Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 910 Fu Chu can never be wrong

Wang Feifei and his wife wanted to order two courses of medicinal diet at one go.

Yao Shi took a look, this is a potential big client!

After all, in Bei'an, people from this kind of family can basically count their names. I'm afraid this customer has a lot of background!

Yao Shiduo is a shrewd person. Thinking of this, Li Xintong doesn't need to go through the custom-made procedures. He does everything by himself, and his attitude becomes more and more warm and thoughtful.

When asking customers to fill in their personal information, Yao Shi paid special attention to the names of Wang Feifei and his wife.

Seeing this, I was stunned!

Wang Feifei's name sounds nice, but Yao Shi really couldn't figure out which Wang family she was from for a while.

But when he saw Wang Feifei's husband's name, Yao Shi's eyelids jumped!

Zheng Kangde!

This is a celebrity in Bei'an. In the province, they are all on the rich list. They are dealers of well-known jewelry brands in the province, and there are jewelry counters in high-end shopping malls in cities and counties in the province.

It turned out that Zheng Kangde's wife came to his restaurant to order medicinal meals!

Yao Shi was naturally very happy, but when he was excited, he turned his head and hurriedly took advantage of Zheng Kangde and his wife's excited exchange with the two elders, using an excuse to avoid it temporarily.

When there was no one in the corridor, he hurriedly called Zhang Zhen.

Zhang Zhen is the head chef of the music restaurant. Although it doesn't matter if he knows Zheng Kangde, if he can impress Zheng Kangde, if there is any event in the future to host large and small banquets, or dinners between friends, the company will organize For team building, it is a good thing that you can't even ask for it if you can think of coming to the music restaurant to place an order!

Being able to get in touch with Zheng Kangde is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Yao Shi himself.

This is a bridge to open up a new circle of contacts!

Zhang Zhen received Yao Shi's call and heard the ins and outs of the matter, and was immediately pleasantly surprised!

If I really get to know Zheng Kangde and leave a good impression on him, I might become a super VIP customer of their store in the future.

This can be converted into a high commission!

When Fu Yu went to the back kitchen, Zhang Zhen had already contacted the people in the pharmacy with special care, asking them to bring the medicinal materials over immediately, and then ordered the little worker to start preparing the dishes for the medicinal cooking.

Although Zhang Zhen seemed to have a gentle personality and easy to get along with, he was actually a fine person. After getting Yao Shi's notice, he immediately had an idea.

While Fu Yu was cooking the medicinal food, Zhang Zhen couldn't help but look around while he was busy with the matter at hand.

He watched Fu Yu's skillful movements and calm expression while cooking the medicinal food, and he couldn't help taking a breath. He didn't expect that Fu Yu's gains would be so great in such a short period of time!

Now they can even receive orders for medicinal food from the rich man Zheng Kangde!

This is Zheng Kangde!

Distributor of well-known brand jewelry in this province!

Although he knew that Fu Yu had a high level of culinary skills, he didn't expect herbal cuisine to be so good!

After all, I still underestimated this young man!

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhen shook his head, what a formidable young man!

In his heart, Fu Yu is now a chef whose culinary skills are almost on par with his boss Yao Shi.

A lot of medicinal materials were out of stock in the back kitchen, so Fu Yu picked out the well-prepared medicinal meals and started cooking first.

Papaya Tremella Soup is a light and nourishing sweet soup medicinal food.

Fu Yu removes the stems of the soaked white fungus, peels and removes the core of the papaya, cuts the corn into sections, and cuts the lean meat into pieces.

Put all the ingredients into boiling water to cook, and wait until it is ready, and tell the little worker to drain it for later use.

Put water in the pot, add all the ingredients, cook on high heat, then turn to low heat and cook slowly.

This medicinal diet not only tastes sweet, but also helps to nourish yin, nourish the lungs, and nourish the skin. In particular, the dietary fiber in papaya can help the body excrete waste and help the adjustment of the stomach.

The taste is good, the nutrition is rich, and there is no age limit for taking it, so Fu Yu will also add this dish when he customizes some medicinal meals such as beauty and beauty.

The more times I do it, even the little kitchen helpers start to feel more comfortable.

Seeing that Fu Yu turned the casserole to a low heat and started to simmer, he hurried forward to help watch the heat.

Today it is Zhou Yesong's turn to help the chef. The young man is very clever. He usually follows the chef Liu, and he is influenced by his ears and eyes every day. He has a very transparent temperament.

Fu Yu prefers cooking with Zhou Yesong compared to Chef Lin's apprentice Tian Lei.

After all, as long as I look over, I can understand it, and many times, I even finish all the work ahead of time without waiting for my signal. No matter which chef will like it very much.

Papaya and white fungus soup was stewed in the pot, and Fu Yu successively cooked fried walnut shrimp with leeks and walnut oatmeal porridge.

At this time, the pharmacy finally delivered the customized medicinal materials.

After Fu Yu took over, he threw and washed the medicinal materials himself, first cooked the chicken and motherwort, and then stewed Guidi roast mutton.

Finally, he cooked this medicinal meal, safflower eggs, which he found from the recipes for endocrine therapy and conditioning.

When Fu Yu first saw this herbal diet, he was very surprised.

This dish is very interesting. Put the eggs in a small cup, peel off the shell, and a layer of safflower pattern appears on the boiled eggs, which is very delicate.

The shape of the plate on the recipe is very special. The red flowers seem to bloom on the eggs, with red lines on the white background, which is very beautiful.

This safflower egg looks beautiful, but it is a test of the chef's skills.

After all, this safflower is to be stuffed into a raw egg. One must be careful not to damage the shape of the egg yolk, but also try to stretch the petals. One can imagine the fine work involved.

Xiaogong quickly cleaned the medicinal materials and sent them over. After Fu Yu checked that they were correct, he started cooking.

The first thing he has to do is to crack the big head of the egg, and carefully peel off the shell to form a small hole.

Then use a bamboo stick to pierce the inner membrane of the egg and stuff it with saffron.

The operation of this step is very important, what kind of pattern and shape will be formed when the egg is steamed.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu deliberately picked out a particularly short chopstick, and carefully poked it in through the small hole on the eggshell.

Even with all-purpose chopsticks in hand, the egg is too small, and the holes reserved are thin and narrow, making it very inconvenient to move chopsticks inside.

If only I could get a reward like a universal toothpick!

Fu Yu squinted his eyes intently, while moving the chopsticks slightly, and then tried to spread out the clumps of petals, the tip of the chopsticks moved left and right between millimeters.

Zhou Yesong on the side was confused, watching Fu Yu tossing the eggs with his chopsticks in a daze.

What is this for?

Beat eggs?

Whisk in an eggshell?

This is the first time he has seen this method of operation!

As we all know, if you want to make the egg liquid even, you must use chopsticks to whip it quickly in the bowl.

But in a small eggshell, no matter how powerful this technique is, it probably won't work out, right?

Zhou Yesong stood beside him, watching Fu Yu fiddle with the eggs with a good eye.

Anyway, he didn't understand what Fu Yu wanted to do.

However, Zhou Yesong has been working as a helper with Fu Yu for so long, and he knows Fu Yu's cooking skills very well. After all, as long as Fu Yu cooks, there shouldn't be any problems.

To put it bluntly, Zhou Yesong now has a deep-rooted impression of Fu Yu.

In his heart, what Fu Yu did would never go wrong.

Just when Zhou Yesong was distracted unconsciously, Fu Yu suddenly said, "Set the pot to boil water and cook eggs."

Zhou Yesong hurriedly obeyed his orders, but when he boiled the water, he saw Fu Yu put the egg into a small cup that was just big enough to hold it down, and put the cup directly into the boiling water pot, then turned off the heat and covered the pot, and simmered until the water temperature became low. Wen Liang took out the small cup.

Originally thought that the next step would be the cooking operation of the medicinal food, but Fu Yu actually just picked a small cup with exquisite patterns, then placed the small cup on a small disc, and then put the steamed eggs into the small cup , put a few mint leaves on the disc for decoration.

Zhou Yesong didn't react for a while.

That's the end of it? !

A poached egg?

This is also called medicated diet!

Looking at the boiled eggs in front of him, Zhou Yesong couldn't help swallowing, and the customers wouldn't be happy if they just served them on the table, right?

After all, the medicinal food cooked by Fu Yu is still very expensive.

Spend so much money, the result is to eat an egg.

Zhou Yesong couldn't help but look up at Fu Yu, is it real or not?

He has worked in the music restaurant for more than two years, what kind of special dishes have he not seen?

But I have never heard that a boiled egg can be served on the table alone!

Just when he was surprised, Fu Yu suddenly said: "Take care of it."

Zhou Yesong was taken aback, looking at the boiled eggs on the small cup, he was a little embarrassed, the eggs were already cooked, what should he do with drawing a flower on the egg shell?

Seeing Zhou Yesong standing still, Fu Yu was stunned for a moment, but he didn't force it, and simply reached out to pick up the boiled egg.

"Forget it, let me do it, otherwise the egg shell will be broken, and it will affect the final effect of the plate."

In a word, Zhou Yesong blushed a little.

I am so incompetent as a helper, I hesitate to reach out for the work ordered by the chef in charge.

Fu Yu picked up the egg, tapped it on the kitchen counter twice, waited for the shell to crack, and then carefully began to peel the shell.

He did it very carefully, as if what he was holding was not a hard-boiled egg, but an egg covered with paper. A little force would break the egg.

And Liu Chu, who had been paying attention to the movement here, couldn't help frowning at this moment!

How did you bring out such a stupid thing?

The opportunity that was finally won, if you don't hurry up and take the opportunity to learn more cooking skills from Fu Yu, why is this assigned a job, and you don't know how to rush to do it!

Zhang Zhen just finished the urgent work at hand, and he called the little worker to handle the rest of the finishing work, while he went to Fu Yu's kitchen to observe.

As a result, as soon as he got close, he saw Fu Yu peeling eggshells. This operation was very common, but Zhang Zhen was taken aback!

this egg.

A bright red flower bloomed on the boiled egg on a white background. Is this saffron?

Zhang Zhen was amazed when he saw clearly the safflower eggs showing the overall effect in Fu Yu's hands.

Zhou Yesong even exclaimed: "So it's not boiled eggs!"

These two people surrounded Fu Yu, just like the shocked crowd at the performance show!

But Fu Yu was very satisfied!

The safflower egg he made is not exactly the same as the shape on the recipe for endocrine therapy and conditioning, but it is not inferior!

Chef Liu was called over by Zhou Yesong's exclamation.

He took a closer look, only to realize that Fu Yu had made a red boiled egg that looked like a preserved egg.

Liu Chu has been working in Hongan for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen such boiled eggs. He couldn't help asking curiously, "Fu Chu, is this also a medicinal diet?"

Fu Yu carefully put the peeled eggs into a small cup, looked at the overall color scheme of the plate with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Yes, this medicinal food is called safflower eggs, which are steamed with saffron and eggs. After taking it, the effect of regulating the disease is very good."

Chef Liu took a closer look at the saffron egg, looking at the lifelike saffron flower with its petals stretched out above the egg.

Can't help but praise: "The shape of this medicinal meal is really beautiful! It must be difficult to make, right?"

At first glance, the saffron is not directly attached to the outside of the egg, but is really blended into the egg liquid, sticking from the egg white to the outside, so that people can see at a glance that it is a saffron inside the egg.

Fu Yu smiled: "It's quite strenuous, but if you do it carefully, it's actually not particularly difficult."

Chef Liu didn't dare to answer these words, nor could he.

If it was him, no matter how careful he was, he probably wouldn't be able to do it.

Chef Liu was deeply moved by Fu Yu's creative idea of ​​cooking medicinal food, and his unique skill of decals, and exclaimed: "Really? But it looks really good, Chef Fu is so good!"

Zhang Zhen nodded: "Well, it is indeed very good, Fu Yu, have you improved your cooking skills? It seems that it has only been a week, and you have improved a lot in your cooking skills."

These words can be regarded as expressing the aspirations of everyone present.

The one-hand operation that Fu Yu showed during the cooking just now is obviously getting more and more refined, and the design of the arrangement of the medicinal food is extremely precise.

If everyone was shocked by Fu Yu's novel presentation ideas at the beginning, then they were amazed at Fu Yu's cooking skills for ingredients. For the details, the operation of each ingredient has reached the point of excellence!

This is not ordinary cooking according to conventional recipes, but adding your own creativity and ideas.

It's like the medicinal diet in front of me, which everyone present had never heard of before, and it was the first time they saw it.

But Fu Yu performed very well in the whole operation process.

What does this mean?

It shows that Fu Yu is not the first time to make this medicinal diet, and must have experienced countless attempts and practices before!

So good and working so hard!

He deserves to be so powerful! So awesome!

Zhang Zhen didn't know what other people were feeling at this time, he was very shocked at this time!

Reflection, profound reflection must be carried out!

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