"unacceptable! It’s just a small shop, how can it be so delicious, but there are unclean things!"

"Tsk tsk... I'm so dark these days, I dare to make any money!"

"We just want to ask when the relevant departments will enforce the law? No matter what, you have to check it out! Here@Jiangcheng Health Bureau"

"It looks so familiar to me. Could it be a store I've just been to?"

"Having said that, I also feel familiar……"


If it were another topic, to put it bluntly, it wouldn't be so popular at all.

But it is in everyone's interests, and everyone is keen on the truth.

Some people who had eaten it even started to panic at this moment.

They never expected that Boss Lu would add that kind of stuff. The key is that he gave it to the children to eat. The unreasonable netizens instantly became even more angry.

However, there are also people who analyze objectively and rationally

"I think this incident is a myth, and there is no substantive evidence in the entire video. It is just empty talk!"

"Yes, a video posted by a private account is not trustworthy at all!"

"I went to eat at this restaurant’s owner’s food, and they asked them to bring their own ingredients just so that customers could eat cleanly and hygienicly. How could this be possible?"


There were mixed reviews in the comment section. After fermenting overnight, the next morning, when the staff of the Health Bureau went to work, the phone was buzzing.

As soon as the director entered the office, someone hurried in, holding a mobile phone and saying:"Director, take a look, this video has tens of thousands of likes, and netizens are @ us"

"In the morning, many Jiangcheng citizens called us and asked us to check."

The director looked at it and saw that this was not the restaurant he had just visited yesterday.

He thought about it carefully and realized that it tasted really delicious, but there was absolutely no way there was anything like poppy powder in it.

After working in the Health Bureau all his life, he knew this You can still tell the difference.

However, the current trend on the Internet is not good for Xiaolu's restaurants!

Even after it is clarified, some people will panic and dare not come to eat.

And this kind of thing is not only a crisis problem for the hotel , and even more impact on the entire Jiangcheng catering industry.

He opened the backend of this account, and after seeing that it was a private account, he immediately said to the visitor:"Go and have someone check the details of this account."

After a while, the director thought for a moment, then walked out of the office and led people to Lu Ming's hotel. It was nine o'clock in the morning.

The warm sunshine shined through the window evenly on the quilt.

This warmth from the sun The attack made Lu Ming slowly open his eyes in comfort, and he felt refreshed.

After the busyness of the first two days, the business in the store has slowly returned to stability, but the daily turnover is still around 1,500, which is already very high. Not bad.

After he was not so busy, he got what he wanted and had a good night's sleep.

Walking downstairs, Luo Wei had just finished cleaning half of the bathroom and had breakfast. Lu Ming quickly joined in the work.

After a while, The director hurriedly walked in, followed by a group of people.

As soon as he entered, he said to Lu Ming:"Hey, why are you still so calm? I wonder what happened? Lu

Ming shook his head in confusion:"I don't know, why are you bringing so many people?""

The director waved his hand, and the people behind him quickly went to the kitchen to start checking. Taking advantage of this time, he took out his mobile phone and said:"Take a look. I don't know who sent it. In short, it should be to cause trouble for you."

Lu Ming took it immediately, his expression suddenly changed.

When he finished reading, his brows were furrowed.

"Director, I can't possibly have those unclean things here, but I'm afraid I won't be able to wash them away even if I wash the dirty water splashed by the person who posted the video."

If Liu Mingzhi hadn't brought him here yesterday and was familiar with Lu Ming, the director wouldn't have said much, let alone handle the matter personally.

Now that he thought about it, Lu Ming was indeed very passive at this time.

After all , , although Jiangcheng is a second-tier city, there are countless large and small restaurants. If this happens, even if it is finally proven that he does not have contraband, who will be willing to come again?

Anyway, there are so many restaurants, whose food is not eaten?

Why risk it ? Risk?

After a while, all the staff of the Health Bureau walked out one by one and reported to the director.

"No contraband was found inside."

The director nodded, which is reasonable.

Then, the director immediately said:"Now use the official Douyin account of our bureau to issue a statement, and contact the comrades in the police station to let them find this person who is spreading rumors."

"This person must be found, and the outcome of the matter must be rectified and the truth be given to the majority of netizens. Otherwise, not only will Lu Ming be unable to explain, but our health bureau will also be in trouble."

After all, this kind of thing is under the jurisdiction of their Health Bureau. If something goes wrong, they are also responsible.

The Health Bureau is extremely efficient. In the morning, it used its official account to refute the rumor.

"After inspection, the hotel did not use any contraband, which was not the case in the video!"

Jian Yan is shocking and full of authority.

Under the account, netizens' comments are also much more relaxed, but they are still a little frightened.

"I just said, how could someone add those things for a little profit!"

"The person who posted the video had sinister intentions. It was obviously a frame-up and slander!"

"There is no smoke without fire. After this incident, I have been afraid to go out to restaurants recently."

"The colleagues are enemies, so I guess someone must be jealous of the good business of his restaurant and deliberately smear it!"


Lu Ming was also reading the comments on his phone. When he noticed these comments, he immediately thought everything clearly.

At this time, a call came in, and the health director had already found the source.

It was sent by the owner of the restaurant next door to them!

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