Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 972 Time is tight and tasks are heavy

Lu Wen finished the cooking operation method of the whole dish.

Liu Yunong looked sideways at Fu Yu and said: "You have to write down what Chef Lu said carefully. They are all useful dry goods. In the future, you will learn more from Chef Lu and communicate frequently. Chef Lu is really very good at cooking operations. Interest!"

Fu Yu nodded again and again, and exchanged contact information with Lu Wen on purpose.

Lu Wen looked at this pair of master and apprentice, and thought about the years when he was forced to learn how to cook, and suddenly he was a little envious!

I envy Fu Yu for having such a master!

Capable, capable, and the key is to take good care of his apprentices.

It was almost noon at this time, and the time for a cooking operation was not short. After the results of all the contestants were officially announced, the list of promotions would begin to be announced.

Although everyone already knew it in their hearts, but at this time they did not announce it to the public through the host, so it felt a bit inappropriate.

Now it can be said that several families are happy and some are worried!

Those who confirmed their promotion were all eagerly looking forward to it, and their expressions were full of high spirits.

And those who already knew that they could not advance, pretended to be calm, and did not lose their momentum even if they lost points.

And the most aggrieved is the twelfth place in Group B just now!

In just a few minutes, it fell directly to the thirteenth place and was eliminated.

As the main judge of this competition, Lu Ming was invited to the stage by the host to announce the promotion list for the contestants.

Standing on the stage, looking at the contestants below, Lu Ming said to the microphone with relief: "Dear colleagues, hello everyone! As of now, the first competition in the morning has successfully selected the rankings. Before the official announcement, I have a few words to say to everyone!"

"I believe that even now, seeing this result, many people here will be surprised, because the highest score winners in this game are not from the players predicted before the game, but Fu Yu from Bei'an Maxima. won the first place in the first game!"

"Actually, several of our judges are also very entangled in the background. Do we need to take care of the emotions of the players? Is the score so high? But in the end, we all think that it is better to announce the rankings based on the actual results of the competition instead of seniority rankings." Recognition and respect to all the players present!"

After speaking, warm applause erupted from the audience.

Fu Yu didn't know Lu Ming well, but the host just introduced that this is the main judge of today's competition.

Taking advantage of the applause, Fu Yu turned his head and wanted to ask Liu Yunong about the background of the chief judge, but found that Liu Yunong was wearing a headset on the phone.

So I had to get closer to Lu Wen again: "Chef Lu, who is this chief judge?"

The surrounding area was too noisy, and it was inconvenient for Lu Wen to go into details, so he simply introduced: "He is a bigwig in the industry. He used to be the chef of the Great Hall, and later he served as the president of the National Chamber of Commerce and supervised the directors of the National Culinary Association. , Chairman Lu is proficient in many kinds of cuisines, and has won many international awards in the gastronomy circle, he is a very good person!"

So awesome!

Fu Yu couldn't help but looked at Lu Ming seriously, thinking in his heart, has most of his personal skills been full for such a powerful person?

Thinking about it this way, I found a [! 】

Fu Yu chooses to view: [Leader of the food circle with 43 years of cooking experience. Status: Serious and rigorous, passionate about cooking research, with superb cooking skills. Favorability: 20] [Attribute Details]

Seeing Lu Ming's personal information, Fu Yu was not too surprised.

But when you see the [Attribute Details] at the end, it turns out to be bright. This is the status that you can click to view!

Fu Yu's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly selected to view it.

It is actually possible to view Lu Ming's personal attribute panel. In addition to the other party's name and position, you can also check the other party's personal skill level.

Sure enough, as he expected, Lu Ming is really strong, with a long list of advanced personal skills, even far surpassing Liu Yunong and Yao Shi!

In addition to being amazed, Fu Yu also discovered that as his level got higher and higher, he could view more and more information about others.

That's great!

What's more, Lu Ming is just 59 years old this year, and he has been a cook for 43 years. This is a professional apprentice who was born as a teenager!

The capital is indeed much more powerful than the provincial capital, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon is everywhere!

Fu Yu was distracted for a moment, and when he returned to the content of Lu Ming's speech, he heard the other party's tone slow, and said slowly with a sense of relaxation: "Although the list of promotions has come out, I hope you don't Be discouraged, let alone be proud! Being eliminated is not a bad thing, it shows that you still have a lot of room for improvement, and for every player who has advanced, what I want to tell you is that you have to continue to work hard and to Know that there is no end to culinary arts!"

"I also came from your current stage step by step back then. Learning to cook is like this. There needs to be a stage of laying the foundation and improving yourself.

Now that we have chosen to take this path, we must keep our original intentions.

Because your original intention largely determines how far you can go, and interest is just another name for this motivation.

If your initial heart comes from love, then you only need to use love to continuously water this career, so that it can bear fruits that are worthy of pride or worth sharing.

If your original intention comes from creation, then you may have to focus on polishing the best cooking dishes, allowing the dishes to express themselves and impress customers. "

Having said that, let's change the subject!

Lu Ming said firmly: "However, this process is boring and long, and the social environment does not allow us to work behind closed doors, keep the hard-earned cooking skills, stay on our own one-acre three-point land, and work hard. work."

"If you want to develop, you have to find opportunities by yourself, show yourself through various platforms, and prove your cooking skills!"

"And today's competition is such a very good platform. I hope you can seize this opportunity. For yourself and for our circle, more outstanding talents can emerge, and more fresh blood can be poured in. Come on! , complete the game and get excellent results!"

A sentence of heartfelt and sincere words made everyone present feel excited.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene had been mobilized, the host said at the right time: "Thank you President Lu for your wonderful speech. Now, according to the flow of the event, President Lu will announce the list of qualified players for us!"

Even though he already knew the details of the promotion, it still makes people a little excited and nervous to hear Lu Ming recite the names of the shortlisted players one by one.

Lu Wenchui unconsciously clenched his hands into fists on his thighs, approached Fu Yu and said in a low voice, "The atmosphere of this competition is really exciting! Let's keep working hard and strive to reach the final finals!"

Fu Yu nodded vigorously.

After announcing the roster, the host explained the schedule for the afternoon game, and everyone present can start their lunch break.

Lunch is a hotel buffet arranged by the activity group.

Whether it is the dishes or the scale, it is more than that of the province!

Fu Yu was about to take a tray and have a good meal, but was stopped by Liu Yunong: "I just asked, as long as you are a contestant, you can pack it up and go back to your room for dinner with your entry card."

Fu Yu was taken aback: "Huh? Master, don't we eat here?"

So many goodies!

In the cooking competition just now, although I didn't do any strenuous work, but because my spirit has been highly tense, I am still quite tired now, not physically, but mentally.

He just wants to relax and have a meal now.

Liu Yunong dragged Fu Yu to get a few packed lunch boxes, and urged: "You can decorate whatever you like, and it's the same when you go back to eat. Hurry up! It's almost twelve o'clock now, and the next meal will start at two o'clock in the afternoon." This game, we have to hurry up!"

Fu Yu was stunned: "Master, why are we going?"

Liu Yunong smiled mysteriously: "Listen to me, you are right, hurry up, you will know in a while!"

Fu Yu had no choice but to take the packing box, pick up the meal he wanted to eat and quickly packed a portion.

He had just finished packing, and Liu Yunong had simply picked out a piece of pizza and packed it up. He said, "Let's go, let's go to the third floor. Their hotel has a separate conference room!"

Fu Yu followed Liu Yunong to the third floor.

Opening the door of the meeting room, I saw that Lu Wen and Du Yingchun had already arrived, and there was a packed lunch box in front of each of them.

The meeting room is not big, but the sparrow is small and well-equipped, with a high-definition projector and even a hanging whiteboard, which is convenient for sketching and discussing at any time.

After seeing the battle, Fu Yu understood that Liu Yunong planned to take advantage of the noon break to discuss and exchange the content of the next game.

A total of less than two hours of rest.

It can be said that the time is tight and the task is heavy.

After the four of them ate lunch, Liu Yunong casually pushed the packing box to the side and said urgently, "It's all finished, come here, let's communicate!"

As she said that, she turned her head to look at Du Yingchun and Lu Wen: "Chef Du, Chef Lu, for the honor of our province, let's pass on our unique experience of pressing the bottom of the box, although Fu Yu got the highest score in the first game by luck , but no one can predict how it will play in the next game!"

"Look, I have already prepared all the relevant materials for the competition. There is only so much content. I have also practiced the basic operations with Fu Yu. But for some special cooking skills and operations, I am not familiar with them. There are many, and there are no particularly good ideas and experiences to pass on.”

"You can also help me to sort out my thoughts, especially Lu Chu. You have to continue the competition in the afternoon. Now we are sharpening our guns before the battle. Maybe it will be of some help at that time."

Naturally, Lu Wen couldn't ask for more.

Du Yingchun is today's judge, and he has participated in the competition in the past few years, so he has a lot of experience.

Liu Yunong's culinary skills are superb, and he is the heir of Liu's family cuisine. He must have a lot of operation methods and unique tricks of various cooking skills in his hand.

Du Yingchun also had no objection.

He and Lu Wen knew each other before, but they were not close friends. We all lived and worked in the same city. Now that we have the opportunity to deepen our relationship, he is still very happy to see it.

As for Liu Yunong, she is a famous female chef who usually sharpens her head and has no chance to get in touch with. If she can take advantage of this opportunity to get closer, it will be equivalent to adding an extra network to herself.

Du Yingchun is very knowledgeable about current affairs. Hearing this, he said with a smile: "No problem! In fact, in the morning competition, we discussed a lot about the content of the competition in the judges' seat, as if the contestants want to get high scores, not only about cooking The details must be well grasped. In terms of the choice of dishes and creativity, it needs to give people a refreshing feeling. This is the key to getting high scores in the competition.

The core element is to stand out from the crowd and leave a deep impression on the judges, such as "

When Liu Yunong saw this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he joined the discussion seriously.

Fu Yu was even more thirsty for knowledge, and the three in front of him were all senior figures in the circle.

Right now, because of time constraints, what they're talking about is serious stuff.

Two hours of time, a lot of experience and tips on cooking skills, as well as experience and content analysis during the competition, it is impossible to finish!

Liu Yunong's super learning ability is undoubtedly revealed at this time.

From the exchange between Du Yingchun and Lu Wen, she quickly found out more than a dozen cooking skills that would be used in the afternoon competition.

Fu Yu listened carefully to the exchange of the three seniors, and knew in his heart that in this situation, he was actually betting on a problem!

As for whether you can really bet on it, it depends on your ability on the one hand and luck on the other.

And his ability is limited, now he can only open his mouth and wait to be fed.

Two hours, fleeting.

Fu Yu followed Liu Yunong and the others back to the rest area. As soon as they sat down, the afternoon game officially started.

Different from the relaxed atmosphere in the morning, up to now, all the contestants who have advanced are in a state of gearing up and full of ambition!

Fu Yu sat upright in his seat, tilting his head to listen to Liu Yunong's tireless teaching.

The following game does not require players to draw lots to enter the field, but directly conducts PK between players in groups.

The PK sequence arrangement is matched according to the number.

This is fair and saves time and effort.

The content scope of the competition was also announced by the host. Like the competition in the morning, all contestants still have to take the same test questions

This is also convenient for the arrangement of ingredients and kitchen utensils at the competition site.

And the judges can also evaluate more systematically when scoring.

However, despite this, the difficulty of the national competition is much higher than that of the provincial competition.

The content customization of all competitions is carefully studied by expert judges, and finally customized. It is very representative and can also evaluate the culinary skills of each contestant more comprehensively.

When the time for the official game came, the host came on stage and began to introduce the specific rules of the game.

Most of the previously eliminated players stayed in the spectator area and continued to watch the next game.

Seeing that the game started, the scene burst into warm applause. (end of this chapter)

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