Inside the hotel.

Seeing what Liu Mingzhi said, Lu Ming smiled and nodded:"Yes, you noticed it. It is true that I deliberately fried it for less time and the heat was lower than usual.""

"Because your crucian carp is purely wild and of good quality, I decided to try to ensure the freshness of the fish itself after removing the fishy smell."

In normal times, the fish must be fried at a high enough heat, otherwise it will affect the taste and may also be fishy.

But this does not have to be the case with the crucian carp now.

When this person brought the crucian carp before, he still remembered the system prompt.

It was the same in the past. The price of the ingredients is directly displayed. On this crucian carp, the words"pure wild" are specially added.

It is not easy to get the affirmation of the system! Among the ingredients brought by those people before, only the chicken legs bought by Zhao Hui were slightly more evaluated..

It only shows chicken legs.

It can be said that the system's prompts are as precious as gold. It is not a good ingredient and cannot be recognized by the system at all. So Lu Ming made a temporary decision to preserve the taste of this wild crucian carp as much as possible..

Then, Lu Ming added:"One more thing is that I didn't put too many condiments in this braised crucian carp. Even if it is braised, I just want to bring out the taste, but it is lighter than usual."

"You are older and eating too much greasy food at night is difficult to digest."

"Of course, wild crucian carp like this is delicious no matter how you cook it!"

Lu Ming looked at Liu Mingzhi. The old man had a stooped figure and a blue-grey face. Although he was in high spirits and well-dressed, he looked like he was in his seventies or eighties. At such an old age, he still eats at night. Can your body handle such greasy food? After some explanation, Liu Mingzhi nodded with satisfaction.

He smiled and said,"I didn't expect that you are not only good at cooking, but also considerate of your customers. You are really a good boss!""

"But I’m not that old yet, so it’s good to eat something greasy. Things I didn’t eat when I was young will always be missed when I get old. Besides, I’m only 61 years old, so why am I old?

After Lu Ming heard this, he hesitated for a moment:"Are you 61?" It seems……"

He paused and did not finish what he said next.

Liu Mingzhi waved his hand:"Don't be embarrassed. Many people say that I look like 81, but there's nothing I can do about it. I suffered too much when I was young and suffered the consequences of my boss. It's normal for my body to decline faster, so I look... Older."

After saying that, he began to taste the fish in front of him.

The fish is indeed very fragrant and handled with great care. The taste is slightly bland, but it just gives the taste of braised fish and the original deliciousness of the fish.

What's rare is that although the skin seems to be fried thin, it is also very fragrant and there is no discomfort in the mouth.

After finishing the fish in one go, he then filled up the rice, poured it with fish soup, soaked a little bit of the juice underneath, and diffused it along with the fragrance of the rice. Then he ate a big bowl of rice without any ceremony.

After eating and sitting at the dining table, Liu Mingzhi felt a little satisfied.

He smiled and said,"I haven't had such a good meal in a long time!"

Lu Ming was a little surprised when he saw that he could eat a plate of vegetables and a bowl of rice by himself:"Old man, can you eat this much?"

Liu Mingzhi waved his hand:"I'm too old now. If there was a big pot of fragrant dishes like this when I was young, I could eat five bowls in one breath. And don't tell me, we also ate wild crucian carp in the mountains. It's not as fragrant as the one you made, but the fish cooked in plain water is very fragrant."

"Alas, now that life has improved, don’t tell me that you still miss those days."

"After all these years, I don’t know if those old guys are still around.……"

Liu Mingzhi sighed a few words, then took the fish and left.

When he left, there were no customers in the store.

After Lu Ming finished his work at night, he lay on the bed and counted his recent income.

It can be said that the money he made in these few days was enough to surprise him.

But in the final analysis, those parents pay the most in processing fees for making braised pork. After making nearly 20,000 the day before yesterday, parents come less and less recently. After all, not everyone wants to eat braised pork every day.

His processing fee is not cheap, and it is normal to reduce it.

Maybe after a while, the braised pork business will stop after the nearby customers get tired of it.

Lu Ming roughly estimated his total income. He should earn at least 50,000 in these three days!

Before, Lu Ming felt like he could float.

But now that he thought about the money he still owed to the system, he immediately asked

"System, how much do I still owe?"

"Ding, the host still owes 948,725 yuan!"

Okay, there are still more than 940,000!

But take your time, and with the speed at which you are making money, you will be able to pay it back sooner or later.

Lu Ming calmed down, and at the same time he learned from the system that as long as he will After all the money owed by the system is paid off, he can choose his own business method. This is beyond his expectation.

He thought he would work for the rest of his life relying on processing fees! In that case, thinking about it would be very tiring. After all, he would be working every day. There were so many dishes, even after the system strengthened his body, it was a bit too much.

Everyone wants to make money while lying down!

Lu Ming took another look at the balance before going to bed, and a long string of numbers instantly made his mind wander. Dumb fire!

As for the money he owes now, he doesn’t know if he can pay it back in the year of the monkey!

So, the sky is big and the earth is big, and sleeping is the biggest!


While he was resting, in a restaurant not far from Lu Ming, several people were sitting in the room with sad faces discussing.

"Alas, what can we do? Since the nearby restaurant opened, no one has come to eat!"

"That’s right, I heard that that store is very expensive and also allows customers to bring their own ingredients. It’s really weird that a store like this can be popular!"

"He's really popular, but it's a pain for us. If he continues like this, he will close down in a month."

"You have to find a way!"

A few people frowned and thought until late at night. Suddenly one person thought of a way, his face showed joy, and he jumped up suddenly.

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