Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 865 Treating Differently

Fu Yu was cooking medicinal meals in the music restaurant, and he was busy until six o'clock in the evening before successfully sending the last customer away.

On the way back to Maxima by taxi, I just received a call from Liu Yuqing.

Liu Yuqing was thinking about buying gifts for Fu Yu's parents, and walked around the street with great interest all day. It's late at night, and she still has something to say.

I called Fu Yu to ask him if Mama Fu had the habit of wearing silk scarves. She saw a store selling very beautiful silk scarves and wanted to buy them as gifts.

Upon hearing this, Fu Yu hurriedly asked Liu Yuqing's exact location, and took a taxi directly to drive there.

Liu Yuqing went out to go shopping, dressed very beautifully.

The weather is still quite cold at the moment, so she wore a thin, fragrant jacket, and a pair of high-heeled shoes with stilettos on her feet, which lined her slender figure and her legs were straight, but such high heels, After shopping for a day, can this ankle bear it?

Fu Yu frowned when he saw it. The shoes were indeed beautiful on other people's girlfriend's feet, but he felt a little distressed when he wore them on his own girlfriend's feet.

"Why are you shopping in these shoes? Are your feet hurting?" Fu Yu naturally took Liu Yuqing into his arms so that she could stand on her own and reduce the pressure on her ankles.

Liu Yuqing took advantage of the opportunity to give Fu Yu a hug, and said with a smile: "No, I have been wearing flat shoes for shopping before. This pair is newly bought, so I just put it on. I want to step on it to see if it fits when I walk."

"Aren't these shoes beautiful? When I plan to go to your house, I will wear these shoes."

Fu Yu raised his eyebrows: "Wearing such shoes, will you squeeze the bus with me?"

Liu Yuqing laughed and said, "Of course not, I'll carry it and put it on at your door."

Fu Yu is now teasing with almost no burden: "Then enter the door, and then take it off?"

Liu Yuqing took a serious look at Fu Yu: "I'll give you another chance, think it over and talk again!"

Fu Yu sighed: "Thank you for your attention to my parents, you have worked hard."

After Liu Yuqing finished listening, a smile appeared on her face.

She can actually resign from Maxima and leave now. After all, she has learned everything she needs to learn and understands everything she needs to know.

He still insisted on staying at work, just wanting to see Fu Yu every day.

Guarding such a large family business, he is still willing to stay in Maxima and do the front desk work, all for love.

Liu Yuqing really paid a lot and worked really hard.

Seeing Liu Yuqing being coaxed to be happy because of her apparently perfunctory words, Fu Yu couldn't help but give her a hug.

What a silly girl!

I must treat her better in the future!

During this period of time after the year, Fu Yu was not able to be idle, he was busy cooking in the back kitchen every day, and he also had to set up the medicinal table at the music restaurant.

Shangshi's private kitchen restaurant learns how to cook every night, which is almost unshakable.

In addition, I have to deal with other members of the study exchange team to visit the store. The workload is already heavy, and now the pressure has increased.

Now that he can finally relax and go shopping, Fu Yu feels extremely happy for a while.

Years later, all the festive arrangements on the commercial street had been removed, but it was still a bustling scene.

Liu Yuqing pulled Fu Yu enthusiastically: "I actually fell in love with several sets of clothes just now, all of which are very suitable for you. It just so happens that you are here, come with me to try it out."

While talking, he dragged Fu Yu into a nearby men's clothing store.

In fact, Fu Yu doesn't have much demand for clothing, what brand of clothes, what style of styling, as long as they are comfortable to wear and look nondescript.

But Liu Yuqing is particularly interested in this aspect, and she has a good eye. When shopping, she can always find clothes that suit Fu Yu.

Seeing good men's clothes, I couldn't help but drag Fu Yu to try them on.

And every time after trying it on, Liu Yuqing would unconsciously reveal a look of astonishment, satisfaction, and joy!

This made Fu Yu stand in front of the fitting mirror, inexplicably having the illusion that he was not wearing any clothes at all.

This woman, really!

After buying another set of clothes, Fu Yu couldn't help teasing and said, "Xiaoqing, tell the truth, haven't you been coveting me for a long time?"

Liu Yuqing's eyes fell on Fu Yu's body. She picked out this coat by herself. It not only keeps warm, but also slims her figure, which makes Fu Yu more elegant and elegant.

Moreover, Fu Yu's body shape is very standard. Whatever clothes he wears are like clothes racks, and they fit very well.

This gave Liu Yuqing a sense of accomplishment when choosing clothes.

But at this time, upon hearing Fu Yu's ridicule, Liu Yuqing hurriedly testified: "What a beautiful idea! Nothing at all!"

Fu Yu smiled slightly: "Wipe your drool first, and then talk properly!"

Liu Yuqing looked at the smile on Fu Yu's face, even after being together for such a long time, her heartbeat was still accelerated by Shuai.

Hearing this, she subconsciously reached out and touched her mouth, but there was nothing. Realizing that Fu Yu was teasing herself again, she couldn't help stamping her feet angrily.

Fu Yu smiled and hugged him into his arms, and said a few words of persuasion in a soft voice. The two soon held hands sweetly and continued shopping.

Liu Yuqing originally loved shopping, but now that Fu Yu was by her side, she was even more excited. The two of them went shopping until after nine o'clock before leaving with their bags.

Fu Yu sent Liu Yuqing downstairs, watched her enter the unit door, and stood on the balcony to report that she was safe, then turned and went back to Maxima.

Standing on the balcony, Liu Yuqing watched Fu Yu's figure disappear into the darkness where the street lights couldn't reach, and then went back to the house.

In the living room, Liu Yunong was sitting at the coffee table and making a phone call.

Liu Yuqing went to take a shower and came out, leaning on the sofa, applying a mask while watching her sister handle the work.

When Liu Yunong finally finished the phone call, Liu Yuqing immediately said: "Sister, Fu Yu's father is going to celebrate his birthday, and I am going to go back with him. I went shopping today, and I bought some gifts for his parents. Help me Let's see if it works?"

After hearing this, Liu Yunong was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly said: "I also said, today is obviously a day off, but I didn't come back after playing outside until so late, so it was to please your future in-laws!"

"It's said that the married girl and the water splashed out, I have fully understood it now. Why didn't I see you so meticulous when I celebrated my birthday? When did you not just buy a bunch of flowers or order a cake? You still like to eat it yourself. Yes, come back and fool me!"

When Liu Yuqing heard this, she couldn't care less about the mask on her face, and hurried over to act coquettishly: "It's nothing, I chose your favorite flowers, and the cakes are also the ones you praised as delicious. One!"

Liu Yunong sneered: "Come on, let me tell you, I don't agree with you going back with Fu Yu!"

Liu Yuqing was stunned: "Why don't you agree? I just followed him back to see my uncle and aunt. What's wrong?"

Liu Yunong immediately said: "What's the matter? What are you talking about! You and Fu Yu have just been in love for a few days now? You followed him home in a flash of your brain? Do you know what it means to go to see your parents? ? Also, do your parents know about you?"

Liu Yuqing's face was broken: "I'm not crazy, and Fu Yu has seen you too? What if I go to meet his parents?"

Seeing her like this, Liu Yunong couldn't help feeling a little anxious. After all, she is her younger sister, so she must be more worried.

Besides, there are too many various examples in life, Liu Yuqing has no social experience, she has been in the society for so many years, how can she not understand?

Liu Yunong held back his temper and patiently persuaded him: "Xiaoqing, listen to me, you and Fu Yu have just started dating, and you followed him back to his house. How does this make people think of you?"

"Besides, Fu Yu's family is not from this city, so I don't feel at ease if I leave for several days."

Liu Yuqing came back from shopping in high spirits. When she was taking a shower just now, she was still fantasizing about going to Fu Yu's house.

But right now, her sister poured cold water on her enthusiasm.

Moreover, what her sister is saying is old and traditional!

What age is it now? Going to visit the elders of the other party doesn't mean that the relationship between the two families has been established in this way.

It's just to be a guest in the past, to see the place where Fu Yu grew up, and to get along with the two elders and have a meal.

When facing outsiders, Liu Yuqing has always had a good temper and is very communicative.

But when facing her sister, she is always a little arrogant.

The things she was thinking about were completely denied, which made her somewhat unable to control her temper!

"Sister! What are you worried about? Let me tell you, when I was with Fu Yu, he was much more serious than me. Even if he was worried, it was because of his family! And we are rushing to get married. As for the premise of serious dating, as for how long we have been in love, this will not affect our idea of ​​wanting to be together at all!"

"Besides, Fu Yu has already told me that his parents have been looking forward to him having a girlfriend. If I go back with him, his parents will be too happy. How can they look down on me! I am so good, Who can look down on me?"

"I've never been afraid of being looked at by others! Hmph! Sis, you're so annoying, I don't want to talk to you! I'm going back to sleep!"

Liu Yuqing lost her temper, walked back to the bedroom barefoot without any slippers on.


Seeing Liu Yuqing slam the door on Liu Yunong, Liu Yunong almost laughed out of anger!

"Hey! Liu Yuqing! You"

Just as Liu Yunong wanted to get up and chase after her, her phone rang, and she looked at the caller ID, it was her boyfriend Li Linlin calling.

As soon as the call was connected, Li Linlin hurriedly said with a smile: "Yunong, who did you call just now? I haven't called in for a long time."

Liu Yunong's voice was cold: "I was dealing with work before."

Li Linlin has been chasing Liu Yunong for so many years. Hearing this tone, he knew something was wrong, and asked concerned: "What's the matter? Who made our goddess angry?"

Liu Yunong complained: "Who else is there, my sister!"

"My sister-in-law made you angry?" Li Linlin knew the relationship between the Liu family sisters too well. Hearing Liu Yunong's words, he hurriedly persuaded: "Is something wrong? Xiaoqing is so good, and she listens to your words the most, doesn't she?" What is the misunderstanding?"

When this matter was mentioned, Liu Yunong became furious: "My sister plans to go back to her hometown with Fu Yu in a few days!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Linlin said casually: "Then go back, what's wrong?"

Liu Yunong was so angry that there was nowhere to explode, and immediately exploded: "What's the matter? I don't agree!"

Li Linlin couldn't react for a while: "Why? Why did Fu Yu suddenly want to take her to see her parents? Are you planning to talk about marriage?"

When mentioning marriage, Li Linlin couldn't help but start to move.

My sister-in-law is so fast, I can't be too inferior as a brother-in-law!

And since ancient times, the older sister gets married first, and the younger sister gets married later.

I have to hurry up here.

Especially now that I am getting older, my family is pressing hard, get married early, have children early, and live a happy little life early.

It's really beautiful just thinking about it!

"The horoscope has not been written yet! Fu Yu's father is going to celebrate his birthday. Fu Yu went home to celebrate and invited Xiaoqing." Liu Yunong's tone was not very good, mainly because he was anxious.

"This silly girl doesn't understand anything. When people invite her, she just follows her. How will people think of her then?"

When Li Linlin heard Liu Yunong's words, he couldn't laugh or cry: "No, Yunong, you have to change your thinking. The young people today are not the same as our thinking at that time."

Liu Yunong immediately said displeased: "Why is it different?"

Li Linlin knew Liu Yunong's character too well. When she saw her annoyed, he hurriedly persuaded her: "However, you are right. If Xiaoqing followed her like this, and suddenly came to the door, would she be underestimated by the husband's family? Said to take you home for the New Year, that's what you said, I think it makes sense!"

Being persuaded like this, instead of calming down, Liu Yunong became even more angry: "Who said that girls who come to the door on their own initiative will be looked down upon? My sister is so good, who dares to look down on her?"

Li Linlin was taken aback by the training: "No, during the Chinese New Year, I said I would take you home to see my parents. Is that what you said?"

Liu Yunong smiled awkwardly: "Isn't that Chinese New Year? It's a birthday, and the situation is different! Besides, you are different from Xiaofu. Your family is so traditional and has so many rules. Can this be compared? "

When Li Linlin heard it, he felt aggrieved.

Why is everything different here at Fu Yu?

Is it a little too discriminatory?

And there are no rules in their house?

If he could bring his girlfriend home, his parents would have to go directly to Xiaonan Mountain to offer incense, so there was no reason to choose!

But the slander is the slander, Li Linlin didn’t dare to complain to Liu Yunong face to face, so he persuaded him very gently: “Xiao Qing has always had her own ideas, and Fu Yu is not the kind of frivolous person, and Fu Yu’s parents are not also Do you all know about the two of them falling in love?"

"Xiaoqing is so good, Fu Yu's parents must like it very much. In the past two days, I just took it as a relaxation. You don't have to worry so much."

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