Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 963 National Medicinal Cuisine Cooking Conference

Once this news was announced, it instantly spread wildly among all the staff in the store.

It's amazing!

The chef of Maxima started to take orders independently at the age of 24!

At this age, to be able to hold such a position, the whole Bei'an, no, take a closer look at how many people there are in the whole province?

However, this is not the most shocking.

Now almost everyone in the store knows that Yao Shi is the owner of the music restaurant, and it is impossible for him to continue working in Maxima.

Within this year at most, he will leave here to run his own business.

Originally, when Yao Shi left, Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu would compete for the position of chef.

But now that Fu Yusheng has come up, it's basically a certainty who will get it from now on, right?

After all, Fu Yu is from Zhao Meng's side. There are three chefs in the back kitchen, and the two are on the same boat. What does Gu Yunwu have to compete with Zhao Meng?

It is no exaggeration to say that if Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu started to fight, Fu Yu would definitely roll up his arms and sleeves to sideline the fight!

And Fu Yu himself has great potential, he is young!

I will be 25 years old next year, such a young chef has a lot of room for development in the future!

The whole hotel is talking about it!

"I didn't expect Fu Fu to be too good, isn't he? I have been working for less than two years, and I have become a chef directly, and I have to lead a team independently. This speed is unmatched!"

"There's nothing surprising. Fu Yu became a full-time employee less than a year after joining the company. It was amazing at that time. Now I'm used to it!"

"That's true, but the boss is a little too hasty, after all, this chef is not like other jobs, can Fu Yu do it?"

"It's okay, I'm already a chef!"


It wasn't until this moment that everyone reacted belatedly.

No matter what, starting today, Fu Yu is no longer an ordinary cook in the back kitchen, he has become an official chef!

This is a serious manager in the back kitchen, and he holds real power in his hands!

To put it bluntly, the head chef in the store basically doesn't come to work now, and the chef is usually the head chef.

This is basically the most powerful person in the back kitchen!

Thinking of Fu Yu being able to sit on an equal footing with senior masters like Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu, the entire restaurant immediately started talking about it.

Some even questioned the hasty decisions made in the store.

"No, why should he? After working for a few years, he can become a chef!"

"Compared to Zhao Chu and Gu Chu, is he still far behind?"

At this time, the official notice that Fu Yu was promoted to chef was sent to the work group!

This is the first time in more than ten years that the upper management of the store has been transferred!

The notice was sent by the boss Dong Juntian himself, and it was a long and eloquent text.

Fu Yu is so valued by the boss?

However, when everyone read the entire job transfer notice one after another, almost everyone showed dumbfounded expressions.

"A notice about the personnel adjustment of the hotel.

All departments: In light of the actual situation of the hotel, and after a meeting of the hotel management staff, the following personnel adjustments are made.

Fu Yu, the chef in charge of the back kitchen, was promoted to the chef of the hotel, assisting chef Yao Shi to complete the daily work of the back kitchen.

The above adjustments will be implemented from the date of release. At the same time, I hope that the new employees will continue to strengthen their own business learning in their new positions, and make new contributions to their positions with full enthusiasm. "

And just below the official transfer notice, there was also a personal profile of Fu Yu. After reading it, everyone felt their scalps go numb.

"Fu Yu, male, 24 years old, graduated from Bei'an Chef School, a member of the Provincial Food Association, won the first place in the Bei'an Sanjiang Tourism Festival Chef Competition in 2021, the first place in the Provincial Food Association Annual Conference Video Cooking Competition, and the 2022 National Chef The competition, the promotion of the provincial competition, successively innovated dishes such as the big harvest, salt and pepper shrimp tiger, and participated in the designated tasting base activities of the local special flavors of the provincial river fish feast."

After reading it, everyone was stunned!

This resume is amazing!

Enough to crush all gossip!

Who would have thought that the "Fu Chu" who was originally considered insignificant in everyone's eyes would be so powerful!

He joined the Provincial Food Association at a young age, and also participated in the activities of the Jiangyu Feast Tasting Base established in the province.

Now it's time to participate in the national competition again!

This kid is really nothing but a blockbuster.

It turned out that he had already started to go to the food circle of the provincial capital to plate gold without knowing it.

Now it's time to march to the whole country again!

These honors and opportunities are not just recommended by the store, the most important thing is the level of personal cooking skills and cooking ability.

Now that he can make his resume look so tall, it shows that Fu Yu is really awesome!

Is he all-rounder?

In fact, even Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu haven't been able to join the Provincial Gastronomy Association yet, right?

That is a symbol of status and strength!

There is also the national competition that is about to be participated in. Even Chef Yao Shi had to go through all kinds of troubles to advance once, right?

Based on these, why can't you be a chef?

Thinking of this, no matter how unconvinced everyone was in their hearts, at least they were convinced in their mouths.

The boss Dong Juntian specially released this notice in the group, telling everyone that Fu Yu's promotion this time was decided by several leaders in the store. Everyone can raise their opinions. If you think you are better than Fu Yu, If you have the ability, you go!

Fu Yu's unconventional promotion this time unexpectedly stimulated many young workers in the store, which was something no one expected!

Sometimes, healthy competition and the power of role models are the core driving force for development!

Even so, there are still some people who are dissatisfied with seven or eight.

However, at this moment, no matter how unbalanced your heart is, you can only hold it in your heart.

After all, this matter is already a certainty, and it will be implemented soon.

So no matter how much dissatisfaction there is, at most they can only complain in private.

However, such people are still a minority.

Everyone in the store, no matter the waiter in the front hall or the staff in the back kitchen, almost everyone's attitude is surprisingly consistent.

Support this promotion decision!

I support and love Fu Yu very much.

Because Fu Yu conquered everyone's hearts by virtue of his own strength and character.

Although everyone is still calling Fu Chu and making casual jokes like before, they all know it very well in their hearts.

The title Fuchu already has the same respect as Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu.

As the old saying goes, if the man is lucky, happy events often follow.

Fu Yu just learned about his promotion to chef from Zhao Meng, and then received a call from Liu Shaoxian.

Since the last time he came to Beian, Fu Yu and Liu Shaoxian have kept in touch.

Although not frequent, but more or less understand each other's situation.

Especially for Fu Yu's situation, Liu Shaoxian had already obtained very detailed information from Yao Shi's side.

Yao Shiduo is a shrewd person, usually good at dancing with long sleeves, especially in interpersonal communication.

If he wants to make friends with someone, he will definitely make the other person feel the enthusiasm and friendliness like a spring breeze.

Since joining Liu Shaoxian's network, Yao Shi has been actively maintaining the relationship between the two parties.

He knew that Liu Shaoxian admired Fu Yu very much, and now he supported Fu Yu to become a special consultant of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association.

So when communicating with Liu Shaoxian, he would always specifically mention some things about Fu Yu.

On the one hand, it was to help Fu Yu build a good impression in front of Liu Shaoxian, and on the other hand, he also wanted to take the opportunity to get closer to Liu Shaoxian.

After all, only if Fu Yu gets better and better, the medicated food seats in the music restaurant will have the opportunity to take advantage of the trend to promote.

So, Fu Yu answered the call from Liu Shaoxian, who immediately congratulated him.

Liu Shaoxian said with a smile: "Congratulations, Chef Fu, I heard that you have been promoted to chef?"

Fu Yu was delighted when he heard it: "Chef Liu, your news is really good, thank you!"

Liu Shaoxian said again: "This is a happy event. After two days, when you go to the capital to participate in the competition, I will clean up the dust for you. Then we will have a good celebration."

Only then did Fu Yu realize that after he had gone to the capital, he would indeed have the opportunity to meet Liu Shaoxian, and immediately smiled and said, "Okay!"

The two chatted and laughed, and Liu Shao first brought up the business: "Fu Chu, in fact, our Medicinal Diet Research Association will hold a national cooking exchange meeting this year. Originally, I was thinking of waiting for two years before you come to the Research Association to meet everyone. , I’ll find another chance to sign up for you.”

"But right now you are coming here to participate in the competition, and the time is just right. I thought that after you finish the competition, you can come directly to the research meeting and sign up for this medicinal food cooking exchange meeting by the way."

"For this competition, the research association invited two very famous herbal dieticians in the circle to be judges, and also set up a very generous award. I heard that the circle plans to take advantage of this competition to select the best newcomer herbal dietician of the year. "

"I think you are very good in terms of conditions and strength. You can definitely participate in the competition and try."

"It's not necessary to win the grand prize. This kind of competition is very rare. Even if it is an opportunity to learn, observe and communicate, it is quite good."

"If you think it's okay, I will start to arrange it here. After you come over, you can directly handle the competition matters."

Fu Yu was delighted when he heard it: "Okay, thank you Chef Liu!"

Liu Shaoxian said with a smile: "We are all from our own family, you're welcome, let's get together when you come to the capital."

Fu Yu hung up the phone, feeling very happy.

However, before he could tell Zhao Meng about this matter, he was surrounded by Sun Qingning, Zhang Jinyu and others.

Sun Qingning has the most out-of-the-ordinary character, and he took the lead in booing with a smile: "Chef Fu! Leader! Congratulations on your promotion!"

Zhang Jinyu also hurriedly said: "Fu Chu is mighty!"

The little workers were even more congratulatory to Fu Yu Daoxi.

"Congratulations Fu Fu!"

"Fu Chu, you have to cover us from now on!"

Being congratulated by his subordinates like this, Fu Yu was very happy in his heart, but he also knew that his face was somewhat suppressed.

He thanked everyone with a smile, laughed a few words, and then moved to Zhao Meng's side, and whispered about Liu Shaoxian calling him.

When Zhao Meng heard this, he didn't know whether he should be happy for Fu Yu or envious.

This kid is really lucky!

Such rare opportunities were presented to him one after another.

However, it is also really busy.

I am going to participate in the national competition soon. I have just finished the competition, and I am going to participate in the national medicinal food cooking exchange meeting. It is still a competition, and there is still a chance to win prizes.

Presumably, Fu Yu is also under a lot of pressure!

Zhao Meng knew that Fu Yu seemed to be gaining momentum now, and his cooking skills were very good, and he had participated in two events one after another, so he was considered a little experienced.

However, he is actually in the stage where he needs to be supported and encouraged, because he has made too much progress and faced too many opportunities, and it is easy to breed uneasiness in his heart and uncertainty about the future for a while.

At this time, appropriate encouragement can help improve self-confidence and relieve anxiety.

Zhao Meng is very experienced in this, so he specially encouraged him: "This is a good opportunity, you must seize it! When the time comes, perform well and try to get an award back. As long as you have good grades and a high level, no one will give you another chance." To question you!"

This is what Zhao Meng said, but anyone who changes people has to worry about such words, which will put a certain amount of pressure on Fu Yu.

Fu Yu nodded confidently.

I improved too fast, and went so smoothly along the way.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is estimated that it is somewhat uncoordinated.

He knows that what he needs now is the proof of his grades!

When the results are placed in front of everyone, doubts will appear particularly pale!

It has to be said that Zhao Meng really knows Fu Yu very well, and his words just stepped on Fu Yu's heart.

Originally, Fu Yu was not so focused on the competition, and his mind was full of helping Liu Yunong get the ranking and completing the task by the way. This time, he also made up his mind to try his best to win the championship!

In particular, these two competitions are national competitions!

A rare opportunity!

Seeing Zhao Meng's concerned expression, Fu Yu couldn't help but smile.

He suddenly felt that everything was arranged very well.

A National Chef Cooking Competition, a National Medicinal Cuisine Cooking Exchange Meeting!

Two convincing and important awards, if they can be won, then everyone should be convinced, right?

For Zhao Meng's care and help, Fu Yu was very grateful.

If it weren't for Zhao Meng's support at the beginning, he would not have gained Yao Shi's attention, let alone step by step to the present.

To have such a leader, such an elder who is both a teacher and a friend, Fu Yu naturally cannot live up to it!

Moreover, both Zhao Meng and Yao Shi contributed a lot to promoting him to be a chef this time.

He can't make it too difficult for Yao Shi and Zhao Meng, he must come up with some results, which will be enough to solve many unnecessary troubles.

People need to understand each other and consider each other.

Yao Shi and Zhao Meng support Fu Yu in every possible way, and Fu Yu also wants to prove through his own efforts that they are really discerning, so that others will praise them as real Bole, with discerning eyes! (end of this chapter)

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