Chapter 867

Liu Yunong's voice was calm when he spoke, but there was a slight smile in his eyes, and he had a certain persuasive power, which he couldn't explain clearly.

Maybe it's because she took care of Liu Yuqing since she was a child, and she can play wildly together, and sleep under the quilt, but she can speak the truth, without the rigid majesty of the elders in ordinary times, and there is no "generation gap" at all. It can make Liu Yuqing listen to her words in her heart and be willing to obey her arrangements.

Seeing that her sister wasn't angry anymore, Liu Yuqing smiled and said, "I've bought all the presents! I have everything to eat and use."

While talking, Liu Yuqing got up and went to the living room. The things I bought today were all piled up on the shoe cabinet.

Liu Yunong followed: "Didn't you ask Fu Yu when you were shopping? What does his parents like, don't buy it, it's inappropriate."

"I just went shopping with Fu Yu to buy it, but he said that his parents don't have any special hobbies, so I can just buy something casually. His father can drink a couple of drinks. When I went to choose, Fu Yufei stopped me. Asked to buy, said that his father usually drinks bulk liquor, good wine is so expensive, and his father would not be willing to drink it when he took it back."

When Liu Yunong heard it, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure it out for a while, so he said: "Since you are willing to drink, it must be no problem to send good wine. Besides, the wine you send will be spread out on the dinner table." Open it, and his dad will drink it naturally. It's not a big deal, you should buy wine or buy it."

Liu Yuqing sighed: "I think so too, but Fu Yu won't let me buy it no matter what, I'm still thinking about finding a chance to buy it secretly, and then take it directly."

Liu Yunong nodded: "Okay, it's not surprising that there are many people."

Liu Yuqing was a little worried: "But what kind of wine to give? Sister, do you think I bought Moutai or Wuliangye?"

Liu Yunong quickly said: "It's not easy to buy real wines, let me see and get in touch."

Liu Yuqing asked suddenly: "Sister, don't you have two bottles of Xifeng wine? Why don't you give it to me?"

When Liu Yunong heard it, he immediately waved his hands: "That's not okay, I have kept those two bottles of Xifeng wine for fifteen years, they are really good wines!"

"You don't drink it, so keep it as a gift." Liu Yuqing pouted: "The fat water doesn't flow into other people's fields. The person I gave away is Fu Yu's father. If he pleases his parents, he will marry him in the future. Can't it be easier to mess around?"

Liu Yunong has come to her senses now, no wonder she always felt that this topic was a little bit wrong just now!

If you want to talk about good wine, it is obviously available at the main store. If you want it, just call and mail it.

Daringly, Liu Yuqing is staring at her two bottles of rare Xifeng wine.

This wine was given to her during the Chinese New Year, and she originally thought that there would be exactly two bottles, which could be kept for use in future relationships.

Liu Yunong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and stretched out his hand to poke Liu Yuqing's head: "Wow! It's said that everything must be guarded against, and house thieves are hard to guard against! I can see that you are planning to empty out my family and move it to your future mother-in-law. Home!"

Liu Yuqing was acting like a baby, and when she heard this, she burst out laughing.

Liu Yunong and her looked at each other, but couldn't hold back, and laughed.

After laughing for a while, Liu Yunong couldn't help but sighed: "You girl, you're a real thief! Others are trying to move things to their own house, but you are better off, thinking about getting things out every day."

"You should hurry up and go with Fu Yu, I don't want to keep you."

Liu Yuqing giggled: "Aren't I short of money? As far as my job is concerned, the monthly salary is not enough for me to buy two sets of clothes. When I learn to start a business and earn a lot of money in the future, I will definitely give you money." The small treasury has been completed!"

Liu Yunong was happy to hear that, but his face was tense on purpose: "Don't do this, just use your mouth to fool me."

Come on!

Since it is the first time to visit the door, it is better for the gift to be more expensive.

Liu Yunong got up, and took out two bottles of Xifeng from the cabinet in the room: "Oh, I was planning to give it away."

Liu Yuqing followed behind, casually tore off the mask on her face, and looked at the wine bottle happily.

Although she doesn't usually drink alcohol, she also knows that Xifeng wine is very good, especially after it has been preserved for fifteen years, such good wine cannot be bought in the market. "

Thinking of how Fu Yu's father would be very happy seeing these two bottles of good wine, Liu Yuqing couldn't help laughing.

In fact, Liu Yunong didn't feel sorry for these two bottles of good wine. No matter how good things are, as long as they have money, they can get them through their connections.

And my younger sister is going to follow him, so what are two bottles of good wine?

As long as Fu Yu is willing to treat Liu Yuqing a little bit better, let alone two bottles of wine, even a room, a car, and a deposit, Liu Yunong will not be vague.

Moreover, after getting along for such a long time, she knows Fu Yu very well.

With Fu Yu's character, he shouldn't become a so-called scumbag, right?

After staying in society for a long time, I can always see a lot of sincere feelings and see too much real human nature.

As an older sister, I just hope that my younger sister can live a better life and be happier.

That night, Liu Yunong simply slept in the same bedroom with Liu Yuqing, and the two sisters talked by candlelight at night.

Liu Yunong was 10,000 worried, and carefully told Liu Yuqing some precautions in interpersonal communication, as well as various things that need to be paid attention to.

"Looking at Fu Yu's appearance, his parents should have a good temper and are quite qualified. After you go over there, calm down and don't show your face casually!"

"Also, don't patronize foolishness, have some good eyesight, help mopping the floor and cooking, reach out for the work you can do, and work harder."

"The elders generally like girls who are more well-behaved. However, there should be no problem with this. You are quite well-behaved, and you are also very self-restraining. The main thing is that I taught you well."

"Hey, when I think of you going to someone else's house, why do I feel so sad! No wonder people say that marrying a daughter is like the cabbage in one's own field being scooped up by pigs. I feel this way now."

It's exhortations, and it's a bunch of emotional chanting.

Liu Yuqing went shopping all day today, and now that the things hanging on her mind have been settled, she suddenly felt sleepy.

Yawning, Liu Yuqing said vaguely, "Sister, don't worry, I'm not a fool, I'm already old enough to understand everything."

Hearing this, Liu Yunong turned over suddenly, leaned closer and said, "Xiaoqing, let me tell you, go and do it, but only for one o'clock. Whether you live at Fu Yu's house or go to a hotel at night, you are not allowed to rest in the same room with Fu Yu." ,do you know?"

Liu Yuqing was so sleepy before that she couldn't open her eyes, but when she heard this, she immediately regained her spirits and retorted with a blushing face, "Who, who wants to share a room with him!"

Liu Yunong nodded: "Hey, that's not what I mean actually. The social atmosphere is so open now, and everything is normal before marriage! What I mean is that you are old enough to make up your own mind about everything. I just hope that you No matter what you do, you can think clearly and think about the consequences before you do it.”

"However, you don't have to worry. Even if there is something, you don't have to be afraid. I'm here for everything, understand?"

Hearing Liu Yunong's words, Liu Yuqing blushed even more, but there was a warm current in her heart: "Sister!"

Liu Yunong patted Liu Yuqing across the quilt, and said with a smile: "You are not young anymore, just know what you are doing."

"Actually. You and Fu Yu can develop naturally, which is the best. Look, you are 23 years old now, and Fu Yu is 24 years old. You have been in love for two years. You are 25 years old, and he is 26 years old. At this time, it is just right to start talking about marriage. Fu Yu's parents are not very old. When you have children in the future, if they want, they can help you take care of the children. If not, our family will hire a nanny."

"This man, when and what he does, it's actually best to do it step by step."

Liu Yuqing blushed and asked her sister something.

That night, the two sisters talked privately for a long time.

All along, for Liu Yuqing, Liu Yunong is both a sister and a mother. All her affairs are managed and handled by Liu Yunong.

And all questions and difficulties will also seek answers and help from Liu Yunong.

The two sisters chatted until dawn before falling asleep.

Before going to sleep, Liu Yuqing had a thought, picked up her phone and sent Fu Yu a message.

Fu Yu didn't find out that Liu Yuqing had sent him a message in the early hours of the morning when he got up in the morning and checked the time on his phone.

[Fu Yu, I decided to get married in the future, and I will have twins, and it will be done once! 】

After Fu Yu saw the news, he was taken aback for a moment.


Once done?

Is this a matter of choice?

And it's up to you to be a boy or a girl, right?

Fu Yu looked at this message, so early, did he go to bed late, or woke up early?

Thinking of Liu Yuqing's stupid look, Fu Yu couldn't help laughing.

This girl, I'm afraid she had a dream last night, right?

Or how to suddenly think of this matter.

With a thought in his mind, Fu Yu accidentally sent a message to his family, explaining that he planned to take two days off to celebrate Father Fu's birthday, and he would bring his girlfriend home with him.

After the news was sent, as Fu Yu expected, when he was busy cooking breakfast in the back kitchen, Fu's mother called directly.

Fu's mother was so excited that she repeatedly confirmed with Fu Yu when she would come back. The most important thing was whether she would really bring her girlfriend back.

Fu Yu answered them one by one with a smile.

Hearing that the son really wanted to bring his girlfriend home, the old couple were overjoyed.

After hanging up the phone, Dad Fu smiled from ear to ear, and asked Mom Fu for credit: "Look at how meaningful my birthday is, my daughter-in-law actually wants to come to celebrate with me!"

Fu's mother also smiled happily: "Yes, you are a great hero of our family! Hey, great hero, I thought about calling my son at night to ask what my daughter-in-law likes to eat, and we will prepare it in advance."

Pa Fu was taken aback, and asked, "Didn't you ask just now?"

Fu Ma smiled and said: "I'm happy to be patronizing, but I didn't think about it. It's okay. Isn't your birthday still two days away?"

Dad Fu nodded: "That's true, but it's time to prepare in advance. All right, you cook quickly, don't you have to go to your sister's place later?"

Fu Ma said cheerfully: "I'm not going, what else is there to do, it's nothing serious. I'll stay at home today to clean up the house, so don't go fishing, clean up with me, and then see what else needs to be bought at home. Yes, whoops, how can I come back and come back soon!"

Dad Fu smiled and got up: "My son wants to give us a surprise!"

Fu's mother couldn't be happier: "It's a pleasant surprise. I heard that the girlfriend my son is looking for is quite beautiful, and I don't know how her character is."

Dad Fu immediately said: "What kind of character! As long as the son likes it, it's fine. In the future, they will live as a young couple, so we don't have to worry about that."

Fu Ma nodded in agreement: "That's right, as long as you are willing to give me a big fat grandson, no, a granddaughter is also fine, I am satisfied. I don't care how they live their lives, haha, I don't worry about it!"

The old couple is happy and busy preparing to welcome their son and future daughter-in-law back home.

In the evening, Fu Yu called back as usual, and Fu's father and Fu's mother asked about Liu Yuqing's personal situation in detail.

Fu Yu answered truthfully.

After hearing this, Fu's father and Fu's mother felt extremely satisfied.

Not only is she beautiful, but her family background is also very good, and she is the younger sister of Master Fu Yu, so kiss her even better!

However, when the joy was over, the old couple began to rush to tidy up the house and purchase things again.

After all, it's the first time for the future daughter-in-law to come to the house, so you can't leave a bad impression. It is very likely that you will be a family in the future, and you will live together for the rest of your life.

Fu's father and Fu's mother both want to do their best to entertain people well.

Since Liu Yuqing chatted with her sister for a long time that night, she began to unconsciously search the Internet for various coping methods about going to the man's house as a guest.

For example, the man's parents have a bad temper and are not kind, how should they please each other.

Another example is how to leave a very good impression on the elders when they meet for the first time.

On the day when Fu Yu asked for leave to go home, Fu's father and Fu's mother called early in the morning to double check the arrival time of the bus.

Liu Yuqing was even more full of strategies, looking at her phone from time to time along the way, sharpening her guns and reviewing all the new knowledge she had learned in the past few days.

When the bus got off the highway and drove into the county seat, Liu Yuqing sighed nervously: "If I had been half as serious as I am now when I was studying, I would definitely be a blogger now."

Fu Yu was funny and moved. He held Liu Yuqing's hand and patted it lightly: "Don't be nervous, my parents are easy to get along with. You'll know when you see someone."

Liu Yuqing nodded, saying that she was not nervous, her heart almost jumped into her throat.

She turned her head to look at Fu Yu's profile, and pictured the appearance of Fu's father and Fu's mother in her mind.

Being able to raise such a good son, Fu's father and Fu's mother should also get along very well.

Moreover, she is so beautiful, smart and cute, so she will definitely please the two elders and give Fu Yu a good face.

While thinking wildly, Liu Yuqing turned her head and looked at the strange county in front of her through the car window.

This is where Fu Yu grew up!

Thinking about it this way, I immediately felt that this strange county had become a lot closer.

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