Food Customizer

Chapter 173 What happens if you take a bite?

To wash or not to wash?

This is a question.

If you wash it, it feels uncomfortable to put the brain in your hands. Seeing that Abao was still shaking when washing it, I guess the feeling must be annoying.

But don't wash it.

The boss just said that as long as you wash it, you can eat it. Although Xiao Duantui feels that this thing looks disgusting, there is a saying circulating on the Internet.

The more the youngest sister in Sichuan Province likes to eat brains, the more beautiful they are, and no brain can escape safely from the hands of the youngest sister.

This shows that this thing is definitely worth taking.

After thinking about it, Zhang Li made up her mind and stomped her feet, "Leave me twenty!"

Huh! ! !

He Shuting saw that Xiao Duantui actually did such a disgusting thing for a bite of food, and quickly left the third floor with her right hand fanning her face.

‘I won’t shake hands with Zhang Li anymore. Those are the hands that have touched the brains.’

With Zhang Li’s participation, it was quite easy to wash the 100 brains, and the two of them became more and more skilled. It didn’t take long for them to finish.

A Bao counted the 100 brains in a large basin.

I was faster and cleaned 60 of them, but Zhang Li unexpectedly washed 40.

‘I’ll do anything for food.’

Su Chen skillfully prepared the sauce for roasted brains.

In fact, the sauce for roasted brains is similar to that for spicy rabbit heads, but the second step of spicy rabbit heads is braising, so more water is used.

The final cooking method of brains is roasting, so more oil is needed than water.

As for seasoning, there is a very important thing to note about the seasoning for roasted brains, which is to remove the fishy smell!

No matter what seasoning is used, it must have the function of removing the fishy smell to be useful.

The cleaned brains were placed in a large basin. Su Chen added a handful of salt and cooking wine, and then sprinkled enough white pepper. This was the first step to remove the fishy smell.

Rapeseed oil is needed to make the sauce, because brains have a strong flavor, and rapeseed oil can replace the peculiar smell of brains with its own fragrance.

The seasoning, which is almost the same as rabbit heads, is stir-fried in rapeseed oil to make a base sauce, and set aside for use.

Look at the phone, it's six o'clock.

Su Chen raised his head to look. It should be said that Hong Kong businessmen are still very good in this regard, on time.

It was agreed to be six o'clock, and he would not come early, nor would he come too late.

Feng Yaoyang took Awu out of the elevator and stopped at the door of the third floor.

"No one should know me, right?"

Awu walked in first, "Don't worry, boss, you covered your head yesterday."

Both of them seemed to have overlooked one thing.

Awu didn't cover his head yesterday!

Feng Yaoyang felt relieved, walked slowly into the third floor, and sat at the nearest table in the kitchen that Su Chen was in charge of, pretending to let things take their own course.

"Help me see what Boss Su made today?"

Awu nodded, went to the kitchen window and took a look, and immediately smiled.

'It's spicy rabbit head and brain flower? '

'Spicy things like this are a big taboo for the boss. After all, the hemorrhoids that grew last year have not been operated on this year! '

'The boss has not eaten any chili for the whole year. Hehe, it's my turn to perform today! '

Feng Yaoyang has a little hemorrhoids, but he takes good care of them, so he doesn't feel much.

The thought of going to the hospital makes the shame worse, and he doesn't want to deal with it now anyway.

Seeing only two snacks, Awu asked, "Boss Su, what is the third snack?"

Su Chen said, "Tofu brain from Sichuan Province, it's also spicy."

Oli Ge!

If the boss wasn't sitting behind him, Awu really wanted to kneel down and kowtow to Su Chen!

But even so

Ah Wu still raised his thumbs up behind his boss.

‘Good job! ’

He said silently with his mouth.

Su Chen gave Ah Wu a look that said “Don’t worry, I understand”, “How many should we roast first?”

“I’ll ask the boss.”

Ah Wu put away the smile on his face and returned to the table. At this moment, his eyes were full of regret and even a little indignant.

“Boss, there is something wrong with the product manager of this delicious food. Today, he made three spicy Sichuan snacks! Isn’t this intentional!”



Feng Yaoyang took a long breath, “That’s a pity. I can’t eat spicy food in my current physical condition. Then you can taste it today.”

Ah Wu was so happy, “Boss Su asked, how many spicy rabbit heads should we make first today? How many roasted brain flowers should we roast first? And the tofu brain should be made and eaten immediately. Can it be made now?”


Feng Yaoyang glanced at Su Chen in the kitchen with some displeasure, "This matter cannot be blamed on Boss Su, it's our fault that we didn't clearly tell him not to avoid certain foods when we ordered it. Let Boss Su have one of each first, and you can help me taste it."


Su Chen thought for a moment after hearing Ah Wu's retelling, "How about this. Make 10 rabbit heads at a time, because I need to roast the braised rabbit heads, and it's not easy to make one."

"You can use less brain flower, the oven is on anyway, I'll make five for you first. Don't worry about the tofu pudding, eat these two first, okay?"

Ah Wu thought for a moment, thinking that the boss wouldn't eat it anyway, and today he was mainly here to taste it, so it didn't matter what he made.

Simply made a decision for the boss, "Okay, then do as you say."

After that, Awu returned to the table and began to wait happily.

Although he used to be a chef in Guangdong Province and was also playing with Cantonese cuisine, Awu has always had a mysterious love for Sichuan cuisine.

I don't know if it's because the taste buds are a little bland after eating Cantonese cuisine, and it's so satisfying to eat Sichuan cuisine occasionally.

And people, when they get older, are always very tolerant of all kinds of tastes.

After the two sat down face to face, Feng Yaoyang still looked around from time to time, fearing that someone would recognize him.

Su Chen in the kitchen began the final finishing work.

Ten rabbit heads were taken out of the brine barrel, "You are lucky today. Customers can't eat spicy food. Let's share the extra ones later. Oh, remember to pack more for Fang Chang. These are the ingredients that they sent to us for free."

Zhang Li nodded vigorously. She didn't care how much she could eat. Anyway, she was very happy to have something to eat.

The final cooking was very easy. Put ten rabbit heads in the wok, scoop a large spoonful of the marinade in the bucket, and turn on high heat to thicken the soup.

The red oil floating on the surface was immediately absorbed by the surface of the rabbit heads, and then sprinkled with a handful of white sesame seeds and chives.

The red and shiny rabbit heads immediately became colorful, and the mouths were facing outwards, just enough to put a full plate on the round plate.


Zhang Li took the round plate out, and couldn't help swallowing several times when she smelled the fragrance of the rabbit heads.

'Although the rabbits are cute, but! '

It doesn't look like a rabbit now!

In terms of self-comfort, Zhang Li has always performed well.

A plate of spicy rabbit heads was placed on the table, and Awu had already prepared disposable gloves.

He pretended to bring the plate to himself, "Boss, today I will taste the Sichuan snacks made by Boss Su for you!"

"Yeah." Feng Yaoyang hummed in his throat in dissatisfaction.

Although he himself is not very interested in spicy food, and because of his health problems, he has rarely touched food with chili.

But this spicy rabbit head really looks appetizing.

Under the light, the oily surface looks even brighter, and with the white sesame seeds and chives dotted on it.

"Hiss!" Feng Yaoyang couldn't help but take a breath.

'How come it tastes good just by imagining it? '

"There are still some things to pay attention to when eating rabbit heads!" Ah Wu was not polite this time. He opened the mouth of the rabbit head with both hands and opened it directly from the middle.

The tender meat inside was immediately exposed. Although this was a complete rabbit head, it looked like even the meat inside was stained with a layer of oil.


Ah Wu's mouth collided with the mouth of the rabbit head, making a sound that made people feel hungry.

He first sipped the soup on the surface of the rabbit head, and then began to nibble the meat on the surface very carefully.

"Hiss! Ha! Hiss! Ha!"

While chewing, Awu kept inhaling to relieve the spicy and fresh feeling in his mouth.

"This thing is so satisfying to eat!"

First, he chewed one rabbit head directly, and then used a piece of bone from the rabbit head to dig out the meat and rabbit brain inside the head.

"Spicy, fresh and fragrant. It's really strange that Boss Su's Sichuan cuisine can make the freshness so prominent. The spicy taste doesn't cover the freshness at all! It's delicious!"

Baji Baji~

Awu quickly finished chewing a rabbit head. That speed definitely doesn't look like a novice in eating rabbit heads.

Feng Yaoyang swallowed his saliva several times in a row.

Damn it!

I'm the boss, but now I'm watching you eat and I'm sitting here swallowing my saliva?

Where can I go to complain?

When Awu picked up the second rabbit head,

Feng Yaoyang snorted, "It doesn't look very spicy. Just tear off some shredded meat for me and rinse it with cold water."

"Ah?" Ah Wu was stunned at first, then threw half of the rabbit head directly into his mouth.

No way.

This spicy taste seems to have a very magical power. As long as you stop, your mouth will feel very uncomfortable.

You have to keep eating to feel satisfied, and the itching in your heart can be relieved!

But the boss has spoken, and you have to listen.

A Wu gnawed the rabbit head and said, "Boss, are you really okay?"

Feng Yaoyang was a little unsure, but he thought that as long as he rinsed the pepper on the surface of the meat with cold water, it should be no problem to eat it.

And he just wanted to taste it, not to eat a whole rabbit head, so a small bite would not be a problem.

Even at this time, Feng Yaoyang thought of a saying in the medical circle.

'Talking about toxicity without considering the dosage is a hooligan! '

No problem!

"No problem. I know my own body."

Awu sucked the other half of the rabbit head clean, and put the bones on the table.

Why does this sentence sound so familiar?

"Okay, I'll do it for you."

While talking, Awu didn't forget to stuff another half of the rabbit head into his mouth.

There's no way, this taste really can't be stopped, it's like a motherfucker!

With half a rabbit head in his mouth, he helped the boss tear off a piece of shredded meat from the inside of the other rabbit head, and then Awu asked for a bowl and went to the water dispenser to get a bowl of cold water.

Wearing gloves, he carefully pinched the inconspicuous shredded meat in the bowl.

Then he pinched the shredded meat and lifted it up, "Hey, boss."

Feng Yaoyang nodded with satisfaction, "This has washed away the taste. I'll probably give it a try."

Put a small strip of meat into your mouth.

Feng Yaoyang couldn't bear to swallow it.

He chewed the hard-earned shredded meat slowly with his front teeth very carefully, trying hard to feel the taste on his tongue.

‘Well, even though it has been rinsed with water, the spicy taste is still very obvious. ’

However, the spicy level is well within the tolerance range of an adult.

‘This meat is indeed very tender. Even though I rinsed it once, I can still taste it. It is indeed very fresh, and it is rare. ’

This umami flavor is the most appealing to those who love Cantonese food.

This is why Su Chen always likes to cook with clear soup.

Although clear soup belongs to Shandong cuisine, this kind of umami flavor is unique among all cuisines!

Especially for people from Guangdong Province who love delicious food, it is even more tempting.

‘It tastes so delicious if you rinse it with water, but if you don’t rinse it with water’

Feng Yaoyang pursed his lips in an effort to keep the remaining fresh flavor in his mouth.

He didn't even dare to think about how delicious it would be if it wasn't rinsed!

The bottom line of human psychology is eroding bit by bit.

'It's like this after rinsing it with clear water. If you don't rinse it and just eat it once, there will definitely be no big problem. ’

‘There are so many people suffering from hemorrhoids, shouldn’t they still eat and drink? I pay so much attention to my health, and if I eat a little bit of it occasionally, that's okay. ’

With this idea.

Feng Yaoyang looked at Ah Wu who was already eating the fourth rabbit head and said, "Tear off some more meat for me, just like before."

"What!" Ah Wu then put down the half rabbit head in his hand, "Boss, forget it yesterday, I have to stop you today."

Feng Yaoyang's face was already a little unhappy.

But Awu still insisted on his idea, "It doesn't matter if it's anything else. You really can't eat too much of this spicy rabbit head today."

"Do I eat a lot? I asked you to tear off a little bit of meat for me. I don't need to rinse the meat with water, so I can taste it."

Knowing that A Wu was doing it for his own good, although Feng Yaoyang was displeased, it was inconvenient for him to get angry.

"Okay, boss, I'll dig a little of this for you."

Awu used the bones to dig out a little bit of brain.

Through the taste just now, the spiciness of Naohua is relatively weak.

Feng Yaoyang had no choice but to accept it calmly.

There is no way to rinse the brain flower. If you rinse it in cold water, it will rot immediately.

Ah Wu took out the brains with chopsticks and sent them over, and Feng Yaoyang felt a little happy.

Put a mouthful of white brains stained with red oil into your mouth.

"Bah chirp, bah chirp."

Just like before, Feng Yaoyang tasted it very carefully and felt it very carefully.

It has not been rinsed with water. Although this bite is hidden inside the brain, it still tastes very fresh and fragrant, and even the spicy taste is more intense than before.

Intense, but not violent.

Feng Yaoyang enjoyed this complex fragrance that he had not tasted for many years.

The tip of the tongue is slightly numb, the taste buds are slightly spicy, coupled with the unique taste of Naohua, and the unparalleled fragrance.

Feng Yaoyang felt that he didn't even swallow it, it just disappeared into his mouth.

‘What should I do if I feel lost? ’

Not eating, okay.

This eating is like a vampire that has been sealed for many years and sees a virgin who is bleeding.

"If, I mean if."

Awu raised his head, he was stunned, as if he had already guessed what the boss was going to say.

Feng Yaoyang continued to emphasize, "What I'm talking about is if, if I eat half a rabbit head, what do you think will happen?"

Awu frowned and thought about it.

To be honest, even if you have small hemorrhoids, eating half a rabbit head is definitely not a big deal. How can the human body be so fragile?

But the question is not whether it will happen.


Awu said with certainty.

"I can't help but keep eating."

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