Seeing that Fu Yu finally took the money, Xiao Hechou's heart sank completely.

Just be willing to pay!

As long as the money is taken, this cooperation has the opportunity to continue.

Xiao He smiled sadly, "That's right!"

Fu Yu thanked politely: "Uncle Xiao, thank you then."

Xiao Hechou said cheerfully: "There is no need to be polite between us, Fu Yu, to tell you the truth, although our county is not big, the competition in the catering industry is actually quite fierce, and many restaurants have very similar dishes. The comparison is the chef's craftsmanship and service attitude."

"When I set up the stall before, I didn't have such a big pressure. Now that the store has expanded and the staff is sufficient, I start to worry about how to stabilize the customer source and continuously attract new customers to the store."

"On this street, after the beginning of winter last year, two stir-fry restaurants were opened. They also have special dishes, and the chefs are also good. My customer base has been gradually diverted away."

"Where does the customer eat? It's always those few dishes. No matter how good the cooking is, no matter how good the taste is, customers sometimes want to try something new."

"In our small county town, there are too few excellent chefs. Excellent chefs are capable, and they don't want to go back to their hometown to develop. The consumption level here is limited, and the salary is indeed not as good as that in big cities. I was very worried before. As soon as I heard that Chef Zhang had resigned, I hurriedly asked someone to come over. Alas, the catering business is not easy now."

Indeed, many formal apprentices who graduated from chef schools are unwilling to return to work in small local restaurants.

Especially those who are talented and capable in cooking are crowded to work in big restaurants in big cities to earn money.

This creates a polarizing situation.

Small restaurants cannot recruit good chefs, and no matter how large the restaurant is, it is useless to have more service staff.

Xiao Hechou continued: "Fu Yu, that's what I think. Can I have a long-term cooperation with you? When you come back to your hometown in the future, you can come over to me occasionally to teach the future chef's cooking skills!"

"In the future, if there are any new dishes or soups, can you teach us about them? It doesn't have to be the special dishes of Qianlima, but the local home-cooked dishes in Bei'an. It would be very good. In fact, there are only a few dishes in our county , Counting carefully, it’s still quite monotonous, what do you think?”

Unconsciously, Xiao Hechou confessed all her thoughts!

The more he talked, the more he felt that this matter was indeed feasible.

After all, their small county is far away from Bei'an, and it's not enough to compete with each other.

If Fu Yu can really teach them a few special dishes, then why worry about restaurant management?

As long as the store can always introduce innovative dishes and the taste of the dishes is guaranteed, are you afraid that the source of customers will not be stable and new customers will not come to the store?

"Of course, I definitely can't let you teach for nothing. We'll talk about the specific salary later when we have time." Xiao Hechou said.

If you learn how to cook new dishes for a long time, you must pay money. As for how much you pay, it depends on the situation at the time.

Wu Bowen also said in a timely manner: "Yes, Fu Yu, don't you have contact information? We can discuss it later."

Wu Bowen has always been happy to see the success of this matter.

It is a good thing that Fu Yu can teach the chef of Xiao Hechou restaurant how to cook new dishes, and both parties will benefit.

Fu Yu can have an extra income, and Xiao Hechou's restaurant can also launch new dishes one after another.

Fu Yu hesitated for a moment, but did not explicitly refuse.

Because now he has initially possessed such ability.

Moreover, just when Xiao Hechou proposed long-term cooperation, Fu Yu immediately heard an electronic notification sound:

【Ding! Congratulations for triggering the long-term mission of NPC Chef Yao Shi: do a good job in the chef industry and develop well in this industry. Completion progress (seven): Stand on your own and make a splash. Task completion reward: level +1, lucky wheel once]

Although Fu Yu hasn't had time to draw the lucky wheel, but with the system's historical performance, the rewards this time will definitely be very generous!

The most important point is that Fu Yu must broaden his circle of contacts in order to have the opportunity to learn new skills.

He is already familiar with the staff of Maxima and the music restaurant, and he needs to wait for the time to make friends with outsiders.

Here in the small county of my hometown, although the place is small, there are quite a few local specialties worth learning.

Just like the two chefs I met in the back kitchen today, they are actually very good.

Every chef has worked for many years, and he will have his own insights and experience summarization about cooking.

For the current Fu Yu, this is undoubtedly a good opportunity to broaden his horizons, learn and accumulate.

To be honest, although there are many chefs, there are only a few outstanding ones.

If you want to get in touch with real famous chefs, where do you get so many good opportunities?

Even if they are around, they are all the chefs of other big restaurants, the real owners of the restaurants.

With his status and status, how could he want to get to know Fu Yu without the introduction of a mutual friend.

To put it bluntly, Fu Yu still doesn't have such ability and fame.

And chefs who can reach the level of Liu Yunong and Yao Shi are all big bosses.

Fu Yu is not qualified enough!

Therefore, instead of trying to get in touch with those big shots, the characteristic small restaurant hidden in the county town is the best choice for me. It might become my brand new skill bank here!

Fu Yu thought about it, maybe the county town of his hometown is the best place for him to upgrade and develop!

After all, the system's task rewards just now were very clear, requiring him to stand on his own and show off.

To set up your own business is to develop your own circle of contacts, cultivate your own strength and influence, guide and recruit apprentices in the future, and establish your own exclusive cooking system.

In addition, if you want to show your head and feet, it is not something that can be done overnight, and you need to take it slowly.

But at this time, Xiao Hechou hurriedly strikes while the iron is hot, and begins to understand the reason, and emotionally plays the emotional card with Fu Yu that the fat and water will not flow to outsiders, and the support of peers will be supported!

After thinking for a while, Fu Yu said, "Uncle Xiao, it's possible, but after all, I have limited time to come back, because I'm actually quite busy with work in Bei'an, and we have to negotiate on the selection of new dishes." Communication, these issues need to be adjusted according to the actual situation on my side.”

When Xiao Hechou heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she beamed with joy!

This is agreed!

Wu Bowen is also sincerely happy for the two of them. It is a good thing to reach an agreement on matters of mutual benefit!

Seeing his wish come true, Xiao Hechou became more enthusiastic.

Originally, Fu Yu planned to go home directly with his things, but Xiao Hechou insisted on driving Fu Yu back enthusiastically.

Wu Bowen saw that Fu Yu was carrying big and small bags, so he also persuaded him a few words.

In the end, it was decided that Xiao Hechou would drive and Wu Bowen would go with him.

Fu Yu was leaving today, and Wu Bowen planned to see Fu Yu off.

Fu Yu and Wu Bowen stood at the door of the hotel and waited.

Xiao Hechou went over to say hello to the waiter and the chef.

Xiao Hechou was both excited and excited to be able to negotiate a preliminary cooperation with Fu Yu.

When he went to the back kitchen, he couldn't help but briefly talked about it with He Yuzhou and Zhang Chenyang.

After the two listened, they were stunned on the spot!

Xiao Hechou came and went in a hurry, and after explaining that he was going to send someone off, the back kitchen asked two chefs to help supervise, then turned and left.

The two young workers heard it clearly, and one of them said excitedly: "Did you hear that? The boss just said that the young chef will be in charge of training innovative dishes in our restaurant in the future!"

Another worker also gossiped: "I didn't expect the boss to actually invite him, but is this person really so good?"

The other party nodded: "That's for sure, you didn't hear that? Chef He said just now that the man is the chef of the Maxima Restaurant, a century-old brand. He must be very powerful!"

When Fu Yu was cooking before, the two small workers were busy preparing the dishes. Although they also paid attention to the situation at the kitchen counter, they were far away after all, and they were just handymen now, and they were not very good at cooking. .

It was said that laymen watched the excitement, but they just saw their boss and two chefs treat the young chef with unusual attitudes, and then they felt that the young chef's cooking skills might be really good, and it was completely caused by herd mentality.

But Zhang Chenyang and He Yuzhou are different.

I heard that the boss has made an agreement with Fu Yu that in the future, he will give regular cooking instructions to the restaurant's innovative dishes.

At home, after Fu Yu left, Liu Yuqing continued to eat with Fu's father and Fu's mother, and then happily sat on the sofa chatting, listening to the care of the two elders.

They will be leaving soon, not only Fu's father and Fu's mother are reluctant to part with them, Liu Yuqing is also a little bit reluctant to part with the two elders.

Although they only got along for three short days, Liu Yuqing felt that she got along very well with Fu's father and Fu's mother, and had already accumulated a deep relationship.

Maybe there is a real fate between people. When she first met Fu's father and Fu's mother, she felt that the two elders were very kind, and there was no strange feeling at all.

And Fu's father and Fu's mother didn't say anything to her, they cared so much for her, and they completely treated her as a family.

This made Liu Yuqing feel very touched and very happy.

The three chatted for a while, and Fu Yu's aunt and uncle also rushed over.

They were going to help drive Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing to the bus station, and practice for the two children by the way.

Aunt Fu Yu stuffed Liu Yuqing with a heavy red envelope, and Liu Yuqing happily accepted it with the secret promise of Fu's father and Fu's mother.

Aunt Fu Yu is a carefree character. When she entered the door, she heard that Fu Yu had something to go out, so she took Fu Ma and Liu Yuqing to help them prepare the luggage to take away.

Fu Ma was a little worried at first, so she sorted it out again.

In this regard, Liu Yuqing was completely unable to reach out, and the two elders took full responsibility.

So when Fu Yu came back, it was Liu Yuqing who heard the sound and opened the door, while Fu's father and Fu's mother were busy checking whether there was anything left behind in the items they were about to take away.

Fu Yu greeted the room, and then entered the door to welcome Wu Bowen and Xiao Hechou.

Fu's father and Fu's mother didn't expect a guest to come to the house suddenly, so they rushed out to greet them.

Seeing Xiao Hechou, both of them were obviously surprised.

Fu's father and Fu's mother knew Xiao Hechou, and knew that this person was Wu Bowen's brother-in-law.

However, because Xiao Hechou had been setting up a mobile stall in the county before, and he didn't come back much, so he only occasionally met him twice when he went shopping in the county town, and he happened to meet him and say hello.

Recognized, but not familiar.

But Xiao Hechou came to the door today, and his attitude was extraordinarily warm, first he greeted Fu's father and Fu's mother.

Introduced by Fu Yu, I got to know Liu Yuqing.

Fu Yu took out the envelope from Xiao Hechou from his pocket, handed it to Liu Yuqing, and explained with a smile: "This is from Uncle Xiao, accept it!"

In the three days since Liu Yuqing came back with Fu Yu, she has already received several large red envelopes.

She knew that there was a local custom, when the boys in the family brought their girlfriends home, if the elders were satisfied, they would give them a red envelope as a sign of auspiciousness.

Fu Yu handed it over, and Liu Yuqing reached out to take it without thinking too much.

On the contrary, Fu's father and Fu's mother were a little surprised, and Fu's father said in surprise: "Why worry, what are you doing, you are too polite!"

If Wu Bowen gave Liu Yuqing a red envelope, Fu's father and Fu's mother would definitely not stop him.

But their family is really not very familiar with Xiao Hechou, it's just for Wu Bowen's sake that they know each other.

Wu Bowen said with a smile: "He Chou gave it, just accept it. You don't know, but Fu Yu has helped him a lot! And as an elder, Fu Yu called him uncle, and Xiao Qing It's the first time to come to the door, out of emotion and reason, he has to take out this red envelope!"

Xiao Hechou also said: "That's right, Xiaoqing, you must keep this money. I am Fu Yu's uncle, so that is your uncle. The red envelope given by the elders cannot be turned down!"

"Besides, I would also like to thank Fu Yu today. He directly helped our store introduce an innovative special dish during his trip. This has helped me a lot! From now on, he will be the specially-appointed teacher of our store's innovative dishes. , to help me train the chefs in the back kitchen and guide them in cooking."

Fu's father and Fu's mother were taken aback for a moment, their son is so awesome?

Just went to someone's restaurant and became a specially hired teacher?

Liu Yuqing's eyes lit up when she heard it, and she looked at Fu Yu with admiration.

Fu Ma couldn't help asking about what happened, and Wu Bowen explained it in detail.

This time, even Aunt Fu Yu and his wife couldn't help but glance at their sister and brother-in-law, with envy palpable in their hearts.

Look at his son, this is too upbeat, just casually point out a few cooking methods, and he will come to the door to send money.

This envelope doesn't look too thin!

And this kind of cooperation is still long-term, and after this year, it will be a lot of money!

And look at that unbelievable son in his family, he is really dead compared to others, and he has to throw away goods compared to others!

Obviously before, his son was still better and more developed, but in the past two years, everything has changed.

Come to think of it, it's really helpless

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