favorite food. Shall we eat here, or go to your dormitory?"

It is definitely not allowed to eat in the back kitchen, there are rules in the store, and it is not very good to see them eating alone here when the boys come back later.

Fu Yu picked up the heavy takeaway bag and took Liu Yuqing to his dormitory.

It was the first time Liu Yuqing came to the place where Fu Yu lived. When he entered the door, he took a look around first.

Fu Yu's personal hygiene is not bad. In the past few days after the new year, the temperature has risen significantly. During the day, before Fu Yu goes to work, he will deliberately open the windows for ventilation.

There is no peculiar smell after entering the room, the bed is very tidy, the floor is made of marble, and it doesn't look dirty.

The overall look is fairly clean, not as dirty and messy as imagined boys' dormitory.

Liu Yuqing was very satisfied. She felt that she had good eyesight. Fu Yu was handsome and had good personal habits. He was not the type who cleans himself up handsomely and lives in a messy doghouse.

Fu Yu moved the table to the middle and helped Liu Yuqing unpack the takeaway bags.

Liu Yuqing opened the boxes one by one, and while arranging them, introduced:

"This dish is stir-fried yam with olive vegetables. Even though it's a vegetarian dish, it tastes very delicious! Especially the olive vegetables inside are so sweet, you can't eat them anywhere else!"

"Oh, there is also tender fried beef. This dish is my sister's specialty. When I was a child, I was very hungry during self-study at night. My sister made it in the store and sent someone to send it to school. Don't look at me as thin, I can eat a whole serving of tender fried beef in a large takeaway box by myself!"

"Wow! There's also chicken drumsticks with weird flavors! You'll have to try them out later!"

"This is chicken gizzard potato balls. The potato balls are delicious and very soft."

No wonder the packing bag was so heavy that it contained five dishes and one soup. The staple food was two large boxes of fried rice with soy sauce, and there were two sets of kitchen utensils. Obviously, I brought Fu Yu's portion specially.

Fu Yu was not really hungry, but after trying each dish, he still ate some without knowing it.

The two chatted while eating.

The boss attached great importance to the matter of Liu Yongping's visit to the store, and made a big fanfare, and everyone in the store followed suit.

When Liu Yuqing was working at the front desk, she heard a message from a well-connected waiter. First, she said that Fu Yu had an argument with Liu Yongping in the back kitchen for some reason, and it looked like she was about to strike at any time.

Liu Yuqing was taken aback when she heard the words, and even took a look at the back kitchen on the pretext of delivering a barbecue order.

Seeing this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fu Yu and Liu Yongping were obviously talking about cooking operations, and their tone might be a little excited, but she used to see his father and the chef discussing cooking in her back kitchen.

Sometimes the atmosphere between the two parties is even more tense than the scene in front of them.

But when the final discussion comes to an end, they will naturally shake hands and make peace.

Liu Yuqing felt relieved and went back to work.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for another news to spread, saying that Fu Yu had been favored by Liu Yongping, and the two chatted happily over wine, and the conversation was very speculative.

Just now when Liu Yunong called and said that he wanted to deliver food, Liu Yuqing took the excuse of answering the phone and hid in a place where no one was around, and she was very happy to talk about it.

Liu Yunong was very surprised when he heard this, he never expected that Fu Yu would be able to get in touch with Liu Yongping's network!

Now that this matter was brought up, Liu Yuqing couldn't help but excitedly said: "Just now my sister was very excited on the phone. She has heard of Liu Yongping for a long time, but she has never had a chance to meet him. Just watch, she will see you next time." When it comes to you, you must ask this matter carefully.”

Fu Yu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Liu Yunong was also Mu Qiang like himself, so he couldn't help but smiled and said, "Okay, I still have the contact information of Liu Chef, so I can introduce them to each other."

Liu Yuqing was immediately happy, and said with a smile: "Then I have to tell my sister right away, she must be very happy!"

While talking, Liu Yuqing directly sent a message.

After a while, Liu Yunong replied with a voice message.

Liu Yuqing clicked to listen to the voice, and immediately burst out laughing.

Fu Yu asked curiously: "What's the matter? What did the master say to make you laugh like this?"

Liu Yuqing directly clicked on the speaker and played the voice message again.

"Wow wow wow! Really! That would be great, ouch, I really admire Chef Liu, if only I could get in touch with him! I really didn't expect that something that I couldn't do would be done by my apprentice Yes! My apprentice is too good! Such a good apprentice, you can’t take advantage of outsiders. Sister, let me tell you, I really agree with you and Xiaofu! This kid, luck is absolutely unparalleled , how come everyone can see it, and anyone can get in touch with it!"

While listening, another voice was sent, and the system automatically played the next one after finishing one.

"Hahaha! I knew that our old Liu's family has a successor! In the future, as long as this kid treats you well, I will pass on the family business to him! Wahahahaha. This kid really looks good to me! Oh hehehehe"

Fu Yu couldn't help but listen to Liu Yunong's words!

I really didn't expect his master to have such a lively side in private.

Liu Yuqing smiled and said: "Did you hear that, my sister said that as long as you are willing to marry me and treat me well, you will give me your family business as a dowry. If you marry me, you can make a lot of money!"

Fu Yu said happily: "I am willing to marry you without a dowry!"

When Liu Yuqing heard it, she burst into laughter from ear to ear, and gave Fu Yu a chopstick of chicken: "Hey, come and eat more!"

After Fu Yu ate the chicken, he also picked two potato balls for Liu Yuqing: "Don't just pick them up for me, you can eat them too, I ate them all just now."

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