Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 987 Yao Shi Resigned

After quickly finishing the cooking in his hands, Zhao Meng stopped cooking and stared at the tablet seriously, finishing the short news interview with Fu Yu.

He is excited and proud!

Just after the news was broadcast, Zhao Meng's cell phone rang.

Yao Shi called and said with a smile: "Old Zhao! Fu Yu is too good, this kid is really up to date. When he comes back, I'll treat him to a treat. Let's celebrate him!"

Zhao Meng laughed from ear to ear.

Being able to appear on the news network, Fu Yu has completely become famous in the circle!

Fu Yu, a young chef from Bei'an Qianlima, won the championship of the National Chef Competition as a dark horse. This is the best promotion for himself with his strength.

Young, outstanding, promising and capitalized!

Zhao Meng is really proud of Fu Yu for such an honor.

This is an excellent chef who has been praised by the main station. Who can say that Fu Yu underestimated him because he was young?

Now who else can doubt Fu Yu's cooking level and ability?

Fu Yu is doing them a honor!

You know, over the years, no one from their province has ever broken into the top three!

Fu Yu won the championship for the first time in the competition!

Age, seniority, is there anything else worth emphasizing at this moment?

At the same time, many people in Bei'an saw the news.

Especially those in the gourmet circle, after seeing it, they were shocked at first, and then moved with emotion!

Maxima is about to rise this time!

This kid Fu Yu is really awesome!

It's unbelievable that everyone is on the news broadcast.

Yao Shi had just finished chatting with Zhao Meng, and as soon as he hung up, he received a call from Liu Shaoxian, an expert from the National Medicinal Diet Research Association.

Yao Shi quickly picked it up.

"Boss Yao, Xiao Fu is too powerful! I saw the news tonight, but I didn't expect him to participate in this year's National Chef Competition! With this honor, he will be able to gain a firm foothold in the association in the future! "

"It's really great to participate in this competition. As long as Fu Yu's reputation comes out, your store's medicinal food will definitely be able to take advantage of it! Your arrangement of this step is really wonderful. I didn't expect Xiao Fu to be able to sign up. After all, it's you Be brave and careful, seize this good opportunity!"

Yao Shi laughed loudly and said, "The main thing is Xiaofu's own efforts!"

The two chatted enthusiastically, and after hanging up the phone, each of them took a deep breath at the same time. Although they were in two places, at the same time, they felt excited and satisfied as Bole!

At this moment, in the cozy living room of the community building, the Li family members were sitting on the sofa watching the news and chatting at the same time. When they saw the news, they were shocked.

Li Linfeng said in disbelief: "Fu Yu! Hey, brother, look quickly, it's Fu Yu!"

Li Linlin also looked at the TV screen in surprise.

They didn't expect Fu Yu to be so powerful?

And the most important thing is to compare Liu Yunong!

After a long time, Li Linlin couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This apprentice Yunong is really good at accepting it!"

Li Linfeng nodded and said: "Actually, Fu Yu was very good at school, but I really didn't expect him to be so good now!"

Li Linlin smiled and said: "He has become famous this time, and this is the pride of our province!"

This evening, the gourmet circle was completely shaken!

Many people began to pay attention to this young chef from Beian Maxima!

Some were surprised, some were envious, and some started to feel sour!

Gu Yunwu, the cook of the thousand-mile horse, looked at Zhao Meng's overjoyed expression. He was really envious and jealous in this mood!

Among the newcomers who came to the back kitchen in the same batch as Fu Yu, he selected Zhang Jiaxin who had some social work experience, and later sharpened his head and snatched Yao Yihang from Zhao Meng.

How proud he was then, how regretful he is now!

Money is hard to buy, I knew it earlier!

The Liu family sisters also suffered from insomnia tonight.

Liu Yunong put on a mask, listened to Wang Yulong's phone call, and talked about the game with great interest.

Seeing her sister's excited look, Liu Yuqing felt proud and excited at the same time. After fidgeting for a while, she still couldn't hold back and sent a long message to Fu Yu.

"Fu Yu, in the future, you will cook steadily in the back kitchen, work hard to hone your cooking skills, use your blood to create youth, and devote yourself to your career! You don't need to be stressed, let alone be afraid of failure. This is the same as learning. I I understand, and I understand very well. You don’t need to rush to make money, and you don’t have to worry about expenses. I’m a rich second generation, I have money, and I can make a lot of money myself in the future! When you succeed, I will be behind you That woman. If you fail, I will take care of you!"

Fu Yu slept very deeply this time, and he didn't even realize that he was physically and mentally exhausted from this competition.

Picking up the phone and checking the time, I realized that there were several missed calls and a lot of unread messages last night.

It was too early, Fu Yu hurriedly sorted out the important ones and replied to the news.

When he saw the message from Liu Yuqing, Fu Yu couldn't help grinning.

He was not willing to attack the grand goal blueprint of his precious girlfriend, so Liu Yuqing was still relying on her sister's sponsorship for food and clothing, and her net worth was estimated to be enough for her to buy two bags by herself.

When replying to the message, Fu Yu was particularly cooperative, typing, and firmly stated in his words that he was willing to let his girlfriend support him, and he especially welcomed her to be the woman behind him.

In fact, she was thinking in her heart that Liu Yuqing casually outlined her beautiful ambitions, anyway, he was behind her as her solid backing.

Fu Yu is full of confidence in himself now, he believes that he can provide Liu Yuqing with the happiest and most affluent living conditions.

After Fu Yu washed and tidied up, he went to the back kitchen.

He originally planned to make staff meals as usual, but when he arrived at the back kitchen, he saw that Sun Qingning and Zhang Jinyu had almost prepared breakfast.

Sun Qingning was talking to Zhang Jinyu: "I'm looking at the porridge, go and fry a sausage and two eggs, and then serve them separately!"

When Zhang Jinyu heard it, he was surprised and said, "Why do you just fry a sausage?"

He thought that Sun Qingning was going to make a small stove, and the two of them ate some secretly. Each of the two eggs happened to be one, and this sausage was only fried, so it is possible that they still have to break it and eat it?

Sun Qingning said without turning his head: "That's right! One sausage and two eggs, exactly 100 points! Our chef Fu won the championship of the national competition this time, isn't that a perfect score!"

Zhang Jinyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and happily slapped his thigh: "You are so thoughtful!"

Sun Qingning said: "Life must have a sense of ritual. You hurry up and cook, and the chef will come in a while, just let him eat while it's hot."

"Hey! Fu Chu, you wake up so early!" Zhang Jinyu was about to speak, when he turned his head and saw Fu Yu walking in.

Sun Qingning hurriedly turned around: "Fu Chu, congratulations on winning the competition!"

Zhang Jinyu also laughed and said, "Congratulations!"

Fu Yu felt warm in his heart, and said sincerely, "Thank you!"

Others in the back kitchen also went to work one after another. Seeing Sun Qingning's 100-point love breakfast specially made for Fu Yu, everyone immediately booed and praised Fu Yu again.

Fu Yu looked at the crowd and couldn't help but smile.

In fact, Fu Yu's popularity in the kitchen of Maxima has always been very good, especially with Zhao Meng as a coffin comparison, Fu Yu is like a spring breeze.

Now he has won the first place in the National Chef Competition, which is the most powerful proof of his culinary skills!

Immediately, it was more and more recognized and respected by everyone in the kitchen!

Throughout the morning, the back kitchen was very lively.

At around ten o'clock, a reporter from the municipal TV station came to Qianlima to do an exclusive interview for Fu Yu.

The publicity department of the city also attaches great importance to the award of this national chef competition, and plans to list Qianlima as a specially invited event unit for this year's Sanjiang Tourism Festival chef competition.

Dong Juntian greeted him with a smile, and while he was overjoyed, he was also in a complicated mood.

In fact, Yao Shi won this honor for Maxima.

but now

Thinking of the resignation letter that Yao Shi came to the office in the morning and solemnly submitted, the smile on Dong Juntian's face faded a little.

Although it was a matter that he had known for a long time, but when this day came, Dong Juntian couldn't tell whether he was more reluctant or more complaining.

However, he also knew that no matter what, Yao Shi had already resigned.

From now on, we may meet again, but it is no longer the relationship of fighting side by side.

The news of Yao Shi's resignation had spread throughout the store by the afternoon.

All those who knew the news, although somewhat surprised, were not too surprised.

After all, Yao Shi seldom came to the shop since Chinese New Year.

The reaction of the people in the front hall was a little bit weak, but there was a clear sense of panic in the back kitchen.

In fact, Yao Shi usually doesn't come to the back kitchen very often, but he knows that there is something in the store, and he will rush over to deal with it at any time.

This gives everyone a backbone.

But now Yao Shi has really left his job.

For a while, even Fu Yu felt a little empty in his heart, very reluctant to give up.

However, apart from this feeling, what Fu Yu is most concerned about is when Zhao Meng will go to the music restaurant.

After all, if Zhao Meng leaves, he must go with him.

There were so many people around, Fu Yu didn't find a chance to talk to Zhao Meng about it for a while.

The person involved, Yao Shi, was sitting in the music restaurant, in his own office, drinking hot tea and feeling a lot of emotion.

He has tossed and tossed for most of his life, and spent almost all his youth on Maxima. If he wanted to leave his job, it was easy to say, but it was actually extremely difficult to do.

Dong Juntian has been dragging and refusing to let him go, which is only a small factor.

The main thing was that he was actually reluctant to leave in his heart.

Anyway, it is a place where he has struggled for so many years and spent so much effort. In fact, deep down in his heart, he has always regarded Maxima as his own business and managed it with all his heart.

In fact, he also knew that it was time for him to leave, but he still couldn't help himself.

At this critical moment, Fu Yu actually helped him through the most difficult stage.

Since the year, Yao Shi has proposed resignation three times including today. The first two times, Dong Juntian tried to persuade him to stay, but he also made excuses to avoid talking about it.

When Yao Shi proposed to resign again this morning, Dong Juntian brushed aside his eagerness to persuade him to stay, and asked him to go through the financial formalities in a business-like manner.

He even specifically emphasized that for the sake of his many years of hard work for the store, he was approved to resign on the same day without reporting a month in advance. However, because the dividends are calculated on an annual basis, he is resigned midway, so he can only receive this month. As for the salary and commission, this year's dividends will be paid together when the final settlement is made.

Dong Juntian's performance seemed to be generous, Yao Shi saw it, and his heart was completely chilled.

The music restaurant is booming now, because the business nature is different, in fact, there are big and small things that can't be dealt with every day.

Supervising two restaurants at the same time, Yao Shi has actually been working very hard.

He invested most of his life's savings to develop his own business with great difficulty. Now is the critical period for him to focus on climbing the ladder!

Because of the reluctance in his heart, and because of his rare indecision, he delayed his resignation for nearly a year.

But Yao Shi didn't expect that because he strongly recommended Fu Yu to be promoted to the position of chef this time, and then recommended him to participate in the National Chef Competition, not only did Fu Yu officially make a name for himself, but he was also able to resign smoothly because of this.

Thinking about it this way, Fu Yu is really his lucky star!

And Fu Yu is really up to date!

Won the championship in one fell swoop.

This time, he can be said to have become the hero of the food circle in this province, bringing honor to the whole circle!

Thinking of this, Yao Shi called Zhao Meng and agreed to treat Fu Yu to celebrate tonight.

Then he contacted Fu Yu specifically.

"Xiao Fu, congratulations, you performed very well in this competition! Tonight I will arrange a game, and I invite you and Lao Zhao to have dinner, let's celebrate!"

Fu Yu cheerfully agreed: "Okay!"

I couldn't go to Shangshi's private restaurant at night, so Fu Yu took the time to call Liu Yunong.

Just chatting, I saw Liu Yuqing coming back from the baking area to deliver the order.

Fu Yu hurried forward, taking advantage of no one passing by in the corridor, he quickly reached out and hugged Liu Yuqing.

Liu Yuqing also hugged Fu Yu back, then let go of her hand immediately, and asked with a smile: "Why are you out?"

Fu Yu whispered, "Chef Yao is going to invite me and Chef Zhao to dinner tonight."

Liu Yuqing nodded: "Chef Yao's resignation was too sudden, I thought it would take the second half of the year to bring it up."

Fu Yu actually didn't expect that he could ask Zhao Meng what his plans were next when he was having dinner at night.

Fu Yu said: "Chef Yao has always done things properly, and it should have been arranged well."

Liu Yuqing nodded: "Yes."

Seeing a food passer approaching, Fu Yu hurriedly took a step back and whispered, "Let's go out for lunch! Let's celebrate."

When Liu Yuqing heard it, her eyes lit up immediately: "Really? Then I want to eat hot pot, Sichuan Restaurant!"

Fu Yu responded with a smile: "Okay, I'll buy you milk tea, order whatever you want today!"

Liu Yuqing nodded cheerfully: "Okay, you can go back quickly, I'm busy here too, I'll come to find you after a lunch break."

The two made an agreement and went back to their respective posts. (end of this chapter)

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