Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 994 There is a problem

Facing the closed door of the radiology department, Song Fuzhi muttered a few words, turned his head and was about to complain to Wang Shizhang, but swallowed the words again.

Wang Shizhang didn't speak all the time, he listened to Song Fuzhi's dissatisfied complaints, but he was thinking about Li Zongming's angry appearance just now.

When the little girl came to see the doctor before, he really didn't get a pulse, but simply asked about the patient's symptoms.

Because of the rear-end collision, when the two cars collided, the patient hit the abdomen, causing pain in the lower abdomen.

This must be the symptom of subcutaneous bleeding. It only needs to apply cold compresses within 24 hours after the injury to prevent the injury from continuing to swell.

As for prescribing a CT film, it is nothing more than earning a commission by the way.

After all, if there is an opportunity to make money, a fool will let it go.


Wang Shizhang originally thought that there was nothing wrong with his diagnosis, but now he couldn't help thinking, did he really misdiagnose it?

He thought in his heart, and unconsciously said it out of his mouth.

Song Fuyi heard it, and immediately said: "Even if it is true that she has symptoms of endocrine disorders and menstrual disorders, her intestinal tract is indeed fine. The patient came to check the injury. I think she can walk and move, and she is in good spirits." The state is also good, what can be a big problem?"

"Li Zongming is a Chinese medicine doctor. His medical skills are high, but it doesn't mean that he is good at watching movies!"

Industry specializing in surgery!

Song Fuzhi complained angrily in his heart!

Wang Shizhang didn't speak.

He thought that although Li Zongming's personality was not very good, he was really good at medicine.

Since you can tell the patient's illness, it is basically close to ten.

If that's the case, I have become a misdiagnosis!

After all, the patient registered under his name, and when the prescription was written later, he paid the money from Li Zongming, and the matter would definitely not be hidden by then.

Thinking of this, Wang Shizhang couldn't sit still.

what to do?

How about an apology to Li Zongming?

As soon as the idea came up, he was pressed down by himself.

Sorry about that!

If you really want to apologize, it should also be an apology to the patient, whether it is out of conscience or for ordinary things

When Wang Shizhang thought of this, he actually felt a little regretful in his heart, and he really should have a good diagnosis and treatment.

It's not a troublesome thing to take the pulse. Why didn't you pay attention to see a doctor at that time?

Thinking of this, he really couldn't stay any longer, stood up abruptly, and hurriedly ran towards the outpatient clinic.

Li Zongming can now confirm that the girl is suffering from endocrine disorders and menstrual disorders. As for the bruise caused by the car accident, it is not serious, it is just a skin trauma, and it can be treated simply.

Back in the consultation room, Li Zongming said to the girl's father and Liu Yici: "The child's condition is not serious, so you don't need to worry too much. Go back and apply cold compresses for 72 hours for the bruise on her waist and abdomen, which can quickly relieve local swelling and pain symptoms. After 72 hours, it can be changed to hot compress therapy, which can accelerate the disappearance of swelling and make the soft tissue repair as soon as possible.”

"Painkillers can also be taken orally, which can effectively improve local blood circulation, eliminate swelling and relieve pain, and is conducive to soft tissue repair. However, the child is still young, and the pain of the injury is not serious. My personal suggestion is to not take painkillers. Don't eat it."

When the girl's father heard this, he hurriedly said: "But, doctor, my daughter is in severe pain, and she is recovering now, the pain just now is unbearable!"

Li Zongming nodded: "I know that the child's illness is not caused by a car crash, but an endocrine disorder and menstrual disorder."

Then, he turned his head to look at the girl and asked, "Is your menstruation irregular? When you checked the pulse just now, your pulse condition of the kidney meridian was very heavy, and the pulse condition was very short. You should usually have symptoms of cold hands and feet, and during menstruation There will be severe dysmenorrhea, which usually lasts for two days before it is relieved."

"You just said that your lower abdomen hurts. Did you feel a strong sense of bloating? And your back is so sore?"

Although the girl was a little embarrassed, she still nodded honestly: "Yes, I have been inaccurate in this regard. The last time was two months ago, and the longest time was almost four months ago."

Li Zongming picked up the pen habitually, and while writing the prescription, he said: "Well, you are young now, take good treatment, and you will gradually recover. My suggestion is to prescribe two Chinese medicines. You should drink it first and see it later. Effect."

The girl's father responded immediately: "Okay, no problem, the doctor will prescribe medicine, and I will let her drink it when I get back."

After hearing the doctor's diagnosis, the girl's father was relieved immediately.

He appeared calm on the surface, but in fact he was already worried.

Thinking back carefully, it seems that in life, my daughter did have stomach pains.

When he asked, the daughter only said that she had caught a cold and that she would be fine after drinking some hot water and sleeping.

After he divorced his wife, he lived alone. He was usually busy with his career and didn't care much about his daughter.

He watched his daughter suffer from a stomachache before, and recovered quickly, so he didn't take it seriously.

Now that I heard the doctor say that, I immediately understood.

The man looked at his daughter guiltily and remorsefully, only to see her drooping her head, looking embarrassed and a little embarrassed, couldn't help but take a step forward, and took her daughter into his arms.

Li Zongming was lowering his head to write a prescription, when Liu Yici, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked, "Doctor, does this endocrine disorder need careful treatment in the future to get better?"

Li Zongming didn't stop writing, and replied: "Yes, this is not an emergency, and getting rid of the disease is like spinning, you have to take it slowly."

Liu Yici turned to look at Fu Yu, and suddenly asked, "Xiao Fu, can your medicinal table treat endocrine disorders?"

Fu Yu nodded. Not only can he treat the disease, but he can also customize the most suitable medicinal dishes for the patient and have the best effect.

Because he has a system-rewarded recipe for endocrine therapy and conditioning.

Liu Yici immediately said: "Well, there is no need to prescribe traditional Chinese medicine. Let's go directly to the music restaurant to order a set of herbal meals. You don't have to worry about the cost, just charge it to my account."

When the girl's father heard this, he quickly refused: "No, no need, let's take traditional Chinese medicine. The medicinal diet should be very expensive, right? And the effect may not be better than traditional Chinese medicine."

How can eating medicated diet have the effect of taking traditional Chinese medicine directly?

Although I have never eaten medicated diet, I have heard of it to some extent. Isn’t medicated diet just mixing Chinese medicinal materials with ingredients to cook dishes?

The effect of the medicine must have weakened.

And doctors must be more proficient in treating diseases than cooks, right?

Liu Yici hurriedly said: "No, let me tell you, Fu Chu's medicated food table is very powerful! Any disease in his hands can be seen immediately, and the medicine will cure the disease!"

"Leaving aside, my best friend has been customizing herbal meals at Fuchu's, and the effect is particularly good."

"If you want to talk about fine conditioning, you have to eat medicinal food. After all, medicine is three-point poisonous. Have you heard of it? No matter how effective medicine is, it will harm the body, but medicinal food is different. It can effectively dissolve the poison in the medicinal materials. The parts that are harmful to the human body can be converted with ingredients, which are safe to eat and have no side effects.”

"Your daughter is young, taking traditional Chinese medicine for a long time will definitely affect her growth and development, and she is still a child! Listen to me, take less medicine if you can."

What Liu Yici said was exactly what the reception staff of the music restaurant often said.

Fu Yu couldn't laugh or cry, and was quite moved in his heart.

Liu Yici really regards herself as a friend, and never forgets to help her attract customers on any occasion.

Before the girl's father could speak, Li Zongming nodded and asked, "Fu Chu, are you also good at treating endocrine disorders?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Well, I'm pretty good at this."

When Li Zongming heard it, his eyes lit up immediately.

He has always been obsessed with the study of medicated diet, and even thought of concentrating on cooking medicated diet after retirement.

Today, he suddenly broke out and directly clashed with Wang Shizhang and Song Fuzhi because he was recommended by Fu Yu and had the opportunity to participate in the medicated diet research exchange meeting held in South Korea.

Li Zongming is a conscientious old Chinese doctor who pays great attention to medical ethics.

He is very proficient in pharmacology, and he is particularly interested in medicated diet, so he knows the value of medicated diet very well.

Li Zongming said without even thinking about it: "That's great! If you can take medicinal food for conditioning, it is indeed better than taking traditional Chinese medicine, and the medicinal properties are milder."

Then, he introduced to the girl's father: "Chu Fu is a very powerful medicated diet teacher and also a special consultant of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association. If you have the ability to customize medicated diets from him, I personally suggest that you should take medicated diets for conditioning." Better."

"Because medicated diet emphasizes the medicinal value and conditioning effect of food, it combines the nature, flavor, efficacy and interaction of ingredients to produce food that is beneficial to health."

"Your daughter is in the stage of growth and development, and proper diet is relatively better for her health."

Both Li Zongming and Liu Yici admired Fu Yu's medicinal cooking skills. The girl's father didn't say anything, but his heart was obviously shaken.

When I heard Li Zongming say that Fu Yu was actually a special consultant of the National Medicinal Diet Research Association, I couldn't help trusting him a little more.

No matter what the job title, as soon as the word "country" is put on it, the grade will be raised immediately.

After all, in the hearts of patients, the title of national-level consultant is quite important.

Li Zongming finished writing the prescription and said, "Fu Chu, take a look at this prescription. I think she is suffering from endocrine disorders and menstrual disorders, so motherwort is used in the soup prescription."

Fu Yu carefully looked at the Chinese medicinal materials used in the prescription, and took advantage of the opportunity to search for the conditioning recipes corresponding to these medicinal materials.

Because of time constraints, he looked at it in very general terms.

"Motherwort has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, but it has a fishy smell. I know a medicinal diet. Boiled chicken with motherwort can not only nourish blood, nourish blood, activate blood and regulate menstruation, but also relieve dysmenorrhea and treat symptoms of Qi and blood deficiency."

Li Zongming was taken aback for a moment: "Boiled chicken with motherwort? Is this a medicinal meal?"

After all, Fu Yu's job is a red case chef. Before he became famous, he participated in the gourmet cooking competition in the circle. Although the medicinal food is also good, but if he can mention any Chinese medicinal material at random, he can immediately tell the right medicinal food, which is amazing!

Thinking of this, Li Zongming was naturally very pleasantly surprised.

He casually pointed to one of the medicinal ingredients in the prescription, and asked, "Fu Chu, if this flavor of Astragalus is prepared as a medicinal meal, what should I do?"

Astragalus is a sun-dried medicinal material, with a weak and specific gas, slightly sweet taste, and a beany smell when chewed.

Li Zongming had studied the recipes of Astragalus astragalus before, among which the most effective and simple and practical one was Roasted Astragalus with Honey.

This recipe is very famous. When mentioning Huang Qi, people in the circle often think of this medicinal diet first.

As a result, Fu Yu immediately said: "It should be a custom-made conditioning soup, stewed with astragalus, codonopsis, angelica, ginger, and mutton."

Astragalus and lamb?

Li Zongming was thinking about how the effect of the medicine would change if these two things were mixed together. After thinking about it, he suddenly clapped his hands: "Wonderful! Fu Chu, your combination of medicinal food is really good! Astragalus and Angelica can nourish Qi." , angelica nourishes blood, and mutton is warm in nature, this is a very symptomatic medicinal diet."

Hearing Li Zongming's praise, Fu Yu just smiled.

Li Zongming turned his head and said to the girl's father: "Since I have this opportunity to order medicinal diet, it is better to take medicinal diet for conditioning."

After the doctor said so, the girl's father let go: "Okay, then go and order medicinal meals."

As he said that, he thought of something, and turned to look at Fu Yu: "It's just that if you want to order this medicinal diet, I don't know how to charge it. Can you order it immediately?"

Before Fu Yu could speak, Liu Yici, who was standing next to him, immediately said: "The medicated food in the music restaurant has long been full, because the effect is really good, and it is very popular with customers. When I accompanied my friends to renew their subscription at the beginning of the year, I listened to He said that there are only two places left, and it should be full by now. However, Xiao Fu and I are friends, if you want to order medicinal meals, Xiao Fu will help arrange it for my sake, yes Right, Xiaofu?"

There is a reserved seat for medicinal meals at the music restaurant, which Yao Shi had specifically explained to Fu Yu before.

Fu Yu glanced at Liu Yici, who had a positive face, and then at the girl's father who looked very masculine, and nodded decisively: "Originally this year's medicated meal seats are already full, but Sister Liu treated me very well. I feel the same as my own sister, since Sister Liu said so, I will definitely take the order."

"It's just the specific ordering time. I still need to communicate with the store, because the customer's medicinal meal table ordering is already full. If you want to increase the number of seats, you have to adjust the time appropriately."

Upon hearing this, Liu Yici immediately beamed with joy, and turned to the girl's father and said, "Originally, I was the cause of this accident, and I will be responsible for all the treatment expenses. You don't have to worry."

The girl's father quickly refused: "No, the doctor also said that my daughter's illness has nothing to do with the crash."

Liu Yici glanced at the girl's father, and smiled softly: "Meeting is fate, we will be friends from now on, since we are friends, then I will help you with this."

Fu Yu looked at Liu Yici, wondering in his heart, before he only knew that Liu Yici was a rich woman, could it be that she is still a single rich woman?

This attitude is also a bit too enthusiastic, there is a problem! (end of this chapter)

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