Food, Gambit, And God Tongue Swap Body

Chapter 120 Alice's \"Warning\"

"I, I'll just go back to the dormitory.

Hearing Qin Ran's question, Xiaohui lowered her head and replied in a low voice:

"The brigade and the brigade are still waiting for me."

"If they don't go back for a long time, they will be worried."

The "they" in Tadokoro Megumi's mouth should refer to the little friends of Jixingshe-,

Hearing this, Qin Ran nodded:

"Okay, then let's part here!"

"Be careful on the way back.

"Remember to rest early, keep your spirits up and face the next assessment better!"

Hearing Qin Ran's encouragement and concern, Tadokoro Megumi felt a little warm in his heart.

She bit her thin lightly and made a soft "um".

Watching Qin Ran leave,

Tadokoro Megumi squeezed the skirt tightly,

Finally, before Qin Ran's back was far away, she summoned up the courage to call Qin Ran:

“Kun Qin Ran!”

"I, can I call you that in the future?

Qin Ran stopped and looked at Tadokoro Megumi through his head,

I saw, he helplessly smiled and said:

"Of course, I've wanted to tell you about this for a long time.

"You always call me classmate Qin Ran, and I feel too comprehensible.

"Look at me, don't they all call you Xiaohui?"

"Also, call me later, don't add you deliberately!

"The two of us are friends, and we get along with each other. If you keep calling me like this, I feel like I'm going to be called old by you, Xiaohui."

Hearing Qin Ran's words, Tadokoro Megumi Bai Zhe's pretty face was slightly red and hot.

"I, I know!"

"In the future, I will, I will pay attention."

Qin Ran nodded and then asked:

"Stop calling me, just for this?"

"Is there anything else?"

"I'll go first without me."

Tadokoro Megumi hesitated for a moment, then suddenly bowed deeply to Qin Ran:

"I, I want to say, this accommodation training is really under the care of Qin Ran-kun, you, you have taken care of you!"

"I've been able to stick to it, and I'm really grateful!"

"I.. I am very happy to meet Qin Ran Jun!"

"I'm really, really happy!

This silly girl, deliberately stopped herself, just for this?

Qin Ran smiled helplessly:

"Well, I'm also very happy to meet Xiaohui."

"So in order to have more time together, you and I have to work hard to stay in the academy!"

Tadokoro Megumi nodded seriously,

At this moment, her tone has an unprecedented seriousness:

"I will definitely try.

"Kin Ran, I must stay in this academy until the end!"

I just went back to my room,

Qin Ran suddenly felt that there was a "room" in front of him.

A faint scent of fragrance spread to the tip of the nose, as if the girl Alice had just finished taking a shower, and her body was really fragrant.

Seeing Alice sniffing herself like a "puppy",

A hint of curiosity flashed in Qin Ran's eyes:

"Alice, what are you doing?"

"What do you smell me for?"

"Is there something wrong with me?

Alice glanced at Erina who was sitting on the sofa reading a book, and then replied:

"Eene told me, you bastard is a little dishonest.

If you don't pay attention, you may get along with a certain sister paper. "

"So, I want to check the post!"

"Qin Ran, why did you arrive so late today?"

"According to the normal speed, every day you will finish the assessment before me and Erina."

"Where did you just go around?"

"Tell me the truth!"

"Shouldn't it really be like what Erina said, you secretly ran off to chat with other girls behind our backs."

"Right, I've heard people say that there seem to be quite a few girls chasing you in school now, and you seem to have received a love letter. Is this true?"

To be honest, Qin Ran's appearance is not so good to see the level of "alluring the country and the city",

But with short black hair, the SWAT looks fresh and clean.

There is also a bit of sunshine in the smile.

I don't know if it's because of his good looks or because of his strength.

There are really some girls in Totsuki Academy who are secretly in love with Qin Ran.

Not long ago, Qin Ran received a love letter from a girl in the same grade.

After the eldest lady found out about this, her face was very ugly,

0.… ask for flowers

Qin Ran dropped the love letter to GG in front of her, Erina's face softened a little, but even so, she still didn't pay much attention to Qin Ran for several days.

Unexpectedly, Erina even told Alice about this.

This is the legend of "Don't mind making a big deal out of it?"

Qin Ran peeked at Hue Sinai, the eldest lady seemed to be reading a book in a serious manner, but in fact her eyes kept peeking at herself.

"Alice, that's all in the past, why bring it up?"

"I don't even know the girl who sent me the love letter!

"What's more, I'm not stupid. Obviously, the most beautiful girls in the school are you and Erina, the two sisters."

"I wouldn't do that stupid thing like losing a watermelon."

Hearing Qin Ran say that she and Ewana are the best looking girls in the school, Alice nodded in satisfaction.

There is no way, she is also a little girl, she has vanity naturally.

"Qin Ran, you are right!"

"Since you have this clear understanding, then Miss Ben can rest assured."

"However, this lady still wants to warn you."

"Right now, you signed a contract with Erina and I."

"If you let me know that you are secretly doing bad things behind our backs,

"Then you're dead!"

"Do you remember the track?"

A contract of sale?

Qin Ran hesitated for a moment, then whispered:

"I don't seem to have issued that contract!

"If I remember correctly, I should have sent "Working Agreement!"

Hearing Qin Ran's words, Alice gave him a stern look:

"You didn't hear what Miss Ben said, didn't you?"

"I'm telling you now, if you dare to cheat on us, you'll be dead!

"Now, tell me, did you hear me?"

"Understood! I heard clearly!"

Qin Ran is like a little Bi pecking at rice, with his head "obediently",

This time, Alice bypassed Qin Ran completely.

"Well, what I have to say, it's late!

"Ehina, do you have anything else to tell this guy?" Kou,

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