Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 958 Food Poisoning

And Fu Yu just expanded his idea.

Cooking is not limited to mastering a certain skill or a certain cuisine.

How to integrate the advantages of several major regions requires research and exploration, but one thing is certain.

If it is really possible to be proficient in red case, white case, carving and medicinal cooking at the same time, then it is indeed a very desirable thing to combine the four to learn from each other's strengths to innovate and improve dishes!

And hard work always has a direction and goal to strive for.

At this moment, Yao Shi suddenly understood Fu Yu!

Yao Shi smiled and patted Fu Yu on the back: "The idea is good, you work hard, I wish you all the best in advance, and realize your dreams as soon as possible!"

Fu Yu nodded: "Well, I will."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the relationship between them was obviously drawn closer.

This morning, he was photographed by the pies that fell from the sky. Fu Yu was in a happy mood, and prepared the dishes happily.

In the end, before he started to float, at noon, he was busy taking orders and cooking, when suddenly a food messenger came to report.

"Chu Fu, it's bad! The customer in box 307 got food poisoning after eating, and he was vomiting and diarrhea. He has already called 120 and is going to the hospital!"

Fu Yu was taken aback and said in surprise, "What? What's going on?"

Box 307 is where he is responsible for taking orders. If I remember correctly, the customer ordered a large banquet of noodles, ten dishes, one soup and two staple foods.

The dishes are all the characteristics of the store, and the ingredients are all fresh seafood. He also follows the normal cooking process when cooking.

There is no problem with the ingredients, and the cooking method is no problem.

It is impossible for customers to eat something wrong!

The waiter trotted all the way from the front hall, panting heavily, and said anxiously: "The customers in box 307 are a few elders and a young couple. The girl complained of a stomachache after eating here. As a result, I vomited as soon as I came back from the bathroom, and now I am in a state of vomiting and diarrhea, and the situation is not looking good."

"Their family called 120, and they are going to be sent to the hospital!"

Fu Yu hurriedly put down the work in his hands, turned his head to explain to Zhao Meng, and hurriedly followed the food passer to the front hall.

Room 307 was in chaos.

Gao Wenjing is trying to appease the customer, but it seems that the effect is not very good.

A young girl was lying on a cot made of chairs, her face was pale, her hands were tightly covering her stomach, and she was in great pain.

Four elderly elders took care of the front and back, and a young man was arguing with Gao Wenjing.

"No one of you is allowed to touch the dishes on the table. I have already called the police. When the police arrive, I will take them away for testing. You wait for me. As long as my girlfriend is poisoned because of the ingredients, I will Definitely going to sue your hotel! This matter is endless!"

Fu Yu entered the box at this time, and Gao Wenjing couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw him coming.

"what happened?"

Gao Wenjing hurriedly took two steps forward, and said in a low voice: "The female customers suddenly vomited and diarrhea after eating. They thought it was because the ingredients in the store were not fresh. I explained, but it was useless."

Fu Yu nodded: "How long have you been calling 120? Is it almost there?"

Gao Wenjing said: "It has been about seven or eight minutes. I see that the situation is serious. We need to send someone to the hospital in a while. I am going to go there in person. The financial side also notified. Accountant Xin took the money and went to the hospital together. "

Fu Yu said: "I have greeted Zhao Chu, and when the ambulance arrives, I will follow to the hospital. If there is anything, I can help you deal with it."

Yao Shi left after the meeting in the morning, and now he hardly works with Maxima.

Now that something happened temporarily, there is Zhao Meng in the back kitchen, so there is no need to worry.

Gao Wenjing secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words.

It's great that Fu Yu can follow the past. She contacted the boss just now, but the phone couldn't be reached. The former manager Jia Rundong had a lot of trouble before. Can't be dealt with.

Although Gao Wenjing has not been officially promoted now, the job she is doing is the job of the front office manager.

So if something happened here, she had to solve it by herself.

But she and Xin Li are both women after all, so it must be very difficult to deal with such an angry and anxious family.

Now that Fu Yu was willing to go there together, she suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

In the back kitchen, Gao Wenjing's most trusted people are Yao Shi and Zhao Meng, and now Fu Yu is also added.

Ever since she discovered that Fu Yu was indeed very capable, with a good personality and warm heart, the most important point was that she responded quickly and handled things in a decent manner, which made Gao Wenjing unknowingly began to trust him.

This kind of feeling is slowly accumulated in the daily relationship. When Gao Wenjing realized it, she had already regarded Fu Yu as a good friend, and recognized Fu Yu's ability more and more.

The ambulance arrived quickly.

The doctors and nurses were taken directly to the box by the welcome guests.

Headed by two emergency doctors, carrying a first aid kit, they trotted into the door in a hurry.

Behind them were the medical staff carrying stretchers. The box was not too spacious, so everyone in the room hurried out of the way to make it easier for the medical staff to unfold the stretcher.

Among the family members, the girl's parents were the first to greet the emergency doctor.

"Doctor, save my daughter, she is in so much pain!"

"Doctor, this way!"

The young man was holding his girlfriend's hand firmly, and said nervously, "Doctor, come and see her, what's wrong?"

The emergency doctor stepped forward, checked the patient's condition, and asked, "What's going on? Where's the pain?"

The anxious middle-aged woman looked at the mother who should be the patient, and said anxiously at this time: "It was fine during the meal just now. After eating, we were not in a hurry to leave and chatted for a few words, but she suddenly said My stomach hurts, and I went to the bathroom and sat down when I came back. Before I could take it easy, I said my stomach was uncomfortable. When I went to the bathroom this time and came back, I vomited straight away."

The doctor was taken aback for a moment, seeing that although the young woman was pale, she was clearly conscious, so she stepped forward to check.

The doctor finished the examination and asked? "What did you eat? Are you still sick now?"

The young girl was really uncomfortable, and her voice was trembling: "My stomach is better, but I still feel nauseous. I want to vomit, but I can't vomit anything."

"I just ate the dishes, maybe I ate too much. At that time, I felt uncomfortable in my stomach and felt a little sour."

The doctor frowned, and asked again: "Are there any allergies to the food you usually eat? Did you drink alcohol during the meal just now?"

The girl's mother interjected: "No, there is no allergy. I didn't drink alcohol when I ate just now. Our two families don't drink alcohol, and I didn't order it this time."

The doctor asked again: "What about the past few days? Have you ever had any drinking experience?"

The girl heard the words, glanced at the doctor, and said nothing, but her mother continued to answer: "Surely not, my daughter is very good, she works in a formal unit, has never had bad habits such as smoking and drinking, and has always been in good health."

The doctor nodded and ordered the accompanying staff to carry the patient onto the stretcher.

He himself went to the dining table and took a closer look at the dishes on the table.

Maxima is a seafood restaurant. The dishes on the whole table are very rich, including soft-shelled turtle, crab, fresh fish, conch, and other seafood dishes, as well as very special dishes in the store.

The doctor picked up a pair of chopsticks at random, and looked at each dish carefully.

After confirming what the patient had eaten, combined with the question about the patient's symptoms and the patient's current condition, the doctor's expression changed.

He frowned and looked at the girl who had been placed on the stretcher, and finally asked, "Have you eaten all these dishes?"

The girl nodded and said truthfully, "I have eaten."

Next to her, her mother was afraid that if she missed something, it would affect the doctor's diagnosis, so she hastened to add: "My daughter likes to eat hot and sour food, and their food is not bad. less, especially the crab and conch, which eat the most."

After finishing speaking, he thought of something, and hurriedly asked: "Doctor, could it be that you are full of pantothenic acid in your stomach?"

The doctor didn't answer right away, paused, and then said: "Probably not, gastric pantothenic acid won't cause diarrhea, go back to the hospital for a specific examination, and I can make a diagnosis here."

That's what he said, but the expression on the doctor's face was a little dignified.

While the doctor was doing the examination, Fu Yu kept following him, listening carefully to the patient's answer.

In front of her family, the girl's attitude was obviously suspicious, and she seemed reluctant to cooperate with the doctor's questioning.

Before, Fu Yu was too sure that there was no problem with the ingredients, so he didn't think deeply about it.

I only think that the girl's sudden vomiting and diarrhea should be a personal physical problem.

But at this time, seeing the doctor carefully inspect the ingredients, and after questioning, his attitude obviously changed, which made Fu Yu cheer up.

He then glanced at the whole table, because he cooked it himself, and he recognized it just by looking at it.

Braised soft-shelled turtle, crab roe buns, hot and sour soup with seaweed and crab sticks, pickled fish, peanuts in old vinegar, fresh steamed conch with secret hot and sour dipping sauce.

He didn't pay attention to it before, but now that he took a closer look, Fu Yu immediately discovered the problem.

Turtle, crab, conch!

These three are all cold foods.

When Fu Yu was looking through recipes for endocrine therapy and conditioning, he had seen clear records about these three types of seafood.

Because the cold nature is relatively strong, it is not easy for patients with endocrine disorders to take it. In addition, there was a note at the time, which stated that pregnant women should not eat these three types of seafood, otherwise it will cause diarrhea and aggravate nausea during pregnancy. Seriously, the danger of threatened miscarriage and tire slippage will also occur!

He hadn't thought about it before, but now that he thought about it, he suddenly realized that there were traces everywhere.

Several of the dishes on the table are hot and sour. The soft-shelled turtles are freshly killed, except for the blood that is kept for stewing together, even the shells of the soft-shelled turtles are put into the pot together.

The shell of soft-shelled turtle is colder than the meat of soft-shelled turtle, which is more harmful to pregnant women.

Not to mention the crab roe buns and seaweed and crab stick hot and sour soup. One crab roe bun uses the crab roe of three crabs as the filling. The crab sticks used in the seaweed and crab stick hot and sour soup are all made by the chef himself , all the real crab meat is used, not the shoddy ingredients that use flour outside.

For these two dishes, just eat a steamed stuffed bun and pick up two crab sticks, which is about the same as eating four or five crabs.

Ordinary people can eat it without any serious problems. How can a pregnant woman with such a sensitive body be able to bear it?

Thinking of this, Fu Yu couldn't help but relax.

If it is as he expected, then the current situation can be explained clearly.

It's just that he is not a doctor after all, and even if he has a slight guess, he dare not say it in public.

At this time, Gao Wenjing took advantage of the medical staff's time to carry the stretcher, first called Dong Juntian to report the situation, and then contacted the finance side.

The customer went to the hospital, and the money for the consultation must be paid in advance by the store.

If it is really the responsibility of the store, then the follow-up matters also need to be dealt with by the finance department.

Of course, if it is not the store's responsibility, then according to the store's regulations, it is necessary to help customers as much as possible at this time.

After all, something happened at home, and you can't just sit idly by regardless of emotion or reason.

The girl was placed on a stretcher and carried out by medical staff.

Family members hurriedly followed to accompany her.

The doctor obviously planned to go back to the hospital for further examinations before drawing conclusions, so the family members didn't continue to ask questions, and just rushed to the hospital.

So in the group, the girl's parents and her boyfriend got into the ambulance directly.

Fu Yu and Gao Wenjing went to the hospital together in the car of the man's parents.

The ambulance went directly to the emergency department of the hospital.

When we arrived at the hall, the doctor ordered: "The family members go to go through the consultation procedures."

Later, he explained to the medical staff in the same company: "Send the patient to the emergency room first."

Originally, when they arrived at the hospital, several family members were sincerely relieved, but when they heard the doctor opened his mouth and sent him for emergency treatment, the group of people panicked.

The girl's mother held on to the mobile hospital bed and yelled, "I'll follow in!"

The doctor stopped him in a cold voice: "Family members cannot enter the emergency room."

Family members were blocked outside, and the girl was pushed into the emergency room.

Gao Wenjing has been working for so many years, and has encountered many things. At this time, seeing the customer being sent to the emergency room, she suddenly panicked.

Could it be food poisoning?


The supply of ingredients in the store has never been a problem, and the back kitchen will strictly check the inventory.

The ingredients are fresh, and there is nothing wrong with cooking. How can the customer come to the hospital after eating it so well?

Gao Wenjing glanced at the patient's family members who were anxiously waiting beside her, and did not dare to come forward to communicate for a while, for fear that her words would be inappropriate, which would attract the other party's verbal crusade.

She turned her head and whispered to Fu Yu, "I contacted accountant Xin on the way here just now, and she will be there soon."

As he said that, he couldn't help complaining: "Really, why did this happen again! It stands to reason that the ingredients in the store must be fine. Did she eat something before the meal, or did she have some kind of illness? Didn’t you realize it?” (End of this chapter)

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