Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 992 Preparing Herbal Diet

After hanging up the phone, Fu Yu looked up and saw Liu Yunong looking at him curiously.

So he took the initiative to explain: "Liu Shaoxian called the expert of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association. He just informed me that he plans to follow the activity group to participate in the medicinal diet exchange meeting held in South Korea."

When Liu Yunong heard it, he was pleasantly surprised and said, "Really? That's a good thing! Hey! Who did you say you wanted to contact?"

Fu Yu talked about the game.

Liu Yunong frowned: "I really don't know anyone in the medicated food circle, so I may not be able to help you. If you can contact the dean last week, then try to ask. What if he can help?"

Fu Yu nodded, but when he was on the phone, he actually had no idea.

When exchanging contact information at the beginning, Zhou Li was quite warm, but who knows if he was polite on the surface.

After dialing the phone, before Fu Yu could speak, Zhou Li's voice came from the microphone.

"Hi, Chef Fu, how are you!"

When Fu Yu heard the tone, his heart fell to the ground immediately, and he said with a smile: "Dean Zhou, hello."

Li Zongming has been invited to join the National Medicinal Diet Research Association as an expert, I don't know if he would like to participate.

There are also standards for the amount of egg liquid, and it all depends on the chef's own judgment based on experience.

Zhou Li smiled brightly: "Oh? What's the matter?"

"Look? The sixty-sixth carapace must stand up like this, from this angle, these two sixty-sixths."

This is true.

Before being able to catch up with Liu Shaoxian, he felt that Fu Yu was very lucky. He never thought that this kid was more powerful, and directly climbed to the highest network in the medicinal food circle.

While operating, Liu Yunong instructed Fu Yu: "This step is very critical. Don't be too troublesome. If you want the eggs to taste smooth and tender, the cooking time is very important. In addition, filtering the egg liquid is also very important."

"If pre-prepared medicinal meals can be launched, it's like a takeaway package. Customers can go to the store to pick up medicinal meals at any time, and they can also arrange their meal time when they go home."

Li Zongming was so excited after he finished speaking, and thanked him repeatedly on the phone: "Oh, that's really great! Fu Chu, thank you, I have heard about this exchange meeting for a long time, but I have never had the opportunity to participate, thank you very much Alright, I'll treat you to dinner later!"

The secret recipe of the imperial dining room handed down by famous female chefs in ancient times, coupled with the inheritance and research of several generations, in Liu Yunong's generation, even if they just follow the gourd painting and scoop their old books, it is enough to benefit for a lifetime.

"You can't do it by yourself, and there is still a shortage of talents in the field of medicinal food. There are not many people in this industry, and there are even fewer outstanding talents."

The ingredients used in Shangshi's private kitchen are even more particular than that of Maxima.

After the sixties are placed, pour in the egg liquid, leaving just a part of the sixties outside.

After filtering the egg liquid, Liu Yunong took out the serving steaming bowl and spread a layer of oil in the bowl.

Yao Shi really felt that Fu Yu was lucky!

It is simply what is lacking, and what is missing can be made up immediately!

"Since when did you get in touch with the president of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association?"

Fu Yu shook his head: "No, it's all steamed directly."

Liu Yunong nodded, thinking that this kid Fu Yu is quite lucky!

Zhou Li is the director of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association, such a person, who generally has no chance to get in touch with.

While steaming, Liu Yunong handed the chopped coriander and scallion to Fu Yu again: "Look? Only the core of the coriander is left, and the scallion is only cut at the tip."

"Because prefabricated dishes originally require large-scale machines for processing. As you said, if it is convenient and trouble-free, customers can pick it up at any time. This requires mass production and a dedicated person to be responsible before it can be officially put on the market."

Fu Yu chuckled, and told how he met Zhou Li before.

This is very likely to be a very profitable project. Whether I can buy a good car and whether I can save money to marry Liu Yuqing in the future is probably all in the middle of this thought.

Fu Yu smiled, and suddenly said: "By the way, Chef Yao, I have something else I want to tell you."

"If you think about it carefully, the initial investment is quite a lot. In this way, if you think about it, it is actually very difficult to implement."

He found it very comfortable to chat with Yao Shi.

Fu Yu nodded: "I'll contact you now."

Fu Yu looked at a large pot of 60s armor, and couldn't help but sighed: "Master, you still have strict purchase requirements here! This 60s armor is better than our store's quality."

Liu Yunong was in charge of cooking sixty-year-old steamed eggs, and Fu Yu followed beside him.

Fu Yu was about to answer when he suddenly thought of Li Zongming.

Liu Yunong finished brushing carefully, then turned to Fu Yu and asked, "Do you usually brush oil in the bowl like this when steaming eggs?"

Taking advantage of this time, add a little salt to the eggs and stir into egg liquid, and filter the egg liquid with a sieve to remove impurities.

Not only is it big, but the shell is very complete. When you turn it over and over to check, it is tightly closed, and it takes some effort to open it, so that each one is fresh.

Fu Yu said a few more polite words before hanging up the phone.

Liu Yunong was really happy for Fu Yu, but he didn't forget to remind him: "Since you are going abroad, you have to apply for a passport as soon as possible, and ask for a leave with Maxima tomorrow, do you have to tell Yao Chu and them in advance One sound?"

When it comes to his own special dishes, Liu Yunong is full of pride.

A serving of steamed eggs is served with ten sixties. When placing them, customers should not only be able to see the number of sixties at a glance, but also pay attention to the appearance.

The more promising Fu Yu is, the more it means that his younger sister has good eyesight, knows how to judge people, and has found a particularly good boyfriend, so the older sister is happy.

The sixties washed with sand are boiled in boiling water.

There is no such dish of sixty-year-old steamed eggs in Maxima.

Although it is only a very simple operation, it can immediately improve the layering of the whole dish in terms of taste.

"The most important point is that in a short period of time, it is impossible to officially open it. To really promote it, what is needed is popularity, to increase people's acceptance of medicinal cuisine, resources are needed, and professional equipment for processing and pre-medicating medicinal cuisine is needed."

Fu Yu hurriedly said: "I also have a friend who is a doctor from Bei'an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. His name is Li Zongming. He is also a member of the research association. He should also be able to participate. Dean Zhou, I will contact him now to ask, and then I will get back to you immediately." news, okay?"

Please take a good leave, Fu Yu followed Liu Yunong to learn how to cook today's private kitchen.

Yao Shi sighed again and again, this kid is really destined!

This opportunity is so good, it's so enviable!

Add water to the pot, and Liu Yunong covers the bowl with a layer of plastic wrap and puts it in the pot for steaming.

Fu Yu smiled, first returned a message to Zhou Li, and then called Li Zongming, telling him to apply for a passport and explain the specific itinerary.

Fu Yu said directly: "Dean Zhou, I have something I want you to help with."

Fu Yu looked at it and sighed again and again: "Master, even the angle of placement of this sixtieth armor is stipulated!"

"I'm going, Xiaofu, you are so lucky! We are just about to hit the medicinal food market here, and you will start to gild it at public expense!"

The two chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Zhou Li smiled: "It's okay, we're all on our own, you can just call me back after contacting me. By the way, I will also attend this exchange meeting next Friday, and we will see you in the capital then."

After some words, Yao Shi comforted him again: "However, your idea is still very good. In fact, if you survive the early period, you will gain fame, and all the resources, equipment, and medicinal talents will be in place. Then there will be someone as outstanding as you." The medicated dietitian is actually a very promising project!"

When Zhou Li heard this, he immediately said: "I have already recommended someone else for my quota, but I know who still has a quota, so how about this, I will arrange it for you. By the way, how many people are there?"

Since it is a private kitchen, all cooking details must be in place.

Although the proposal was rejected, Fu Yu was not discouraged at all.

"As long as you make this sixty-year-old steamed egg, you need to filter the egg liquid at least three times!"

Yao Shi immediately asked, "What's the matter?"

Thinking of this, Fu Yu simply said hello to Liu Yunong, and went out to call Yao Shi.

Liu Yunong smiled and said: "That's for sure. We cook private dishes, and we follow the route of meticulous workmanship. The sixties are all picked by the buyers one by one."

When arranging her armor, Liu Yunong's movements became more careful, and she signaled Fu Yu to get closer to the crowd.

Upon hearing this, Fu Yu hurriedly said, "Master, what brand of cosmetics do you want, I can bring them back for you when the time comes."

Liu Yunong earnestly taught Fu Yu his experience: "We always send purchasers to the pawnshop in the afternoon to pick out sixties when we buy them in the store. The sixties at this time are much cleaner than those in the morning."

Pointing at the ingredients on the kitchen counter, Liu Yunong said to Fu Yu, "This sixty-year-old steamed egg is a secret dish of our family. No matter in terms of taste or tenderness, most people can't make it."

After everything was done, I made time to talk to Liu Yunong.

Liu Yunong said casually: "Hey, speaking of it, I haven't been to Korea for four or five years. When I went before, I bought a lot of cosmetics every time. I used them myself and brought them to my friends."

However, the business scope?

What do you mean?

Is it a source of customers?

Fu Yu continued: "I'm wondering if we can add a pre-prepared medicinal meal to the store. After all, the current medicinal meal seats require customers to come to the store to eat regularly. For some customers, it is not very convenient."

Liu Yunong nodded: "That's for sure, not only the angle, but also when you sprinkle chopped green onions and coriander later, there are requirements!"

Zhou Li asked curiously: "Fu Chu, you came to me suddenly, is there something wrong?"

When Liujia cuisine is cooked, it is very particular about following the requirements of the secret recipe. Every step of the operation is a summary made by the ancestors after repeated experiments.

Moreover, Fu Yu actually understands that the idea of ​​preparing medicinal meals may not be suitable now, but it doesn't mean it won't work in the future.

"It's very convenient and increases the audience."

Liu Yunong looked at Fu Yu in surprise: "You look very familiar with that Dean Zhou?"

Fu Yu suddenly realized, it makes sense!

He has worked in the kitchen of Maxima for such a long time, and he still knows seafood very well. He is like a sixty-year-old, and he knows that the selection requirements of Shangshi private kitchen restaurant are very high.

Prepared dishes?

Fu Yu was dialing Yao Shi's number when he suddenly had an idea!

Do you want to add a series of prepared dishes to the catering table?

Liu Yunong is in a particularly good mood. The apprentices he has trained are getting better and better, and he has a bright face as a master.

Moreover, what if a new system is activated because of this creative idea!

Whether it is vision or thinking, Yao Shi has a particularly advanced consciousness.

Maxima buys seafood in the early morning, while Shangshi Private Kitchen buys shellfish such as sixties, and most of them choose to buy in the afternoon.

After Fu Yu called Yao Shi, he contacted Zhao Meng again.

When Zhao Meng heard that he was going to South Korea to participate in the medicated diet exchange meeting, he was also very happy, so he immediately decided to let him go directly to apply for a passport tomorrow, so there is no need to worry about the back kitchen.

Ordinary people really can't think of it.

"Wait a little longer, let's work hard, and sooner or later we will be able to realize the value of this business opportunity!"

Fu Yu couldn't help sighing in his heart, such traditional dishes are really amazing in details!

Seeing this, Fu Yu quickly thanked him: "Thank you, Dean Zhou."

Liu Yunong reached out to pick up the flower armor, and said: "When you make steamed eggs in the future, you should remember this step, so as to prevent the egg liquid from sticking to the wall of the bowl during steaming, and the oily egg liquid part will be eaten. The taste is very special."

Fu Yu said: "Didn't you say before that you plan to focus on the development of medicated food seats this year? I thought, since we want to launch medicated food seats, the wider the business scope, the more money we can make."

Fu Yu then said: "I just received the notice that this time I can go to South Korea with the activity group to participate in the medicated diet exchange meeting. I want to directly apply to participate in the medicated food cooking competition held by the exchange meeting, but there is no expert recommendation letter. You still have Is there a quota?"

After Yao Shi heard it, he was silent for a while, and then said directly: "The idea is good, but it may not be possible to implement it in a short time!"

Zhou Li said briskly: "Okay, let's do it according to the two quotas first. It's okay if he can't go at that time, I can arrange other people here."

Liu Yunong's eyes lit up: "Okay, then I will make a list for you when I go back. Besides beauty makeup, I also want to buy some pre-made dishes, such as drunk crab, noodles with fried sauce, fried chicken, these things It’s all very convenient, you can buy it, and you can eat it directly after a simple processing!”

Fu Yu said truthfully: "I didn't expect that he was quite nice. We met and chatted a few times before, and left our contact information at that time."

Afterwards, he immediately called Li Zongming.

Yao Shi was overjoyed when he heard that he was going to South Korea to participate in the medicated diet exchange meeting.

Yao Shi's tone was full of disbelief!

Fu Yu nodded and wrote it down carefully.

After the egg liquid is steamed, pour the seasoned sesame oil and light soy sauce on the steamed egg, shake it gently from side to side to make it even, then sprinkle the chopped coriander and green onion, and add a little pepper.

A smooth, delicious, delicious sixtieth steamed egg is ready.

Liu Yunong said with a smile, "I'll make a few more bowls later, and let's try them all."

Everyone in the back kitchen immediately cheered, this is a secret dish made by Liu Yunong himself, how can I taste it casually! (end of this chapter)

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