Once Wang Jialiang and others took action, it was equivalent to confirming the division of labor arrangements for the next cooperation group.

Wang Jialiang was in charge of serving as a helper cook by Fu Yu's side, while He Lanqing and Gu Deqi were ready to follow orders at any time.

Fu Yu gathered all the ingredients he needed at hand, and only then began to prepare for cooking.

But before starting to process the ducks, Fu Yu made a special trip to a commercial stewing oven specially prepared for all contestants.

He skillfully lit the stewing furnace first, and used charcoal fire to make the temperature of the furnace proper.

Fu Yu's series of operations were straightforward, without a word of nonsense.

The three of Wang Jialiang followed closely behind him, watching Fu Yu operate the stewing oven very professionally.

This scene, in their eyes, was very shocking.

This is a stewing oven!

The braising furnace uses a dark fire, which is highly technical, and the person in charge of the furnace must master the temperature in the furnace.

Except for restaurants that specialize in roast meat or roast duck, ordinary restaurants rarely have a stewing oven area, and Fu Yu's current operation of lighting a fire is so skillful that it is shocking!

Before coming here, Wang Jialiang deliberately searched for information on the Internet, and knew that Maxima is a restaurant that mainly serves seafood dishes.

Is it possible that in addition to seafood, there is also a special braised oven roast duck?

However, now is not the time to think about this, Fu Yu turned on the stew oven, turned back to the kitchen counter, and started to process the duck.

It is estimated that considering the time limit of the competition, the duck has shed its feathers and cleaned its internal organs to prepare dishes.

Fu Yu took the duck and started to scald the skin and sugar the color.

Ruihetai's method of making roast duck is actually very similar to the one Yao Shi taught him.

It's just that the music restaurant is used to cooking the roast duck into golden yellow, while Ruihetai prefers to make it maroon.

The colors are different, and there are slight differences in the ratio of sugar water and the method of mixing.

Wang Jialiang stood by the side, staring at Fu Yu's operations with full concentration, ready to sound a reminder in time when something went wrong.

In fact, Wang Jialiang looked calm on the surface at this time, but he was not so stable in his heart.

He didn't know why Fu Yu was preparing to cook roasted duck in a stewed oven instead of directly cooking the roasted duck in a hanging oven.

When he introduced Ruihetai’s roast duck dishes before, he specifically mentioned that the most popular in the store is actually the hanging oven roast duck. On the one hand, the production method is simpler, and ordinary chefs in the back kitchen can get it. On the one hand, it is more convenient to roast. After all, roast duck in a braised oven is too particular. In terms of firepower control and time control, unlike roast duck in a hanging oven, there are certain rules and skills.

It is actually very difficult to master dishes like this, which are cooked based on the chef's experience.

Now is the very crucial final scene. If Wang Jialiang was a contestant, he would definitely choose the more reliable hanging oven roast duck as the competition dish.

In fact, Wang Jialiang's concerns were beyond Fu Yu's imagination, but he was bound by a mission, so there were not many cooking methods to choose from.

It is necessary to be able to use the skill of identifying the degree of tenderness of meat ingredients, the skill of mastering the amount of stewed ingredients, and the skill of cooking smoked sauce at the same time, and it must also correspond to the dishes on the order list.

I really have no choice but to use my brain on the roast duck.

The group of them first went to the stewing oven area, and then hurried back to the cooking area.

Because they were too focused on the cooking work, no one noticed that when Fu Yu lit the stewing oven just now, the camera was already aimed at Fu Yu, presenting all their actions on the big screen.

This time in the finals, in fact, the attention of all the people present was on the few seeded players.

Especially Fu Yu, who stands out with his dark horse qualifications, has attracted much attention.

The competition officially started, and the cooking images of each contestant began to be shown on the big screen as scheduled.

Originally, the planning team planned to randomly broadcast the cooking scenes of the two contestants first, and then switch the camera to Fu Yu's cooking scene.

On the one hand, it can stimulate the appetite of the judges and the audience, so that they can also pay more attention to the performance of other contestants.

On the other hand, it is just starting to cook. It is nothing more than preparing dishes. In fact, there are really no brilliant operations to observe.

When the contestants start cooking, turn the screen to a few outstanding contestants, which can better show the hot spots of the competition.

Unexpectedly, they just randomly selected a contestant's cooking scene for display, and they received a reminder from the staff before they started changing the camera.

Something is wrong with Fu Yu!

Everyone in the judges' seat was still commenting on the preparation of the contestants' dishes on the big screen, when they suddenly saw the host's voice bluntly propose to show another contestant's cooking screen.

The incident happened so suddenly that the host didn't even have time to say the interlude, and the big screen directly changed the scene.

As soon as the picture appeared, it attracted the attention of everyone in the judges and audience!

The target contestant is Fu Yu!

Although Fu Yu had attracted much attention, at this moment, what surprised everyone was that Fu Yu didn't cook at the kitchen counter, but was busy lighting the fire in the braised oven area with the members of the cooperation team.

Seeing the picture of Fu Yu bending over to light the fire alone, and the members of the cooperation team standing around, everyone was stunned!

Well, why do you need to use a stewing oven?

The cooking and kitchen utensils at the competition site are very well prepared. After all, it is a national competition. Only the contestants can't think of it, and there is nothing that the competition can't prepare for.


There are so many competitions, and there is really no contestant who uses a stewing oven for cooking.

On the one hand, as long as the stewing oven is used, it means that this dish is either roast meat or roast duck, which is very time-consuming and tests the cooking ability of the contestants.

On the other hand, the operation of the stewing oven is usually done alone, so the contestants must allocate half of the precious cooking time to the stewing oven area.

Today's final is not just cooking one dish, but a whole order of dishes that needs to be completed within a limited time.

The choice of this cooking operation is really not good!

Lu Ming turned his head and asked, "Did you pay attention to Ruihetai's order list before?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Du Yingchun leaned forward and replied, "Look, there is a special dish, the signature roast duck."

Just now, the big screen specially announced the contents of the dishes that each contestant received in this competition.

Du Yingchun took a special look at the order list drawn by Fu Yu, Liu Yunong and Lu Wen. Although he couldn't remember all the dishes, he still had a little impression of the general dishes.

On Ruihetai's order list, the only thing that can be cooked in a braised oven is roast duck.

But when it comes to roast duck, Ruihetai's signature should be hanging oven cooking, right?

Lu Ming looked at Fu Yu who was immersed in the ignition on the big screen, and did not speak for a while.

The contrast in this picture was too strong, which immediately aroused discussions among the people present.

Shen Jintai stared at the screen for a second, then turned to ask the judges who were familiar with him: "Well, which restaurant is the team that follows Fu Yu from?"

The judges, who were also paying attention to Fu Yu's operation, turned their heads and said, "Ruihetai! Their chef's uniform is this style, and the one standing next to them is Wang Chef, Wang Jialiang, the newly promoted chef of their shop. He also participated in the annual meeting of the Food Association, he is quite an outstanding person."

Hearing that it was Ruihetai, Shen Jintai's expression changed immediately!

He is very familiar with this restaurant and often eats there.

He knew that the special roast duck in the store was cooked in a hanging oven, which was very authentic, but what Fu Yu was going to do now was roast duck in a stewed oven.

In fact, Ruihetai also has a stewed oven roast duck dish, but it is not easy to make it. After all, the business in the store is good, and hanging oven cooking is easier and easier to operate. It can be roasted in large quantities at one time. Customers can cut and serve directly after ordering .

The master chefs in the back kitchen are all busy cooking dishes, and have no time to do baking.

Although the roasted duck in the braised oven is also very unique in taste, the operation method is relatively demanding. Unless an ordinary chef does this professionally, a small worker will not be able to do it at all.

And the chef is usually busy with cooking, and it is impossible for the store to send someone to cook in a braised oven.

Such a dish that is not the signature of the restaurant, even the chef in the restaurant will not easily choose it, how did Fu Yu plan?

Thinking of this, Shen Jintai couldn't help turning his head to greet Du Yingchun: "Chef Du, if I remember correctly, Maxima seems to be a seafood restaurant, right? It specializes in seafood? Does their restaurant have roast duck? "

Du Yingchun has never been to Bei'an, and he has only heard about the Maxima. He shook his head: "I really don't know about it, but since Fu Yu chose to do this, he should know it well."

What he said was calm and calm, but Du Yingchun had no idea in his heart.

Although he wasn't sure what Fu Yu wanted to do, at least he couldn't destroy his prestige in front of outsiders.

You must know that these judges here are in control of the scores of the contestants, and whether they can advance in the end depends on them.

Thinking of this, Du Yingchun had to bite the bullet and help Fu Yu brag: "After all, Fu Yu's culinary skills are really high, and he is good at many cooking skills, and he is always cautious, since he will choose to cook roast duck He must be good at this kind of cooking."

Compared with the facts, what is true or false is not important.

Fu Yu stood in front of the kitchen counter, took a clean basin, put caramel and water in it, and started stirring.

Wang Jialiang looked at Fu Yu, feeling a little uncertain.

Do you want to sound a reminder?

Without making a sound, he watched Fu Yu lose the game?

aloud words

What if it seems that he is too subjective and arbitrary in front of the camera and doesn't respect the players?

After all, this is the final scene in the form of video recording, and their every move is followed by cameras.

He can't guarantee that his proposal will be good.

But just watching?

When Fu Yu insisted on going his own way, he couldn't finish cooking the whole table within the specified time, or he messed up the first dish directly.

At that time, it will not be a question of whether to get a high score or not.

Thinking of this, Wang Jialiang still couldn't help persuading him in a low voice: "Chu Fu, although the braised oven roast duck is also very good, it tastes good and is very distinctive, but it's too difficult to cook, and I'm afraid it's too late in terms of time." !"

Fu Yu was still a little hesitant at first, and wanted to rely on his own strength to deal with cooking.

However, in order not to lose the opportunity to complete the task this time, in order to successfully assist Liu Yunong to get the second place, and in order to give face to his family and Zhao Meng, he did not hesitate any longer and chose to directly obtain Yao Shi's personal high-level Skill stewing.

Yao Shi's stewing skill is his special skill, and it is one of the few full-level skills among several advanced personal skills.

This reward was obtained by completing the task a long time ago, but he has not been willing to use it for a long time.

Originally, I wanted to keep it as a last resort, for emergency use.

It's not that he doesn't pay attention to today's game, but that if he wants to complete the task, he needs to choose Yao Shi's stewing skill.

But after completing the task, one of the rewards he received was the ability to master the amount of stewed ingredients.

This is equivalent to wasting an opportunity to acquire new skills.

After all, the stewing skills are advanced, and the skill of mastering the amount of ingredients seems a bit tasteless.

However, at this moment.

It's all over to the finals, if you lose to this braised oven roast duck in the end, it will be too unwilling!

Willing, willing, willing to have!

Fu Yu comforted himself, and began to devote himself to the production and cooking of roast duck.

After acquiring advanced cooking skills, Fu Yu himself did not notice that his entire state had changed significantly.

After the caramel was adjusted, the water in the pot boiled. Fu Yu directly picked up the chopsticks to hold the duck, and scalded the duck skin carefully with boiling water.

He was very focused, and his movements were coherent without any pause.

Wang Jialiang stood by and watched, couldn't help showing admiration.

When he was pointing Fu Yu just now, he specifically mentioned that before making candy for the duck, it must be scalded first.

This is a unique skill in their shop, and it is generally not easy to spread.

Now that I told Fu Yu, I just hoped that he would perform well. Unexpectedly, Fu Yu not only did what he said, but also handled the details perfectly.

When Ruihetai makes hanging oven roast duck, the skin is specially scalded, which can shrink the pores of the duck skin, solidify the protein in the epidermis, expand the gas under the skin to the maximum, and make the skin dense and stretched, shiny and smooth, which is convenient for roasting .

It is also because this step is used for hanging oven baking, so under normal circumstances, the duck is directly hung on the hook for operation.

Ducks cannot be hung in a braised oven, so Fu Yu actually thought of picking up ducks with chopsticks and blanching them.

I have to say, this kid really has a lot of ideas.

And both finger strength and arm strength are amazing!

Clamping the neck of the duck with chopsticks can ensure that it will not slip or string, and it will not fall no matter whether it is rotated or shaken. This seems to be a simple operation, but it actually contains profound basic cooking skills.

Wang Jialiang was close and looked carefully. Seeing Fu Yu's superb chopsticks, he couldn't help but be amazed.

He felt that Fu Yu was stronger and better than he thought.

After all, being able to practice the basic skills to this level, and his comprehension is amazing, it can be seen that Fu Yu is really good.

After Fu Yu finished scalding the duck, he poured it in boiling water with caramel sugar three times from top to bottom, and then poured the duck body with sugar water.

Then, the ducks that have been scalded and colored are quickly cooled. (end of this chapter)

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