Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 915 You Can't Be Fascinated By Small Samples

Liu Yuqing really didn't expect Fu Yu to still have such a handsome hand.

Of course, she doesn't know much about it. Nowadays, the bands in this kind of restaurant are paid for their work. As long as they have money, let alone the violin, even the piano can let customers play at the level of a master.

With advanced audio equipment and stereo surround sound, there is no need to find someone as a stand-in, and the original sound can be played directly, which can make people stunned for a while!

Fu Yu played the violin, and his posture was very decent. This is the shape he learned after practicing with the master of the band for more than two hours.

There are a total of seven movements, including the gesture of pulling the bow, the posture of holding the piano, the angle of shaking the head, and the range of body shaking.

After imitating this set of movements, I will play by myself with the music.

Fu Yu is tall and handsome, wearing a brand-name shirt and slacks, which makes him look like a star who has been invited to go out. The soft and romantic music is mixed with smooth notes assisted by professional accompaniment. He poses decently and looks arrogant. The audience was fully open, winning over the original violinist of the band, which attracted all the customers to listen and applaud continuously.

Halfway through Fu Yu's "playing" of a violin piece, Liu Yuqing sat silently by the window, the blood in her whole body seemed to be boiling, and her emotions lost control for a moment, as if she was about to lose control.

Fu Yu tried his best to imitate the various movements during the performance, while pretending to be playing the violin, while ignoring the enthusiastic applause of the customers in front of him, his eyes were like two burning beams of light, casting them from a distance, firmly Cover Liu Yuqing firmly.

The two looked at each other from a distance, and their eyes intertwined like twists and turns, and a thousand words were poured into this glance.

Fu Yu's eyes were deep, and what floated in his eyes was Liu Yuqing standing at the door of the back kitchen with a smile on his face. The first impression he met with everyone was that the beauty at that moment was breathtakingly beautiful. In his mind, the beauty grew completely according to his own preferences. Girl Liu Yuqing, let him fall in love at first sight, goodbye Liu Yuqing who loves you!

Liu Yuqing's eyes flickered, her eyelashes trembled, and what Fu Yu had said to her many, many times flashed across her mind.

Xiaoqing, if you want to eat in the future, just make an order list. You order, and I can make it for you.

Xiaoqing, your sister is my master and also my sister. I will definitely be there for you if you need anything in the future.

Xiaoqing, from now on, you can go to work if you want to, stay at home if you don’t want to, go shopping if you like, and do whatever you like. I will work hard to earn money to support you.

Xiaoqing, I like you, and I will definitely be with you in the future, so that your life will be happier than other women!

Fu Yu shook his head in a standard action, with a charming smile looming on his lips, holding the bow in his palm, sliding it from side to side chicly, and the soft and romantic music penetrated into the softest part of everyone's heart.

The bow in his hand became more and more flexible, and the full friendship between his eyebrows and eyes made his facial features more handsome and charming. Under the light, every move had a halo effect, and the female customers in the audience applauded implicitly and enthusiastically. The situation at that moment was firmly imprinted. Deep in Liu Yuqing's memory.

The customers present were just here to have a meal. They didn't expect such a handsome guy to play the violin on stage at all. The male customers were better. Although some female customers were reserved to watch, the atmosphere was up. Yes, I couldn't hold it back after all, some took videos with their mobile phones, some applauded enthusiastically, and some secretly thought about finding an opportunity to ask for a contact information.

Most of the customers who can come to this restaurant to eat are from wealthy families.

If you have confidence, you will have self-confidence. If you like it, you dare to pursue it generously.

Many young girls stared intently at Fu Yu on the stage, with curious and somewhat ambiguous expressions.

Fu Yu's song was over. Amid the applause of everyone, he did not rush off the stage. Instead, he handed the violin to the person next to him. He turned around and took out a bouquet of flowers from a box placed at the corner of the stage. Huahua got off the stage and walked straight to Liu Yuqing.

Fu Yu focused his eyes, with a gentle smile on his face, a handsome face set off by bright red roses, handsome and compelling!

He saw Liu Yuqing sitting at the dining table, her eyes were wide open, she looked at him in surprise and happiness, her face was half-lit and half-dark, and her eyes were shining brightly.

Fu Yu thought: Little boy, I can't beat you to death! Do you love me more? After a while, Ma Liuer agreed to the marriage proposal, and live a good life with my brother in the future!

Liu Yuqing thought: My husband is so handsome! I love him so much, I want to kiss him so much

Fu Yu walked up to Liu Yuqing holding the flowers and gave them to Liu Yuqing.

Liu Yuqing was shy and excited, just got up to take the flowers, when Fu Yu suddenly reached out and took out a small red box from his pocket, and immediately knelt down on one knee in the next second!

The moment Liu Yuqing saw Fu Yu kneeling, her heart stopped beating.

The other customers present were also obviously surprised.

This is

Liu Yuqing took a deep breath, and her brain quickly resumed operation after a second of blankness.

Why did Fu Yu order a restaurant, perform on stage, deliver flowers, and now kneel in front of him...

Is this to propose to myself? !

Fu Yu opened the box, revealing the diamond ring inside. He held the box in front of Liu Yuqing with both hands, and said affectionately, "Xiaoqing, marry me!"

Liu Yuqing looked at Fu Yu in surprise and joy, took a few quick breaths, and suddenly, tears burst out of her eyes without warning.

She held the flower in one hand and covered her mouth with the other, watching Fu Yu propose to her, she couldn't contain her excitement.

The whole restaurant was affected by the scene in front of them. Several young girls covered their mouths tightly, their faces blushing.

"Promise him!"

"Promise him, nod quickly!"

A young man with a cheerful personality yelled loudly, and soon someone followed suit to help cheer up!

These people just happened to come to eat in the store, met the marriage proposal in front of them, were infected by the atmosphere, and enthusiastically helped to propose together.

Under the urging of everyone, Liu Yuqing choked up and couldn't speak.

Seeing the ring held up in front of her, she quickly changed hands to embrace the flower, and stretched out her right hand towards Fu Yu.

Fu Yu put the ring on Liu Yuqing carefully, then took Liu Yuqing's hand, lowered his head, and kissed lightly between the fingers wearing the ring.

Feeling the kiss on her fingertips, Liu Yuqing burst into tears instantly.

It is said that the road of love is not easy to walk, but now someone is willing to walk hand in hand with her, Liu Yuqing feels that her heart has completely sank at this moment, and by Fu Yu's side, sprouts sprouted and took root.

The boyfriend she admired in her heart proposed to her, how could Liu Yuqing not nod her head.

Fu Yu stood up, held Liu Yuqing's hand, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Marriage, please!

Ring, wear it!

This man is his!

Fu Yu had a very proud and happy smile on his face. He was holding Liu Yuqing by the hand, and was about to turn around to thank the other enthusiastic customers when he heard everyone start booing again.

"Kiss one!"

"Kiss her!"

Fu Yu didn't expect the onlookers to be so enthusiastic, but he was in a happy mood at this time, and he was a little excited because of the successful marriage proposal, so he stretched out his arms and hugged Liu Yuqing along the way.

Fu Yu looked into Liu Yuqing's eyes and smiled: "My wife, what should I do, the kindness is hard to turn down!"

Liu Yuqing's heart was beating loudly.

As soon as Fu Yu finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed Liu Yuqing.

Although Fu Yu really wanted to kiss Liu Yuqing wholeheartedly, but right now it was a public place and there were a lot of onlookers.

Even if the most important person is right in front of his eyes, Fu Yu can only suppress his surging emotions, give him a light kiss, and quickly raise his head.

He looked down at Liu Yuqing whose eyes were flushed because of excitement. Against the backdrop of the bright red roses, he couldn't tell whether the flowers were more beautiful or the person was more beautiful.

Fu Yu raised his head, but still lightly clasped Liu Yuqing's chin with his fingers, and said vaguely: "There is still something I haven't told you seriously, wife, happy birthday!"

Anyway, people are right in front of us, so there is nothing to worry about.

Fu Yu comforted himself in his heart, hugged Liu Yuqing again, and then turned around and nodded his thanks to the other customers who were watching.

Liu Yuqing's heart was beating fast, but her heart was more at ease than ever. Fu Yu's embrace and kisses were warm and tender. Liu Yuqing followed Fu Yu back to the dining table unconsciously, put down the bouquet in her hand, and leaned against the chair softly. The cushions are surrounded by the faint fragrance of roses, and I feel delirious and almost drowning.

Fu Yu ordered the special dishes of this restaurant, but Liu Yuqing ate them absent-mindedly.

She looked at the ring on her hand from time to time, and couldn't help but look at Fu Yu again.

Even though the person is right in front of her eyes and the ring is on her hand, Liu Yuqing always feels a little unreal.

Fu Yu really proposed to himself?

I can't believe it.

After Liu Yuqing sighed for a while, she couldn't help but think that Fu Yu loved her so much.

She always thought that when they were together, she liked each other better, but she didn't expect Fu Yu to be the same.

How long have we been together? Fu Yu wants to marry her. Although she really wants to, isn't it a little too soon?

As soon as the thought appeared, Liu Yuqing denied it.

If two people have a deep relationship, they don't care about the length of time they spend together.

I like Fu Yu so much, and Fu Yu likes me so much, the sooner I get married, the sooner I can be happy.

Liu Yuqing thought that Fu Yu's marriage proposal was just right, it was a matter of course!

Waiting for the people around to no longer pay attention to this side.

Liu Yuqing couldn't help asking: "This ring must be three carats, right? Why did you buy such a big one?"

If it wasn't for the brand logo on the box, Liu Yuqing couldn't believe that Fu Yu actually bought herself a big diamond ring!

Fu Yu didn't answer but asked instead: "You just say whether it looks good or not, and whether you like it or not?"

Liu Yuqing thought in her heart, as long as it is a gift from you, even if it is a pull ring for a can, she will happily accept it.

Fu Yu, who is usually so picky, actually bought her a big and expensive diamond ring.

Liu Yuqing was deeply moved, and nodded vigorously: "It looks good, I like it!"

What she said was from the bottom of her heart, this diamond ring is really beautiful, different from the usual diamond ring styles.

The proposal ring is designed in the shape of a heart, which is very meaningful.

Liu Yuqing couldn't put it down.

"How much did you spend on this diamond ring? It's expensive, isn't it?"

Fu Yu didn't hide it either, and said truthfully: "I didn't spend any money, it was given by someone else."

Liu Yuqing was shocked when she heard it, and said in disbelief, "Who gave it to you?"

Is this a diamond ring?

Who can deliver this without any problems?

And the value is not cheap!

Could it be some rich woman

Fu Yu Borrows Flowers to Offer Buddha Again

Fu Yu coughed lightly, looked at Liu Yuqing, and saw something wrong with this expression, and hurriedly said seriously: "It's the diamond ring that the owner of the jewelry store gave me. He said it was a new model this year, and the style is very good. Let me see It was pretty, and it was for a marriage proposal, so I accepted it."

When Liu Yuqing heard this, she was dumbfounded.

The owner of the jewelry store gave Fu Yu a diamond ring!

"Why did he give you a diamond ring? Is the boss a man or a woman?"

When Fu Yu heard it, he couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Man, his wife ordered medicinal meals at my place, and gave me a ring as a thank you."

As he said that, he also told about the matter of Zheng Kangde and his wife who came to order the medicinal diet, including the situation of Wang Feifei.

Liu Yuqing sighed secretly, she didn't expect Fu Yu to be so powerful!

She only knew that Fu Yu was making medicinal meals in the music restaurant, but she never thought that Fu Yu could treat intractable diseases for others.

Zheng Kangde runs a jewelry store of a well-known brand, and his family is well-off!

His wife wants to be treated, why can't a doctor afford it?

Fu Yu can treat illnesses that even doctors can't cure, which is amazing!

Liu Yuqing looked proud, her big eyes blinked, and her thick eyelashes fluttered as she looked at Fu Yu. If there was substance in her gaze, she kept sending waves of love to Fu Yu's body one by one.

Fu Yu opened the red wine, and the two ate and drank. The wine was not intoxicating, but the person was intoxicated.

Liu Yuqing's cheeks were flushed, and she turned her head to look at the night scene of Bei'an city. The dreamy feeling of unreality before slowly solidified into reality.

At this moment, the dreamed scene has become a reality.

The environment is beautiful, the diamond ring is huge, the fiancé is handsome and handsome, everything is just according to the scene in her dream!

However, it is only a pity!

Such an unforgettable and memorable time, but she was only concerned with being moved to tears, and didn't even think of taking a photo as a souvenir.

After dinner, when following Fu Yu to pay the bill, Liu Yuqing tightly hugged the bouquet of flowers in her arms, thinking in her heart that after returning home, she would take photos of the flowers and the diamond ring as souvenirs.

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard the waiter at the front desk say: "Mr. Fu, this is your video recorder. All the scenes of your proposal just now have been recorded."

Fu Yu immediately smiled and thanked: "That's great, I've caused you trouble, thank you!"

The waiter waved his hand: "You're welcome, I wish you happiness!"

As the waiter spoke, his eyes could not help but turn around the two of them.

It has long been known that a handsome guy has booked a band performance today and is going to propose.

I didn't expect my girlfriend to be so beautiful. Standing together, the two of them are really talented and beautiful, and they are a perfect match!

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