Food Customizer

Chapter 244 If I don’t speak, am I dumb?

The reason why Liu Guochu subconsciously said "fuck" was not because he was too greedy, but because he saw something completely beyond his cognition!

Su Chen.

Place the wok over a high fire, pour the lard into it and immediately take out the steamed sheep's trotters. The original juice from the steamed meat in the bowl is poured into the pot.

In less than five seconds, the juice in the pot will start boiling.

Immediately add green garlic, monosodium glutamate, pepper, and wet starch to thicken it directly.

Flip the hoof flowers over on the plate, pour the juice from the pot over the hoof flowers, and in less than a minute, this dish is ready!


The alarm bell next to me rang again.

Still add lard to the wok, heat it 60% and add the freshly steamed fish skin.

A row of condiments were put into the pot without any thought at all: Shaoxing wine, scallions, ginger slices, soy sauce, and the cooked meat broth.

After boiling, Su Chen directly set a five-minute alarm clock. There was no alarm clock for the fourth dish.

The tender hens that have been prepared in advance are put into 80% hot lard, followed by shredded ginger and dried pepper.

The skillful stir-frying action is very pleasing to the eye. After a little stir-frying, add the meat broth and cover the pot directly. After setting the alarm for 2 minutes, Su Chen did not stop at all.

Put another pot on the stove, heat the lard to 60% heat, add mushrooms, gluten, cabbage, bean shoots, yam, water chestnuts, and magnolia slices.

Add eight minutes of refined salt and start to stir-fry. Stir-fry a few times and add red radish. Ladle in a spoonful of meat broth and cover the pot. It also sets a two-minute alarm.

Get this done.

Su Chen turned over and returned to the previous pot. When he stood in front of the big pot, the two-minute countdown ended perfectly.

With the sound of "didi-didi", the lid of the pot was opened.

The broth that had just been boiling had been drained away, leaving only the oil.

Add the green onion and MSG into it, and then thicken it with wet starch. Pick up the wok with your left hand and stir it a few times to fully mix the ingredients in the pot with the rich oil.

Drizzle with a few drops of sesame oil.

Along with the rich aroma of chicken, the dongan chicken begins to be plated!

The four colors of white, red, green and yellow are set off, the juice is less and the gravy is thin, and the oil is shiny. This chicken looks very delicious.

After loading the dishes, Su Chen returned to another pot and stove.

Liu Guochu was sweating profusely when he saw it.

‘I don’t know if Boss Su is busy or not, but I’m so busy for him! ’

‘But how does he stay so organized when he’s so busy? ’

Even Liu Guochu had an immature suspicion.

Boss Su probably rehearsed countless times in advance after receiving the order, so he was able to operate so skillfully and without thinking, right?

Otherwise, why would he be so skilled?

But then I thought about it, I was forced to give the order to Boss Su, and since receiving the order, he has been following Su Chen.

This guy didn't seem to do anything but sleep. After he woke up, he made an egg fried rice, and when he got the ingredients back, he just did it!

Oh, and drank a bucket of Coke.

While Liu Guochu was thinking wildly, another alarm bell rang.

Boss Su added the MSG and cream to the vegetarian vegetables that had been simmered for two minutes and stirred them evenly. Then he put in the Nostoc vegetables and pushed them evenly with a spoon, drizzled with some sesame oil, sprinkled with some pepper, and put it into a large porcelain plate.

Finally drizzle with melted hot chicken fat.

A colorful stew of red, white, brown, green and black appeared.

Is this the end?


While Su Chen was pouring hot chicken fat on it, the sound of "didi-dip-dip" started again.

Liu Guochu now seemed to have a natural fear of this sound. When he heard the alarm ringing, he trembled involuntarily.

Fortunately, the movement was very gentle and no one else noticed.

It was also because Wang Jianguo was also in a state of confusion at the moment.

Boss Su, you don’t cook dishes one by one. You cook seven or eight dishes together?

After the alarm clock rang, Su Chen opened the lid of the pot, and the thick mist inside rose into the sky. After it dispersed, he saw a pot of clear fish skin at the bottom of the soup.

While pouring the contents of the pot into a colander and draining, Su Chen heated the pot with oil. When the oil was 70% hot, put in the mushrooms and stir-fried for a few times. Then he added the drained fish skin, added a few drops of soy sauce, and scooped out Serve with a spoonful of red soup.

After resetting the alarm for 2 minutes, Su Chen was speechless.

If we weren't cooking in front of Liu Guochu, we could save the time of setting the alarm, and the time would be faster, right?

But it doesn’t matter.

Even with the alarm clock on, they were already startled. It would be nonsense if there was no alarm clock at all.

It will give people the impression that this is completely messy cooking.

Over and over again, back and forth, as soon as this alarm bell goes off, that alarm bell rings again.

Stir-fry, boil, simmer, deep-fry, simmer.

In less than fifteen minutes, Su Chen demonstrated almost all his skills.


Seven dishes of different colors were neatly placed on the kitchen counter. Su Chen pointed to the steamer over there.

"Beets are the last to eat. Do you guys want to eat them here or take them outside?"


Liu Guochu swallowed his saliva.

There were reasons for being greedy, and there were also reasons for being shocked, but no matter what, these seven dishes were truly placed in front of him.

Not to mention the taste, the proficiency shown by Su Chen is no longer a quality that ordinary chefs can possess.

Let alone ordinary, even if Liu Guochu made these eight dishes by himself, it would be absolutely impossible to reach Su Chen's level without three kitchen assistants.

The kitchen assistant is responsible for most of the production content. He is only responsible for cooking and seasoning, and he doesn't even need to do the plating himself.

"Or... Let's eat outside. Since everything is ready, let's eat outside."

Wang Jianguo also nodded deeply, "Let's eat outside. It's a bit unrefined to eat in the kitchen."

Su Chen nodded, "Then I'll trouble you two."

Liu Guochu: ? ? ?

What do you mean?

I paid for the meal, and I had to beg you to cook it. Now I have to serve the dishes myself?

Okay, okay, if you do this, I, Liu Guochu, will really serve it today!

National chef Liu Guochu and TV station director Wang Jianguo, the two of them walked out of the kitchen with these seven dishes and placed them on the big round table in the cafeteria.

In the elevator.

Cai Sirong looked at the rising floor number, "Hurry up! Hurry up! If you go back now, you can still see Boss Su cooking."

Lu Yongliang smacked his lips and asked, "What was Boss Su doing when you left?"

"When I left, Boss Su was preparing to cook, but he hadn't started yet. It's only been ten minutes, and I guess he has only finished one or two dishes at most."

As a sophisticated single noble who loves cooking, Cai Sirong has a clear understanding of the time it takes to cook.

Generally speaking, for someone like her who is more skillful in the kitchen, it only takes ten minutes to stir-fry a vegetarian dish.

To cook eight dishes at once, it will take at least an hour, so it's not too late to go back now.

Hearing her say this, Lu Yongliang's expression was a little strange. He seemed to comfort her and regret, "Girl. Go up at this time. If nothing goes wrong, you can sit down and eat directly."

"What?" Cai Sirong laughed, "Uncle Lu, are you kidding me? It's only been ten minutes. Even if Boss Su is a god, it's impossible for him to make so many dishes in such a short time."

As if to confirm her statement, Cai Sirong added, "It's not like I haven't cooked at home before. I just cut the vegetables in ten minutes at most."


After Cai Sirong finished speaking, the elevator stopped at the 19th floor and opened.

She quickened her pace and walked out of the elevator, waving behind her, "Let's hurry up, Boss Su probably can do it now."

Walking quickly to the cafeteria, Cai Sirong pushed open the frosted glass door and said half of what she was about to say.

Then she saw that on the large round table in the middle of the cafeteria, there were seven steaming dishes of different colors and ingredients.

Sitting at the table were Wang Jianguo and Liu Guochu.

Liu Guochu stood up and waved to Cai Sirong, then walked out of his seat and shook hands with Lu Yongliang, Cui Yufen and Zhang Maolin who followed closely behind her.

"Please take a seat. Thanks to everyone, we can finally taste the Hunan cuisine made by Boss Su. There is another beet dish, which will be served last. Let's eat first!"

Several people took their seats.

Only Cai Sirong stood there, her face full of confusion.

Who am I, where am I, and what happened?

"Xiao Cai, why are you standing there? Teacher Liu invites you to take a seat, just sit down." Wang Jianguo pretended to be angry.

Cai Sirong finally reacted, and said "oh" several times in a row, and quickly sat next to Cui Yufen.

'Amazing, awesome! '

Cai Sirong summed up two words to describe what happened in front of her, and was glad that her filming equipment was still in the kitchen.

In this way, she can watch carefully and study what happened in the kitchen just now when she goes home in the evening!

At this table, she has the lowest status. She can only sit quietly and eat some dishes, and then listen to what the big guys say.

Oh, Cai Sirong also took out a recorder.

The comments of several state banquet chefs and Mr. Mao Lin from Beijing on this meal are also very important information!

When necessary, these things are treasures for writing materials!

After putting the recorder away, Cai Sirong arranged her tableware, ready to listen to what everyone said first, and then follow them to eat.

It should be said that Cai Sirong is also full of expectations for this dinner!

"Then let's do it?" Zhang Maolin said first, "Let's start?"

Liu Guochu nodded.

For him, this meal was originally intended to be a necessary process for joining Delicious. After all, he had heard before that Wang Zhijun spent 100,000 to join Delicious.

If he didn't spend this money, could he join?

Regardless of whether you can join or not, at least in Liu Guochu's opinion, this is the default rule. If you want to join the delicious food, you must first order a meal worth 100,000 yuan from Boss Su!

And now, as the first person to watch the whole process of Su Chen cooking, Liu Guochu has deeply recognized one thing.

Don't talk about how this dish tastes.

Just talking about Su Chen's performance in the kitchen, one person is equivalent to a team.

As long as the taste of these dishes is acceptable, Su Chen has already won.

What's more.

After Zhang Maolin finished speaking, everyone started to use their chopsticks.

Liu Guochu naturally picked up a piece of mutton from the plate and put it in his bowl.

This is the first dish made by Su Chen, and it is also the real meat in today's meal!

This piece of mutton is very picky. It happens to be the tenderloin cut from the scorpion part of the lamb, but it is not a complete tenderloin, but the piece of meat on the other side of the tenderloin.

In addition to a large amount of lean meat, there is also a layer of fat, which is a bit similar to the position of "sirloin steak" in steak.

Su Chen's method of making this dish is very standard.

First boil, then stir-fry, and then simmer.

The mutton made through three processes retains the most original freshness and fat in the meat when it is boiled for the first time.

When stir-frying for the second time, it gives the mutton a simple flavor, and when it is simmered over a slow fire for the third time, the already soft mutton is added with the final flavor.

Take a bite gently.

The soft and rotten mutton does not need to be used hard at all, and it is easy to bite off half.

The slippery fat part in the mouth and the soft but not dry lean meat part are mixed together.

Every time you chew, you can feel the rich soup bursting out from the meat fibers. After the meat is slowly simmered, the soup is not only full of meat flavor but also full of sour and spicy taste!

The sourness comes from the pickled cabbage.

The spiciness comes from the fresh red pepper and dried red pepper.

The spiciness of the two is different. One is a hot feeling that stays on the tongue, and the other is a feeling that goes straight through the taste buds to the head.

The combination of multiple flavors forms this invincible braised hot and sour lamb!

Liu Guochu put the remaining half into his mouth.

"Hmm, the soup is thick, the meat is tender, and the taste is full. It's really good."

Before he could say the word "eat", Liu Guochu saw that there was only a little sticky soup left in the plate.

He stared blankly at everyone present.

Zhang Maolin's face was red after eating, his lips were stained with hot and sour soup, he chewed the meat in his mouth, and said indistinctly, "You dare to talk while eating here? It's hilarious."


Mr. Maolin swallowed the meat in his mouth and immediately started to eat the fish skin that no one had touched.

I have to say, this mutton is really delicious!

What really shocked Zhang Maolin was that this mutton tasted soft and sticky, and what was even more amazing was that he just ate three or four pieces in a row, and it didn't get stuck in his teeth!

This is weird enough.

In the past, Zhang Maolin had a headache eating such large pieces of beef, mutton and pork. Every time he finished eating, his teeth were stuffed with stuff, and the toothpick was useless.

After eating these three or four pieces of meat, there was no stuff at all.

This is enough to show that the mutton is definitely carefully selected and made soft and rotten enough.

As a food lover who has tasted Sichuan Eight Dao once, Zhang Maolin knows a truth: the mouth is used for eating and talking.

If it is used for talking, it will waste time for eating.

For example, why don't people talk now? It's because it will delay eating. See, the fish skin that no one touched just now is left with only the bottom!

This is only half a sentence!

Zhang Maolin dared not be vague, adjusted the posture of holding chopsticks, stretched out his hand to the few fish skins left on the plate, and first skillfully scraped them into a small pile.

Then the two chopsticks were placed on both sides of the small pile, with neither light nor heavy force.

This is a very subtle force.

If it is too light, it will not be able to pick it up, and if it is too heavy, some of the fish skin will fall down due to squeezing.

It was such a perfect force that Zhang Maolin easily picked up all the fish skin at once with this chopstick.

Putting it in the bowl, Zhang Maolin was satisfied and picked up a small piece of fish skin from it and began to taste it.

Fish skin is most commonly prepared as a cold dish, which has a crispy texture.

The braised fish skin dish is a bit interesting, at least from the outside, it is difficult to tell what kind of ingredient it is.

A piece of fish skin in your mouth.

Fresh, fragrant, smooth, and sticky!

The most interesting thing is that the first bite you take is not from the fish skin, but from the sauce on the surface of the fish skin!

The sauce used by Boss Su is very interesting, much thicker than the sauce of the braised lamb we just tasted.

It is just right to hang on the surface of the fish skin, wrapping it tightly.

So it feels slippery when you eat it.

In addition, it is difficult to describe the taste of fish skin. It almost tastes like what you give it when cooking.

Therefore, this dish is extremely challenging for the chef's seasoning skills!

This is one of the reasons why Liu Guochu was shocked after seeing the menu.

'The taste is almost invincible, which is the taste this dish should have. ’

‘Fish skin itself does not give off a very fresh taste, but this dish is surprisingly so delicious.’

As Liu Guochu tasted it, he couldn’t help but feel a little bitter.

He knew that this was the effect of the mushrooms, red soup and meat broth.

What made him uncomfortable was that he had studied cooking for decades, but he was not as good as a young man like Su Chen in the cooking methods of the three kinds of broth.

Not to mention the seasoning of the braised sauce.

Although Su Chen was in a hurry when cooking just now, Liu Guochu understood one thing just from this fish skin.

Boss Su, he knows it.

His control of the heat and the dosage of the seasonings have reached the point where he doesn’t need to consider it at all.

All of this is just a subconscious action, and it is already a peak production!

‘No wonder Wang Zhijun has to add deliciousness even if he has to lick his face. ’

‘Let alone anything else, just watching Boss Su cook more often will greatly improve my cooking skills! ’

Liu Guochu smacked his lips a few times, reluctantly savoring the unprecedented freshness in his mouth.

This 100,000 is worth it!

But all this seems not to be over yet. Liu Guochu looked at the people eating with relish, and at this moment he could not care about such feelings in his heart.

He immediately took the chopsticks and turned on the wind and cloud mode!

It should be said that there is a person who has been basically confused since entering the room today.

Cai Sirong was confused at first about why Boss Su could cook so quickly, and she hadn't figured out this question yet.

Now she is confused again.

Looking at the recorder on the table, Miss Cai had the most confused question in her heart since she started working.

‘We agreed to taste the food, why didn't you say a word? ’

Are you dumb?

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