The National Celebrity Chef Cooking Skills Competition is an annual event.

The purpose of the competition is to "meet the delicious food of famous chefs and taste the essence of Chinese food", aiming to showcase the excellent dishes of contemporary cooking level through the competition of national high-skilled culinary chefs on the same stage.

Seeing that Fu Yu had finished reading the information, Yao Shi continued: "For this competition, every qualified hotel can send a contestant. First, they will participate in the provincial competition. The top three in the province will represent their province to participate in the national competition. The time will officially start on March 4th and 5th."

"There are three games in total, and a finalist will be selected for each game, and then these three will represent our Longjiang Province to participate in the national competition."

"The National Competition will be held on March 10th and 11th."

"A few days ago, when the province counted the list of participants, I already reported it to you. You are participating on behalf of our Maxima."

When Fu Yu looked at the competition details before, he only read the general competition process, and really didn't pay attention to the time.

If the competition is held on March 4th or 5th, it will be less than half a month away.

Time is a bit tight, and I don't know if I can learn two more advanced personal skills during the period before the game.

It's definitely not good to be lucky. It seems that I have to ask the master Liu Yunong for help to see if there are any more critical cooking tricks. Can I teach them in advance and open a back door for myself, come on!

And I have to seize the time to read more classic old-flavored recipes and special family banquet recipes. Whether it is the cooking of dishes or the creativity of arranging dishes, it needs to be improved and mastered.

Yao Shi said: "During this time, I will explain to Chef Zhao that I will give you the priority to cook the special dishes in the store. If you cook more, you can master them more skillfully."

Fu Yu nodded: "Thank you Chef Yao!"

Yao Shi waved his hand and smiled: "You don't need to feel any pressure in this competition, just go to experience the atmosphere of the competition, observe and learn other people's cooking skills, mainly to see the world and open your eyes."

"How long has it been since you became a full-time member? You haven't even been able to take charge of the cooking independently for a year. Although you are indeed very talented, it takes time to improve your cooking skills, so this time, it's just an exercise. If possible, of course we still have to strive to enter the national competition, and go out of the province to have a look!"

"There are many excellent chefs in our country. If we have the opportunity to go out to communicate more and observe and learn from each other, we will definitely benefit a lot in terms of cooking skills."

Fu Yu nodded, thoughtfully: "Chef Yao, don't worry, I will do my best."

Yao Shi smiled, and suddenly remembered something, and said: "Actually, to participate in the competition, personal level is one aspect, and luck is also very important on the other hand. Chef Du Yingchun, basically can only stop at provincial competitions."

Fu Yu was taken aback, this was the second time he had heard the name Du Yingchun mentioned, Fu Chengchun's senior master?

When Zhao Meng mentioned this person before, he also expressed admiration and admiration.

Is the old man really that powerful?

After finishing his instructions, Yao Shi waited for Fu Yu to fill out the registration form, and couldn't help but said, "Fu Yu, don't you have to go to your master every night to learn how to cook? When you go today, tell your master Let her fight for this time to give you a little treat, and it will improve somewhat."

Fu Yu nodded: "Okay, Chef Yao."

Or say that heroes see the same thing!

On this point, he and Yao Shi thought of going together.

If he can get special training from Liu Yunong, I believe he can improve his culinary skills very quickly.

Back in the back kitchen, it happened to be the peak time for customers to enter the store to eat. Fu Yu was busy cooking and cooking, while thinking about what kind of birthday gift to give Liu Yuqing. things.

The choice of gift should not only be moderately priced, but also Liu Yuqing's true love, and it is best to have some commemorative value.

This is really confusing!

For Fu Yu, it was even more embarrassing than cooking a large table and ordering a menu.

During the lunch break in the afternoon, Sun Qingning squeezed to Fu Yu's side to help her with an idea: "Why don't you buy her a bag? Let me tell you, this bag is like a panacea for women. Baibing, a package that suits her wishes can at least keep you at peace for three months."

Fu Yu thinks this is a good idea, almost all women like bags!

But he doesn't understand brand-name bags either!

After eating, Fu Yu held his mobile phone in his hand, and took a closer look at the styles and prices of various popular bags.

As a result, when I saw it, I suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe, and I wanted to go outside to inhale some haze!

This popular brand-name bag can buy a good car!

Fu Yu deliberately checked his account balance. If he didn't buy a car, he could buy a good bag for Liu Yuqing, but what about this car?

Buying a car, or buying a bag?

What an embarrassing choice!

Because he was thinking about the gift, Fu Yu was a little absent-minded throughout the afternoon.

When he was taking orders in the evening, the orderer came to deliver the order. Seeing his appearance, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Chef Fu, what's wrong with you? Look at the frowning face!"

Fu Yu said with a smile: "It's nothing, the business in the store is good today, and your order volume is much higher than that at noon."

The more customers ordering food, the higher the performance of the ordering staff.

Hearing this, the orderer smiled and said, "The customers came in early tonight."

Fu Yu took the list, glanced at it casually, and was suddenly taken aback.

Didn't I just receive a copy of this order?

Fu Yu asked in surprise: "Didn't you make a mistake in the order? The dishes on your order list are exactly the same as the one sent before."

The orderer was also taken aback when he heard the words: "I can't! I just received this one!"

Afraid that he might make a mistake, Fu Yu casually tore off the order list that had been pasted on the kitchen wall, and compared the two.

Eight dishes, one soup and two staple foods are exactly the same order.

Oh, there is a little difference, there is an extra note on the new order list, all dishes do not add chili.

Fu Yu handed over the two order lists: "The dishes are the same, but you have specially noted the taste of this order, so it should not be the same customer."

The orderer looked at it carefully, and was also surprised: "Oh, it's such a coincidence?"

When Fu Yu saw this, it should be just a coincidence, so he said with a smile: "It's not that I placed the wrong order, then I can cook normally here."

Although there are more notes, this kind of thing is too coincidental, so there is no real problem, right?

Thinking of this, the orderer was somewhat uncertain: "Fu Chu, why don't I go back and ask, you wait for me here for a while, I'll go and come back quickly."

Fu Yu nodded: "Okay, then you can ask."

Worried that it would affect the back kitchen's serving of food, the orderer trotted away and came back soon.

"Fu Chu, I've made it clear!" The orderer said with a gossip expression: "Both of these orders were ordered by a female customer. The one I took the order was accompanied by a mother and daughter. , the old lady looks to be in her fifties, her daughter should be in her early thirties, and the previous order came first, with two young men and a young girl accompanying her."

After Fu Yu heard it, he was stunned for a moment.

It's all treated by one person, why did you separate them on purpose?

He thought to himself, and asked out of his mouth.

The orderer said: "When I was ordering with me just now, I clearly heard the female customer calling the tall young man husband, but when the acting sister said that she went in to deliver tea, she heard the old lady's daughter calling the female customer." Sister-in-law. The old lady's daughter looks much better than the young man."

The amount of information in these words is not small!

Is this arranging mother-in-law and sister-in-law to have dinner together, and secretly entertaining her little boyfriend for dinner at another location?

After understanding the situation, Fu Yu raised his eyebrows: "How can it be done like this?"

The orderer glanced at Fu Yu, and said meaningfully: "The female customer is very beautiful, and she looks very young!"

Fu Yu sighed, if it wasn't a divorce, then he was going to give her husband a hat!

Today's people have too weak a sense of morality, and the better they are, the greater the temptation they will face.

Fu Yu was still debating whether to give Liu Yuqing a designer bag, but don't let Liu Yuqing give himself a hat.

After the orderer finished gossiping, he was afraid of delaying his work, so he said to Fu Yu: "Chef Fu, just cook normally, I'll go back first."

Fu Yu nodded and hummed.

Instruct Zhang Jinyu to go to Zhang Luo to prepare the dishes and prepare to start cooking.

It is much more convenient to order food at the same table for two tables.

Fu Yu served one dish after another, and soon other orders were sent to the back kitchen.

When I get really busy, I can't take care of the thing before the gossip.

As a result, he had just arranged the serving order of several order lists. At this time, a food passer trotted into the back kitchen.

"Fu Chu, the customers in Room 205 request to return the entire table and cook again."

After Fu Yu heard it, he couldn't care less about the work at hand, and asked in surprise, "Retire the whole table?"

He asked a question, and hurriedly searched for some order lists on the kitchen wall, and this couple knew it.

Box 205 is the one where the same customer ordered from Box 107.

However, he cooks according to the dishes on the order list, why did he suddenly want to withdraw the whole table?

The waiter looked worried and said: "Chef Fu, the customer said that when they ordered the noodles at their table, they made a special note not to put chili on the table. As a result, the dishes on the table were all spicy!"

After Fu Yu heard it, he was stunned for a moment.

He hurriedly took a serious look at the remarks requirements of Box 205 and Box 107.

That's right!

Box 205 does not have a note, and it is cooked normally, while Box 107 has a separate note, asking not to put chili.

If he hadn't just confirmed with the orderer before, Fu Yu would definitely not be so confident now.

Fu Yu couldn't help asking: "Has Manager Gao dealt with it?"

The passer-by immediately shook his head: "Manager Gao will be on vacation today, and Manager Jia will supervise him. I called Manager Jia just now, but no one answered. I went to the office area again, and said that I have to file tax returns at the end of the month. Manager Jia accompanied me. I went to the tax bureau, and I haven’t come back yet.”

"Box 205 is in charge of Sister Yuxuan. She asked me to come and find you. She said that there was no remark requirement on the order list, but the customer insisted that there was, and she is still clamoring to return the entire table. She wants you to come over and have a look." Can you help me solve it?"

Generally, the front office manager is responsible for dealing with customer dissatisfaction with the dishes. If it cannot be resolved, it will be fed back to the back kitchen, and Gu Yunwu and Zhao Meng will come forward to help adjust.

However, for Zhao Meng's affairs now, basically everyone is more willing to ask Fu Yu to come forward.

The main reason is that Fu Yu has a quick mind and a good personality, and it is very reliable to ask him to solve problems.

Unlike Zhao Meng, who has a bad temper, even if he helps out to solve the matter, he will criticize and report what should be reported in the end, and he will not let things go.

This person is too principled, which is definitely a good thing for store management, but for the people around him, the pressure is too great.

It just so happened that Fu Yu didn't have any dishes to cook in a hurry, so he asked Zhang Jinyu to keep an eye on the steamer, and said hello to Zhao Meng, and then Fu Yu followed the food passer to the front hall.

Zhao Meng now has an attitude of throwing his hands away to these things.

Although Fu Yu lacked experience in this field, he was clever and quick on the spot, and he was able to solve ordinary things very well.

Hearing that the notes on the order list were fine, and that Fu Yu didn't cook the wrong dishes, Zhao Meng was very relieved to let him handle it.

Fu Yu and the waiter chatted about this while walking.

The waiter was really puzzled. The main thing was that there were two order lists, which had been verified by the order clerk. It was confirmed that there was a note that no chili was placed in one, and it was in room 107, and room 205 was for normal cooking.

The orderer did not make a mistake in recording, after all, two people received customers separately.

But the customer said the dish was wrong!

Fu Yu frowned as he listened to the waiter's words!

What exactly is going on?

The service in the front office of Maxima is still very good. It takes less than ten minutes to find the leader and understand the situation from customer complaints to handling.

When Fu Yu followed the waiter to Box 205, he saw a mother-in-law and a woman who looked about 30 years old were sitting at the dining table talking quietly.

Hearing that the chef from the restaurant came over, the mother-in-law said with a dissatisfied face: "When we ordered, we specifically explained to the waiter that no chili peppers are allowed on this table, but look, the dishes on the table are almost They all have chili peppers, don't you read the notes when you cook?"

Fu Yu couldn't help but asked: "Is the customer who ordered the meal there? Is there some misunderstanding? The order sheet received by the back kitchen is not specially marked."

The mother-in-law immediately shook her head: "My daughter-in-law went to the bathroom and hasn't come back yet. She is pregnant. When I ordered the meal, I specifically explained it to the waiter, and she personally agreed to make a note!"

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