Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 104 You are really morally corrupt!

Hearing Qin Ran's words, Alice said speechlessly:

"Please, are you listening to Erina seriously!"

"This is residential training!

"It's a test!"


"If you can't pass the exam, you will be forced to drop out of school!"

"Can you feel a little bit of a crisis!"

"And playing cards and chess? Did you think you were going on vacation?"

When Alice was talking, she was still holding the large "Winnie the Pooh" that Qin Ran gave her in her arms.

Qin Ran looked at her and said speechlessly:

Alice "Are you afraid that you won't be able to pass the residential training?"

"How is that possible?"

Alice immediately sneered:

"Is Miss Ben afraid of residential training?"

"Qin Ran, let me tell you, even if you close your eyes, this level of assessment is very easy for Miss Ben!"

"Why not?"

Qin Ran doesn't care about his hands:

"You don't worry about this kind of assessment, am I still worried?"

Seeing that Qin Ran and Alice didn't ask a word, they were about to quarrel there again,

Evilna has some headaches," said:


"Okay, I'm just going to tell you about this."

"Because this trivial matter can quarrel, when will you two stop for a while?"

"Since you don't have to worry about the assessment, it's okay to bring something entertaining to play there.

"I haven't played chess and cards, but if it's really boring, you can try it!

"Qin Ran, when the time comes, you will be responsible for teaching me and Alice.

Before I knew it, the time soon came to the start of the accommodation training.

Early in the morning, dozens of luxury buses carrying freshmen rushed from Togetsu Academy to Togetsu Resort Hotel.

Before time travel, Qin Ran had already seen the luxury Xiao of the resort hotel while watching anime.

But now, seeing the scene in front of him with his own eyes, he felt that the grandeur and grandeur of the place were much more powerful than the animation.

Undoubtedly beyond the five-star level,

This is just one of Yuanyue's industries.

I have to say, Nakiri is really rich.

After Einai inherits the family business, she will be Chi Guoguo's rich woman.

As an Elite Ten and (aed) Nakiri's future heir,

Eina naturally couldn't take the bus like an ordinary student.

Qin Ran and Alice both followed her in the black Mercedes Benz.

As soon as the can got out of the car, Jing Huinai felt Qin Ran's "strange" look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Is there anything strange about me?"

Erina frowned slightly, carefully examining herself to dry herself,

There seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Qin Ran thought for a while and said:

"When I first saw this place, I felt that it was very big and magnificent."

"Then I subconsciously thought of my old dream.

Qin Ran's previous dream?

Hearing this, Erina felt a little curious in her heart:

"What was your old dream?"

Alice, who was beside her, also quietly raised her delicate little ears at this moment.

Qin Ran did not directly tell Erina what his childhood dream was, but changed the subject and asked:

"Erina, are you Nakiri's future successor?"

Ehui Na frowned, she didn't know why Qin Ran asked this suddenly, but after a few seconds, she still nodded slightly:

"Well, for now, I do have plans to let me inherit the business in the future."

"Qin Ran, why are you suddenly asking this?"

Qin Ran hesitated for a moment, then whispered:

"Eina, if I tell you about my previous dreams, can you hit me?"

"Beat you?"

Seeing that Qin Ran became more and more confused, Ehui Na's brows were really furrowed:

"You're just talking about your previous dreams, why would I hit you?"

"Qin Ran, don't you think I'm someone who likes to lose my temper."

Seeing that Erina said this late, Qin Ran also explained his childhood dream for a while:

"Eena, it's like this.

"My dream when I was a child was actually to be adopted by a rich and rich woman from a special police officer!"

"It's better to do nothing, the rich woman threw me a card and said the words "casual flower".

"Then as soon as I walked around and saw such a luxurious hotel, I thought,

"This is Totsuki's property, and Totsuki is Nakiri's property."

"In the future you will inherit the Nakiri team, and by then you will be super rich."

"No matter what you look at, it is very close to the image of a rich woman in my mind.

"That, Erina, I, I'm just talking casually, you promise me, you will never be angry."

Just when Qin Ran was just saying those words, Erina's expression became more gloomy every time he said more.

She never dreamed that Qin Ran's previous dream would turn out to be this!


It is truly morally corrupt!

How could this guy think about such a thing before!

Shame, when I think of a rich woman or something, the rhyme that emerges in Eina's mind is an indescribable shame!!

"You bastard, shut up!"

Ehui Na stared at Qin Ran with a bad face,

"I tell you, this kind of dirty thoughts and thoughts, you can get rid of them as soon as possible!"

"Rich, rich lady?

Tell "You, Miss Ben will not become what you said!"

"If you want money, give it to me to work hard for it!

"Miss Ben, Miss Ben will never do that kind of thing!"

Even at the end, Ehui Na was too embarrassed to talk about the word "bao raising".

She is really embarrassed and angry now, and she doesn't know what Qin Ran's mind is pretending, how could he have thought of such a thing before!

Alice, who was standing on the side, sprayed the nozzle playfully:

"Rich woman!"

"That being said, Erina really fits your mate selection criteria!"

"Unfortunately, Erina will not be able to take care of you all her life!"

"Qin Ran, why don't you give up Erina and join me?

"This lady is also very rich!"

"Listed companies, with a scale of tens of billions, should be enough to support you."

"Would you like to be Miss Ben's Sen Wang in the future?"

"This lady can give you pocket money!

As soon as Alice finished speaking, Erina gave her a stern look:

Alice "What are you talking about?"

"Shut up for me!"

"The accommodation training is about to start. If you don't hurry up and think about how to cook well, you'll be fooling around here!"

"Qin Ran, you are not allowed to hear a word of Alice's words!

"Otherwise, I'd be really angry!"

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