Food Customizer

Chapter 200 The banquet enters a white-hot stage!

When working in the countryside, people lose their sense of time when they are busy.

Others may not have it, but the host cannot.

In the main room, Liu Shengnan was called in by Han Cheng's mother.

"Shengnan, you see so many people are helping, I'm wondering if we can ask your friend."

"Come on, I'll tell you." Han Cheng's father took out a red envelope from his autumn pants pocket, "Shengnan, this is one thousand yuan. We'll deal with your friend's help later. What we mean is that it's past noon, can you ask your friend to help cook for everyone? With more than a dozen people helping, we can't always feed them mutton offal noodles, right?"

Liu Shengnan held the red envelope.

One thousand yuan is not much money for Boss Su, but for the old couple, it is equivalent to the annual harvest of one acre of corn.

There is definitely sincerity. Liu Shengnan looked in the yard. Su Chen had just braised the beef and was defrosting the whole chicken.

"I'll ask." She didn't dare to promise, so she said, "If the boss is too busy, we can only let everyone down."

It's okay to let anyone down, but the boss can't be let down!

Han Cheng's parents smiled happily, "Okay, just ask."

The beef has been stewed in the pot, and Su Chen went to the pot to smell the smell.

Unfortunately, in order to kill the pig, he put the magic patch on his thigh.

It should be said that with the blessing of the magic patch, Su Chen's legs are full of strength. The pig weighing less than 400 kilograms can't move when he presses it. This almost inhuman strength certainly won the unanimous surprise of the villagers.

Now there is no magic patch, Su Chen can still smell that the smell from the pot is exactly what he wants, but now it has just started to stew, and the smell is not very strong.

People who love cooking know a truth.

Chicken eats ginger, pork eats star anise, what does beef eat?

Angelica dahurica!

The main ingredient of this stewed meat is Angelica dahurica!

Angelica dahurica is the main seasoning, and it is supplemented by white cardamom and fennel. The next level is pepper and star anise, and the last spice that wraps them is bay leaf.

There are six seasonings in total, which complement each other. Due to the different amounts used, the priority of each seasoning when stewing meat is also clearly divided.

At this moment, the water in the pot gradually began to boil, and the fragrance gradually became stronger.

Liu Shengnan came over and sniffed, "It smells so good!"

"It will smell even better later." Su Chen clapped his hands, and more than 30 chickens were thawed.

His plan was to cook a whole chicken.

The methods of cooking a whole chicken are nothing more than steaming, frying, and stewing. Roasted chicken is rarely served at banquets.

Su Chen chose a cooking method in Sichuan cuisine. In Sichuan cuisine, this is called plaid chicken, because the finished dish is a bit similar to the appearance of "plaid" clothing, so it has this name.

The reason for choosing this cooking method is also very simple.

The quality of the frozen whole chicken bought from the market is not good or bad, it is just an ordinary chicken.

So this kind of food can't be said to be authentic. Its own taste is just like that. So it is necessary to use seasoning to enhance the flavor and freshness, and mainly highlight the taste of the food.

The plaid chicken is a good choice.

Su Chen took out a thawed whole chicken and was about to beat it with the back of a knife.

Liu Shengnan suddenly stuffed something into Su Chen's pocket.


Shengnan was a little embarrassed and said with a wink, "It's already past noon, and there are so many people helping at home."

"Han Cheng's parents mean to see if you can come over and make lunch for everyone. The red envelope just now is also a little thought."

Seeing Su Chen wiping his hands, Liu Shengnan quickly pressed Su Chen's clothes pocket, "You must accept this. No matter how much money it is, it's a thought. You can't refuse a thought, right!"

Su Chen grinned. The thought really can't be refused.

"But the dishes are less than half ready now. If I have to make lunch, I can only make something simple to eat."

"That's no problem!" Liu Shengnan has blind confidence in the boss's cooking skills.

She completely forgot one thing. The reason why Han Cheng's parents wanted Su Chen to help make lunch was because it was too shabby to eat vermicelli noodles. Not to mention seven big bowls and eight big plates, at least they should cook a few dishes for the people who helped.

Who knew that Su Chen decided on it right away, "Then make stir-fried pot noodles! I haven't made it for a long time."

"Okay!" Liu Shengnan was also excited. Su Chen hadn't made it for a long time, which meant that they hadn't eaten it for a long time.

Shengnan always felt that the boss's stir-fried pot noodles must have been secretly upgraded, because the last time she made it, she ate four big bowls and her stomach almost burst!

"That's fine. Let Shu Ting take care of them. Can you ask a few aunts to come and help knead the dough."

Liu Shengnan waved her hand to indicate that it was no problem.

In this courtyard, she is now the king, and everyone has to listen to her command!

The SS-level skill of stir-fried pot noodles is not only to stir-fry the pot, but also to mix the noodles. With so many people eating, it is not necessary. Having an S-level skill is definitely enough.

Su Chen wants a basket of eggs. S-level stir-fried pot noodles still use eggs to make the soup base, as long as they are fresh!

At the same time, there is a bundle of green onions. After the full amount of eyebrow green onions is cut, the oil is heated in the pot.

Several aunts are mixing noodles on the side, and they are still chatting while Su Chen is not paying attention.

"I was wondering what to give us to eat, just a whole bowl of noodles?"

"Everyone can understand that the chef has an accident. At most, everyone can go back home to eat their own meals. It's really not decent to make some noodles."

"Indeed, it's just a bowl of noodles. It's better to go home and eat it yourself. We are neighbors and we won't say anything."

It's not clear whether this is directed at Su Chen or Han Cheng's mother.

The aunts really don't have any bad intentions. The chef has an accident, and a temporary replacement came. Whatever happens, it happens. No one can say anything.

Even if they say to everyone that they are too busy today and can't make lunch, at most they can thank everyone after the wedding banquet is over.

But what's the matter with making a pot of noodles for everyone?

Han Cheng's parents were originally very happy, but now they are standing on the rock platform watching several people kneading the dough, while Su Chen is cutting green onions and stirring eggs, and they are not happy anymore.

Han Cheng's father called his eldest cousin over, "Go to the restaurant in town and bring back some dishes."

The eldest cousin was not very old, and young people have a characteristic that they don't like to care about things. He glanced at Su Chen and said, "It's noodles, just eat and continue working. Tomorrow night, we will set up a good table to thank these neighbors and fellow villagers."

Han Cheng's father smoked his pipe and shook his head, "You don't understand, go quickly, keep the account, and I'll pay you when you're done."

"Okay." The eldest cousin didn't waste any words and drove away in the Wuling car.

He had just left.

Su Chen directly heated the oil in the pot and pulled the hair dryer in front of the air inlet of the stove. The huge wind immediately made the firewood in the stove burn violently, and the oil in the iron pot began to smoke instantly.

Immediately, Su Chen poured the beaten eggs into the pot, and with a sizzling sound, the egg liquid solidified almost instantly.

Until this moment, the people in the yard could truly see Su Chen's craftsmanship.

Before, Su Chen always handled the ingredients and seasonings slowly, with almost no big moves. Now, just a fried egg immediately attracted many people to stop what they were doing and look over.

As soon as the egg liquid solidified, Su Chen directly poured the eyebrow green onion into the pot. It was quite difficult to shovel the huge iron pot!

The hot oil, which had been cooled by the egg liquid, soaked the eyebrow green onion and began to emit a strong onion fragrance. When the onion fragrance reached the standard required by Su Chen, the chopped cabbage stalks and leaves were directly poured into the pot.

"It's so fun to cook like this!" Su Chen couldn't help but sigh.

The big pot and the big shovel were full of ingredients. Even he felt shocked when he saw it.

After the cabbage softened slightly, simple seasonings were added to the pot, and then a large basin of water was directly poured into the pot!

The solidified egg liquid and vegetable oil had a strong emulsification reaction when they came into contact with the water. As the water turned white, Su Chen also put the lid on the pot.

"Cut the noodles thinner." He casually said to the aunt next to him.

A few minutes later, under the fierce fire, the soup in the iron pot began to boil. Su Chen put the cut noodles into the pot and added some soy sauce.

There is still some difference between the big pot rice and ordinary meals. There is nothing wrong with a little more seasoning!

About six or seven minutes.

Su Chen said, "It's ready."

Liu Shengnan swallowed her saliva, and the other employees who came from Delicious looked the same. They hadn't eaten the stir-fried noodles for a long time, and they hadn't eaten the stir-fried noodles made by Su Chen himself for a long time!

Several girls had already stood by the pot with stainless steel basins waiting for noodles.

Liu Shengnan shouted at the top of her voice, "The noodles are ready, come and eat!"

The men who helped chop wood over there squatted in the corner smoking.

"Let them eat. I just saw Maodan driving out. He must have gone to buy food. Let's eat food later and have some drinks."

"Yes, noodles are not delicious. Let's eat some hot dishes and drink some wine later."

Several people squatted in the corner and did not move, which made Han Cheng's father anxious.

On the contrary, those aunts, although they said something unpleasant just now, still stood behind Liu Shengnan and the others with stainless steel basins.

"Serve yourself." Su Chen took the lead in serving himself a bowl.

To be precise, it was a basin.

Recently, Su Chen has been deliberately restraining his diet, so his portion was more soup than noodles. He dripped some vinegar into the basin and took it back to the house to eat.

Liu Shengnan and the others served their meals one by one and went back to the house. Zhang Li specially made a basin for Zhang Jiayi and carried it back with both hands.

It was the turn of the aunt next door.

Seeing that the young people had gone back to the house, the auntie was able to speak freely this time, "Let's eat first, those old men are waiting for food and drinks."

"What the hell, can you work in the afternoon after drinking? The stage is still there, all you know is drinking!"

"Let them be, I think they will just eat vegetables later, don't save the noodles."

Han Cheng's mother handed two bowls to her husband.

"I won't eat, I'll eat vegetables with them when Maodan comes back." Han Cheng's father was very stubborn, feeling that the 1,000 yuan red envelope was wasted, and he spent a lot of time to make a pot of noodles.

Don't we know how to make noodles ourselves?

He just refused when he heard the noise of several aunties over there.

"Oh my god, how can this be so delicious? Slurp~~"

The auntie who kneaded the noodles tried it first, and the rich onion fragrance immediately conquered her taste buds as soon as she put it in her mouth, and she couldn't help but praise it.

"Really, this guy is really good! The noodles are so delicious? Who goes in to ask how they make it?" Another aunt slurped up the noodles in a few mouthfuls, and even drank up the soup.

"If I can make noodles like this, my family will definitely go to restaurants less often, go ask!"

"Slurp, slurp~ Ask, it's delicious!"

The noise from their side made several old men in the corner laugh.

What's so delicious about a broken noodle?

Could it be better than the pork stewed with vermicelli that will be brought back from Han's store later?

"It's really delicious, you try it." Han Cheng's mother also started eating.

The onion fragrance at the entrance made her wonder if she had just eaten a raw onion!

The fresh and fragrant noodles and soup jumped on her taste buds wantonly, giving this mouth that has been "salty and fresh" all its life a fresh experience that has never been experienced before!

"You eat it."

"Try it, just take a bite!" Han Cheng's mother simply picked up a chopstick of noodles and put it in front of Han Cheng's father.

The old man was a little embarrassed. Fortunately, his dark skin covered the redness, otherwise he would really be laughed at.

He impatiently opened his mouth to eat the noodles on the chopsticks. When he was about to say a few words, Han Cheng's father suddenly widened his eyes, "Oh, mom! It's really delicious!"

This time, no one needed to persuade him. He picked up the bowl of noodles and said to the people in the corner, "Try it quickly, it's really good, crunchy, delicious!"

The men looked at each other.

I thought, could it be that the old man was reluctant to buy more dishes and wanted us to eat some noodles to fill the stomach and eat less dishes later?

But everyone usually gets along well. It stands to reason that Old Han is not that kind of person!

The uncle in the front looked at the people behind him and said, "Forget it, let's eat a bowl of noodles first and wait for Maodan to come back."

Several people lined up to get noodles.

Not long after.


"Delicious, delicious!"

"A noodle can be made like this? How much will we have to eat for tomorrow's banquet?"

"This guy is amazing. Not only is he strong, but his cooking is so delicious. Whoever marries him in the future will have a blessing during the day and a blessing at night!"

After a while, a row of men squatted in the corner of the courtyard, each holding a stainless steel basin in their hands, waving their chopsticks wildly and stuffing them into their mouths!

To be honest, the big iron pot that was big enough to stew Zhang Li was really big. Fourteen or fifteen people, almost everyone finished two full basins of noodles, and there was still some left in the pot!

And at this moment, Han Damao, that is, the eldest cousin.

He was driving his Wuling Hongguang back from the town. When he was bored on the road, he specifically told his wife to bring the children back for a feast tomorrow.

It was said that the dishes cooked by the chef were delicious, but this was only one aspect. The main reason was that Han Damao loved to join in the fun.

There were several dishes in the box behind the Wuling, including stewed potatoes with eggplant, stewed vermicelli with sauerkraut and pork, and a few stir-fries.

These things were taken out, and basically every Northeastern person would be confused.

After finally returning to the village, Han Damao held the box and shouted at the top of his voice, "I'm back! The dishes are back, hurry up, come and eat!"

They all walked to the door, and Han Damao stretched his neck to look, why didn't anyone pay attention to him?

Walk a few more steps inside.

My goodness, it's not time to eat yet, why are they working more vigorously than before?

"Eat, eat!"

Several men who were busy setting up the stage glanced at him, no one said anything, and continued to lower their heads to do their own things.

There was also a village butcher, who was dismantling pork on the chopping board.

Then there were a few middle-aged men standing on ladders to connect the wires in the yard.

Hey, this is strange.

At this time, Han Cheng's mother came over, "Maodan, there are still some noodles in the pot, you should eat them quickly."


The eldest cousin laughed.

My box is full of delicious vegetables, and you tell me to eat noodles?

But he was not so direct, "Okay, aunt, you take out the vegetables first, and I will go to serve the noodles."

Maodan went to the stove and lifted the lid of the pot to take a look.

Is this the noodles you are talking about?

There were a few sparse noodles and a little noodle soup. It looked okay, but the problem was that there was not much.

It didn't matter, anyway, there were vegetables to eat.

The eldest cousin served the noodles, and when he turned his head to look, the vegetable box he brought back was still on the ground, and no one cared about it at all.

'No, what's wrong with these people? Just now, everyone was so hungry that their eyes were black, and now no one eats the vegetables they bought? ’

The older cousin was holding the bowl of noodles in a depressed mood.

‘If you don’t eat, I’ll eat it myself! ’

He opened the box and happily picked up a chopstick of pickled cabbage for himself. It was so sour and fragrant!

A bite of pickled cabbage, and then a chopstick of vermicelli, that was so satisfying.

Finally, some noodle soup to go with it.


The older cousin’s chopsticks rushed to the potatoes in the box, but at the moment when the noodle soup entered his mouth.

“Hey?” He looked down at the noodles in the bowl, “So delicious?”

Have I not eaten noodles for too long?

He was a little unconvinced and temporarily gave up the potatoes, picked up a chopstick of noodles and put them in his mouth.


It really tastes good!

Endless onions, ginger, and soft cabbage. Although the noodles were a little mushy, it didn't affect the taste at all! It even felt more flavorful!

But when he tried to dig it out again, there was no more noodles in the bowl.

At this moment, the eldest cousin suddenly understood something.

He looked up and saw that several people were hiding their eyes and didn't dare to look at him.

"Great! Such delicious noodles, it seems that you all ate them, and I bought this vegetable for nothing?"

Now, he understood.

"You are really nice! The noodles are so delicious, and you can eat up such a big pot? You really don't leave any for people?"

Frustrated, the eldest cousin buried his head in the basin and licked it, and then threw the basin into the pot fiercely.

"I see through you!"

The people in the yard smiled awkwardly and continued to work, and no one paid any attention to him.

It was at this moment.

Su Chen had completely conquered Han Cheng's family and even many villagers in Hanjiagou with his stir-fried noodles.

The doubts that existed in everyone's mind before have now disappeared completely.

At the same time, the eldest cousin secretly sent a WeChat message to his wife.

[Must come! This chef is really amazing at cooking! It's delicious, you will definitely regret it if you don't eat it! ]

Putting away his mobile phone, the eldest cousin took the steamed buns and started eating with the dishes in the box in a depressed mood.

"Nima, why is this potato stewed with eggplant not fragrant?"

After eating the noodles, Su Chen also took a nap on the kang in the house.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

A huge kang, Su Chen lay in the middle, with He Shuting and Ling Shuyu on the left, and Zhang Jiayi and Zhang Li on the right.

Well. It was very comfortable and fragrant.

Su Chen's action of getting up also woke up the others, and everyone was not embarrassed at all.

Zhang Jiayi looked at his watch, "Abao and the others should be here."

"Just waiting for him!" Su Chen stretched himself.

The ingredients in the yard were actually processed almost the same. The next step was to make them. It was a bit too much for one person to handle. Once Abao arrived, we could let go and do a great job!

I took a walk in the yard.

The two black pigs had been completely disassembled, and the place where the pigs were slaughtered had been cleaned. There is strength in numbers!

But at this moment, Su Chen found something different.

The men who were setting up the stage over there glanced at the location of the earthen stove from time to time. After all, the eldest cousin couldn't help it.


Su Chen waved his hand, "I don't smoke."

The eldest cousin took back the cigarette, "What's in that pot? Why does it smell so good?"

"Beef, braised beef, for tomorrow's cold dish."

"Oh oh." The eldest cousin lit up his cigarette, "Do you have any extra beef? Let's prepare some for dinner tonight?"

"Yes, all the dishes have extra. In case there are more than 30 tables tomorrow. OK, I'll cut a plate for everyone when we eat tonight."

"Hehe, that's OK. You just watch." The eldest cousin threw down the words without thinking and continued to work.

Su Chen looked at the time, the braised beef was almost done.

Because there was not enough time to marinate, the beef had to be cooked three times. This is the ultimate secret to the delicious braised beef!

The lids of the four iron pots were lifted at the same time, and huge pot steam came out, flashing in the yard and disappearing immediately.

Even so, it still made people in the yard swallow their saliva.

Everyone's movements were obviously much slower, and their eyes all fell on Su Chen's position.

Su Chen turned his head and asked, "Do you have a pressure cooker at home?"

Han Cheng swallowed his saliva, "Yes!"

"Okay, take it out to the pressure cooker, and all the meat needs to be pressed for half an hour. This matter is left to you! Put it in the basin after pressing and wait for me to deal with it."

The pressure cooker at home is relatively small. There is so much beef, so it can only be cooked slowly in batches.

Han Cheng took the pressure cooker and put the soup and meat into it, and then took it back to the stove at home to stew.

"This is a big pot of meat. It's not illegal to eat a small piece, right?"

Han Cheng turned his head and looked. He was the only one in the room. He smiled and pinched a piece of meat that fell off with his hands. There were still some tendons on it.

He picked it up and stuffed it into his mouth!

"Fuck, where the hell did this chef come from!"

The beef was really delicious when it entered his mouth.

Although it sounds outrageous, this is how it feels!

While chewing frantically, the aroma of sauce gradually filled his mouth. The smell was from light to strong, until a mouthful of beef was swallowed into the stomach, and the strong aroma of sauce was still in his mouth!

Han Cheng subconsciously reached out to pinch it again.


The back of his head was slapped.

"I knew you were going to cheat! You don't even take your own wedding banquet seriously? What if it's not enough?"

Han Cheng turned his head and saw Shengnan and Queen looking down at him, "If you cheat again, I'll chop off your hand!"

"Okay, okay." Han Cheng didn't explain much, but asked, "How do you know I'm going to cheat?"

Liu Shengnan snorted, "In our company, I've seen a lot of people like you!"

Of course, she wouldn't say it.

If it was her, she might have cheated a little bit.

Han Cheng, who was caught, could only sit at home and stare at the pressure cooker. He only heard the noise outside and stood up to look out the window.

Another stranger is here? It seems to be Liu Shengnan's colleague?

"Do you want to take a break first?" Su Chen asked.

The people who came were Liu Abao, Bai Xiaobo and Fang Changge.

Abao drank the mineral water in his hand, "Why rest? I slept all night yesterday. Let's get started!"

Su Chen smiled.

It's good that Liu Abao is here, because he is studying Sichuan cuisine, and the main theme of this banquet given by Su Chen is Sichuan cuisine!

Since Abao doesn't need to rest, let's get started!

"Fermented bean curd braised pork, you fry the meat, I make the sauce!"


The two quickly started to get into the state, Xiaobai took Su Chen's notebook and started to prepare other seasonings according to the contents recorded on it.

Don't forget, Bai Xiaobo was a player who was responsible for pickling pickled fish slices back then!

He was very comfortable with this job.

"Then what should I do?" Fang Changge saw that everyone instantly entered the working state, and was a little anxious.

His wife Jiang Yuan has gone to the yard with the girls to play with cats.

"Don't mention it, there is really something to do." Su Chen pointed at the disassembled pork over there, "Boss Fang, please go get all the pork fat, we need to refine some lard."

"Okay, let me do the refining."

Fang Chang is the most suitable person to do this, no one knows better than him which part of the meat is suitable for what.

In an instant, all the big men in Delicious Lai were all engaged in work.

Not long after, Su Chen fried the pork belly piece by piece into golden yellow, and then left the oil bottom in the pot, and began to fry the pig skin downwards!


The pig skin kept exploding under the high temperature oil, and A Bao watched the oil droplets splashing on Su Chen's hands. Even so, the boss did not move at all.

"What a tough guy! Aren't you afraid of being burned?"

With help, efficiency is different.

As one dish after another was initially prepared, waves of rich meat fragrance gradually began to emanate from Han Cheng's courtyard.

The aroma of meat attracted the nearby villagers who were preparing to eat to come and watch.

At this time, it was still early, and the villagers who went out to work in the fields came back and squatted at the gate of Han Cheng's yard with their own bowls to eat.

"Which chef did you invite for this feast? Just smelling this smell is enough to eat! Baji~"

"I don't know, it must be a chef from a big city, otherwise why would he cook in a suit? He must be from a big city."

"The kitchen helpers are all young girls. Hey, this chef is good, it's really satisfying!"

"Just based on this smell, tomorrow's big feast must be right!"

The people squatting to eat and smell the smell chatted, but no one noticed that there was a man with slightly gray hair at the back, eating the eggplant in the bowl and watching Han Cheng's father busy in the yard.

He took a deep breath, stopped eating the rice in the bowl, stood up and turned around to go home.

"The feast at Old Han's house is good. I'm drooling when I smell it."

Han Wenhu, director of the Hanjiagou Village Committee.

Just now, he squatted at the door of someone else's house, and when he smelled it, he felt that the rice in his bowl was not fragrant. He recalled that when his son married his wife, what kind of food was that?

"What? You still want to go to their house for a feast? We don't have any gift money exchanges with them." Han Wenhu's wife was washing the pot, "Are you going to eat this or not? If not, I'll feed the pigs."

"No." Han Wenhu waved his hand depressedly, and the moderate smell lingered in his heart and couldn't go away. "Give me two hundred yuan."

"What for?"

"Don't worry about what I do, bring it quickly." Han Wenhu said this, and he had already lifted the paint cloth on the head of the kang, took out two hundred yuan and put it in his pocket, "Come back early tomorrow at noon, and we will also have a feast."

"Are you crazy? You can eat anything with two hundred yuan, but you have to go to their house for a feast?"

Han Wenhu glanced at his wife, "You will know when you smell it later, this two hundred yuan gift money is definitely not a loss."

As for the words, he had already thought of them.

Anyway, I am the director of the village. Although I didn't invite you to my son's wedding, I took the initiative to come to your son's wedding. Isn't this giving you face?

No matter who it is, they will not refuse someone to give them a gift money.

This is a good thing.

At night, Han Wenhu closed the window and prepared to go to bed. When he walked to the front, he faintly smelled a smell of meat and his stomach growled twice.

"Damn, why is it so fragrant."

He closed the window and lay on the kang. He turned over, "Bring a few plastic bags when you have the banquet tomorrow. We are grown men and embarrassed. You can pack some leftovers when you go back."

"You are the only one who has too many things to do every day!"

The woman kicked him and turned over to sleep.

In fact, in addition to Han Wenhu's family, many villagers' homes were like this that night.

When Su Chen and Liu Abao were frantically making, the fragrance they exuded was no longer something that those of them who had only eaten ordinary banquets could understand.

It was completely beyond the fragrance exuded by most restaurants. Su Chen would even make a dish between A and S levels from time to time.

That smell, not to mention!

All the villagers who passed by the Han family yard were almost insomnia that night.

There was no way, they were hungry!!!

Until the roosters outside crowed and the sky was just getting light.

Su Chen and his friends got up immediately and drove back to the village from the hotel in Hanjiadian.

"The highlight is here! Thirty tables, success or failure depends on this one!"

Liu Abao patted his chest, "Don't worry, boss! By the way, did you leave a table for us?"

Shengnan was already putting on makeup, so she didn't follow him back to the village.

Su Chen gave Abao a reassuring look, "The chef will never starve himself, don't worry about that! When I serve a dish, I will make an extra plate. Zhang Li, you keep an eye on it and don't let the dishes be stolen."

Not to mention that everyone came to give Shengnan gifts and attend the wedding, just after working so hard for so long, it is also reasonable to have a table of farewell dinner.

Su Chen will not be polite to the host on this point.

All the dishes are redundant, and when the time comes, each dish will be served 31 times, and Zhang Li will hide them directly!

"Boss, you can trust me to do things!" Zhang Li also patted her chest.

He Shuting and Zhang Jiayi were bridesmaids in the hotel. Su Chen made special arrangements before leaving. If anyone didn't move quickly, he would just kick them.

Zhang Jiayi said that she had been a Taekwondo champion since she was a child, and she would definitely not be bullied.

With Ling Shuyu at the scene, Su Chen was very relieved about their safety.

Fang Chang and Bai Xiaobo also stayed in the hotel. As the "mother's family", the task of blocking the door was entirely up to these two men.

"Fuck, I shouldn't have taken this job. I also want to block the door!" Su Chen was a little depressed.

"Boss, don't say that. When I get married in the future, you will help me push the door." Liu Abao said with a smile.

To be honest, it was just dawn this morning.

The hotel was making up and taking pictures, and the atmosphere had already risen. Before leaving, Liu Abao went to the wedding room to take a look.

The red festive atmosphere and the busy crowd.

For some reason, Abao actually had an impulse to get married.

The two were silent all the way. After arriving at Hanjiagou, the yard was already busy.

The busyness of the past few days was all busyness. The real busyness was this morning!

Some people were putting up couplets, laying out red carpets, and stringing red belts for the groom.

In the alley outside, people were also setting up tables, three in a row, with table paper on the tables.

Su Chen and A Bao drank some hot water and immediately started working on the banquet.

"Cut the braised beef into a plate."

"Cut the frozen pork elbow and season it."

"Process the lotus root slices, ice vegetables, potato shreds and vermicelli."

Following Su Chen's orderly orders, A Bao began to process the ingredients one by one. In order to ensure the progress of the work, Han Cheng also called the two aunts at home to help cut the vegetables.

Su Chen directly handed over the work of cold dishes to Liu A Bao.

In this weather, the cold dishes are just a few bites, and the real highlight is the hot dishes.

The green bean frozen pork elbow can be served directly, and now Su Chen starts to cut the pork belly.

These pieces of meat are all fried and pan-fried the day before. After cooling overnight, the pig skin has become tiger skin.

Cut the pork belly into coin-thick slices, put every ten slices skin-side down in a small stainless steel pot, and then pour the prepared fermented bean curd sauce on them. After making 31 pots, put them directly in a large iron pot and start steaming.

Braised pork belly is not afraid of long steaming time.

The longer the steaming time, the softer and less greasy the pork belly tastes.

This dish is steamed for four or five hours, and then it can be served directly.

Next, it is another big dish of today.

Fried fish with green onions!

Heat the oil in the wok, the oil for cooked vegetables!

While the oil is hot, Su Chen starts the first hard work of the day.

Kill the fish!

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