Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 965 Powerful, Powerful and Background Rich

Early the next morning, Liu Yunong drove to Maxima to pick up Fu Yu.

Fu Yu was about to stuff the luggage into the trunk, but found that the trunk was already full.

In addition to two large suitcases, there is also a large bag.

When Liu Yunong opened the trunk, he remembered this matter, and couldn't help laughing: "You should put your luggage on the back seat."

Fu Yu looked at the two oversized suitcases and said helplessly, "Master, didn't you just go for 4 days? What did you bring? So much?"

Liu Yunong said: "It's all useful. I don't have a house in the capital, so I can only stay in a hotel when I go. I can't leave anything behind."

Fu Yu nodded, packed his luggage, and got into the car.

After driving for four hours, as soon as they arrived at the agreed place, they saw Du Yingchun and Lu Wen had already arrived.

And both of them had luggage.

Liu Yunong was quite surprised: "Why do you even carry your luggage?"

Du Yingchun said with a smile: "The high-speed rail ticket booked here in the province was originally booked at 2:30 in the morning. I think the time is not convenient, so I asked someone to change it to 6:00 tonight. It is convenient for us to travel and arrive at the time." It's just right."

"However, I originally planned to take a rest at night before going on the road after I greet you, but now I can only have dinner directly, and then rush to the car."

Upon hearing this, Liu Yunong hurriedly said, "This arrangement is pretty good, 2 o'clock in the morning is indeed a bit too frustrating."

Lu Wen said with a smile: "It's been hard for you to come here, let's go to eat first, just in time to rest and chat for a while."

Liu Yunong smiled generously and said, "Okay! Just a little hungry."

The meal was hosted by Du Yingchun, and it was set at the main store of Wangji Sauce and Bone. The local dishes made by this store were so authentic that they could not be eaten in other places.

As locals, Du Yingchun and Lu Wenshu ordered a table of special dishes.

All the people sitting here are seniors. Although Liu Yunong is young, his qualifications are there. Even Du Yingchun and Lu Wen spoke politely to her.

The food was on the table, and several people chatted while eating.

After exchanging some pleasantries, Du Yingchun said with a smile: "Our province will only look at the three of you this time. Just now I told the leadership team that you are the hope of our province. We must work hard in this competition. !"

Du Yingchun himself has participated in the competition many times and has rich experience. This time he was appointed as the judge of the province, so he is more concerned about this competition.

He analyzed seriously: "Needless to say, Yu Nong has the most experience and will definitely get excellent results."

"Chef Lu, your culinary skills are very good. As long as you are lucky this time, you can basically get a good ranking. If you perform well, you may even go further!"

Having said that, Du Yingchun turned to look at Fu Yu: "Xiao Fu, this is your first time participating in a national competition, so you must be lacking in experience, but don't worry too much about it. If you don't understand something when you get to the place, you can directly Ask your master and Chef Lu, if I am here, you can also communicate with me directly."

"We are all our own people, and we will definitely not be vague about where we can help."

Fu Yu nodded, and his impression of Du Yingchun improved a bit.

Du Yingchun smiled and continued: "I also just got the news. This year's competition rules have been slightly changed from previous years. I just want to tell you about it now."

I heard that the competition rules have been changed, so Liu Yunong and Lu Wen also got serious.

Du Yingchun said in detail: "There are a total of 200 people shortlisted this year across the country, and they will be divided into four groups at the same time. As for the arrangement of the personnel, it will be done in the form of lottery for the sake of fairness and justice. It is relatively random."

"These four groups of people will each select the top three people to enter the finals, a total of 12 people."

"The match the day after tomorrow is the group match. Since there are 50 players in each group, and only 3 can advance, that means there will be a total of three rounds."

Speaking of this, Du Yingchun explained very experiencedly: "It is said that it is a group competition, but it is actually a knockout competition. The content of the first round of competition is often very simple, the same dish, the same operation skills, and all contestants perform the same. Operation. In this way, 50 people in each group will directly advance to 12 people to start the next round of competition."

"The second round is 12 to 6. However, although it is a PK system, it is still promoted according to the level of the score. This is actually quite fair, and it avoids the situation where two outstanding contestants both get high scores. You have obtained the qualification to advance, and at this time, you can directly choose to be eliminated according to the level of the score."

"The last round is a PK elimination system, 6 to 3, the winner advances, and is eligible to participate in the final."

Lu Wen participated in the competition last year, and he laughed as soon as he heard it: "Is this changed to a points ranking? In fact, this is very good. The points ranking competition can ensure the fairness of the competition to the greatest extent and reduce accidents."

Fu Yu understood as soon as he heard it. Indeed, in this way, it can reduce the early encounters between masters in the early stage and ensure the fairness of the game.

Du Yingchun nodded: "The main thing is the national competition, and the most important thing is the final."

"Strength and luck are very important on the first day of the game. However, the most important thing is the final on the second day. Last year, my luck was not so good. I just got through the third round and met He Jie. They were directly eliminated and failed to make it to the finals.”

As he said that, he laughed at himself: "I originally wanted to fight again this year, but I didn't get the chance. It's okay now. At any rate, I have the opportunity to go to the scene to observe it. It's a worthwhile trip."

Speaking of this, Du Yingchun thought of something, and said seriously: "Let me tell you about the specific competition arrangements and assessment standards for the finals."

Liu Yunong and Lu Wen couldn't help raising their eyebrows slightly when they heard the words.

One is determined to win, so listen attentively.

One is gearing up and wants to give it a try, so it is very ambitious.

Fu Yu also listened very seriously, but he had a mission.

As well as the important task of escorting Liu Yunong, he felt that it was very necessary for him to sprint to the finals!

So Fu Yu also listened very seriously.

Du Yingchun said in detail: "When you enter the finals, the 12 of you will draw lots at the same time to choose the dishes you need to cook. The cooking will be done at the same time, and all the ingredients and seasonings will be prepared in advance."

"That is to say, which kitchen area corresponds to the cooking dish you draw, you need to go directly to that position. And this time the cooking is carried out in the public area, that is, 12 people start the competition in a cooking scene .”

"While I can't be sure which dish I will get and what ingredients to cook, I also have to deal with the tense atmosphere when the same players are cooking together. In this way, the pressure is still relatively high."

"And throughout the time you're cooking, all the judges are scoring your performance."

"The more successful the overall taste and shape of the dishes, as well as the details of the operation, the higher the score will naturally be."

After the three of them listened, they couldn't help but take a deep breath.

After all, it was a national competition, so they were still a little nervous.

After eating, the four hurried to the subway station.

Because it was a temporary exchange of trains, the positions of the four people were scattered.

Fu Yu sat alone in his seat, staring at the scenery passing by outside the car window in a daze.

He originally wanted to take advantage of this time to sharpen his guns and revisit the classic old-flavored recipes.

As a result, I suddenly remembered the unfinished task.

With the thought together, there are thousands of thoughts at once.

The task requires him to assist Liu Yunong to win the second place in the national competition.

So here comes the problem!

What exactly does assistance need to do?

Since the task is to let him serve as a support, does that mean that his level can pass the knockout round on the first day?

And even if he enters the top 12, what can he do to help Liu Yunong become the second place in the same game?

What if there are so many masters present and Liu Yunong is crushed?

After all, this is a national competition.

Those who can enter the finals are all talented people!

Although some experienced chefs will not participate in the competition, and the outstanding representatives sent by the provinces are also some new generation contestants, but there is no guarantee that there will be no big bosses on a whim to participate.

Under such circumstances, how to ensure that Liu Yunong can safely get the second place?

Fu Yu fell into deep thought.

Unless you can get the first place, it is guaranteed that no one else will grab it.

In the process of cooking, Liu Yunong was given some help.


What can he help Liu Yunong?

This is public live cooking, with countless cameras and eyes watching their every move.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu felt that he had underestimated the difficulty of this task.

what can we do about it?

Liu Yunong's position was just diagonally behind Fu Yu, and when she looked up, she could see Fu Yu's profile.

It was precisely because of this that she felt weak and pitiful inexplicably when she watched Fu Yu lowered his head in thought from behind.

Is this because the game is about to start again, so there is too much pressure and tension?

Thinking of this, Liu Yunong couldn't help shaking his head. Although Fu Yu is very talented in cooking and usually performs well, he still has too little knowledge and experience.

It seems that if there are such activities in the future, they should bring Fu Yu out to experience more.

Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles.

When the time comes, we still have to experience more in order to improve our psychological quality.

After getting out of the high-speed railway station, before Du Yingchun discussed with others about taking a taxi to a hotel near the stadium, Liu Yunong said with a smile: "My friend helped us book a hotel, just go there."

Du Yingchun was obviously taken aback, and then smiled: "That's really great, the province originally arranged for us to stay in the hotel last year, but their environment is really ordinary, especially in this season, even the heating facilities None, it's very cold. I'm still thinking about discussing with you, should I change to another hotel. "

The scale of the National Chef Competition is not small, and the hotels near the venue are already fully booked.

It is a routine business in the province, and it is a chain business hotel. The price is not cheap, but both the environment and the service are average.

Lu Wen lived there last year, and when he heard this, he was immediately happy: "That's great, their house is really bad, and the bathroom hygiene is also very poor."

They were very happy to hear that they could change to another hotel.

Fu Yu didn't even have any objections, and happily rushed to help Liu Yunong carry the luggage, and the group took a taxi and went directly to the reserved hotel.

When they got to the place, except for Liu Yunong, the other three were shocked!

This friend Liu Yunong is a rich man!

And it has to be a big money with power and background!

The booked hotel turned out to be the Golden Horse Hotel next to the competition site!

The Golden Horse Hotel has always been known for being expensive. The entire hotel is decorated with magnificence and splendor. Once you enter the door, you will feel as if you have entered a palace by mistake.

It occupies a very large area and has all kinds of service facilities!

In such a land where every inch of land is expensive, and a hotel of this scale, the charging situation can be imagined.

The booked room is a four-bed room, so the environment is natural.

Fu Yu checked in with him and took the room card and meal coupons.

Liu Yunong's friends are still very considerate. The location is so close. On the day of the competition, it is very convenient whether it is rushing to the scene in the morning or taking a lunch break at noon.

The most important point is that the room is booked in advance and the room fee has been paid.

This gave Fu Yu a happy feeling of eating and drinking with public funds.

Du Yingchun and Lu Wen were obviously overjoyed.

After that, I rushed to treat guests again, and went to eat the local special roast duck.

After eating, several people went together to collect the relevant certificates for the competition.

As soon as he came out, Liu Yunong was anxious to go back to rest.

Everyone was already very tired after taking the high-speed rail for so long. In addition, the official competition will be held tomorrow. The pressure is on the one hand. schedule.

Fu Yu didn't think much about it, he wasn't very tired, on the contrary, because of the upcoming game, he was both excited and nervous.

He thought about going back to his room in a while, so he would take the time to read more classic old-flavored recipes.

In case you happen to come across the dish specified by the competition, or if there is any detailed operation that you can use, so that you can have more chances of winning.

As a result, he had just returned to the room, and before he had packed his luggage, he received a call from Liu Yunong, asking him to meet at the hotel gate in five minutes.

Fu Yu didn't even change his clothes, and hurried out with his mobile phone and room card.

As a result, when they got to the hotel gate, they saw that Liu Yunong had ordered an online car-hailing car in advance.

Fu Yu looked at Liu Yunong in surprise: "Master, where are we going?"

Liu Yunong smiled mysteriously: "Get in the car first, I'll take you to a good place!"

This whole thing was so mysterious that Fu Yu's heart skipped a beat for no reason.

Liu Yunong clearly threw away Du Yingchun and Lu Wen on purpose, and secretly took him out!

Thinking about it this way, Fu Yu suddenly became more curious, where is he going? (end of this chapter)

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