Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 932 Breakthrough and Upgrade Opportunity

Regarding Xu Zhenbo being eliminated in the first round, Chen Dong was very calm.

In words, instead of complaining at all, he offered to stay and watch the cooking video with him.

This moved Xu Zhenbo, but he couldn't help but feel more guilty.

Xu Zhenbo has always been introverted. At this time, he couldn't help but blame himself: "Today's game is too bad. I am only one point behind Xu Chu. He has 85 points, and I only have 84 points. In the final analysis, I am not diligent enough. Work hard, one point difference is a lesson."

Chen Dong persuaded: "It's good that you are self-motivated, but you don't have to put so much pressure on yourself. You see, Xu Zhang's game today can be regarded as a self-breakthrough, but no one thought that your group meeting A dark horse came out. In terms of mentality, you really have to learn from Xu Zhang, he was also eliminated, but he is very optimistic, and you should be the same, not this year, but next year."

Xu Zhenbo was taken aback when he heard that: "Dark horse? Who is it? It turns out that Chef Xu was also eliminated?"

Chen Dong didn't expect that Xu Zhenbo didn't know about this matter, and was about to explain, when the screen began to show the specific score of the game just now.

There were high scores in the other groups. Xu Zhenbo looked at it, but there was no big fluctuation in his heart. When the results of group D appeared on the screen, he was stunned!

90 marks!

Chef at the Maxima Hotel in Beian? !

Xu Zhenbo stared at the screen in disbelief, who is this person?

After the results were announced, the game video was uploaded to the Internet in real time.

Chen Dong hurriedly said: "We can watch the video now, let's observe it first, and then go to dinner after the exchange?"

Then, he turned his head and invited: "Chu Yao, you and Chu Chu shouldn't be able to leave at noon, so go to our restaurant in the evening, how about I be the host and invite you to try the special dishes in the restaurant? I can also have a good time at that time." Let's talk."

When Yao Shi and Du Yingchun heard this, they readily agreed: "Okay, that's great, I just want to try the special dishes of Zhengyangmen Restaurant!"

Chen Dong was well-prepared and came to accompany the game, and even brought his laptop.

The screen was large and clear, so the four of them just got together and watched the cooking video with great interest.

The computer belonged to Chen Dong, so the first thing he watched was Xu Zhenbo's cooking video during the competition.

When watching, everyone was very focused. I have to say that Xu Zhenbo's cooking skills are really good.

After watching the video, Yao Shi was the first to praise: "That's right, I think the stir-frying is very good, and there's nothing wrong with the whole operation process!"

Du Yingchun also nodded in agreement: "Indeed, it's already very strong. Last year's 84 points made it possible to enter the finals, right?"

After watching it, Chen Dong was silent for a moment, and then said with sincere regret: "Zhenbo, your cooking skills have really improved, don't be discouraged, just relying on this state, it will definitely be fine to come back tomorrow."

Xu Zhenbo shook his head with a wry smile, and offered to propose: "Chef Chen, help me see if there are any deficiencies in the detailed operation?"

Yao Shi suddenly said: "How about watching Fu Yu's cooking video first, maybe with a reference, you can more clearly and intuitively recognize what needs to be improved and improved."

The others naturally had no objections, so Chen Dong searched and opened Fu Yu's cooking video.

In fact, Xu Zhenbo was also very curious about how Fu Yu managed to get a high score of 90.

This is considered top-notch in the entire arena, right?

Last year's score was a steady advance to the national competition.

The cooking video was played for less than two minutes, and everyone was almost amazed!

The action of cutting pier and preparing vegetables is also too fast and too precise.

Fu Yu didn't waste half a second, and every step of the operation was well connected.

Regarding this point, everyone's eyes brightened, a young man with a solid foundation in culinary skills.

In the following cooking, Fu Yu showed his unique skill of turning the spoon, from the speed to the angle, to the amplitude and height of the ingredients, which directly made Xu Zhenbo dumbfounded.

The strength of his arms and the skill of flipping spoons that he has always been proud of are not worth mentioning in front of Fu Yu!

too fast!

The angle is too extreme!

How old is this to have such a superb spoon-turning skill?

Although Du Yingchun had heard a little about Fu Yu's culinary skills for a long time, but after seeing is believing, he also opened his eyes wide and turned to look at Yao Shi: "Is this little Fu Yu's technique so good?"

Yao Shi, however, smiled faintly and sighed: "This kid obviously has reservations."

Chen Dong and Xu Zhenbo looked at each other: "?"

Du Yingchun couldn't help asking: "Chu Yao, what do you mean by that?"

Yao Shi said: "This stir-fried mutton has restrictions on the hand speed and the range of spoon-turning operations, and Xiaofu's true strength cannot be displayed at all. In order to ensure the taste of the ingredients and the final presentation effect, he obviously did not show it. Real strength. But you'll find out when you watch the next game, when there's some flipping."

The three of them froze for a moment.

He has achieved this level, but he still hasn't revealed his trick?

Xu Zhenbo has completely calmed down now.

It's not that I'm not strong enough, I don't work hard enough, it's because my opponent is too strong!

Thinking about it this way, the unwillingness in my heart slowly dissipated.

The draw for the next round of competition will begin soon, and the participants in the waiting area are waiting happily.

Fu Yu didn't sit in a good position. He was only talking to Xu Zhang just now, but now he looked up at the big screen, only to realize that he needed to tilt his neck.

Moreover, the cooking videos played on the screen were all recorded during the previous competition and were not complete.

Fu Yu didn't waste any more time watching, but simply received the task reward he just got.

[Xu Zhang's experience in learning silk-drawing skills]

A very good reward!

In fact, Fu Yu was very excited when he first received the reward. After all, Xu Zhang's wire-drawing skills are at the full level!

Although he didn't get the advanced skills directly, but with the learning experience, it's only a matter of time before he can advance quickly.

One thing that should be very happy, but now Fu Yu feels somewhat meaningless.

Before, he only thought that Xu Zhang's two personal skills that reached the full level directly were very dazzling and powerful, but after understanding it now, he realized that this was not the case at all.

Xu Zhang's most powerful skill is wealth luck!

Why didn't he get a little wealth attribute?

Thinking of this, Fu Yu couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Compared with the experience of this personal skill, wealth is even more precious.

Why can't fortune be defined as a task reward?

If it doesn't work, it's okay to increase the amount of cash rewards!

Like completing a mission and rewarding a house?

If the system prompts: [Ding! The task has been completed, and the reward is: a real estate certificate of Golden Harbor】

How exciting is that?


The ideal is full, but the reality is too skeletal.

If you want to obtain a real estate certificate, you have to work hard on your own.

Fu Yu sighed, and chose to activate the learning experience of drawing silk personal skills.

The amount of data and information this time was astonishingly large, and Fu Yu silently felt the memories of a large number of cooking operations and perceptions pouring into his mind.

All of these are Xu Zhang's accumulated experience in wire drawing skills over the years.

Maxima also has shredded dishes, and Fu Yu has done it before, but now, when a lot of memories entered Fu Yu's mind, all the operations suddenly became clear.

Fu Yu focused on integrating all the memories from Xu Zhang, and integrated these experiences with the methods he had mastered before.

There is no real shortcut to improve a culinary skill from beginner to advanced.

At the very beginning, Fu Yu thought that he could achieve his goal through skill points.

As a result, I found out later that skill points can only improve my own operation techniques, and cooking experience still requires learning and cooking accumulation to slowly improve my level.

However, the only way to completely reach the advanced level and integrate techniques and operating skills is to gain more cooking experience and skills through continuous learning and practice.

Gaining other people's cooking experience and insights is one way.

It is another way to improve skills through teaching practice classrooms.

With Xu Zhang's memory, Fu Yu quickly integrated all the operations and perceptions together. Before he could recover from the learning panel, the next second, an electronic prompt sounded in his ear:

【Ding! I have fully mastered the learning experience of drawing silk personal skills, please look for an opportunity to break through and upgrade. 】


Fu Yu couldn't hide his surprise. This time, he didn't get a skill upgrade directly, but found an opportunity to upgrade to a high level by himself.

Why do you feel that the task is getting more and more difficult?

Is this because Xu Zhang's wire-drawing skill has reached the full level, so he can't upgrade directly?

Although he failed to advance to the advanced level, with Xu Zhang's cooking experience and operating experience, the gap should only be in his control.

Anyway, the wire-drawing operation is usually not very useful, so there is no need to worry too much about upgrading.

Fu Yu's mentality was very stable. Before the lottery started, he stared at the screen in a daze, but in fact he thought carefully about all the memories he had just obtained.

If it wasn't for the sudden sound of the host announcing the start of the lottery draw from the stereo, then Fu Yu would definitely continue to immerse himself in Xu Zhang's cooking experience and figure it out carefully.

Being interrupted while concentrating on studying is a very disappointing thing, but when Fu Yu saw the list of matches, the unhappiness in Fu Yu's heart disappeared immediately.


Liu Yunong also successfully entered the next round of competition.

In fact, thinking about it, there is really no need to worry about it. With Liu Yunong's current strength, it should be no problem to sweep the Quartet in the provincial competition.

However, without seeing the final list of finalists, Fu Yu was always worried, mainly because he was a little concerned and confused.

This is my master and my future sister-in-law, so can I not care.

With the experience of the previous round, the draw of this round went very smoothly.

After Fu Yu finished drawing, he took a closer look at the contents, and his expression immediately brightened, not bad!

D5, competition item: cold dishes (skills of sauce preparation)

This is the latest skill I have acquired!

He still had some doubts about the previous stir-fry cooking.

But if the game sauce is mixed, Fu Yu's expression is relaxed.

Let's see which unlucky ghost is in the same group as me.

Fu Yu didn't care much about the opponents for the next match.

Anyway, Liu Yunong and himself are not in the same group, and Xu Zhang, the only one who is close to him, has also been eliminated.

No matter who he faces, Fu Yu can go all out without any worries.

Soon, the results of the lottery were announced.

Fu Yu hurriedly checked the list of people in the same group.

"Wang Yiqi? Sanxianlou? I haven't heard of it, I don't know it. It's good, it's good, and there is no psychological burden if you win!"

Thinking of this, Fu Yu moved his body to make himself sit more comfortably, and patiently waited for the start of the next round of competition.

At this time, Yao Shi and the others were also paying close attention to the situation of the lottery draw.

Seeing the list of people in the group appear on the big screen, several people hurriedly checked the candidates they were following.

After Chen Dong finished watching, he couldn't help exclaiming: "Fu Yu and Wang Yiqi met?"

Du Yingchun obviously didn't expect such a situation. After being surprised, he sighed with emotion: "I really don't know whether to say it's good luck or bad luck."

Yao Shi looked at the players' rest area. There were too many people, and he couldn't see where Fu Yu and Wang Yiqi were.

I thought that I heard that Wang Yiqi did not participate in any activities last year in order to break through the provincial competition, just to improve his cooking skills.

This year must have been a lot of hard work, this is preparing for the national competition circle!


How did he meet Fu Yu in the second round?

This Wang Yiqi's luck is worrying!

Xu Zhenbo was also taken aback, and said in surprise: "Damn, Fu Chu is really dark! In the first round, I met a relatively strong opponent like Xu Zhang and me. After being promoted by luck, I met Wang Yiqi again. This is really no one. Already!"

Chen Dong and Du Yingchun couldn't help but sigh.

Wang Yiqi was specially taken care of and assigned to an independent group, at least in terms of personal strength, he was recognized by the big guys.

Moreover, it is said that this person attaches great importance to this competition, and he came here to advance. He has determination, strength, and rich experience in participating in the competition.

Anyway, Wang Yiqi is quite a powerful person.

Chen Dong was obviously clear about Wang Yiqi's affairs, and couldn't help laughing: "However, Wang Yiqi's luck this year is finally a bit better. He didn't participate last year, but in the past few years, he was in the second place for three consecutive years. Lun met Xu Zhang and was eliminated directly!"

"This year is not bad, the first round passed smoothly, and now I meet Fu Yu again in the second round, and the content of the competition is still his best skill of mixing sauce, I guess this round of competition is basically stable, eh, of course Well, Fu Yu shouldn't be bad, and the match between them should be very exciting."

After Chen Dong had finished speaking, he realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly went back to make up for it.

However, Yao Shi didn't care about this matter at all. (end of this chapter)

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