Lu Ming was naturally happy to go with Su Han.

The two came to the mall, and Su Han ran straight to the men's clothing store.

Lu Ming followed behind. After buying clothes for his father, Su Han turned to look at other clothes and did not intend to leave.

"Lu Ming, how about you take a look at this?"

Su Han picked up a light gray down jacket. It was made of extremely soft fabric and didn't feel heavy at all.

He smiled and said,"I'll forget it. It's getting late. I guess I won't have time for a while. Buy clothes for mom"

"Give it a try, maybe it will look good!"

Su Han pushed him into the fitting room, and then waited at the door leisurely.

After a while, after Lu Ming came out, Su Han's eyes suddenly brightened.

The salesperson next to him was surprised:"This is the first time I have seen someone. Being able to wear a knee-length long coat so elegantly feels like it was tailor-made for you."

Lu Ming was originally tall and straight, but now he looks even more handsome when he wears this kind of clothes.

Su Han was very satisfied and nodded and asked the clerk to wrap it up.

"Don't pay, let me do it!"

Su Han pushed him away and rushed to pay first.

Lu Ming looked at the price and his mouth twitched unnaturally.

He knew that this year's down jackets were expensive, but the price of 3680 really shocked him.

"I'd better do it myself, it's so expensive, how can I be embarrassed!"

Lu Ming waved his hand. These clothes are too expensive.

Before he could step forward, Su Han had already paid the money quickly, picked up the phone and left.

"I've had so many delicious meals in the store, so it's not too much to thank you by buying you some clothes."

"Besides, it will get cold in a few days, so you have to buy some thick clothes."

I have to say that Su Han has a very good taste. After visiting a few stores, he bought all his parents' clothes. The price was moderate and the styles were great.

Originally, Lu Ming thought it would take at least an hour to finish. Who knew? Only more than twenty minutes had passed.

Su Han saw that it was still early,"710", and said with a smile:"I have finished shopping for your parents, and I have to go shopping. The weather is getting colder, so I don't want to buy two thick clothes." Not at all."

Lu Ming nodded and followed him with large and small bags.

It was almost eight o'clock in the evening. Su Han had just finished shopping and met an acquaintance when he went out.

When the man saw Su Han, he immediately stepped forward and said with joy:"I never expected to meet you here!"

After Su Han saw this, the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously.

He quickly walked forward a few steps, and then hugged the girl.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, you still haven't changed. The chubby little carrot head you had before has actually grown taller, almost reaching my chin."

Standing opposite Su Han, a girl about 1.59 meters tall with short ear-length hair and a little bit fat.

She said angrily:"There is no one like you. I haven't seen you in many years. You hurt me when we meet. I It's easy to grow taller. I'm naturally shorter than you, but among girls, I'm still considered average."

Su Han pinched her face and said with a smile:"I know."

After that,

Su Han introduced the girl to Lu Ming.

After he finished speaking, Lu Ming realized that this girl named Qin Yu was Su Han's best friend when he was in high school in Shanghai.

But later, After Qin Yu went to other places, the two gradually lost contact.

What was surprising today was that they met in Jiangcheng.

Su Han scolded slightly:"Qin Yu, I think we were both studying in the magic city at the beginning, but we didn't know that in the second year of high school , you actually left the school without saying a word. I was depressed for a long time afterwards. Qin

Yu's face darkened slightly, and he said helplessly:"Something happened at home at that time, so I had no choice but to leave the Magic City."

Then, she looked at Lu Ming and said in surprise:"Huh?" Su Han, your boyfriend is so handsome!"

A row of question marks instantly appeared on Lu Ming's forehead!

This girl is so direct, she just said what she said without even asking.

Lu Ming stepped forward and said with a smile:"You misunderstood, I am her friend.

Su Han also said hurriedly:"Yes, you can't talk nonsense.""

After hearing this, Qin Yu looked at them up and down, and then said with a sly smile:"Oh......I understand, we are still friends now, but maybe we will be lovers in the future, right?"

"It happened early and late, so why dare not admit it."

Su Han blushed and felt embarrassed.

She didn't know how to refute what she said.

Lu Ming's eyes were wandering and he didn't know how to say it.

At this moment, whether it was true or not, I'm afraid the atmosphere at the scene was quite... Embarrassing.

Qin Yu glanced at the time, then said with a smile:"Okay, I won't disturb your two-person world, I have something else to do, let's get in touch later. Su

Han was relieved in his heart and said quickly:"Okay, anyway, I will live in Jiangcheng from now on, and I will come and play with you when I have nothing to do.""

After that,

Qin Yu seemed to be in a hurry for something, and quickly rode away on his electric bike.

Lu Ming looked at her back, and suddenly felt that her words made her sound so much like Su Han's female wingman?

Those words of hers , both the scale and the tone were just right, not making people angry, and making the atmosphere between him and Su Han extremely subtle. Even the ambiguous air was a little charming at this moment.

After dinner, Lu Ming went back.

Lu Ming communicated with his parents. After a while, I decided to go back to the village the next day.

After all, after leaving my hometown at the beginning of the year, including the last time, this was the second time I went back.

After Luo's father knew about it, he called a truck in the evening. There are cages full of them, especially convenient for those chickens and ducks

"Toot toot!"

The next day.

Before dawn, he was woken up by the alarm clock on his mobile phone.

Although he was used to sleeping in, when something happened, he said he could get up as soon as he got up.

After washing, when he walked downstairs, Luo's father and his wife were at the door. Luo Wei was already sitting in the car waiting.

Luo Wei yawned and said:"Boss, why did you get up so early? We didn't say we were leaving at 6:30. It was just early 6 o'clock and you came down."

Lu Minglai got into the car, and after sitting down, he said with a smile:"Why don't you go earlier? Let's go early and come back early, so that we won't delay the business at noon. Father

Luo nodded:"Okay, fasten your seat belt, let's go.""

Along the way.

Lu Ming and Luo Wei were drowsy, waking up and falling asleep.

Although he has a driver's license, he has never touched a car since he graduated from the driving school.

A small truck like this cannot be used at all. Not to mention

Luo Wei, he didn’t even have a driver’s license.

So the two of them took turns talking to Luo’s father to relieve his fatigue.

When they were about to reach their destination, Lu Ming slowly opened his eyes, Looking at everything familiar outside the window, I suddenly woke up.

When the car sped across the bridge over the river, the rays of light rose in the distance and shone on the water, making the sky and water the same color. The leaves on both sides of the road were withered and the branches were empty. Above, there were only three or two leaves swaying in the wind.

The occasional sunlight shone on the white frost condensed above, and the tree suddenly turned red, which was really beautiful!

When Luo Wei opened his eyes, he was stunned by the scenery in front of him.

He envied Brother Lu:"Boss, I didn't expect you to live in such a beautiful place since you were a child. I'm so envious.""

"People say that good mountains and good water raise good people, and it is indeed true! Lu Ming smiled and said:"

It's true that the scenery is nice, but you will get tired of it if you see it too much. What impressed me most was when I was fishing and catching shrimps by the river when I was a child. The river was not deep at all, but the fish and shrimps in it were very plump."."

Luo Wei suddenly showed a relaxed and happy expression.

He said helplessly:"Oh, it's a pity that I grew up in a vegetable market. I grew up smelling the smell of meat every day, and there were endless market shouts. I have nothing to do with you. Compare. Father Luo glanced at him and said angrily:"Come on, you might as well ask Boss Lu to tell you about their schooling, their meals, and their hard work during the busy farming period. Then you should understand how happy you are."

Lu Ming smiled and said:"That's true. After all, we still envy your children living in the city.""

As he spoke, he pointed to the mountains in the distance.

"You may not imagine that when I was a child and only in the first grade of elementary school, I had to climb such a high mountain to go to school. I was late on the first day of school. Luo

Wei was stunned for a moment, and asked before he could think about it:"I know that some children in Dashan have difficulty going to school. Why don't you let your dad send them to them?""

Lu Ming didn't think his words were very superficial. On the contrary, he felt that he said these things because of his different vision.

He said calmly:"My family has been farming since I was a child, and my parents have to go to the fields before dawn. How can I still say this? Will give it to me. The family's food and drink depend on that one-third of an acre of land. Who has time to take care of the children?"

"So, I was late on the first day"

"And I was this late almost every day, and it lasted until the third grade of elementary school. When I got older, I could get to the classroom before class."

At this time, the cement road ahead had disappeared and was replaced by bumpy mud.

Luo's father held the steering wheel tightly and the speed gradually slowed down.

This is why Lu Ming must come back before it snows. Otherwise, when the heavy snow falls, he will Speaking of driving, even walking is not easy.

After making several turns on the country road, about ten minutes later, a few people arrived at their destination.

As far as the eye can see, there are rows of low houses. , of course there are a few two-story houses, but very few. In this place, most of them are farmhouse courtyards.

Lu Ming had told his parents yesterday evening that they were waiting at the entrance of the village early in the morning when they saw a car coming in. , greeted him with a smile, and said to Luo’s father

"Thank you for your hard work. Everyone has been arrested. Just stop here and they will get it in a moment."

Lu Ming carried the clothes he bought yesterday and walked up quickly:"Dad, Mom, these are the clothes I bought for you. It will get cold soon, so you should also pay attention to keeping warm."

His mother, Sun Qin, scolded him for spending money indiscriminately while taking the clothes over with a smile on her face.

When she got them, she liked them very much.

Seeing that her parents were satisfied, Lu Ming felt relieved.

As for those scolding words, Automatic filtering would be great.

Now, the parents also know that he makes money, but they are just talking about it. There is no reason why they should not accept the things their son buys.

Not long after, someone from every house caught chickens and ducks and sent them over. There were as few as seven or eight, as many as twenty or thirty. They were all big and fat, and they were all authentic native chickens.

Father Luo took the scale and weighed them one by one and gave him money. Wei and Lu Ming helped load the car. Although there were many elderly people in the village, there were also some people in their forties and fifties who came to help....0

In this way, it is much faster than expected.

At eight or nine in the morning, it was almost over.

At this time, Sun Qin looked at the person walking over in the distance, carrying two chickens in his hand, with disgust on his face, and said angrily:"Why is he here? I don't know where he got the chickens." , I've never heard of him raising chickens at all."

Lu Jianguo nodded:"It's strange, why would he come to join in the fun?"

The visitor was none other than the man Aunt Zhang divorced before.

Lu Ming knew it was this person and immediately said to Luo's father:"Uncle Luo, I won't be able to get his chicken for a while. Maybe he came from bad luck. He is an old gambler and idles all day long."

Luo's father understood what he meant as soon as he heard this. , nodded:"Okay, let's leave after loading the car."

The man walked up to him, and then threw the chicken on the ground:"Come and weigh it, this is a fresh native chicken, you must give it a fair price." Price."

Luo's father shook his head:"I'm sorry, our car is full and we won't accept it any more. You might as well take it back."

Upon hearing this, the man immediately became anxious and said:"Why do you just say that we will accept it?" Collect it. If you don't accept it, you will leave. Even if it is full, can two chickens be stuffed in?"

"Stop talking nonsense to me. If you don’t want to buy it today, why don’t you give it a try? Hearing this

, Lu Jianguo stepped forward and sneered:"What's the matter? I call you a fool, but you still want to buy and sell by force?""

"And where did your two chickens come from?"

Lu Jianguo's third group of five, the man is a little thinner. He couldn't help but tighten his eyes when he heard the words. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot.

However, he finally got the two chickens at his feet. The whole The two largest chickens in the pen can be sold for at least 100 yuan each, so that he can have money to go to town to play twice.

What if he can make some money with these 200 yuan?

If he is lucky, he may even There's no telling if he could earn tens of thousands.

Thinking of how much he could earn tens of thousands with two chickens, his adrenaline began to rise and his face turned red from excitement.

"Don't worry about where I came from, I'm telling you, he can't leave without buying it today."

After saying that, he stood in front of the car, as if he would not give up until he bought it. Luo's father was stunned for a moment, and he whispered to Lu Ming:"Why don't we buy it anyway? It doesn't cost much anyway, and we are still in a hurry. If you want to go back, why bother to have a conflict with such a rotten person?"

Father Luo has been doing business in the market all his life, and he has the attitude that doing more is better than doing less.

If this was placed in the city, it might be okay.

But these people have been in the village for so many years, and this kind of people absolutely cannot Let him take advantage of you, otherwise, he will bully you until you die.

Lu Ming sneered, and without saying a word, he stepped forward and picked him up.

"Alas, alas, are you going to hit someone?"

"If you dare to touch me, I won’t be able to spare you then."

"Killed someone...Killed someone..."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everyone looked at him coldly, with no intention of speaking at all.

At the same time, they also marveled at how strong Lu Ming was. No matter how thin the man was, he still weighed more than a hundred pounds. He was just picked up by his neck and thrown to the ground easily.

Lu Ming looked at him and said sternly:"You can scream, but you don't know what kind of virtue you have?"

Although the man is as old as his father, he should respect him more.

But the premise is that you have to do personnel matters first!

At this time, several angry 2.0 roars came from the distance

"I finally found it. You dare to steal my old hen, which is reserved for laying eggs."

"I was planning to wait for my son and daughter-in-law to come back during the Chinese New Year and give them stew, but you did such an immoral thing?"

"Next time, let me catch you and break your legs."

After a few people came, they identified it as their own chicken, cursed and left.

The man did not dare to speak back, for fear of attracting a severe beating.

Everyone slowly dispersed, and Lu Ming chatted with his parents for a while, and prepared Get in the car and leave.

At this time, the man walked to the window with a vicious look on his face and threatened:"Lu Ming, right? I heard that my mother-in-law went to work in your store after the divorce. In a few days, I will arrive." I have to go to your store to find her when the time comes. If you ruin my good deeds today, I won’t be able to do business with you by then."

"You ask her to ask someone to bring me 10,000 yuan and forget about it, otherwise you wait."

Lu Ming was too lazy to pay attention to him, rolled up the window and left.

For this kind of person, he has a hundred ways to treat him.

The premise is that he does not come to provoke him.

The carriage was still empty when he came, and when he returned, the carriage was empty. Loaded with chickens and ducks.

They kept squawking along the way, and of course the smell was not that bad.

Finally, when we got to the restaurant, it was already too much.[]

At this time, there were already customers waiting in the room. When they saw Lu Ming arriving, they instantly became energetic.

"Boss Lu is back. Please hurry up and prepare delicious food for me. I have been waiting for several hours!"

"Yes, it’s easy for me on such a cold day!"

"Don’t say anything else. I have to try Boss Lu’s cooking today. No matter what I cook, it’s delicious!"


Lu Ming looked at the excitement of everyone and said with a smile:"Everyone comes one by one. I guarantee that everyone will have a feast today!"

Some customers came empty-handed and went out to buy ingredients.

As soon as I went out, I saw a car full of poultry, squawking, and I was instantly shocked!.

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