Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 967 The player's operation is a bit confusing

In the judges' seat, after Du Yingchun saw the picture, he was silent for a while, and then said: "The setting of the content of this competition is very creative. First, the established dishes are used to remind the contestants, but at the same time, the two most common dishes are removed. , the choice of dishes that are not too difficult to cook."

"In terms of the arrangement of ingredients, whether it's shredded chicken noodles or cold dried tofu, there are great limitations in the choice of ingredients and the use of seasonings!"

"This requires the contestants to use all the ingredients and seasonings to complete the cooking requirements, while also taking into account the taste of the dishes, the final presentation effect, and creativity."

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at another judge beside him: "Master Liang, what do you think?"

After everyone understood the content of the first game, they all showed solemn expressions.

Liang Jue is 68 years old this year and has already retired, but he is also considered a legend in the industry.

Du Yingchun was able to have the opportunity to sit next to Liang Jue, thanks to Liu Yongping's favor. At this time, he was representing Fuchengchun Hotel.

Liang Jue nodded: "Indeed, this year's competition has increased the difficulty in terms of content, but this is actually a trend. A simple cooking competition has been changed into a comparison between cuisines. Although it has increased the difficulty, it is more satisfying. Investigating the personal cooking ability of the contestants can also avoid the situation where some chefs get high scores due to coincidences during the competition."

"However. This competition is very challenging. The ingredients are very simple, and the seasoning is also limited. How to choose the dishes to cook and how to display them are very important!"

While talking, someone beside him suddenly said: "Hey! This contestant's performance is very good! Although I can't see the choice of dishes he wants to cook for the time being, but this knife is very experienced, no matter how he cuts the knife. Or the choice of angle is very subtle!"

Hearing this, Liang Jue also watched the video carefully, and echoed: "Indeed, the knife skills are very skilled. Just by looking at the preparation of the dishes, you can tell that the cooking skills should be very good!"

The host immediately said at the right time: "Oh? Let's see who is the contestant on the screen? Oh, it turned out to be Wang Zhonghua from Zang Yaxuan, who was ranked 9th in last year's final and has great potential. "

There was an uproar in the auditorium. It turned out that it was a contestant who had participated in the competition and had achieved very good results.

No wonder such superb knife work is produced.

The video screen stayed in front of Wang Zhonghua's cooking counter for a while, and soon the screen changed to another contestant's operation.

Du Yingchun smiled when he saw it: "This contestant's idea coincides with mine. What he cooks is bone-in chicken drumsticks. Although the taste is guaranteed, the overall cooking effect is not very good. Brilliant."

"There are a lot of different ways to cook chicken drumsticks. It's actually a good idea to remove the bones and then cook with a knife. It's also a great way to show off your basic cooking skills."

Listening to Du Yingchun's evaluation, others also looked at the host curiously, looking forward to the information of this contestant.

The host took over the conversation just right, and said with a smile: "Mr. Du's vision is still very precise. This contestant is Gu Chi from Nanhu Xingjiachu. He is a very strong contestant. Last year, he won the Great result for 6th place!"

When the name was mentioned, many people present suddenly realized that it was him!

That long black-faced Gu Chi is very good at stir-fried dishes!

Just when everyone was discussing, the screen on the big screen changed, and a contestant was tying a thousand knots very deftly!

His operation method is very different, thousands of sheets are cut into small pieces, and then tied into very small and delicate knots.

Immediately, the host was dumbfounded: "This contestant didn't take the lead in processing the chicken legs, but directly processed the thousands of pieces into small pieces and tied them. The thousand pieces of knots are very small. When cooking, if you don't pay attention, it will be easy. Spread out! It looks very beautiful, but it is a test of cooking skills! Is the cooking risk a bit high?"

Several experts frowned suddenly.

You should know that Chijo is not like other ingredients, it is very soft in nature, and it is brittle and easy to break when cooking.

After stewing, it is easy to become soft and rotten, resulting in deformation and breaking.

Therefore, when making thousands of knots, they will be deliberately folded thicker and knotted larger, which is more resistant to stewing and less likely to break.

At this moment, Liang Jue suddenly said, "No! Take a closer look at his operations!"

The photographer skillfully zoomed in quickly, bringing the contestants' operation images closer.

Liang Jue said: "Look quickly! When he was knotting thousands of sheets, he tapped them with a spoon, and there was obviously a pressing action when tying the knots. If he didn't guess wrong, he had boiled the syrup in advance. When tying the knots The thousands of knots are glued together with syrup, which can prevent the thousands of knots from falling apart during cooking."

"Moreover, this kind of cooking operation itself is very difficult, but I have to say that his adventure is worth it, at least it left a deep impression on me!"

Du Yingchun also nodded: "Indeed, this contestant's operation technique is very delicate and fast, and his action of sticking syrup can be seen to be very skillful and precise! It's amazing! Look at the angle he fills and the way he presses every time." The method is exactly the same, the size and shape of the thousand knots are exactly the same, I guess after the cooking is finished, the thousand knots should still have the effect of arranging the shape of the plate."

Everyone looked at the pair of nimble knotting hands in the picture, and one after another delicate thousand knots were placed on the tray for preparing dishes.

The screen has not rotated all the time, because everyone has the same feeling, such a stable rhythm of operation movements, it is very comfortable to watch, and the movements are completed one by one, more and more beautiful, and the work is particularly meticulous!

Du Yingchun suddenly asked curiously: "Who is this contestant? I suddenly felt that my knotting operation may not be faster than his, and the technique is exquisite!"

Knotting is not a common operation in back kitchen cooking. Because there are few opportunities to do it, few people practice it as a personal skill.

Liang Jue also smiled when he heard the words: "Indeed, why do I seem to be a bit addicted to watching? This sense of rhythm is a kind of enjoyment to watch!"

Someone next to him answered: "There is a saying, this operation is the gospel of obsessive-compulsive disorder!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone suddenly laughed lightly.

The host said at the right time: "I see that everyone is very curious about this contestant, so I will reveal the answer to everyone now! This contestant is the runner-up winner of our cooking competition last year, the chef from Laowei Pavilion, He Jie !"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

Everyone in the judges' seat couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It turned out to be He Jie! That's no wonder!"

The host said: "It seems that He Jie's culinary skills are still very stable this year! He is also a popular figure to win this competition! However, although Chef He's cooking operations are very exciting, it is time for us to switch the camera. , let's see how the other players perform!"

I saw the picture jumping, and a clean and neat picture of the kitchen table was displayed in everyone's sight.

Seeing the situation on the screen clearly, everyone was stunned!

Not only the host whose voice faltered, but also the expert judges and the audience all looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

After a long while, the host was dumbfounded: "This is chicken soup?"

Du Yingchun swallowed subconsciously: "I guess so?"

A judge in the back row coughed lightly: "Perhaps. We thought wrong. Here, should we use a chicken leg to make chicken soup?"

All the audience looked at the big screen blankly.

I saw the casserole was standing on the stove, simmering slowly, and other ingredients were placed on the kitchen counter, whether it was hand-rolled noodles, dried tofu and carrots, what they looked like when they were brought over, and what they look like now.

The contestants leaned against the kitchen table with indifferent expressions.

He neither planned to take advantage of this time to prepare dishes, nor looked at the camera to try to gain a sense of presence.

He obviously just stood quietly, but he didn't feel cramped at all.

In this state, he was clearly waiting for the soup to be cooked.

But can only one chicken leg make soup?

So what can you do with the chicken thighs after making the soup?

Immediately, there was a lot of discussion in the audience.

Even the host and expert judges stopped explaining at this time. Looking at the video screen in front of them, they were a little bit lost.

What should I say?

This player's operation is a bit confusing!

The host was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was still hosting, so he hurriedly coughed lightly: "Here. Chef Liang, look, this contestant, what's going on?"

Liang Jue took a closer look at the situation on the kitchen counter, and said indifferently: "It should be cooking chicken soup, maybe the contestant wants to make dishes like chicken soup and dried tofu. Although there is only one chicken leg, there is no need to pass it. It’s not impossible to use too much chicken broth.”

In front of the camera, Liang Jue swallowed the real complaints in his heart.

Of course, you can cook chicken soup. The question is, which normal person would choose to cook chicken soup when there is only one chicken leg as an ingredient?

And now the competition is still in progress, you must know that the faster the cooking time is, the more brilliant it will be.

After all, with so many contestants on the scene, the expert judges are also prone to aesthetic fatigue.

The players made such a choice, so it can be seen that they should have no experience in the game, or have a unique skill in making soup, so they will take the risk.

Although I am curious about this contestant, in the camera in front of me, the picture is completely static, and there is really nothing worth staying. The host introduced decisively: "Come on, let's take a look at this contestant's profile. Oh, it turned out to be Fu Yu, the chef of the Maxima Hotel in Bei'an."

"He is the first player to participate in the competition this year, I hope he can achieve good results!"

As soon as the camera turned, the cooking scenes of other contestants soon began to play.

After listening to the host's introduction, other expert judges quickly put this little episode behind them and began to focus on the cooking operations of other contestants.

Liang Jue made up his mind, no wonder, it was his first time participating in the competition and he was inexperienced.

But Du Yingchun had a surprised expression on his face. The player just now turned out to be Fu Yu?

What is this kid doing?

Du Yingchun's first reaction was not that something went wrong with Fu Yu during the competition, but whether this kid was going to show off his unique skills again?

Before meeting Fu Yu himself, Du Yingchun always felt that Fu Yu should be a very good and calm young chef.

As a result, after witnessing Fu Yu's cooking operations, he was shocked to realize that this is a chef with a high level of cooking skills and a very creative talent.

Fu Yu has a unique advantage in skill mastery and innovation of dishes.

When he didn't know that this contestant was Fu Yu, Du Yingchun thought that this contestant was either a rookie who was too nervous to choose the wrong dish, or a veteran who was very good at making soup.

Because no matter how the final dish was cooked, his surprising operation really left a very deep impression on everyone present.

But now, Du Yingchun obviously has a little more expectation.

Because this player is Fu Yu!

So he would choose the current cooking dish, it must be because of the latter!

The competition was in full swing, and the big screen continuously played the cooking images of several contestants.

In addition to a few seed contestants booked in advance by the event planning team, some cooking shots of newcomers who signed up for the competition for the first time this year were interspersed in the middle.

In this way, it can not only cover up the purpose of deliberately playing the cooking scenes of the seed players to create a topic of discussion, but also, by the way, find and predict outstanding potential players in advance among the newcomers.

And this year there are indeed quite a few outstanding newcomers.

Even during the nearly one and a half hours of tedious waiting, all the expert judges and everyone in the auditorium showed no sign of impatience.

On the contrary, many players' wonderful operations made them feel bright.

Especially the newcomers in the audience who had the opportunity to come to watch the competition this time were extremely delighted and felt that the trip was worthwhile.

There are no weak players who can advance to the national arena.

Everyone was staring at the player's cooking video on the big screen with great interest. At this time, after playing the cooking operation video of a potential player who performed well last year, the screen jumped again.

An operation screen for cutting and preparing dishes appeared in everyone's sight.

The kitchen knife cuts quickly, and the dried tofu shreds quickly become uniform in thickness under the knife, resembling a matchstick, but not thicker than the filaments of a matchstick.

At first glance, it was a skilled knife skill that had been practiced for a long time. After being dazzled for a while, all the dried tofu instantly turned into thousands of dried tofu shreds.

After cutting, the contestants picked up the shredded dried tofu and shook it casually, and saw the shredded dried tofu shaking up and down, with clear roots, uniform thickness, and not sticky or sticky, and not broken continuously.

This is a step that takes chef knife skills very seriously.

This kung fu seems simple, but people in the industry can tell at a glance that without three to five years of practice, it is really difficult to be competent. (end of this chapter)

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