Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 908: The Shotgun Has Long Been a Cannon

If it was Yao Shi who nodded and agreed to take the order of medicated diet, then it would be fine for Fu Yu one day sooner or later.

The main reason is that the back kitchen needs to prepare ingredients and medicinal materials in advance. He also needs to meet and communicate with customers, and then make specific tasting and customized arrangements for medicinal meals according to the actual situation.

Even if we meet tonight, this medicinal diet may not be able to be directly customized.

At this time, Zhao Meng came over suddenly and saw that Fu Yu was answering the phone, so he mouthed and asked: Chef Yao asked if you could go to the music restaurant tonight?

As soon as Fu Yu heard it, he understood.

Li Shu may have found some relationship. Now Yao Shi not only agreed to let her friend customize the medicinal diet, but also agreed to ask himself if he could go over to take the order tonight.

When Fu Yu heard this, he immediately agreed.

It doesn't take too much time to order a medicated meal.

Besides, the current Fu Yu can actually take orders for many types of herbal diets independently.

Prevention and treatment of diseases, health care, moisturizing and beautifying skin, strengthening brain and intelligence, and prolonging life.

At the beginning, Fu Yu was just a person with advanced skills in medicinal cooking, but he didn't fully understand the specific dish matching and customization of medicinal cooking.

At the critical moment, we can only arrange the medicinal meals according to the few medicinal cooking rewards obtained from the mission.

But now he is not what he used to be!

Ever since he got the list of the efficacy of Chinese medicine, although there is only one volume, the knowledge of various medicinal materials in it has been invisible, which has given him a further understanding of pharmacology.

This is like practicing martial arts. Before, he only knew how to move and didn't know how to use internal skills. Now he is gradually starting to practice internally and externally.

The shotgun has long since become a cannon!

Thinking of this, Fu Yu nodded to Zhao Meng, and then said into the microphone: "Okay, I just have time here tonight."

When Li Shu heard it, he laughed immediately: "That's great, I'll inform my friend right now, so let's directly customize the medicinal diet tonight?"

Fu Yu responded readily, "Yes."

After agreeing on a time to meet in the evening, Fu Yu hung up the phone.

Taking advantage of the absence of outsiders around him, he hurriedly called Liu Yunong to explain the situation.

Liu Yunong only finished lunch at Shangshi's at three o'clock in the afternoon, and his mood has been very depressed. He thought that he must restrain himself when he saw Fu Yu, so don't be sour!

As a result, Fu Yu couldn't ask for leave.

Liu Yunong thought about it, this is also very good, otherwise, as long as he sees Fu Yu, he can't help but think of the things he made himself passionate about before, and he will want to hold back a handful of sad tears, feeling sad about the water poured out by his sister who married for a long time .

When the shift was over in the evening, Fu Yu greeted Zhao Meng, and hurriedly took a taxi to the music restaurant.

On the way, he received a call from Yao Shi, and he was asked to enter the store from the back kitchen, change his work clothes first, and then go directly to the VIP reception room.

When Fu Yu heard this, he was somewhat surprised that Yao Shi could be so serious. It seems that this friend of Li Shu must have a lot of background!

After he changed his clothes and went to the VIP room, he couldn't help being stunned when he entered the door.

Good guy!

One person customizes the medicinal meal, and the whole family comes together.

At this time, the VIP room was already full of people. Looking around, there were seven or eight people not counting Yao Shi and the reception staff.

Li Shu was also there, and a woman of the same age was sitting next to her, and they were talking and laughing with Yao Shi.

Seeing Fu Yu coming, Yao Shi introduced with a smile: "This is Fu Yu, the medicated food chef of our restaurant, Chef Fu!"

Li Shu also hurriedly said: "Fu Chu, this is the best friend I told you on the phone, Wang Feifei, she wants to order medicinal meals here."

Wang Feifei is a petite woman with a height of more than 1.5 meters and less than 1.6 meters. She has a round face, big eyes, very fair skin, and looks very childlike.

If Li Shu hadn't said that she was thirty-five years old this year, she would have looked like a college student.

Wang Feifei stood up and looked at Fu Yu with a smile: "Hello, Fu Che."

Fu Yu nodded: "Miss Wang, hello."

Wang Feifei looked at Fu Yu with bright eyes: "I just saw the photo on the medicine diet recipe and thought you looked very energetic. I didn't expect that the real person is more handsome than the photo! That's great, I like being handsome. Capable man."

Fu Yu smiled. At first impression, this Ms. Wang seemed to have no airs and was very approachable.

At this time, Yao Shi introduced Wang Feifei's situation to Fu Yu.

It turned out that so many people who followed were Wang Feifei's husband, their parents, and her own sister.

Wang Feifei's family background is very superior, and the relationship between husband and wife is also very good.

But just one point, the two have been married for almost eight years, but they have not been able to conceive and have children.

I went to the hospital for a systematic examination, and the man was fine, while Wang Feifei was not easy to conceive because of the cold palace.

She has also done a lot of conditioning treatments one after another, but there is no significant effect.

She is 35 years old this year, and if she can no longer conceive, she will become an advanced maternal age.

If you are pregnant beyond the age, you need to do amniocentesis and amniotic fluid chromosome examination, and the postpartum process must be carried out under the close observation of an obstetrician.

Not to mention suffering, it is also very harmful to the body, and it is easy to affect the health of the child.

Moreover, I don't know if my mentality has begun to change as I get older.

She is also very eager to have a child of her own now.

This idea is so strong that occasionally she would feel envious when she saw other women with children outside.

Fu Yu had a brief understanding of Wang Feifei's situation, nodded, and said, "I already know the general situation, Ms. Wang, can you share your latest medical records and recent treatments with me? Tell me carefully?"

If you want to customize reasonable and effective medicinal diet, you must understand the actual situation of customers, so that you can place an order accordingly.

Wang Feifei did not despise Fu Yu because of his young age.

She has long heard that the music restaurant has launched a new custom-made medicinal meal table, and many people in the circle have followed suit and made reservations.

But what really moved her was the positive recommendation of her friend Li Shu.

The two are real girlfriends, they grew up together since they were young, and their relationship is very close.

Li Shu didn't follow others' advice, but he had already customized herbal diet, and the effect was really good, so he hurriedly called Wang Feifei to make adjustments together.

Under the guidance of Li Shu, Wang Feifei brought all the materials needed to customize the medicinal diet.

Wang Feifei is very concerned about the matter of having a child. In the past few years, she has already received health massage, traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, and even enrolled in a psychological counseling course. She is afraid that her mood may affect her conception.

Fu Yu carefully looked at Wang Feifei's medical records and all the treatment methods.

After all, Wang Feifei is rich, so the inspections are very systematic and regular regular review.

The results showed that her palace cold was severe and she was under a lot of psychological pressure. Her physical problems also affected her emotions.

As for Wang Feifei's palace cold, she had no obvious symptoms before marriage, but after marriage, she found that she had been infertile, so she went for an examination and found out that she had palace cold.

It is not a symptom caused by congenital deficiency and cold.

Fu Yu took advantage of the time to check Wang Feifei's diagnosis, and quickly looked up the recipes for endocrine therapy and conditioning.

When he first obtained this cookbook, he read it deliberately, and had a general understanding of the custom-made medicinal diet in this area.

Now to revisit and quickly conclude.

Judging from Wang Feifei's actual situation, it is definitely not a symptom of young kidney deficiency, nor is it a long-term illness that damages the kidney.

Fu Yu carefully wrote down all the relevant symptoms, and then communicated carefully with Wang Feifei.

Wang Feifei's family background has always been very good. Before she got married, she lived with her parents, and her family conditions are very good.

After getting married, her husband is very capable and lives a very prosperous life.

The most important point is that the relationship between the couple is very good, and the husband also knows how to love others, and takes good care of Wang Feifei.

Wang Feifei is also very keen on health preservation. She never likes to eat raw or cold food, nor does she like to swim or play in water.

I usually like to plant some flowers and plants on my balcony. I love life very much, and I have very good habits, and my work and rest are very regular.

Whether in terms of diet or living habits, Wang Feifei's behavior is particularly self-disciplined.

This point can be verified by the examination results provided by the hospital. Apart from Gonghan's infertility, Wang Feifei has no other problems.

It can be seen that Wang Feifei really attaches great importance to her physical condition, and she has a very comprehensive checkup, and she also insists on regular complex.

In addition to the thick pile of diagnosis certificates issued by the hospital, there are also detailed records of the conditioning Chinese medicine Wang Feifei has taken recently, the physical therapy massage, psychological counseling and other auxiliary treatment items.

It has to be said that just looking at this pile of information, one can tell how urgent Wang Feifei's desire for a child is.

Although these treatment methods and reexamination results can only confirm that Wang Feifei is indeed suffering from palace cold symptoms, and so far, it seems that all treatment methods have no obvious effect.

However, Fu Yu didn't take it lightly either. He looked at everything carefully, silently remembering what herbs Wang Feifei had eaten and what physical therapy she had done.

Looking at it this way, it really made him see something. The main reason is that Wang Feifei is really not short of money. The conditioning Chinese medicine she took is very symptomatic, and it stands to reason that the symptoms should be alleviated.

But the fact is just the opposite. Wang Feifei took expensive and symptomatic traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning. As a result, the disease was not relieved, but it seemed that there was almost no improvement from the initial treatment.

that's weird

According to the results of the hospital's examination, Wang Feifei had very typical palace cold symptoms, and the doctors prescribed Yougui Pills, Dingkun Dan and other conditioning Chinese medicines.

Since it is a symptomatic treatment, it is somewhat effective, but according to the latest examination, Wang Feifei's physical symptoms have not been relieved at all.

It is precisely because of this that this time I heard that the medicated meal at the music restaurant is particularly effective, so both families came here with them.

As soon as Fu Yu learned about Wang Feifei's illness, a middle-aged man hurried over.

The man was tall and strong, with dark skin, muscular and sturdy, and his clothes had a tight effect. When he walked over quickly, he looked like a moving iron tower.

Although the appearance is average, but the facial lines are very tough, looking very resolute.

Seeing the middle-aged man, Wang Feifei hurriedly called out, "Husband? Why are you here!"

Zheng Kangde approached, hugged Wang Feifei naturally, and said in a concerned tone, "I'm worried, come here and have a look, has the medicinal diet been ordered?"

Wang Feifei said: "Chu Fu is ordering for me."

Then, he introduced to Fu Yu: "This is my husband, Zheng Kangde."

Fu Yu shook hands with Zheng Kangde.

Zheng Kangde's palm is very thick, with thick and long fingers, and the palm temperature is very high.

This man is really strong and has a really good physique.

Zheng Kangde did not show a contemptuous attitude because of Fu Yu's age. On the contrary, he asked very solemnly: "I have long heard that there is a high-level medicated diet master in the music restaurant. Now, with the help of Sister Li, I can have the opportunity We are very honored to come here to order medicinal meals. Fu Chu, please treat my wife well. Money is not a problem. If there is any medicinal material you need, I have channels to get it. You don’t have to worry about it. As long as it is effective for the symptoms, Nothing is a problem."

Fu Yu nodded, and said seriously: "Mr. Zheng, don't worry, I will definitely do my best."

Zheng Kangde is very concerned about the physical condition of his wife Wang Feifei. On the one hand, he is worried about health problems. On the other hand, he is indeed old and wants to have children.

After Fu Yu read all the diagnosis and treatment results and treatment records, he began to ask Wang Feifei about her feelings during the previous treatment.

Wang Feifei said in detail that she had really undergone professional and systematic treatment in the hospital in order to treat her illness before.

According to her condition, the doctor prescribed a lot of medicines, and she took them on time and in the right amount at home. As a result, after a course of treatment, the symptoms did not alleviate.

But it's not all without effect. At least, she feels that her menstrual abdominal pain has been relieved a lot, but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, there will be some side effects after taking the medicine, such as insomnia and gastrointestinal discomfort. Too good sleep quality, getting worse and worse.

So I added traditional Chinese medicine soup, and followed the doctor's advice to do moxibustion therapy.

Because of the money, the traditional Chinese medicine prescribed by the doctor is expensive and very nourishing.

Wang Feifei suggested a few medicinal materials that her husband got from a friend.

After hearing this, Fu Yu couldn't help but click his tongue secretly, it's really good to be rich!

At the very least, such a rare medicinal material can be obtained if you want to eat it, not to mention the effect of the medicine to cure the disease, at least it can prolong life, and it is very nourishing to the body.

This is the rich man!

Ordinary people who can afford it!

Soon, Wang Feifei talked about some of her subsequent treatments.

Every method of conditioning has very obvious side effects, which makes Wang Feifei suffer a lot, and the disease has not been completely cured.

Wang Feifei herself said that afterward, she was a little desperate: "We really tried all the methods we could think of, but I have not been able to get pregnant. During the follow-up examination, the doctor always said that I still have obvious symptoms of palace cold. "

Recalling what happened in the past few years, not only Wang Feifei was full of disappointment, but even Zheng Kangde was also a little frustrated.

Not everything can be settled with money!

He sighed, turned around and glanced at Fu Yu.

I don't know if this young medicated chef is really so amazing!

Thinking of this, Zheng Kangde looked at Fu Yu, and couldn't help asking: "Fu Chu, do you think that ordering medicinal meals will be effective in my wife's situation?"

Hearing this, Fu Yu suddenly smiled and said, "Of course it will be effective, but as a prerequisite, I need to determine an idea first."

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