Chapter 0095: Who stipulated that after the Mid-Autumn Festival, he would not eat mooncakes!

What is the full Han full table, I believe that as long as you are interested in food, there is nothing you have not heard of.

Just seeing and hearing the names of these dishes is enough to arouse the curiosity in people’s hearts, and then think that each dish requires a lot of effort, from the selection of materials to the workmanship of every procedure is all exquisite, and there are a few people in the world who are not moved by it.

Looking at the string of dish names in the system, Fang Qi himself also moved his throat and drooled.

But the raw materials of many recipes are now protected animals, and they can’t be made if they want to.

One can only drool at the description of the recipe.

Luxury, a full table of 108 dishes, if you can make it, eat it, how beautiful!

But that’s just a matter of thinking.

After all, he wants to make 108 dishes alone, and without mentioning the ingredients, it takes a lot of time to make them, and the cost is not proportional.

When you still want to eat, just make a few dishes and try them.

After reading the recipe for most of the day, Fang Qi was finally defeated by sleepiness, rolled into the quilt, and quickly fell asleep.

Perhaps because he was too tired, Fang Qi slept until after two o’clock in the afternoon to wake up, and the first thing he felt when he opened his eyes was that 16 was hungry grumbling.

Quickly wash up and order takeaway.

In addition to the time at work, he generally cooks less at home, eats alone, does more trouble, does less, and has a feeling that it is not worth cooking.

Waiting for the takeaway, he looked at the 108 dishes in the system again.

After watching for a while, he couldn’t hold on, and the more he looked, the hungrier he became, and he quickly lay on the sofa without moving, standing up for the corpse.

When the takeout arrived and his stomach was filled, he felt alive.

After the time was almost up, Fang Qi packed up and went to the clubhouse.

Good guys, these girls who usually twitter have also stopped eating, and Hao Jun, who is full of vitality and discharges everywhere every day, is also sitting at the front desk without moving.

It seems that everyone is tired.

The business of the clubhouse is now full every day, and there is no day that is unpopular, so it will not work.

Fang Qi found Zhang Yongming.

“Uncle Zhang, you recruit more waiters, in addition, you also recruit a substitute for yourself, and strive to let everyone who goes to work have enough rest time every month.”

“Two days ago, I found that there are no more employees and are recruiting, you can rest assured, after these two days and the training of new employees passes, everyone can rest well.”

Zhang Yongming did things, Fang Qi was completely relieved, so he did not ask about these things again

Go to the kitchen and prepare for the evening business with Wang Jun.

After almost preparation, Fang Qi went directly to the recliner to lie down and began to flip through the recipes.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, he decided to make a big one, since he wanted to make a full banquet, of course, he had to make a blockbuster, choose the right recipe, and invite some high-quality guests to come and try it when the time came, and it was simple to choose those people.

The business is so good, everyone has high consumption, check the account, select the wave of people with the highest consumption, let them feast first, and then open up the popularity in the customer group, do a publicity, and can also give back the support of customers during this time.

With a general idea in his heart, Fang Qi’s gaze fell on the recipe again.

What steamed bear paw, steamed deer tail is not to think about, the ingredients are not allowed.

He lay on the recliner with his eyes half-closed, and the people in the back kitchen thought that he was too tired to sleep, and everyone relaxed their steps in unison.

The guests in front have come one after another, and soon the box is seated in a seven, seven, eight, eight, and empty ones, just waiting for the guests to come.

The male white-collar worker walked to the door of the clubhouse at this time, followed by two old people who were walking trembling and needed support.

Hearing that the grandson said that he would invite them out to dinner, the old couple was very happy and changed into the clothes they thought were the best.

The old man is also a person who has seen the world, looking at the luxurious decoration of the hotel in front of him, and the beautiful girl welcoming at the door, the red flowers and green lights in the house, he always feels that it is not the same as the five-star hotel he has been to, but there is a feeling of going to a bad place to play.

His short-sightedness could not see the signboard of the hotel, so he asked the old woman to help him see it.

“It’s the Tianshui Business Club.”

After the old woman finished reading, she was stunned for a moment, and the grandson said please eat, how to come to such a place as the clubhouse.

The old man was still muttering in his heart just now, when he heard that it was really a clubhouse, he was angry, raised his crutches and hit it.

“You rabbit cub, with you doing such things, you actually invited your grandparents to the clubhouse to eat, is this the place to eat?”

The male white-collar worker was hit on the back as soon as he got the car keys, and when he saw that the crutch was raised again, he quickly retreated.

“Grandparents, you misunderstood, I really brought you to dinner.”

“I also dare to quibble, telling you to bring your grandparents to the astringent place and teach you not to respect your elders.”

The old man only felt that if he went in, today would be a late holiday, and the crutches were slammed towards his grandson.

The male white-collar worker was beaten and shouted, and quickly played his three-inch tongue to try to explain clearly.

The girls and handsome guys at the door, seeing that the customer was beaten, also gathered around to help explain, and the intimate girl also specially supported the second elder, for fear that they would be too angry and fall or something.

Passers-by also helped explain a few words.

Look at those who brought their wives, some brought their parents, and made sure that they misunderstood their grandson, and the old man took back the crutches, but he was still very dissatisfied.

“In short, it’s not right for you to bring grandma to the clubhouse, for the sake of mooncakes, let you mess around once today, come here again to eat, grandpa broke your leg.”

The male white-collar worker hurriedly agreed, and carefully took his grandparents into the clubhouse

The girl arranged for them to go to a small box, and before coming, the male white 907 leader had already done a club raider.

Not only do you know what is delicious here, but you also know how high the consumption here is.

Although he is a white-collar worker in a large company, he was raised by his grandparents since he was a child, and he is not yet married, not only has to save money to buy a house, but also has to deal with various interactions, and usually does not spend money indiscriminately.

This time, he was also really hungry, and he wanted to taste what the mooncakes that were blown by his colleagues were like, so he would come to such a high-end place.

By the way, let my grandparents taste the best food.

With a full month’s salary in his pocket, it was already bleeding profusely.

Seeing the zeros on the menu, the male white-collar worker felt a pain in the flesh, tangled for a long time, asked for a rice noodle and marinated noodles for his grandparents to eat, and ordered another marinated platter, he was reluctant to order it again.

Finally, focus on asking for a mooncake.

Thinking that 6 mooncakes alone would cost 2,000 yuan, the male white-collar worker felt that his heart was dripping blood again.

The girl was surprised to hear him say mooncakes.

“Guest, today is not the Mid-Autumn Festival, and desserts such as mooncakes are no longer available in the store.”

The male white-collar worker thought for one night, where to be willing.

“Who stipulates that you can’t eat mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival, let your kitchen make one.”

The girl helplessly explained: “I’m sorry guest, there are really no mooncakes today, and the kitchen doesn’t even prepare the ingredients for mooncakes.” ”

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