Today is the day when the first batch of new employees are officially put to work after training.

It was also the first time these people ate a meal cooked by their boss.

Everyone sat in the lounge, curious as they looked at the food in their respective bowls.

It’s 11 o’clock, they have seen the guests eating in the private room before, the food on the table, they know that it is delicious, they stay in the private room, smell the fragrance and can’t eat, the taste is really amazing.

I also ate dinner before going to work, otherwise when standing in the private room to serve, the guests ate joyfully, and their stomachs were also screaming.

“What a daze, try the food in our clubhouse, after eating, you will know why the business in the store is so good.”

After Yuanyuan finished speaking, she took the lead in picking up the chopsticks and stirring the noodles in the bowl.

The chopped tomatoes and golden egg are wrapped in a rich tomato broth and covered with hand-rolled noodles.

Stir the noodles a little, and Bai Shengsheng’s hand-rolled noodles are all covered with tomato-red sauce.

Then pick up a chopstick and you can see the soup hanging on the red noodles and the crushed tomato eggs, all wrapped in the noodles, without the need to clamp separately, you can eat all the ingredients directly in one bite.

She loves to eat green onions and coriander, red tomatoes and golden soft eggs, as well as small chopped green onions and coriander, sent to the mouth together, the rich tomato soup sour and sweet instantly exploded in the mouth, the taste opened the appetite in an instant.

It was so delicious that Yuanyuan’s eyes narrowed directly and happily.

During the chewing, the strong taste of the hand-rolled noodles becomes more fragrant the more you eat, the umami of the crushed eggs is also very strong, and the chives and coriander are the finishing touches, and the delicious can’t stop at all.

The newcomers on the side, seeing that Yuanyuan had already started, also focused on the food in front of them.

Huan Huan is a southerner who loves rice and orders braised pork rice.

She looked at the kitchen to help her cook, a large spoonful of rice at the bottom of the bowl, after pressing firmly, she scooped a large spoonful of thick and rich marinated meat and poured it on the soft and delicious white rice with the marinade, plus a marinated egg with a clear taste

, also thoughtfully cut open, and finally burned two green cabbage hearts to garnish, this whole combination looks appetizing.

The diced pork belly in a large pot, marinated into a red and somewhat blackened soy sauce color, shimmers with a shiny oil sheen with great ambition, which will be covered with rice, scooped up with a spoon and rice, and the marinated meat covered with white rice, almost enchanting, smells fragrant.

As soon as she ate it, she cried out “ouch”, and the marinated meat was in her mouth, reluctant to swallow. The fat braised meat is soft and delicious, and the distinctive red yeast gives it a bright and long sweet aroma, which is very appetizing.

Carefully chew the marinated meat to look at the oil but not greasy at all, you can also eat the shallot crisp, the more chewed the more fragrant, delicious very delicious.

“It’s delicious~”

Huan Huan looked at the braised pork rice in the bowl with a dumbfounded face, the umami taste of meat in her mouth for a long time, the braised meat was juicy, fatty and not greasy, and the marinated egg was soaked in the meat aroma, which was fascinating.

Yuanyuan heard her words with an expected smile on her face, and every food made by the boss was surprisingly delicious.

But as long as you have seen the process of cooking by the boss, you will feel that such complex food is made and delicious.

For example, the marinated noodles she ate, the tomato juice is completely hard fried out of the rich sweet and sour road, a large pot of tomatoes peeled and diced into a rich soup, and then boiled out of the soup, in the fried tomato eggs, mixed together to taste, made into marinade, not delicious is strange.

The marinated meat rice is even made in the early morning, kept warm in the electric pot overnight, and heated when it is open at night, how can it not be tasteful, even the marinated eggs inside are soaked in meat, so delicious that it is not good.

I ordered curry fried chicken rice, and after tasting the taste at this moment, I covered my mouth in surprise and looked incredulous.

“The fried chicken is so tender, crispy and crispy, the chicken inside is still tender, there is a lot of juice, I have never eaten such fragrant fried chicken.”

“Yes, you taste mine, I taste yours.”

Huan Huan looked at Tuan Tuan’s curry fried chicken rice, and her eyes lit up.

Her marinated pork rice is already so delicious, what does curry fried chicken rice taste?

The two were very happy about this, and they exchanged and ate without minding at all.

After tasting each other’s food, they looked at each other, and both of them were surprised in their eyes.

How can every food be made so delicious!

At this moment, after eating the meals in the clubhouse, the newcomers were full of expectations for their future work and life.

If they can eat such delicious meals every day at work, then they can!!!

“I think stinky tofu is delicious!”

Among the several people, one girl ordered stinky tofu with rice, which would be satisfying, but in the eyes of others, this combination was very strange.

“Stinky tofu with rice?”

Yao Bing next to him smelled the rich stench of stinky tofu and the sour smell of kimchi, and he almost couldn’t maintain the cold expression on his face.

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